How did we get here?

It is our media. They are no longer the fourth estate. They are the fifth column and they have created a world where a person needs to conform to their woke dystopia or be purged. Everything they report is filtered through an agenda and that agenda is to divide us into identity groups and set us against one another so to distract us from the fact that technocrats are gaining more and more control over our lives.
Obama ran on Change. He was not. Trump ran on changing . He did not.

I understand voting for Obama the first time. I do not the second. I understand people voting for Trump the first time. I do not the second.

Once you realize the person you thought knew what he was doing just turned out to be another liar, dump them.
I voted for Trump twice. I like his "promises kept" list.
His personality sucks, but I agree with most of his policies, except for the personal tax cut.
The democrats have no policies that I agree with.
and that is fair....

and that doesn't mean Democrats are evil and want to rape all of your kids just because they want to expand Social Security and make sure everyone has adequate healthcare...

But, if you were seems for the past 3 or 4 republican presidential campaigns/administrations --- the views of those who once supported them have not aged you think the same will be said with Trump years from now??

Will people open up and be more honest about it or will they continue to claim he was the greatest leader in human history like they do now?
View attachment 442185
1. I think you refer to "Medicare for all", not expanded SS.
2. Healthcare needs to be paid for, its not free. More and better jobs with healthcare is the answer.
3. IMHO Trump's new "populism" is here to stay, replacing "conservatism", which is another name for "protect the wealthy".
4. What does "open up and be more honest" even mean?? We will vote for the populist candidates over the socialist candidates. Simple.

Trump gave billions of taxpayers dollars to corporate farms. What do you call that? Free market capitalism?
Trump gave farmers aid because China retaliated for Trump's tariffs.
It was not a gift, it was making them whole due to China.
Before we move forward we need to take a minute to figure out how we have ended up here. And the truth is. Everybody is sort of right. And everyone is sort of wrong.

Trump was elected because people in enough states agreed that the Status Quo was fucked. We knew there were problems not addressed by Washington. We knew there were issues with Departments doing things they shouldn’t. And we thought Trump saw this too. And let’s face it. Hillary was a terrible candidate.

So what went wrong? A little truth does not mean every extension and extreme variation is true. And what was worse was Trump did nothing to fix any of the problems. His fanboys blamed the Deep State. Imaginary enemies. The real enemy of Trump was Trump.

The truth is nobody is ready on day one. No President hits the ground on day one ready to do the job. There is a learning curve. And it is steep.

The first thing you have to learn is to listen to your advisors. Hire good ones and listen. Get people who are experienced in their fields. Being in charge does not mean you need to know more than anyone else. It means you are willing to listen. Make decisions. And seek responsibility for those decisions.

You do not need to do what the advisors say. But you do need to listen and consider. Here Trump screwed up. He did not like anyone who disagreed with him. And that is a problem.

The next thing you have to realize is that your communications people are responsible for getting your message out there. Let’s discuss how that works. A position on an issue is decided. The staff hold meetings. Lawyers are consulted to make sure the position is legal or justifiable. Experts are consulted to insure there is a foundation for the position.

As your Press Secretary goes out to announce this position, you get on Twitter and announce you are doing the exact opposite.

Trump had Brain Storms. Brain Waves. And when he had one he tweeted about it. And then he is angry and so are you when all the people consulted disagree and point out it is wrong.

Now. A smart person would have learned by March of 2016 that you needed to dump Twitter. A moderately intelligent person would have figured it out a few months later. Not Trump. He stayed with it despite the perpetual disaster it led to.

It want beautiful. It wasn’t fantastic. And the only thing huge was the groans by people who wished he would get off of Twitter.

Chasing a rabbit. I still think it should be called a Twit. A Runner runs. A baker bakes. Therefor a Twitter twits.

Next problem. Propaganda. Both sides did it. They set up the election where only by cheating could they possibly lose. It is a contest. And in every contest things end up in unpredictable situations and results.

Now even longtime Republicans are horrified at what has resulted. The siege of the Capital has shocked the nation. The Fanboys double down on the Propaganda. It is all the left. It is all ANTIFA. It is BLM. It is everyone except the RW loons photographed and recorded doing the activity. They were duped. Deceived by those clever ANTIFA folks. They were just going along.

Trump was never a savior. He was right. There were and are problems in Washington. He just wasn’t the one to fix it. Biden isn’t either.

Now the nuts are being rounded up. And perhaps we managed to dodge the bullet this time. But folks. Be a little more cynical. Doubt those who seem to be reinforcing your ideals. Chances are you are both nuttier than a Fruitcake in May
Trump was an outsider, and as such, not welcome to the Swamp. At least, that is the picture that is presented to us.

Trump also was more akin to the unrepresented voter from both parties. This included such issues as, controlling the border, jobs slipping away overseas, continuous wars abroad, and massive entitlements like Obamacare that fell short and sold to us on lies, etc.

However, I don't really believe Trump believes in such issues. After all, Trump waited till the democrats captures the House after 2 years to try and address the border issue so that they could vote it all down. Why wait for them to have the opportunity? Either Trump did not want it done, or he knew he did not have the votes within the GOP to get it done, so he tried to spare us the internal fighting. You be the judge

But what is more concerning to me is, Trump tried to run for President about 10 years prior, and asked Oprah of all people to be his VP. She declined and he pulled out of the race. But before he did, he made fun of Pat Buchannan who ran on securing the border, suggesting that Pat was some sort of right wing fanatic for wanting to do it.

This sort of double speak makes one extremely cynical to say the least. It is almost as though this was all scripted for us to steer us all in a certain direction. I can't help but continue to feel that. Propaganda evolves over time by the powers that be, but it never goes away and never will.

Having said that, I now look at news in a whole new light. I don't watch it to find out what is going on in the world, rather, I watch it to find out which direction we are being herded like cattle. The effect the media has had on this last election is apparent to all, considering the mass censorship of information whether it be true or false. Democracy, therefore, has become a battle of mere propaganda and controlling votes by mostly uneducated people who are incapable of critical thought.
Good post, but I disagree with your take on immigration and "border issues" in the 3rd paragraph.
My recollection was that Trump pressed for immigration reform but too many RINOs like Ryan, who were owned by the Chamber of Commerce, were addicted to the cheap labor migrants provided. Republicans blocked immigration reform, so Trump built his wall. I applaud Trump doing as much as he could do, including having Mexico keeping migrants away from the wall.

There was no immigration reform to block. Trump didn't mention the real problem in any of his four years. Employers hiring illegals. While Obama did very little there even he did more than Trump.

The Party of 10MM + Fake votes is going to do things about employers hiring illegals.

China kicked his ass.

it was quislings like you seeking the lowest possible price that empowered china and handcuffed America

from you Bloomberg link celebrating the growing trade deficit with china:

” Once China got the virus under control, demand for medical equipment and work-from-home gear expanded its trade surplus with the U.S. despite the levies.”

instead of US companies investing in America by making those products here they prefered to buy from china instead

So you note that nothing changed under Trump? Bravo. That has ALWAYS been the problem. The only way to address that is to address the businesses themselves. You expect China to turn business away? Also, these products bought from China are from US companies.
Obama ran on Change. He was not. Trump ran on changing . He did not.

I understand voting for Obama the first time. I do not the second. I understand people voting for Trump the first time. I do not the second.

Once you realize the person you thought knew what he was doing just turned out to be another liar, dump them.
I voted for Trump twice. I like his "promises kept" list.
His personality sucks, but I agree with most of his policies, except for the personal tax cut.
The democrats have no policies that I agree with.
and that is fair....

and that doesn't mean Democrats are evil and want to rape all of your kids just because they want to expand Social Security and make sure everyone has adequate healthcare...

But, if you were seems for the past 3 or 4 republican presidential campaigns/administrations --- the views of those who once supported them have not aged you think the same will be said with Trump years from now??

Will people open up and be more honest about it or will they continue to claim he was the greatest leader in human history like they do now?
View attachment 442185
1. I think you refer to "Medicare for all", not expanded SS.
2. Healthcare needs to be paid for, its not free. More and better jobs with healthcare is the answer.
3. IMHO Trump's new "populism" is here to stay, replacing "conservatism", which is another name for "protect the wealthy".
4. What does "open up and be more honest" even mean?? We will vote for the populist candidates over the socialist candidates. Simple.

Trump gave billions of taxpayers dollars to corporate farms. What do you call that? Free market capitalism?
Trump gave farmers aid because China retaliated for Trump's tariffs.
It was not a gift, it was making them whole due to China.

Capitalism or Socialism? If we give a corporation tax payer money to survive that is Capitalism but if we give a struggling waitress taxpayer money to survive that is Socialism?

(not that you will answer)
Before we move forward we need to take a minute to figure out how we have ended up here. And the truth is. Everybody is sort of right. And everyone is sort of wrong.

Trump was elected because people in enough states agreed that the Status Quo was fucked. We knew there were problems not addressed by Washington. We knew there were issues with Departments doing things they shouldn’t. And we thought Trump saw this too. And let’s face it. Hillary was a terrible candidate.

So what went wrong? A little truth does not mean every extension and extreme variation is true. And what was worse was Trump did nothing to fix any of the problems. His fanboys blamed the Deep State. Imaginary enemies. The real enemy of Trump was Trump.

The truth is nobody is ready on day one. No President hits the ground on day one ready to do the job. There is a learning curve. And it is steep.

The first thing you have to learn is to listen to your advisors. Hire good ones and listen. Get people who are experienced in their fields. Being in charge does not mean you need to know more than anyone else. It means you are willing to listen. Make decisions. And seek responsibility for those decisions.

You do not need to do what the advisors say. But you do need to listen and consider. Here Trump screwed up. He did not like anyone who disagreed with him. And that is a problem.

The next thing you have to realize is that your communications people are responsible for getting your message out there. Let’s discuss how that works. A position on an issue is decided. The staff hold meetings. Lawyers are consulted to make sure the position is legal or justifiable. Experts are consulted to insure there is a foundation for the position.

As your Press Secretary goes out to announce this position, you get on Twitter and announce you are doing the exact opposite.

Trump had Brain Storms. Brain Waves. And when he had one he tweeted about it. And then he is angry and so are you when all the people consulted disagree and point out it is wrong.

Now. A smart person would have learned by March of 2016 that you needed to dump Twitter. A moderately intelligent person would have figured it out a few months later. Not Trump. He stayed with it despite the perpetual disaster it led to.

It want beautiful. It wasn’t fantastic. And the only thing huge was the groans by people who wished he would get off of Twitter.

Chasing a rabbit. I still think it should be called a Twit. A Runner runs. A baker bakes. Therefor a Twitter twits.

Next problem. Propaganda. Both sides did it. They set up the election where only by cheating could they possibly lose. It is a contest. And in every contest things end up in unpredictable situations and results.

Now even longtime Republicans are horrified at what has resulted. The siege of the Capital has shocked the nation. The Fanboys double down on the Propaganda. It is all the left. It is all ANTIFA. It is BLM. It is everyone except the RW loons photographed and recorded doing the activity. They were duped. Deceived by those clever ANTIFA folks. They were just going along.

Trump was never a savior. He was right. There were and are problems in Washington. He just wasn’t the one to fix it. Biden isn’t either.

Now the nuts are being rounded up. And perhaps we managed to dodge the bullet this time. But folks. Be a little more cynical. Doubt those who seem to be reinforcing your ideals. Chances are you are both nuttier than a Fruitcake in May
Trump was an outsider, and as such, not welcome to the Swamp. At least, that is the picture that is presented to us.

Trump also was more akin to the unrepresented voter from both parties. This included such issues as, controlling the border, jobs slipping away overseas, continuous wars abroad, and massive entitlements like Obamacare that fell short and sold to us on lies, etc.

However, I don't really believe Trump believes in such issues. After all, Trump waited till the democrats captures the House after 2 years to try and address the border issue so that they could vote it all down. Why wait for them to have the opportunity? Either Trump did not want it done, or he knew he did not have the votes within the GOP to get it done, so he tried to spare us the internal fighting. You be the judge

But what is more concerning to me is, Trump tried to run for President about 10 years prior, and asked Oprah of all people to be his VP. She declined and he pulled out of the race. But before he did, he made fun of Pat Buchannan who ran on securing the border, suggesting that Pat was some sort of right wing fanatic for wanting to do it.

This sort of double speak makes one extremely cynical to say the least. It is almost as though this was all scripted for us to steer us all in a certain direction. I can't help but continue to feel that. Propaganda evolves over time by the powers that be, but it never goes away and never will.

Having said that, I now look at news in a whole new light. I don't watch it to find out what is going on in the world, rather, I watch it to find out which direction we are being herded like cattle. The effect the media has had on this last election is apparent to all, considering the mass censorship of information whether it be true or false. Democracy, therefore, has become a battle of mere propaganda and controlling votes by mostly uneducated people who are incapable of critical thought.
Good post, but I disagree with your take on immigration and "border issues" in the 3rd paragraph.
My recollection was that Trump pressed for immigration reform but too many RINOs like Ryan, who were owned by the Chamber of Commerce, were addicted to the cheap labor migrants provided. Republicans blocked immigration reform, so Trump built his wall. I applaud Trump doing as much as he could do, including having Mexico keeping migrants away from the wall.

There was no immigration reform to block. Trump didn't mention the real problem in any of his four years. Employers hiring illegals. While Obama did very little there even he did more than Trump.

The Party of 10MM + Fake votes is going to do things about employers hiring illegals.

Trump himself employed illegals.....

And no, he didn't do shit about the employers....

You Trumpers would have more credibility if you demonized the people who employ illegals as much as you demonize illegals themselves....

But of course, you won't
Before we move forward we need to take a minute to figure out how we have ended up here. And the truth is. Everybody is sort of right. And everyone is sort of wrong.

Trump was elected because people in enough states agreed that the Status Quo was fucked. We knew there were problems not addressed by Washington. We knew there were issues with Departments doing things they shouldn’t. And we thought Trump saw this too. And let’s face it. Hillary was a terrible candidate.

So what went wrong? A little truth does not mean every extension and extreme variation is true. And what was worse was Trump did nothing to fix any of the problems. His fanboys blamed the Deep State. Imaginary enemies. The real enemy of Trump was Trump.

The truth is nobody is ready on day one. No President hits the ground on day one ready to do the job. There is a learning curve. And it is steep.

The first thing you have to learn is to listen to your advisors. Hire good ones and listen. Get people who are experienced in their fields. Being in charge does not mean you need to know more than anyone else. It means you are willing to listen. Make decisions. And seek responsibility for those decisions.

You do not need to do what the advisors say. But you do need to listen and consider. Here Trump screwed up. He did not like anyone who disagreed with him. And that is a problem.

The next thing you have to realize is that your communications people are responsible for getting your message out there. Let’s discuss how that works. A position on an issue is decided. The staff hold meetings. Lawyers are consulted to make sure the position is legal or justifiable. Experts are consulted to insure there is a foundation for the position.

As your Press Secretary goes out to announce this position, you get on Twitter and announce you are doing the exact opposite.

Trump had Brain Storms. Brain Waves. And when he had one he tweeted about it. And then he is angry and so are you when all the people consulted disagree and point out it is wrong.

Now. A smart person would have learned by March of 2016 that you needed to dump Twitter. A moderately intelligent person would have figured it out a few months later. Not Trump. He stayed with it despite the perpetual disaster it led to.

It want beautiful. It wasn’t fantastic. And the only thing huge was the groans by people who wished he would get off of Twitter.

Chasing a rabbit. I still think it should be called a Twit. A Runner runs. A baker bakes. Therefor a Twitter twits.

Next problem. Propaganda. Both sides did it. They set up the election where only by cheating could they possibly lose. It is a contest. And in every contest things end up in unpredictable situations and results.

Now even longtime Republicans are horrified at what has resulted. The siege of the Capital has shocked the nation. The Fanboys double down on the Propaganda. It is all the left. It is all ANTIFA. It is BLM. It is everyone except the RW loons photographed and recorded doing the activity. They were duped. Deceived by those clever ANTIFA folks. They were just going along.

Trump was never a savior. He was right. There were and are problems in Washington. He just wasn’t the one to fix it. Biden isn’t either.

Now the nuts are being rounded up. And perhaps we managed to dodge the bullet this time. But folks. Be a little more cynical. Doubt those who seem to be reinforcing your ideals. Chances are you are both nuttier than a Fruitcake in May
Trump was an outsider, and as such, not welcome to the Swamp. At least, that is the picture that is presented to us.

Trump also was more akin to the unrepresented voter from both parties. This included such issues as, controlling the border, jobs slipping away overseas, continuous wars abroad, and massive entitlements like Obamacare that fell short and sold to us on lies, etc.

However, I don't really believe Trump believes in such issues. After all, Trump waited till the democrats captures the House after 2 years to try and address the border issue so that they could vote it all down. Why wait for them to have the opportunity? Either Trump did not want it done, or he knew he did not have the votes within the GOP to get it done, so he tried to spare us the internal fighting. You be the judge

But what is more concerning to me is, Trump tried to run for President about 10 years prior, and asked Oprah of all people to be his VP. She declined and he pulled out of the race. But before he did, he made fun of Pat Buchannan who ran on securing the border, suggesting that Pat was some sort of right wing fanatic for wanting to do it.

This sort of double speak makes one extremely cynical to say the least. It is almost as though this was all scripted for us to steer us all in a certain direction. I can't help but continue to feel that. Propaganda evolves over time by the powers that be, but it never goes away and never will.

Having said that, I now look at news in a whole new light. I don't watch it to find out what is going on in the world, rather, I watch it to find out which direction we are being herded like cattle. The effect the media has had on this last election is apparent to all, considering the mass censorship of information whether it be true or false. Democracy, therefore, has become a battle of mere propaganda and controlling votes by mostly uneducated people who are incapable of critical thought.
Good post, but I disagree with your take on immigration and "border issues" in the 3rd paragraph.
My recollection was that Trump pressed for immigration reform but too many RINOs like Ryan, who were owned by the Chamber of Commerce, were addicted to the cheap labor migrants provided. Republicans blocked immigration reform, so Trump built his wall. I applaud Trump doing as much as he could do, including having Mexico keeping migrants away from the wall.

There was no immigration reform to block. Trump didn't mention the real problem in any of his four years. Employers hiring illegals. While Obama did very little there even he did more than Trump.

The Party of 10MM + Fake votes is going to do things about employers hiring illegals.


Here we go again. No the Democrats are not. I didn't vote nor support nor make excuses for them.
So you note that nothing changed under Trump? Bravo.
We dont have a fascist or communist dictatorship the way china does

trump can pressure US companies to do the right thing but in the end its their decision

And in many cases such as the NBA china commands their loyalty more than America does

I wish I had an answer for that

what I know is that we have have to find an solution or America is lost
I agree that President Trump (for whom I voted twice) had a big problem: Himself.

IMHO, he was obnoxious, he lacked a sense of humor, he could criticize others but could not tolerate the slightest criticism of himself, was arrogant, and just plain rude ("You're fired!").

When he won, the Dem Establishment (and its pampered activist groups) were in absolute shock (as was everyone else), The Dems decided the next day to destroy him, and they have succeeded beyond their dreams in doing so.

No, as you correctly originally note, he destroyed himself. He wins again if could have transformed himself into a decent person. He couldn't do it.

He was also naive. He had no idea to what lengths his enemies would go to destroy him. After all, he wanted to dismantle their gravy train, and so naturally they were going to fight back tooth and nail.

What "gravy train" is this? Do you realize what a worthless statement this is?

They are now going to hound him after he becomes an ordinary citizen. Some of the more vindictive enemies are salivating at the thought of seeing him in an orange jump suit handcuffed to other prisoners. They would probably like to see Melania also humiliated in some way. And maybe even their son, Barron. There is no end to what they want to do to the Trumps for temporarily having blocked their plans to change this country. They are announcing to all future contenders: "See what happened toTrump? Don't get in our way or ..."

When you go around for four years calling people names, well.................. He simply never could grasp that this is not how you accomplish things.

Great news for you.

Just read headline that New York City is ending all contracts with the Trump organization.

Bet some vicious Dems are dreaming of seeing him one day sitting all alone on a sidewalk in Manhattan begging for a dollar.
China kicked his ass.

it was quislings like you seeking the lowest possible price that empowered china and handcuffed America

from you Bloomberg link celebrating the growing trade deficit with china:

” Once China got the virus under control, demand for medical equipment and work-from-home gear expanded its trade surplus with the U.S. despite the levies.”

instead of US companies investing in America by making those products here they prefered to buy from china instead

So you note that nothing changed under Trump? Bravo. That has ALWAYS been the problem. The only way to address that is to address the businesses themselves. You expect China to turn business away? Also, these products bought from China are from US companies.
Things would have changed under Ron Paul, which is why he was ignored by the press

You see, those whom the media is preoccupied with, like Trump, should be viewed with suspicion because as the saying goes, any press is good press in terms of selling people to the public.
Obama ran on Change. He was not. Trump ran on changing . He did not.

I understand voting for Obama the first time. I do not the second. I understand people voting for Trump the first time. I do not the second.

Once you realize the person you thought knew what he was doing just turned out to be another liar, dump them.
President Trump did change a lot. First President to stand up to China, instead of kissing its ass. No new wars overseas, just like he promised. ISIS wiped off the map, just like he promised.

China kicked his ass. ISIS is no different today than the day he took office. He didn't start any new wars and that's great but I'm not sure anyone would have let him.

How China Won Trump’s Trade War and Got Americans to Foot the Bill

Trump enacted Tariffs and walked away. China went on to create new alliances with other countries.

Over 10,000 Islamic State fighters active in Iraq, Syria as attacks ‘significantly’ increase: UN

You can not defeat an idea.
LOL what a load of shit.

Tariffs are what protect a nations industries. If tariffs are so bad, then why does the EU use them against the US? Why does China use them against the US? Why is it you call it a “trade war” when President Trump enacts tariffs, but not when every other country uses them against us?

ISIS controlled an area the size of Texas under the Hussein Regime. That was because the Hussein was funding the radical Sunni “rebel forces” in Syria. President Trump cut them off and they withered and died. Now it’s just a small pocket of radicals in Syria. Let them deal with it. It’s their problem not ours. Obama should had never gotten us involved in that war. But like all Washington Establishment swamp creatures, he obeyed their command to go to war.

You claim no one would let President Trump go to war if he wanted to. Another insanely stupid statement. Just a few years ago, after the false flag chemical attack in Syria blamed on Assad, the Washington Establishment was giddy with the idea of going to war and removing Assad. The bobble heads on CNN were even saying President Trump could finally do something “presidential” for the first removing Assad from power. The Dems were calling for war, and neocon GOP like McConnell and Lindsay Graham were begging for war.

About the only person on TV questioning this was Tucker Carlson, who dared asked “why”. Why did we need to go to war in Syria? Was there any actual proof Assad launched the chemical attack? Why would he do that when President Trump had just announced the US would withdraw troops from Syria? Thankfully our magnificent President had these questions too, and none of the warmongers could answer it, so he told them to go pound sand, we would not be starting a new war. Needless to say the Washington Establishment warmongers weren’t happy about this. It was clear that President Trump wasn’t playing their game and wasn’t going to take their orders, like every previous President did.
So you note that nothing changed under Trump? Bravo.
We dont have a fascist or communist dictatorship the way china does

trump can pressure US companies to do the right thing but in the end its their decision

So why blame China as opposed to these businesses? We can also hammer them with taxes for taking jobs to China.

And in many cases such as the NBA china commands their loyalty more than America does

Stupid rhetoric based upon your racism. You are willing to call out the NBA but not the thousands of other businesses. You even make excuses for them.

I wish I had an answer for that

what I know is that we have have to find an solution or America is lost

Elect someone serious.
I agree that President Trump (for whom I voted twice) had a big problem: Himself.

IMHO, he was obnoxious, he lacked a sense of humor, he could criticize others but could not tolerate the slightest criticism of himself, was arrogant, and just plain rude ("You're fired!").

When he won, the Dem Establishment (and its pampered activist groups) were in absolute shock (as was everyone else), The Dems decided the next day to destroy him, and they have succeeded beyond their dreams in doing so.

No, as you correctly originally note, he destroyed himself. He wins again if could have transformed himself into a decent person. He couldn't do it.

He was also naive. He had no idea to what lengths his enemies would go to destroy him. After all, he wanted to dismantle their gravy train, and so naturally they were going to fight back tooth and nail.

What "gravy train" is this? Do you realize what a worthless statement this is?

They are now going to hound him after he becomes an ordinary citizen. Some of the more vindictive enemies are salivating at the thought of seeing him in an orange jump suit handcuffed to other prisoners. They would probably like to see Melania also humiliated in some way. And maybe even their son, Barron. There is no end to what they want to do to the Trumps for temporarily having blocked their plans to change this country. They are announcing to all future contenders: "See what happened toTrump? Don't get in our way or ..."

When you go around for four years calling people names, well.................. He simply never could grasp that this is not how you accomplish things.

Great news for you.

Just read headline that New York City is ending all contracts with the Trump organization.

Bet some vicious Dems are dreaming of seeing him one day sitting all alone on a sidewalk in Manhattan begging for a dollar.

Facts are that might happen when the banks start calling in his loans.
China kicked his ass.

it was quislings like you seeking the lowest possible price that empowered china and handcuffed America

from you Bloomberg link celebrating the growing trade deficit with china:

” Once China got the virus under control, demand for medical equipment and work-from-home gear expanded its trade surplus with the U.S. despite the levies.”

instead of US companies investing in America by making those products here they prefered to buy from china instead

So you note that nothing changed under Trump? Bravo. That has ALWAYS been the problem. The only way to address that is to address the businesses themselves. You expect China to turn business away? Also, these products bought from China are from US companies.
Things would have changed under Ron Paul, which is why he was ignored by the press

You see, those whom the media is preoccupied with, like Trump, should be viewed with suspicion because as the saying goes, any press is good press in terms of selling people to the public.

Things would have changed. It wasn't the press that ignored him. It was the electorate.
Obama ran on Change. He was not. Trump ran on changing . He did not.

I understand voting for Obama the first time. I do not the second. I understand people voting for Trump the first time. I do not the second.

Once you realize the person you thought knew what he was doing just turned out to be another liar, dump them.
I voted for Trump twice. I like his "promises kept" list.
His personality sucks, but I agree with most of his policies, except for the personal tax cut.
The democrats have no policies that I agree with.
and that is fair....

and that doesn't mean Democrats are evil and want to rape all of your kids just because they want to expand Social Security and make sure everyone has adequate healthcare...

But, if you were seems for the past 3 or 4 republican presidential campaigns/administrations --- the views of those who once supported them have not aged you think the same will be said with Trump years from now??

Will people open up and be more honest about it or will they continue to claim he was the greatest leader in human history like they do now?
View attachment 442185
1. I think you refer to "Medicare for all", not expanded SS.
2. Healthcare needs to be paid for, its not free. More and better jobs with healthcare is the answer.
3. IMHO Trump's new "populism" is here to stay, replacing "conservatism", which is another name for "protect the wealthy".
4. What does "open up and be more honest" even mean?? We will vote for the populist candidates over the socialist candidates. Simple.
1. No, I refer to expanded Social Security -- in other words, not austerity cuts but boosting benefits.....

2. Healthcare is paid for, it is not free....but health insurance is a parasitic unnecessary middle man that inflates costs for the purpose of a profit motive, period....ALSO, if Trump came out in favor of M4A -- Trumpers will instantly support it because that is what Trumpers always do....i.e $2000 stimulus checks that they initially called socialist...

3. Trump isn't a populist if his policies are not populist -- his policies are the same ole conservative cuts for the rich or as you called it "protect the wealthy" -- Trump does as many other GOP politicians before him did (Pat Buchanan, Newt Gingrich, etc) -- they manipulate and prey on the frustrations, fear and ignorance of their base and tell them the reason things are the way are is because of the "others" and other culture war BS...

4. Open up and be more honest means simply this.....instead of waiting until after it is clear a certain administration or candidate was a disaster -- say it when you see's easy for folks to say "I always knew Bush was a moron, globalist, blah, blah, blah) -- there is a reason current day Trumpers claim to hate their last 4 presidential nominees, even tho policy wise, Trump has passed the same policies they did....

Since there aren't many digital receipts from the Bush years, lots of current day Trumpers pretend they were not equally onboard with Bush from 2000 to 2007 or so....that bothers me because I was old enough to remember the Bush years -- I remember being called a traitor and a terrorist because I didn't buy into the Saddam was behind 9/11, gung-ho Iraq war bullshit....I am old enough to remember people just going along with it just to avoid being called these things....

Then after the smoke clears and the dust settled -- now these same people want to rewrite history and pretend they knew all along it was BS....if only they were honest about it then
1. I support the democrat's "fix" for SS, as long as it is paid for.
That is more than the GOP put forward. Without a fix, SS is insolvent ~2030.

Someone also needs to fix Medicare, or it will be bankrupt in 2026.

2. The big question is, do you really want the government running your healthcare? My answer is NO. Just imagine "Lois Lerner" in-charge of your access to healthcare. Sorry, your access is denied, Mr. Republican.

3. Agree that the tax cuts were a bad idea, but the GOP always sucks for shekels. That said, Trump's tariffs are not "globalist", Trump's efforts to bring back manufacturing are not globalist. The pandemic showed how dependent we are on China for medical PPP among other necessities. Culture War? Like destroying statues of the Founding Fathers? Like "Critical Race Theory"? Like "defund the police"?

4. You missed the original binary choice.
Trump or Hillary
Biden or Trump
GOP or Kamala, etc.
I'm very old, and I can't remember a time when a choice wasn't a "lesser of the evils" choice. You just need to hold your nose and vote for someone.
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China kicked his ass.

it was quislings like you seeking the lowest possible price that empowered china and handcuffed America

from you Bloomberg link celebrating the growing trade deficit with china:

” Once China got the virus under control, demand for medical equipment and work-from-home gear expanded its trade surplus with the U.S. despite the levies.”

instead of US companies investing in America by making those products here they prefered to buy from china instead

So you note that nothing changed under Trump? Bravo. That has ALWAYS been the problem. The only way to address that is to address the businesses themselves. You expect China to turn business away? Also, these products bought from China are from US companies.
Things would have changed under Ron Paul, which is why he was ignored by the press

You see, those whom the media is preoccupied with, like Trump, should be viewed with suspicion because as the saying goes, any press is good press in terms of selling people to the public.

Things would have changed. It wasn't the press that ignored him. It was the electorate.

Nope. If you watched the video you would see that even though Ron Paul came in second or even first in certain primary states, he was completely ignored. They talked around him.

I submit that without help from the press, you can't win an election.

Our democracy is only as good as what the media wants.
The truth is nobody is ready on day one. No President hits the ground on day one ready to do the job. There is a learning curve. And it is steep.

The first thing you have to learn is to listen to your advisors. Hire good ones and listen. Get people who are experienced in their fields. Being in charge does not mean you need to know more than anyone else. It means you are willing to listen. Make decisions. And seek responsibility for those decisions.

Of any president in the last 30 years, Biden is the first to be ready on day one. As long as the senate confirms most of his important positions, so they too can be ready on day one.
Obama ran on Change. He was not. Trump ran on changing . He did not.

I understand voting for Obama the first time. I do not the second. I understand people voting for Trump the first time. I do not the second.

Once you realize the person you thought knew what he was doing just turned out to be another liar, dump them.
President Trump did change a lot. First President to stand up to China, instead of kissing its ass. No new wars overseas, just like he promised. ISIS wiped off the map, just like he promised.

China kicked his ass. ISIS is no different today than the day he took office. He didn't start any new wars and that's great but I'm not sure anyone would have let him.

How China Won Trump’s Trade War and Got Americans to Foot the Bill

Trump enacted Tariffs and walked away. China went on to create new alliances with other countries.

Over 10,000 Islamic State fighters active in Iraq, Syria as attacks ‘significantly’ increase: UN

You can not defeat an idea.
LOL what a load of shit.

Tariffs are what protect a nations industries. If tariffs are so bad, then why does the EU use them against the US? Why does China use them against the US? Why is it you call it a “trade war” when President Trump enacts tariffs, but not when every other country uses them against us?

Let's argue for a second this is true. What did Trump do? He enacted tariffs and walked away while China created new alliances around the world. He didn't press for new agreements. He did nothing. China won.

Trump is all talk.

ISIS controlled an area the size of Texas under the Hussein Regime.

I do not care about your rants about Obama. Here you go with the name calling and that is what failed Trump.
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China kicked his ass.

it was quislings like you seeking the lowest possible price that empowered china and handcuffed America

from you Bloomberg link celebrating the growing trade deficit with china:

” Once China got the virus under control, demand for medical equipment and work-from-home gear expanded its trade surplus with the U.S. despite the levies.”

instead of US companies investing in America by making those products here they prefered to buy from china instead

So you note that nothing changed under Trump? Bravo. That has ALWAYS been the problem. The only way to address that is to address the businesses themselves. You expect China to turn business away? Also, these products bought from China are from US companies.
Things would have changed under Ron Paul, which is why he was ignored by the press

You see, those whom the media is preoccupied with, like Trump, should be viewed with suspicion because as the saying goes, any press is good press in terms of selling people to the public.

Things would have changed. It wasn't the press that ignored him. It was the electorate.

Nope. If you watched the video you would see that even though Ron Paul came in second or even first in certain primary states, he was completely ignored. They talked around him.

I submit that without help from the press, you can't win an election.

Our democracy is only as good as what the media wants.

The media didn't want Trump.

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