How can the media and liberals let our president get away with this.


Gold Member
Nov 20, 2012
Political observers: “Obama is a sociopath. He has no conscience.”

The article below says Obama does not even want to hear about Islamic terrorism, he won’t even read the intelligence reports. What a scandal! This is our president who took an oath to protect our nation.

This just ads to the dark history of this man, all his shady connections, the lies, the scandals, the denials, the silence, the total abdication of any leadership or courage --- it is all so bizarre. And yet... the greatest threat to this nation is not Obama, it is the leftist mainstream media. It is beyond shameful how this media and political world has covered for him and abdicated some journalistic responsibility to the truth, and to the well being and security of this nation for the sake of “protecting the party line” no matter what the cost.

What is happening in this nation is almost surreal. Like there are some spiritual elements creating some anti-miracle. That he can get away with repeated blatant anti-American activities in full view! How can the media, congress and Americans be so fooled? The world is laughing at us and we pretend there is not a real danger in the White House. It is well beyond a case of the emperor has no clothes on.

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Bombshell: Obama rejects intelligence on known Islamic terrorists

Citing insider White House sources, investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson dropped a bombshell during an interview with Steve Malzberg. Attkisson said President Obama has come to the point where he will not even listen to intelligence reports on certain Islamic terror groups – groups that are listed by the U.S. State Department as involved in international terror against Christians, Jews and other non-Muslims around the world. Attkisson is a former CBS journalist who left that organization after it stifled many of her investigative reports. She now heads up the independent Internet news site Full Measure. Here is an excerpt from her interview Friday with Malzberg:

“I have talked to people who have worked in the Obama administration who firmly believe he has made up his mind, I would say closed his mind, they say, to their intelligence they try to bring him about various groups he does not consider terrorists even if they’re on the U.S. list of designated terrorists. He has his own ideas. There are those who’ve known him for a long time that say this dates back to law school. He’s not necessarily going to listen to the people with whom he disagrees. ...I’ve only been told by those who have allegedly attempted to present him or been in the circle that has attempted to present him with certain intelligence that they said he doesn't want it, he said he doesn't want it or he won't read it in some instances."

O’Reilly: “But how can you say that he doesn’t understand that millions of people – millions of people – are either dying, being dislocated, being tortured, being wounded … and you still, Charles Krauthammer, say he doesn’t care? It doesn’t mean anything to him?”
Krauthammer: “There’s a difference between millions of people suffering and an existential threat to the West, which is what it is, and which is what he denies.”

…former CIA operative Mike Baker, a guest on “Hannity,” described Obama’s actions and attitude with regard to radical Islam as “surreal.”

Then Hannity, in an exchange with psychology expert Dr. Gina Loudon about the Paris terror attacks, observed: “Some good people have a hard time grasping that these people could go into a crowded theater and start shooting innocent men, women and children. That’s just evil, in our time. This president’s not recognizing, won’t recognize – it’s pathological that he won’t recognize radical Islam.”

For the past seven years, sane Americans have been trying to explain Obama, evoking various hypotheses – including the possibility that he’s a genuine sociopath, that is, without conscience.

Fox pundit, long-time ABC News personality and Pulitzer-winning columnist George Will described “Barack Obama’s intellectual sociopathy – his often breezy and sometimes loutish indifference to truth.”

Here’s a typical description of “sociopathy,” so let’s see how it fits: “Sociopaths are often well-liked because of their charm and high charisma, but they do not usually care about other people. They think mainly of themselves and often blame others for the things that they do. They have a complete disregard for rules and lie constantly. They seldom feel guilt or learn from punishments.” Seems like a pretty good fit, but let’s continue.

One veteran forensic psychiatrist I know – an expert witness in thousands of court cases, whose expertise is sizing up criminal/antisocial people and determining what makes them tick – has described Obama to me in terms of “malignant narcissistic personality disorder.” The modifier “malignant” signifies the version of “narcissistic personality disorder” that may cross over into criminality, he explained.

He reviewed with me a list of some of the major symptoms of NPD, comparing them with Obama’s behavior as president. Among the key markers: 1) a grandiose view of one’s achievements (everything with Obama is “historic”), 2) an utter inability to handle criticism (almost everyone criticizing Obama or his policies is attacked as selfish, “partisan” or racist) and 3) lack of genuine empathy. (Obama’s designation of the apocalyptic Paris terror attacks as a “setback” in his foreign policy was reminiscent of his televised speech on the day of the Fort Hood terror attack. With the entire nation reeling in shock and yearning for strong, reassuring words from their commander in chief, Obama instead engaged in small talk and an inane “shout-out” for two full minutes before even mentioning that the worst terrorist attack on American soil since 9/11 had just occurred hours earlier.)

…psychiatrist M. Scott Peck, M.D., explains …All adults who are mentally healthy submit themselves one way or another to something higher than themselves, be it God or truth or love or some other ideal. …They believe in what is true rather than what they would like to be true.

… In summary, to a greater or lesser degree, all mentally healthy individuals submit themselves to the demands of their own conscience. Not so the evil, however. In the conflict between their guilt [i.e., conscience] and their will, it is the guilt that must go and the will that must win.

In every area, Obama demonstrates an unfortunate affinity for that which normal people would describe as destructive, corrupt, evil. Whether this is because Obama is evil at his core, or whether there’s a decent person locked up inside but who has been traumatized and brainwashed – a Manchurian president, programmed not by exotic far-off communist brainwashers, but by a nonstop sequence of corrupting influences throughout his life – is not ours to know.


Read more at Obama: Delusional or something worse?
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The response from the liberals will be that the article mostly names, unnamed sources. When they do, bring up one name, Deepthroat and what that unnamed person meant to a president.

Also to believe how the liberals believe is to think that everyone lies that does not form a line behind them. They have to believe that people will put their credibility on the line by lying. Yet, the left and especially Dan Rather never do? I just wonder how many still believe Dan Rather's information was correct.
Any supposedly serious article that cites Hannity (other than to mock him) has exposed itself as a joke. Hannity is a joke.

Of course Obama is a sociopath. Most Presidents have been.
Political observers: “Obama is a sociopath. He has no conscience.”

The article below says Obama does not even want to hear about Islamic terrorism, he won’t even read the intelligence reports. What a scandal! This is our president who took an oath to protect our nation.

This just ads to the dark history of this man, all his shady connections, the lies, the scandals, the denials, the silence, the total abdication of any leadership or courage --- it is all so bizarre. And yet... the greatest threat to this nation is not Obama, it is the leftist mainstream media. It is beyond shameful how this media and political world has covered for him and abdicated some journalistic responsibility to the truth, and to the well being and security of this nation for the sake of “protecting the party line” no matter what the cost.

What is happening in this nation is almost surreal. Like there are some spiritual elements creating some anti-miracle. That he can get away with repeated blatant anti-American activities in full view! How can the media, congress and Americans be so fooled? The world is laughing at us and we pretend there is not a real danger in the White House. It is well beyond a case of the emperor has no clothes on.

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Bombshell: Obama rejects intelligence on known Islamic terrorists

Citing insider White House sources, investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson dropped a bombshell during an interview with Steve Malzberg. Attkisson said President Obama has come to the point where he will not even listen to intelligence reports on certain Islamic terror groups – groups that are listed by the U.S. State Department as involved in international terror against Christians, Jews and other non-Muslims around the world. Attkisson is a former CBS journalist who left that organization after it stifled many of her investigative reports. She now heads up the independent Internet news site Full Measure. Here is an excerpt from her interview Friday with Malzberg:

“I have talked to people who have worked in the Obama administration who firmly believe he has made up his mind, I would say closed his mind, they say, to their intelligence they try to bring him about various groups he does not consider terrorists even if they’re on the U.S. list of designated terrorists. He has his own ideas. There are those who’ve known him for a long time that say this dates back to law school. He’s not necessarily going to listen to the people with whom he disagrees. ...I’ve only been told by those who have allegedly attempted to present him or been in the circle that has attempted to present him with certain intelligence that they said he doesn't want it, he said he doesn't want it or he won't read it in some instances."

O’Reilly: “But how can you say that he doesn’t understand that millions of people – millions of people – are either dying, being dislocated, being tortured, being wounded … and you still, Charles Krauthammer, say he doesn’t care? It doesn’t mean anything to him?”
Krauthammer: “There’s a difference between millions of people suffering and an existential threat to the West, which is what it is, and which is what he denies.”

…former CIA operative Mike Baker, a guest on “Hannity,” described Obama’s actions and attitude with regard to radical Islam as “surreal.”

Then Hannity, in an exchange with psychology expert Dr. Gina Loudon about the Paris terror attacks, observed: “Some good people have a hard time grasping that these people could go into a crowded theater and start shooting innocent men, women and children. That’s just evil, in our time. This president’s not recognizing, won’t recognize – it’s pathological that he won’t recognize radical Islam.”

For the past seven years, sane Americans have been trying to explain Obama, evoking various hypotheses – including the possibility that he’s a genuine sociopath, that is, without conscience.

Fox pundit, long-time ABC News personality and Pulitzer-winning columnist George Will described “Barack Obama’s intellectual sociopathy – his often breezy and sometimes loutish indifference to truth.”

Here’s a typical description of “sociopathy,” so let’s see how it fits: “Sociopaths are often well-liked because of their charm and high charisma, but they do not usually care about other people. They think mainly of themselves and often blame others for the things that they do. They have a complete disregard for rules and lie constantly. They seldom feel guilt or learn from punishments.” Seems like a pretty good fit, but let’s continue.

One veteran forensic psychiatrist I know – an expert witness in thousands of court cases, whose expertise is sizing up criminal/antisocial people and determining what makes them tick – has described Obama to me in terms of “malignant narcissistic personality disorder.” The modifier “malignant” signifies the version of “narcissistic personality disorder” that may cross over into criminality, he explained.

He reviewed with me a list of some of the major symptoms of NPD, comparing them with Obama’s behavior as president. Among the key markers: 1) a grandiose view of one’s achievements (everything with Obama is “historic”), 2) an utter inability to handle criticism (almost everyone criticizing Obama or his policies is attacked as selfish, “partisan” or racist) and 3) lack of genuine empathy. (Obama’s designation of the apocalyptic Paris terror attacks as a “setback” in his foreign policy was reminiscent of his televised speech on the day of the Fort Hood terror attack. With the entire nation reeling in shock and yearning for strong, reassuring words from their commander in chief, Obama instead engaged in small talk and an inane “shout-out” for two full minutes before even mentioning that the worst terrorist attack on American soil since 9/11 had just occurred hours earlier.)

…psychiatrist M. Scott Peck, M.D., explains …All adults who are mentally healthy submit themselves one way or another to something higher than themselves, be it God or truth or love or some other ideal. …They believe in what is true rather than what they would like to be true.

… In summary, to a greater or lesser degree, all mentally healthy individuals submit themselves to the demands of their own conscience. Not so the evil, however. In the conflict between their guilt [i.e., conscience] and their will, it is the guilt that must go and the will that must win.

In every area, Obama demonstrates an unfortunate affinity for that which normal people would describe as destructive, corrupt, evil. Whether this is because Obama is evil at his core, or whether there’s a decent person locked up inside but who has been traumatized and brainwashed – a Manchurian president, programmed not by exotic far-off communist brainwashers, but by a nonstop sequence of corrupting influences throughout his life – is not ours to know.


Read more at Obama: Delusional or something worse?
Thanks be to the clown avatar for invoking the other knee jerk liberal response.
Thanks be? Dude, get out of the 17th century. The King James is Dead. Embrace The Message, fool.

You mean address it like you just did? Apparently leading by example isn't high on your list.

I am not sure why I bothered making this post?

I should have known better the left minded reading this post are the same ones I describe in the text. They are not interested in looking at reality without their predetermined outcomes.

But why then even bother with such a weak response as "Oh, Hannity is mentioned. LOL." No sign of any integrity in that kind of thinking.
Political observers: “Obama is a sociopath. He has no conscience.”

The article below says Obama does not even want to hear about Islamic terrorism, he won’t even read the intelligence reports. What a scandal! This is our president who took an oath to protect our nation.

This just ads to the dark history of this man, all his shady connections, the lies, the scandals, the denials, the silence, the total abdication of any leadership or courage --- it is all so bizarre. And yet... the greatest threat to this nation is not Obama, it is the leftist mainstream media. It is beyond shameful how this media and political world has covered for him and abdicated some journalistic responsibility to the truth, and to the well being and security of this nation for the sake of “protecting the party line” no matter what the cost.

What is happening in this nation is almost surreal. Like there are some spiritual elements creating some anti-miracle. That he can get away with repeated blatant anti-American activities in full view! How can the media, congress and Americans be so fooled? The world is laughing at us and we pretend there is not a real danger in the White House. It is well beyond a case of the emperor has no clothes on.

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Bombshell: Obama rejects intelligence on known Islamic terrorists

Citing insider White House sources, investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson dropped a bombshell during an interview with Steve Malzberg. Attkisson said President Obama has come to the point where he will not even listen to intelligence reports on certain Islamic terror groups – groups that are listed by the U.S. State Department as involved in international terror against Christians, Jews and other non-Muslims around the world. Attkisson is a former CBS journalist who left that organization after it stifled many of her investigative reports. She now heads up the independent Internet news site Full Measure. Here is an excerpt from her interview Friday with Malzberg:

“I have talked to people who have worked in the Obama administration who firmly believe he has made up his mind, I would say closed his mind, they say, to their intelligence they try to bring him about various groups he does not consider terrorists even if they’re on the U.S. list of designated terrorists. He has his own ideas. There are those who’ve known him for a long time that say this dates back to law school. He’s not necessarily going to listen to the people with whom he disagrees. ...I’ve only been told by those who have allegedly attempted to present him or been in the circle that has attempted to present him with certain intelligence that they said he doesn't want it, he said he doesn't want it or he won't read it in some instances."

O’Reilly: “But how can you say that he doesn’t understand that millions of people – millions of people – are either dying, being dislocated, being tortured, being wounded … and you still, Charles Krauthammer, say he doesn’t care? It doesn’t mean anything to him?”
Krauthammer: “There’s a difference between millions of people suffering and an existential threat to the West, which is what it is, and which is what he denies.”

…former CIA operative Mike Baker, a guest on “Hannity,” described Obama’s actions and attitude with regard to radical Islam as “surreal.”

Then Hannity, in an exchange with psychology expert Dr. Gina Loudon about the Paris terror attacks, observed: “Some good people have a hard time grasping that these people could go into a crowded theater and start shooting innocent men, women and children. That’s just evil, in our time. This president’s not recognizing, won’t recognize – it’s pathological that he won’t recognize radical Islam.”

For the past seven years, sane Americans have been trying to explain Obama, evoking various hypotheses – including the possibility that he’s a genuine sociopath, that is, without conscience.

Fox pundit, long-time ABC News personality and Pulitzer-winning columnist George Will described “Barack Obama’s intellectual sociopathy – his often breezy and sometimes loutish indifference to truth.”

Here’s a typical description of “sociopathy,” so let’s see how it fits: “Sociopaths are often well-liked because of their charm and high charisma, but they do not usually care about other people. They think mainly of themselves and often blame others for the things that they do. They have a complete disregard for rules and lie constantly. They seldom feel guilt or learn from punishments.” Seems like a pretty good fit, but let’s continue.

One veteran forensic psychiatrist I know – an expert witness in thousands of court cases, whose expertise is sizing up criminal/antisocial people and determining what makes them tick – has described Obama to me in terms of “malignant narcissistic personality disorder.” The modifier “malignant” signifies the version of “narcissistic personality disorder” that may cross over into criminality, he explained.

He reviewed with me a list of some of the major symptoms of NPD, comparing them with Obama’s behavior as president. Among the key markers: 1) a grandiose view of one’s achievements (everything with Obama is “historic”), 2) an utter inability to handle criticism (almost everyone criticizing Obama or his policies is attacked as selfish, “partisan” or racist) and 3) lack of genuine empathy. (Obama’s designation of the apocalyptic Paris terror attacks as a “setback” in his foreign policy was reminiscent of his televised speech on the day of the Fort Hood terror attack. With the entire nation reeling in shock and yearning for strong, reassuring words from their commander in chief, Obama instead engaged in small talk and an inane “shout-out” for two full minutes before even mentioning that the worst terrorist attack on American soil since 9/11 had just occurred hours earlier.)

…psychiatrist M. Scott Peck, M.D., explains …All adults who are mentally healthy submit themselves one way or another to something higher than themselves, be it God or truth or love or some other ideal. …They believe in what is true rather than what they would like to be true.

… In summary, to a greater or lesser degree, all mentally healthy individuals submit themselves to the demands of their own conscience. Not so the evil, however. In the conflict between their guilt [i.e., conscience] and their will, it is the guilt that must go and the will that must win.

In every area, Obama demonstrates an unfortunate affinity for that which normal people would describe as destructive, corrupt, evil. Whether this is because Obama is evil at his core, or whether there’s a decent person locked up inside but who has been traumatized and brainwashed – a Manchurian president, programmed not by exotic far-off communist brainwashers, but by a nonstop sequence of corrupting influences throughout his life – is not ours to know.


Read more at Obama: Delusional or something worse?
Thanks be to the clown avatar for invoking the other knee jerk liberal response.
Thanks be? Dude, get out of the 17th century. The King James is Dead. Embrace The Message, fool.

You mean address it like you just did? Apparently leading by example isn't high on your list.

I am not sure why I bothered making this post?

I should have known better the left minded reading this post are the same ones I describe in the text. They are not interested in looking at reality without their predetermined outcomes.

But why then even bother with such a weak response as "Oh, Hannity is mentioned. LOL." No sign of any integrity in that kind of thinking.
Hannity is a moron. Even Michael Savage would say so. An uneducated rube like Hannity has no business having a nationally televised show. The man is a joke and those who cite stuff revealed on his show are jokes. If you watch Hannity and believe what he says you are a joke.
Political observers: “Obama is a sociopath. He has no conscience.”

The article below says Obama does not even want to hear about Islamic terrorism, he won’t even read the intelligence reports. What a scandal! This is our president who took an oath to protect our nation.

This just ads to the dark history of this man, all his shady connections, the lies, the scandals, the denials, the silence, the total abdication of any leadership or courage --- it is all so bizarre. And yet... the greatest threat to this nation is not Obama, it is the leftist mainstream media. It is beyond shameful how this media and political world has covered for him and abdicated some journalistic responsibility to the truth, and to the well being and security of this nation for the sake of “protecting the party line” no matter what the cost.

What is happening in this nation is almost surreal. Like there are some spiritual elements creating some anti-miracle. That he can get away with repeated blatant anti-American activities in full view! How can the media, congress and Americans be so fooled? The world is laughing at us and we pretend there is not a real danger in the White House. It is well beyond a case of the emperor has no clothes on.

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Bombshell: Obama rejects intelligence on known Islamic terrorists

Citing insider White House sources, investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson dropped a bombshell during an interview with Steve Malzberg. Attkisson said President Obama has come to the point where he will not even listen to intelligence reports on certain Islamic terror groups – groups that are listed by the U.S. State Department as involved in international terror against Christians, Jews and other non-Muslims around the world. Attkisson is a former CBS journalist who left that organization after it stifled many of her investigative reports. She now heads up the independent Internet news site Full Measure. Here is an excerpt from her interview Friday with Malzberg:

“I have talked to people who have worked in the Obama administration who firmly believe he has made up his mind, I would say closed his mind, they say, to their intelligence they try to bring him about various groups he does not consider terrorists even if they’re on the U.S. list of designated terrorists. He has his own ideas. There are those who’ve known him for a long time that say this dates back to law school. He’s not necessarily going to listen to the people with whom he disagrees. ...I’ve only been told by those who have allegedly attempted to present him or been in the circle that has attempted to present him with certain intelligence that they said he doesn't want it, he said he doesn't want it or he won't read it in some instances."

O’Reilly: “But how can you say that he doesn’t understand that millions of people – millions of people – are either dying, being dislocated, being tortured, being wounded … and you still, Charles Krauthammer, say he doesn’t care? It doesn’t mean anything to him?”
Krauthammer: “There’s a difference between millions of people suffering and an existential threat to the West, which is what it is, and which is what he denies.”

…former CIA operative Mike Baker, a guest on “Hannity,” described Obama’s actions and attitude with regard to radical Islam as “surreal.”

Then Hannity, in an exchange with psychology expert Dr. Gina Loudon about the Paris terror attacks, observed: “Some good people have a hard time grasping that these people could go into a crowded theater and start shooting innocent men, women and children. That’s just evil, in our time. This president’s not recognizing, won’t recognize – it’s pathological that he won’t recognize radical Islam.”

For the past seven years, sane Americans have been trying to explain Obama, evoking various hypotheses – including the possibility that he’s a genuine sociopath, that is, without conscience.

Fox pundit, long-time ABC News personality and Pulitzer-winning columnist George Will described “Barack Obama’s intellectual sociopathy – his often breezy and sometimes loutish indifference to truth.”

Here’s a typical description of “sociopathy,” so let’s see how it fits: “Sociopaths are often well-liked because of their charm and high charisma, but they do not usually care about other people. They think mainly of themselves and often blame others for the things that they do. They have a complete disregard for rules and lie constantly. They seldom feel guilt or learn from punishments.” Seems like a pretty good fit, but let’s continue.

One veteran forensic psychiatrist I know – an expert witness in thousands of court cases, whose expertise is sizing up criminal/antisocial people and determining what makes them tick – has described Obama to me in terms of “malignant narcissistic personality disorder.” The modifier “malignant” signifies the version of “narcissistic personality disorder” that may cross over into criminality, he explained.

He reviewed with me a list of some of the major symptoms of NPD, comparing them with Obama’s behavior as president. Among the key markers: 1) a grandiose view of one’s achievements (everything with Obama is “historic”), 2) an utter inability to handle criticism (almost everyone criticizing Obama or his policies is attacked as selfish, “partisan” or racist) and 3) lack of genuine empathy. (Obama’s designation of the apocalyptic Paris terror attacks as a “setback” in his foreign policy was reminiscent of his televised speech on the day of the Fort Hood terror attack. With the entire nation reeling in shock and yearning for strong, reassuring words from their commander in chief, Obama instead engaged in small talk and an inane “shout-out” for two full minutes before even mentioning that the worst terrorist attack on American soil since 9/11 had just occurred hours earlier.)

…psychiatrist M. Scott Peck, M.D., explains …All adults who are mentally healthy submit themselves one way or another to something higher than themselves, be it God or truth or love or some other ideal. …They believe in what is true rather than what they would like to be true.

… In summary, to a greater or lesser degree, all mentally healthy individuals submit themselves to the demands of their own conscience. Not so the evil, however. In the conflict between their guilt [i.e., conscience] and their will, it is the guilt that must go and the will that must win.

In every area, Obama demonstrates an unfortunate affinity for that which normal people would describe as destructive, corrupt, evil. Whether this is because Obama is evil at his core, or whether there’s a decent person locked up inside but who has been traumatized and brainwashed – a Manchurian president, programmed not by exotic far-off communist brainwashers, but by a nonstop sequence of corrupting influences throughout his life – is not ours to know.


Read more at Obama: Delusional or something worse?
Thanks be to the clown avatar for invoking the other knee jerk liberal response.
Thanks be? Dude, get out of the 17th century. The King James is Dead. Embrace The Message, fool.

You mean address it like you just did? Apparently leading by example isn't high on your list.

I am not sure why I bothered making this post?

I should have known better the left minded reading this post are the same ones I describe in the text. They are not interested in looking at reality without their predetermined outcomes.

But why then even bother with such a weak response as "Oh, Hannity is mentioned. LOL." No sign of any integrity in that kind of thinking.
Hannity is a moron. Even Michael Savage would say so. An uneducated rube like Hannity has no business having a nationally televised show. The man is a joke and those who cite stuff revealed on his show are jokes. If you watch Hannity and believe what he says you are a joke.

Guess what? This whole post has virtually nothing to do with Hannity!!

Keep your head in the sand, I really do not care.
Political observers: “Obama is a sociopath. He has no conscience.”

The article below says Obama does not even want to hear about Islamic terrorism, he won’t even read the intelligence reports. What a scandal! This is our president who took an oath to protect our nation.

This just ads to the dark history of this man, all his shady connections, the lies, the scandals, the denials, the silence, the total abdication of any leadership or courage --- it is all so bizarre. And yet... the greatest threat to this nation is not Obama, it is the leftist mainstream media. It is beyond shameful how this media and political world has covered for him and abdicated some journalistic responsibility to the truth, and to the well being and security of this nation for the sake of “protecting the party line” no matter what the cost.

What is happening in this nation is almost surreal. Like there are some spiritual elements creating some anti-miracle. That he can get away with repeated blatant anti-American activities in full view! How can the media, congress and Americans be so fooled? The world is laughing at us and we pretend there is not a real danger in the White House. It is well beyond a case of the emperor has no clothes on.

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Bombshell: Obama rejects intelligence on known Islamic terrorists

Citing insider White House sources, investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson dropped a bombshell during an interview with Steve Malzberg. Attkisson said President Obama has come to the point where he will not even listen to intelligence reports on certain Islamic terror groups – groups that are listed by the U.S. State Department as involved in international terror against Christians, Jews and other non-Muslims around the world. Attkisson is a former CBS journalist who left that organization after it stifled many of her investigative reports. She now heads up the independent Internet news site Full Measure. Here is an excerpt from her interview Friday with Malzberg:

“I have talked to people who have worked in the Obama administration who firmly believe he has made up his mind, I would say closed his mind, they say, to their intelligence they try to bring him about various groups he does not consider terrorists even if they’re on the U.S. list of designated terrorists. He has his own ideas. There are those who’ve known him for a long time that say this dates back to law school. He’s not necessarily going to listen to the people with whom he disagrees. ...I’ve only been told by those who have allegedly attempted to present him or been in the circle that has attempted to present him with certain intelligence that they said he doesn't want it, he said he doesn't want it or he won't read it in some instances."

O’Reilly: “But how can you say that he doesn’t understand that millions of people – millions of people – are either dying, being dislocated, being tortured, being wounded … and you still, Charles Krauthammer, say he doesn’t care? It doesn’t mean anything to him?”
Krauthammer: “There’s a difference between millions of people suffering and an existential threat to the West, which is what it is, and which is what he denies.”

…former CIA operative Mike Baker, a guest on “Hannity,” described Obama’s actions and attitude with regard to radical Islam as “surreal.”

Then Hannity, in an exchange with psychology expert Dr. Gina Loudon about the Paris terror attacks, observed: “Some good people have a hard time grasping that these people could go into a crowded theater and start shooting innocent men, women and children. That’s just evil, in our time. This president’s not recognizing, won’t recognize – it’s pathological that he won’t recognize radical Islam.”

For the past seven years, sane Americans have been trying to explain Obama, evoking various hypotheses – including the possibility that he’s a genuine sociopath, that is, without conscience.

Fox pundit, long-time ABC News personality and Pulitzer-winning columnist George Will described “Barack Obama’s intellectual sociopathy – his often breezy and sometimes loutish indifference to truth.”

Here’s a typical description of “sociopathy,” so let’s see how it fits: “Sociopaths are often well-liked because of their charm and high charisma, but they do not usually care about other people. They think mainly of themselves and often blame others for the things that they do. They have a complete disregard for rules and lie constantly. They seldom feel guilt or learn from punishments.” Seems like a pretty good fit, but let’s continue.

One veteran forensic psychiatrist I know – an expert witness in thousands of court cases, whose expertise is sizing up criminal/antisocial people and determining what makes them tick – has described Obama to me in terms of “malignant narcissistic personality disorder.” The modifier “malignant” signifies the version of “narcissistic personality disorder” that may cross over into criminality, he explained.

He reviewed with me a list of some of the major symptoms of NPD, comparing them with Obama’s behavior as president. Among the key markers: 1) a grandiose view of one’s achievements (everything with Obama is “historic”), 2) an utter inability to handle criticism (almost everyone criticizing Obama or his policies is attacked as selfish, “partisan” or racist) and 3) lack of genuine empathy. (Obama’s designation of the apocalyptic Paris terror attacks as a “setback” in his foreign policy was reminiscent of his televised speech on the day of the Fort Hood terror attack. With the entire nation reeling in shock and yearning for strong, reassuring words from their commander in chief, Obama instead engaged in small talk and an inane “shout-out” for two full minutes before even mentioning that the worst terrorist attack on American soil since 9/11 had just occurred hours earlier.)

…psychiatrist M. Scott Peck, M.D., explains …All adults who are mentally healthy submit themselves one way or another to something higher than themselves, be it God or truth or love or some other ideal. …They believe in what is true rather than what they would like to be true.

… In summary, to a greater or lesser degree, all mentally healthy individuals submit themselves to the demands of their own conscience. Not so the evil, however. In the conflict between their guilt [i.e., conscience] and their will, it is the guilt that must go and the will that must win.

In every area, Obama demonstrates an unfortunate affinity for that which normal people would describe as destructive, corrupt, evil. Whether this is because Obama is evil at his core, or whether there’s a decent person locked up inside but who has been traumatized and brainwashed – a Manchurian president, programmed not by exotic far-off communist brainwashers, but by a nonstop sequence of corrupting influences throughout his life – is not ours to know.


Read more at Obama: Delusional or something worse?
Thanks be to the clown avatar for invoking the other knee jerk liberal response.
Thanks be? Dude, get out of the 17th century. The King James is Dead. Embrace The Message, fool.

You mean address it like you just did? Apparently leading by example isn't high on your list.

I am not sure why I bothered making this post?

I should have known better the left minded reading this post are the same ones I describe in the text. They are not interested in looking at reality without their predetermined outcomes.

But why then even bother with such a weak response as "Oh, Hannity is mentioned. LOL." No sign of any integrity in that kind of thinking.
Hannity is a moron. Even Michael Savage would say so. An uneducated rube like Hannity has no business having a nationally televised show. The man is a joke and those who cite stuff revealed on his show are jokes. If you watch Hannity and believe what he says you are a joke.

Guess what? This whole post has virtually nothing to do with Hannity!!

Keep your head in the sand, I really do not care.
Keep my head in the sand about what? What do you think Obama plans to do?
Political observers: “Obama is a sociopath. He has no conscience.”

The article below says Obama does not even want to hear about Islamic terrorism, he won’t even read the intelligence reports. What a scandal! This is our president who took an oath to protect our nation.

This just ads to the dark history of this man, all his shady connections, the lies, the scandals, the denials, the silence, the total abdication of any leadership or courage --- it is all so bizarre. And yet... the greatest threat to this nation is not Obama, it is the leftist mainstream media. It is beyond shameful how this media and political world has covered for him and abdicated some journalistic responsibility to the truth, and to the well being and security of this nation for the sake of “protecting the party line” no matter what the cost.

What is happening in this nation is almost surreal. Like there are some spiritual elements creating some anti-miracle. That he can get away with repeated blatant anti-American activities in full view! How can the media, congress and Americans be so fooled? The world is laughing at us and we pretend there is not a real danger in the White House. It is well beyond a case of the emperor has no clothes on.

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Bombshell: Obama rejects intelligence on known Islamic terrorists

Citing insider White House sources, investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson dropped a bombshell during an interview with Steve Malzberg. Attkisson said President Obama has come to the point where he will not even listen to intelligence reports on certain Islamic terror groups – groups that are listed by the U.S. State Department as involved in international terror against Christians, Jews and other non-Muslims around the world. Attkisson is a former CBS journalist who left that organization after it stifled many of her investigative reports. She now heads up the independent Internet news site Full Measure. Here is an excerpt from her interview Friday with Malzberg:

“I have talked to people who have worked in the Obama administration who firmly believe he has made up his mind, I would say closed his mind, they say, to their intelligence they try to bring him about various groups he does not consider terrorists even if they’re on the U.S. list of designated terrorists. He has his own ideas. There are those who’ve known him for a long time that say this dates back to law school. He’s not necessarily going to listen to the people with whom he disagrees. ...I’ve only been told by those who have allegedly attempted to present him or been in the circle that has attempted to present him with certain intelligence that they said he doesn't want it, he said he doesn't want it or he won't read it in some instances."

O’Reilly: “But how can you say that he doesn’t understand that millions of people – millions of people – are either dying, being dislocated, being tortured, being wounded … and you still, Charles Krauthammer, say he doesn’t care? It doesn’t mean anything to him?”
Krauthammer: “There’s a difference between millions of people suffering and an existential threat to the West, which is what it is, and which is what he denies.”

…former CIA operative Mike Baker, a guest on “Hannity,” described Obama’s actions and attitude with regard to radical Islam as “surreal.”

Then Hannity, in an exchange with psychology expert Dr. Gina Loudon about the Paris terror attacks, observed: “Some good people have a hard time grasping that these people could go into a crowded theater and start shooting innocent men, women and children. That’s just evil, in our time. This president’s not recognizing, won’t recognize – it’s pathological that he won’t recognize radical Islam.”

For the past seven years, sane Americans have been trying to explain Obama, evoking various hypotheses – including the possibility that he’s a genuine sociopath, that is, without conscience.

Fox pundit, long-time ABC News personality and Pulitzer-winning columnist George Will described “Barack Obama’s intellectual sociopathy – his often breezy and sometimes loutish indifference to truth.”

Here’s a typical description of “sociopathy,” so let’s see how it fits: “Sociopaths are often well-liked because of their charm and high charisma, but they do not usually care about other people. They think mainly of themselves and often blame others for the things that they do. They have a complete disregard for rules and lie constantly. They seldom feel guilt or learn from punishments.” Seems like a pretty good fit, but let’s continue.

One veteran forensic psychiatrist I know – an expert witness in thousands of court cases, whose expertise is sizing up criminal/antisocial people and determining what makes them tick – has described Obama to me in terms of “malignant narcissistic personality disorder.” The modifier “malignant” signifies the version of “narcissistic personality disorder” that may cross over into criminality, he explained.

He reviewed with me a list of some of the major symptoms of NPD, comparing them with Obama’s behavior as president. Among the key markers: 1) a grandiose view of one’s achievements (everything with Obama is “historic”), 2) an utter inability to handle criticism (almost everyone criticizing Obama or his policies is attacked as selfish, “partisan” or racist) and 3) lack of genuine empathy. (Obama’s designation of the apocalyptic Paris terror attacks as a “setback” in his foreign policy was reminiscent of his televised speech on the day of the Fort Hood terror attack. With the entire nation reeling in shock and yearning for strong, reassuring words from their commander in chief, Obama instead engaged in small talk and an inane “shout-out” for two full minutes before even mentioning that the worst terrorist attack on American soil since 9/11 had just occurred hours earlier.)

…psychiatrist M. Scott Peck, M.D., explains …All adults who are mentally healthy submit themselves one way or another to something higher than themselves, be it God or truth or love or some other ideal. …They believe in what is true rather than what they would like to be true.

… In summary, to a greater or lesser degree, all mentally healthy individuals submit themselves to the demands of their own conscience. Not so the evil, however. In the conflict between their guilt [i.e., conscience] and their will, it is the guilt that must go and the will that must win.

In every area, Obama demonstrates an unfortunate affinity for that which normal people would describe as destructive, corrupt, evil. Whether this is because Obama is evil at his core, or whether there’s a decent person locked up inside but who has been traumatized and brainwashed – a Manchurian president, programmed not by exotic far-off communist brainwashers, but by a nonstop sequence of corrupting influences throughout his life – is not ours to know.


Read more at Obama: Delusional or something worse?
Thanks be? Dude, get out of the 17th century. The King James is Dead. Embrace The Message, fool.

You mean address it like you just did? Apparently leading by example isn't high on your list.

I am not sure why I bothered making this post?

I should have known better the left minded reading this post are the same ones I describe in the text. They are not interested in looking at reality without their predetermined outcomes.

But why then even bother with such a weak response as "Oh, Hannity is mentioned. LOL." No sign of any integrity in that kind of thinking.
Hannity is a moron. Even Michael Savage would say so. An uneducated rube like Hannity has no business having a nationally televised show. The man is a joke and those who cite stuff revealed on his show are jokes. If you watch Hannity and believe what he says you are a joke.

Guess what? This whole post has virtually nothing to do with Hannity!!

Keep your head in the sand, I really do not care.
Keep my head in the sand about what? What do you think Obama plans to do?

"How can the media and liberals let our president get away with this."

The problem isn't democrats, 'the media,' or the president – the problem is a minority of out of touch conservatives, partisan extremist outliers attempting to contrive ridiculous lies about the president for some perceived political gain.

Consequently, no one is 'getting away' with anything.
The response from the liberals will be that the article mostly names, unnamed sources. When they do, bring up one name, Deepthroat and what that unnamed person meant to a president.

Also to believe how the liberals believe is to think that everyone lies that does not form a line behind them. They have to believe that people will put their credibility on the line by lying. Yet, the left and especially Dan Rather never do? I just wonder how many still believe Dan Rather's information was correct.

So you are now willing to accept as fact every unsubstantiated claim about every conservative.
My response is, "you're citing WND?!?!" :laugh2:
Are you for real? : O

I would be embarrassed.

I would be embarrassed using WND as a source too.

Your article has been disqualified as news. It's a biased opinion piece masquerading as news. An actual NEWS story is one that contains no characterizations of people or incidents. Any so-called news story that puts any layer of approval or disapproval on the reporting of an incident is not NEWS.

News is what happened. Bias is the spin put on it by celebrity performers who want to tell you what to think about what happened, tell you what emotion you should experience according to their perception, not your own.

Why do you need to be told how to think and feel, is the question?
The response from the liberals will be that the article mostly names, unnamed sources. When they do, bring up one name, Deepthroat and what that unnamed person meant to a president.

Also to believe how the liberals believe is to think that everyone lies that does not form a line behind them. They have to believe that people will put their credibility on the line by lying. Yet, the left and especially Dan Rather never do? I just wonder how many still believe Dan Rather's information was correct.

So you are now willing to accept as fact every unsubstantiated claim about every conservative.

Since Nixon I am more then interested in investigating claims and not just rejecting them out of hand.

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