How Carly Fiorina Screwed Her Campaign Staff—and Paid Herself First

LOL...right back to playing the race card, Joey? What does Barack Obama's skin pigmentation have to do with his utter failure at dealing with ISIS? Those refugees couldn't care less if he looked like Barney the purple dinosaur! They're running for their lives from ISIS because Barry pulled out of the Middle East and let a terrorist nation take root.

no, guy, what let a terrorist nation take root was your boy Bush toppled the guy who kept the country under control because he was avenging his pappy!

Obama just refused to throw more American treasure and lives at Bush's mistake.

New rule. People who never served in the military should shut the fuck up about Iraq.

Someone from the Obama White House thought that phrase sounded good, Joey and that says volumes about what a bunch of idiots we've had running this country for the past six years!

As opposed to the idiots we've had running the country before that. The ones that brought us wars, recessions and let a major city get washed out to sea? Sorry, man, you need to put away the wh ite sheets and be a little objective here. By any objective standard, Obama has been a vast improvement over Bush for America.

That doesn't even start talking about what's happening in Iran!

You mean we got Iran to give up its nuclear program without firing a shot? In not-crazy world, that's a good thing.

Somehow in your mind, Obama's policy decisions have improved things? Something tells me those refugees would disagree with you. Then there are the tens of thousands of people who have been slaughtered by ISIS...they CAN'T tell you how naive you are because they're DEAD!

It strikes me that the refugees really, really aren't our problem. (Especially since most of them are from Syria, where we really haven't been involved.) the thing is, the Iraqi people don't seem that keen on fighting ISIS, why is that OUR problem again?
So let me see if I follow your "logic" here, Synth...

If a terrorist group kills 3,000 people here...that's awful...but if they kill a hundred thousand people somewhere don't see it as a problem?

Sure it's a problem. It's just not OUR problem. YOu see, the thing was, when OBL took out the world trade center, Young men and women were ready to sign up to do something about it. At least until Bush lied and used it as an excuse for personal revenge.

You ask an American College Student if he's willing to go over and die because the Sunnis are fighting with the Shi'ites or the Yazidis or the Allawites babout how many Imams can dance on the head of a pin, they'll ask you what the fuck you are smoking.

I guess it's too bad these folks are dying, but it's not worth the life of ONE AMERICAN to keep that from happening. Not if the people of the region - including our supposed buddies, the Israelis- are playing the various sides against each other.

Seriously, whose side are we supposed to be on over there, exactly?
If a terrorist group kills 3,000 people here...that's awful...but if they kill a hundred thousand people somewhere don't see it as a problem?
I don't see it as our problem.

Just as conservatives didn't see it as our problem last year when the #BringBackOurGirls campaign began, with Boko Haram killing thousands of people in Nigeria. Where is your righteous indignation over those deaths? There were/are no Republican Congressmen wanting to send U.S. troops there, are there?
Millions of refugees are doing just that because they ARE terrified of ISIS! The Middle East is more dangerous right now than it ever has been and it's because of ISIS.
Doesn't have to be. There are 30,000 ISIL compared to 5 MILLION Arab/Persian troops.
If a terrorist group kills 3,000 people here...that's awful...but if they kill a hundred thousand people somewhere don't see it as a problem?
I don't see it as our problem.

Just as conservatives didn't see it as our problem last year when the #BringBackOurGirls campaign began, with Boko Haram killing thousands of people in Nigeria. Where is your righteous indignation over those deaths? There were/are no Republican Congressmen wanting to send U.S. troops there, are there?

I was disgusted by what Boko Haram was doing and if I was the American President I would have authorized a military response. It's what you do when you're the "Leader of the Free World"!
So let me see if I follow your "logic" here, Synth...

If a terrorist group kills 3,000 people here...that's awful...but if they kill a hundred thousand people somewhere don't see it as a problem?

Sure it's a problem. It's just not OUR problem. YOu see, the thing was, when OBL took out the world trade center, Young men and women were ready to sign up to do something about it. At least until Bush lied and used it as an excuse for personal revenge.

You ask an American College Student if he's willing to go over and die because the Sunnis are fighting with the Shi'ites or the Yazidis or the Allawites babout how many Imams can dance on the head of a pin, they'll ask you what the fuck you are smoking.

I guess it's too bad these folks are dying, but it's not worth the life of ONE AMERICAN to keep that from happening. Not if the people of the region - including our supposed buddies, the Israelis- are playing the various sides against each other.

Seriously, whose side are we supposed to be on over there, exactly?

If there were idiots like you around in the 1940's the Nazi's would have won WWII.
If a terrorist group kills 3,000 people here...that's awful...but if they kill a hundred thousand people somewhere don't see it as a problem?
I don't see it as our problem.

Just as conservatives didn't see it as our problem last year when the #BringBackOurGirls campaign began, with Boko Haram killing thousands of people in Nigeria. Where is your righteous indignation over those deaths? There were/are no Republican Congressmen wanting to send U.S. troops there, are there?

I was disgusted by what Boko Haram was doing and if I was the American President I would have authorized a military response. It's what you do when you're the "Leader of the Free World"!
Play "World's Policeman"?

Not his job.
This woman will never be president, because Americans will never vote for a real POS. The longer she's in, the most revolting things we find out about her.

09.25.151:00 AM ET

How Carly Fiorina Screwed Her Campaign Staff—and Paid Herself First

When Fiorina lost her Senate bid in 2010, she had lots of bills left to pay. So she did what any multimillionaire who loaned her campaign cash would do: She paid herself first.

After Carly Fiorina’s unsuccessful 2010 run for Senate in California, it took her more than four years to fully pay staff and vendors for their work on her campaign to unseat Democratic Sen. Barbara Boxer.

But a review of Federal Election Commission records by The Daily Beast shows that Fiorina first paid herself back for more than $1.25 million in personal loans she made to the campaign, including a $1 million check on the day before Election Day. That check set the campaign back so far it was impossible to pay staff and vendors what they were owed for years.

Marty Wilson, Fiorina’s then-campaign manager, said Fiorina knew at the time that there would be debts at the end of the campaign, but that it was difficult to know how deep the debt would be.

“The problem with campaigns is you project debt based on what you think revenues are going to be,” Wilson said. “People say they are going to send money, but Election Day comes and goes, and you’ve lost, and those receivables don’t materialize.”

With more than $1 million out the door at the last minute and a shortfall in fundraising commitments, the campaign ended nearly $500,000 in debt, unable to pay vendors and staff, including Wilson, who was owed more than $60,000.

More at the link.
Shit.....Hillary was $100 million in debt when she lost.

She fucked alot of people out of their money.
And this bitch has the nerve to lecture us about "America's character"?

I DO hate to agree with you on this one but I do.
oreo YOU support this gutter snipe so speak to this.

Well at least she paid her campaign staff off, and didn't claim "bankruptcy to get out of paying them" like Trump has a habit of doing. The balance is now ZERO. And I am also just as certain that Carly Fiorina will address this issue when asked about it, unlike Trump who tends to deflect point direct questions. And as we know there are always two sides to a story.

On the other hand look what Donald Trump cost this widow woman--in attorney's fees, etc. for trying to confiscate a home that she had lived in for 30 years. Did Donald Trump pay her back for all her and her neighbors cost. I doubt he paid her for any aggravation he caused her & neighbors for keeping them in court for several years. Trump sure didn't pay banks and investors back billions in loss's when he bankrupted 4 companies. He just laughed about it.

"For more than 30 years Vera Coking lived in a three-story house just off the Boardwalk in Atlantic City. Donald Trump built his 22-story Trump Plaza next door. In the mid-1990s Trump wanted to build a limousine parking lot for the hotel, so he bought several nearby properties. But three owners, including the by then elderly and widowed Ms Coking, refused to sell.

As his daughter Ivanka said in introducing him at his campaign announcement, Donald Trump doesn’t take no for an answer.

Trump turned to a government agency — the Casino Reinvestment Development Authority (CRDA) — to take Coking’s property. CRDA offered her $250,000 for the property — one-fourth of what another hotel builder had offered her a decade earlier. When she turned that down, the agency went into court to claim her property under eminent domain so that Trump could pave it and put up a parking lot.

“Trump has had no compunction about benefiting from the coercive power of the state to kick innocent Americans out of their homes.”

Peter Banin and his brother owned another building on the block. A few months after they paid $500,000 to purchase the building for a pawn shop, CRDA offered them $174,000 and told them to leave the property. A Russian immigrant, Banin said: “I knew they could do this in Russia, but not here. I would understand if they needed it for an airport runway, but for a casino?”

Ms Coking and her neighbors spent several years in court, but eventually with the assistance of the Institute for Justice they won on July 20, 1998. A state judge rejected the agency’s demand on the narrow grounds that there was no guarantee that Trump would use the land for the specified purpose. “TRUMPED!” blared the front page of the tabloid New York Post.

It wasn’t the only time Trump tried to benefit from eminent domain. In 1994, Trump incongruously promised to turn Bridgeport, Connecticut, into “a national tourist destination” by building a $350m office and entertainment complex on the waterfront. The Hartford Courant reported: “At a press conference during which almost every statement contained the term ‘world class,’ Trump and Mayor Joseph Ganim lavished praise on one another and the development project and spoke of restoring Bridgeport to its glory days.”

But alas, five businesses owned the land. What to do? As the Courant reported: “Under the development proposal described by Trump’s lawyers, the city would become a partner with Trump Connecticut Inc and obtain the land through its powers of condemnation. Trump would in turn buy the land from the city.” The project fell apart, though.

Trump consistently defended the use of eminent domain. Interviewed by John Stossel on ABC News, he said: “Cities have the right to condemn for the good of the city. Everybody coming into Atlantic City sees this terrible house instead of staring at beautiful fountains and beautiful other things that would be good.” Challenged by Stossel, he said that eminent domain was necessary to build schools and roads. But of course he just wanted to build a limousine parking lot.

In 2005 the Institute for Justice took another eminent domain case to the Supreme Court. By 5-4 the Court held that the city of New London, Connecticut, could take the property of Susette Kelo and her neighbors so that Pfizer could build a research facility. That qualified as a “public use” within the meaning of the Constitution’s “takings” clause. The case created an uproar.

Polls showed that more than 80% of the public opposed the decision. Justice Sandra Day O’Connor issued a scathing dissent: “Any property may now be taken for the benefit of another private party, but the fallout from this decision will not be random. The beneficiaries are likely to be those citizens with disproportionate influence and power in the political process, including large corporations and development firms … The Founders cannot have intended this perverse result.”

Conservatives were especially outraged by this assault on property rights. Not Donald Trump, though. He told Neil Cavuto on Fox News: “I happen to agree with it 100%. if you have a person living in an area that’s not even necessarily a good area, and … government wants to build a tremendous economic development, where a lot of people are going to be put to work and … create thousands upon thousands of jobs and beautification and lots of other things, I think it happens to be good.”

When Donald Trump says: “I give to everybody. They do whatever I want,” this is what he’s talking about: well-connected interests getting favors from government. Vera Coking knows the feeling.
Donald Trump's Eminent Domain Love Nearly Cost a Widow Her House

So now who's the "gutter snipe"?--LOL I am not even going to address who Bill & Hillary haven't paid--LOL

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If there were idiots like you around in the 1940's the Nazi's would have won WWII.

Guy, a bunch of mobs of thugs is not Nazi Germany.

Not our problem. They had their opportunity to build a functioning nation, they decided to fight over sectarian and tribal issues. It's really not our job to get in the middle of a tribal fight you couldn't explain without an anthropologist and a flow-chart.

If you feel otherwise, then you need to personally organize a private brigade like the Abraham Lincoln Brigade that fought in the Spanish Civil War during WWII. Of course they took the side of the Communists against the Fascists, and after the war, they all got blacklisted, but never mind, they were totally fighting the good fight.
If there were idiots like you around in the 1940's the Nazi's would have won WWII.

Guy, a bunch of mobs of thugs is not Nazi Germany.

Not our problem. They had their opportunity to build a functioning nation, they decided to fight over sectarian and tribal issues. It's really not our job to get in the middle of a tribal fight you couldn't explain without an anthropologist and a flow-chart.

If you feel otherwise, then you need to personally organize a private brigade like the Abraham Lincoln Brigade that fought in the Spanish Civil War during WWII. Of course they took the side of the Communists against the Fascists, and after the war, they all got blacklisted, but never mind, they were totally fighting the good fight.

If you knew anything about'd know that the Nazis were a bunch of thugs also...thugs that took over a country and then caused a World War that resulted in the deaths of millions! ISIS is no different at all from the Nazis.
If you knew anything about'd know that the Nazis were a bunch of thugs also...thugs that took over a country and then caused a World War that resulted in the deaths of millions! ISIS is no different at all from the Nazis.

Um, yeah, they took over a country through legal constitutional means, a country that already had an infrastructure, a competent,trained military, technology, and a bunch of other things they don't have in the middle of the Iraqi desert.

Again, nothing stopping you and other right wingers from marching off and fighting them.
It makes me laugh when liberals get on their high horse.

1) According to you, there isn't a god to give you a high horse to sit on.

2) Your high horse is very likely to slip on the big piles of shit you've created with your total disregard for morals and ethics.

3) There is nothing you can do to save Hillary. Most people don't like her. It is well known that she is a screeching harpy, who abuses staff and Secret Service agents assigned to protect her.
Two mothers do not replace a mother and a father. Boys and girls both need male role models. That is proven. There is a certain age when a mother can no longer keep her child in line, and then the father has to come in and set down the rules.

Perhaps you've heard this from your mother, "Wait until your father comes home."
This woman will never be president, because Americans will never vote for a real POS. The longer she's in, the most revolting things we find out about her.

09.25.151:00 AM ET

How Carly Fiorina Screwed Her Campaign Staff—and Paid Herself First

When Fiorina lost her Senate bid in 2010, she had lots of bills left to pay. So she did what any multimillionaire who loaned her campaign cash would do: She paid herself first.

After Carly Fiorina’s unsuccessful 2010 run for Senate in California, it took her more than four years to fully pay staff and vendors for their work on her campaign to unseat Democratic Sen. Barbara Boxer.

But a review of Federal Election Commission records by The Daily Beast shows that Fiorina first paid herself back for more than $1.25 million in personal loans she made to the campaign, including a $1 million check on the day before Election Day. That check set the campaign back so far it was impossible to pay staff and vendors what they were owed for years.

Marty Wilson, Fiorina’s then-campaign manager, said Fiorina knew at the time that there would be debts at the end of the campaign, but that it was difficult to know how deep the debt would be.

“The problem with campaigns is you project debt based on what you think revenues are going to be,” Wilson said. “People say they are going to send money, but Election Day comes and goes, and you’ve lost, and those receivables don’t materialize.”

With more than $1 million out the door at the last minute and a shortfall in fundraising commitments, the campaign ended nearly $500,000 in debt, unable to pay vendors and staff, including Wilson, who was owed more than $60,000.

More at the link.

I agree she has no prayer to be POTUS, and I also agree she's a POS. However, she eventually DID pay off those she owed money to. Unlike Al 'fuck you' Franken who ripped off the Boys and Girls clubs of New York and all of his employees from Air America when they went under.
I'm pretty sure if you counted the number of politicians who screwed their campaign staff, that would be 99%.

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