Zone1 How Did God Come Into Existence?

Road Runner

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Jun 16, 2021
If He doesn't have a creator and has always been, how can this be? This part has always confused me. 😕
I have ask many a preacher yet all I was told is: He's always existed...

I lost all respect for religions because they have no truth only control.
The Universe is curved. We know this for a fact. We have observed the curvature. What's outside that curve?
If He doesn't have a creator and has always been, how can this be? This part has always confused me. 😕
The human mind is capable of creating gods but isn't capable of understanding answers to these sort of questions.

They are questions that should have been answered before man decided to create gods out of thin air!

There's a default answer for you. It's called 'faith'.

There's a another even better answer for atheists!
We all look into the sky and our minds are overwhelmed by the infinite abyss.
Some seek a spiritual answer, while some seek the scientific.
Regardless, I always ask the same question...
What was before that?

Even as our universe expands as we seem to confirm.
What is outside that barrier?
Where did this Singularity of the Big Bang come from?
Wouldn't this Singularity expand into something?
If there is a higher intelligence(God), where did that come from?

Neither science or religion have a true answer for the creation of everything, they just generate more questions.

One thing is certain, that if there is a God (creator), he is ultimately a true Scientist.
If He doesn't have a creator and has always been, how can this be? This part has always confused me. 😕
God has always existed in the "Spiritual Realm".....God is eternal (Deut. 33:27, Genesis 21:33)............God is a Spirit (John 4:24). There is no flesh and blood (nothing physical that can be quantified....i.e, measured by the laws of physical reality, as demonstrated you only CONFUSE yourself when you attempt to quantify the God of Creation by application of our physical laws.

This is what confounds the so called smart people of our age..........those who practice philosophy and call themselves men of Science, they simply can't comprehend a spiritual force...i.e., the Super (superior) Natural (to nature) force that created this physical realm called reality. According to these THINKERS.......if you can't measure it, feel it, touch it........its not real. The man of faith knows and comprehends the nature of a creating force greater than nature the things that exist/created/made all around us without explanation from the physical laws of reality. God has demonstrated this to mankind (Romans 1:19-20). Thinking themselves wise.......they became fools.

Jesus Christ pointed this out after He returned from the grave to walk among His disciples for 40 days...........some thought He was a spirit, the Christ declared, "a spirit has no flesh and blood to touch, see, feel....etc., (Luke 24:39)

The Apostle Paul explains the truth to the thinkers of His day when He was speaking before the Greek philosophers in Athens. Paul noticed they had erected an altar to the UNKNOWN GOD. Paul goes on to explain to these THINKERS/PHILOSOPHERS there is only 1 God who is omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient, and they by accident made an altar to Him......and then he explains to them..............This plane of reality called the physical and the things therein.......all have their existence WITHIN THE GOD OF CREATION.....he compares man's existence as being no more than a single cell in the Spiritual Body called the GODHEAD.

"God, that made the world and all things therein, seeing that He is the Lord (ruler) of both heaven and earth, dewelleth not in temples made by hands (thus, the worship of this alter created to worship the unknown useless); Neither is worshiped with men's hands, as though He needed anything, seeing that He giveth to all life, and breath, and all things; And has made of one blood all nations of man for to dwell on the face of the earth, and hath determined the times appointed, and the bound of their habitation;

That they should seek the Lord, and if haply (by accident) they might feel after Him, and find Him, though He is not far from every one of us............FOR IN HIM, WE LIVE, AND MOVE, AND HAVE OUR BEING....." -- Acts 17:24-28

The reason you can't comprehend the God of Creation? How can a single cell comprehend the totality of the body it finds itself within? God can know all things about His existence..........but man can't comprehend the vast reality of the Godhead. We know only what God wishes us know......we are incapable of knowing more than God has appointed unto us.........HIS CREATION. The entire reality called the UNIVERSE exists within GOD, this explains His Omnipotence, Omnipresence, and Omniscience. All powerful, Present everywhere being able to view all of reality instantly, All Knowing.......the creator of the very laws of physics that quantify the physical......but incapable of measuring the superior creating force that is Supernatural. The CREATED can never be superior to the CREATOR.
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We all look into the sky and our minds are overwhelmed by the infinite abyss.
Some seek a spiritual answer, while some seek the scientific.
Regardless, I always ask the same question...
What was before that?

Even as our universe expands as we seem to confirm.
What is outside that barrier?
Where did this Singularity of the Big Bang come from?
Wouldn't this Singularity expand into something?
If there is a higher intelligence(God), where did that come from?

Neither science or religion have a true answer for the creation of everything, they just generate more questions.

One thing is certain, that if there is a God (creator), he is ultimately a true Scientist.
Science is finding answers but they are answers that only highly intelligent humans can understand.

There are other good questions that humans can ask and hav answered. For instance: Why would any human be so presumptuous to believe that aliens from another planet would have an interest in life on earth?
Practically, a belief in a God, along with worship rituals, is a benchmark in the development of a civilization. Rituals of Marriages, funerals, births, are all indications that a cultural structure is being created. While there are atheists there are no civilizations out of a foundation of atheism. Will Durant found some pygmy tribes that had no religion, no belief in any entity and no lifestage celebrations. They just never developed any kind of civilization.

At the fall of Rome, many Romans no longer believed in the Gods. Falling away of faith is a sign of a civilizations decay.
Science is finding answers but they are answers that only highly intelligent humans can understand.

There are other good questions that humans can ask and hav answered. For instance: Why would any human be so presumptuous to believe that aliens from another planet would have an interest in life on earth?
Why are humans interested in the lives of ants?
Science is finding answers but they are answers that only highly intelligent humans can understand.

There are other good questions that humans can ask and hav answered. For instance: Why would any human be so presumptuous to believe that aliens from another planet would have an interest in life on earth?
We have an interest in lower life forms.

Intelligent humans also struggle with the notion of what created everything, or do you actually believe all scientists are automatically Atheists?
If He doesn't have a creator and has always been, how can this be? This part has always confused me. 😕
The same question can be asked of the universe. When did it start. So, no matter your believe or disbelief in God, you are stuck with the same question and problem because time measures from point A to point B. So, what was point A?

The obvious answer is, this material universe was created via the Big Bang as that is point A. However, where did it come from?

That is the real question whether you are religious or not.

Personally, I find God in the mix as being more explanatory in the matter. The universe is a fine-tuned machine, which means it had purpose, which means an entity oversaw it who came from another dimension of existence that we cannot fathom.

As it stands now, scientists theorize there are about 11 dimensions of existence, but we can only relate to 3 of them, 4 if you include time in the mix.

I will add, there is also point B, an end to time. Scientists theorize the creation will all eventually wind down into nothingness, called entropy.

Only the Bible got it right, God is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end as he will later create a new heaven and world for us to live.
The obvious answer is, this material universe was created via the Big Bang as that is point A. However, where did it come from?

God. Or that's the way that I always saw it anyways.
God. Or that's the way that I always saw it anyways.
It was not long ago that the common view in science was that the universe was eternal.

Einstein and his theory of relativity, however, conflicted with this believe, so Einstein altered his theory to match the PC belief of scientists of his day that the universe was eternal so he would not receive ridicule from them.

However, in 1959 science was able to detect the Big Bang, thus showing Einstein and the rest that the original theory of relativity was correct. The universe really had a beginning. Einstein then realized he has just altered his theory in error. He later said it was the biggest blunder of his life, but it shows how PC rules even in the world of science where they assumingly only go by the facts. LOL.
God was invented by humans as a convenient way of explaining things.

Before humans, there was no God.

I believe that there was nothing, and then nothing happened to nothing to make nothing magically explode --for no reason whatsoever-- into the big bang theory/creating everything! And then that bunch of "everything" just magically rearranged itself --for no reason whatsoever-- into self-replicating bits of dinosaurs and hom-erectus.
I believe that there was nothing, and then nothing happened to nothing to make nothing magically explode --for no reason whatsoever-- into the big bang theory/creating everything! And then that bunch of "everything" just magically rearranged itself --for no reason whatsoever-- into self-replicating bits of dinosaurs and hom-erectus.

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