How can Obama pick this person for the Supreme Court?

What Supreme Court Justices were not judges prior to being nominated to the Supreme Court?

Chief Justices
John Jay..............................Governor
John Rutledge......................Governor
Oliver Ellsworth....................Senator
John Marshall.......................Secretary of State
Roger Taney.........................Secretary of the Treasury, U.S. Attorney General
Salmon Chase......................Secretary of the Treasury, Governor
Morrison Waite.....................Lawyer
Melville Fuller.......................Representative
Edward White.......................Lawyer
William Howard Taft..............U.S. President
Charles Hughes....................Secretary of State
Harlan Stone........................Attorney General
Fred Vinson..........................Secretary of the Treasury
Earl Warren..........................Governor

Associate Justices
William Cushing...................Member, Continental Congress
James Wilson......................Member, Continental Congress
William Paterson..................Governor
Samuel Chase.....................Member, Maryland General Assembly; Continental Congress
Bushrod Washington............Lawyer
William Johnson..................Representative, S.C. House
Henry B. Livingston.............Military
Gabriel Duvall.....................Representative
Joseph Story.......................Representative
Smith Thompson.................Secretary of the Navy
John McLean.......................Unknown
Henry Baldwin....................Representative
James M. Wayne.................Mayor, Representative
Philip P. Barbour..................Representative
John McKinley.....................Senator, Representative
Levi Woodbury....................Governor, Secretary of the Treasury, Secretary of the Navy
Benjamin Curtis..................Lawyer
John Campbell....................Lawyer
Nathan Clifford....................Attorney General
Noah Swayne......................Member, Ohio Legislature, U.S. Attorney
Samuel Miller......................Lawyer
David Davis........................Senator
Joseph Bradley....................Lawyer
John M. Harlan (I)...............Kentucky Attorney General
Stanley Matthews................U.S. Attorney, Military
Horace Gray........................Lawyer
Lucius Lamar.......................Member, Georgia House, Secretary of the Interior
George Shiras, Jr.................Lawyer
Howell Jackson....................Member, Tennessee House
Edward D. White..................Lawyer
William Henry Moody............Attorney General
Mahlon Pitney.....................Congress (office unspecified)
James McReynolds...............Attorney General
Louis Brandeis.....................Lawyer
George Sutherland...............Congress (office unspecified)
Pierce Butler.......................Lawyer
Edward Sanford...................Attorney General
Owen Roberts......................Assistant District Attorney
Hugo L. Black......................Senator
Stanley Forman Reed...........Solicitor General
Felix Frankfurter..................Lawyer
William O. Douglas...............Law Professor, Chairman of SEC
Frank Murphy......................Mayor, Governor, Attorney General
James Francis Byrnes...........Secretary of State
Robert H. Jackson................Attorney General
Harold Hitz Burton................Senator
Tom Clark...........................Attorney General
John M. Harlan (II)..............Lawyer
Arthur J. Goldberg...............Secretary of Labor
Abe Fortas..........................President and Chairman of the SEC
Thurgood Marshall...............Lawyer
Lewis F. Powell....................Lawyer

I think the right is going have to come up with something a lot better than she never served as a judge or a conflict of interest because she worked for the administrative branch.

WikiAnswers - What Supreme Court Justices were not judges prior to being nominated to the Supreme Court
Why Obama is picking this new person to be on the supreme court is beyond me. Doesn't anyone see the conflict of interest of having a member of the prosecuting team be on the supreme court. Every case that is going to be argued will have a supreme court justice that has sympathies for the prosecuting team. This would not be a fair and balanced jury in any case.

Are you serious???
No experience?

She is the Solicitor General. That makes her the TOP LITIGATOR in the United States.

Now, you want to talk about experience? How many cases was Thomas involved in as "judge"?
Why Obama is picking this new person to be on the supreme court is beyond me. Doesn't anyone see the conflict of interest of having a member of the prosecuting team be on the supreme court. Every case that is going to be argued will have a supreme court justice that has sympathies for the prosecuting team. This would not be a fair and balanced jury in any case.

“Every case that is going to be argued will have a supreme court justice that has sympathies for the prosecuting team. This would not be a fair and balanced jury in any case.” Using your logic, every prosecutor who served on the court, and there have been many, would have sympathies for the prosecuting team. Who’s to say that a governor or legislator serving on the court would not have his or her own bias in some government cases?

BTW The Solicitor General represents the interest of the US government and argues only those cases in which the US government interest is involved. The role of prosecutor does not necessarily apply to the Solicitor.

Solicitor General of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
No experience?

She is the Solicitor General. That makes her the TOP LITIGATOR in the United States.

Now, you want to talk about experience? How many cases was Thomas involved in as "judge"?

Whereas I agree that a litigator is no less capable of being a SCOTUS judge than a precticing judge, I disagree that being the appoointed top litigator for the US is evidence that sher would make a great judge.

Heck, do you think Robert Shapiro would make a great SCOTUS judge?

I dont give a hoot who is the President that taps the shoulder of a contender. All I care about is a proven ability to see things clearly from all sides.

And I can not find squat about her that proves this.

What criteria did Obama use to pick her? Gut feeling? Is that how it is supposed to be done?

I dont think so.
Why Obama is picking this new person to be on the supreme court is beyond me. Doesn't anyone see the conflict of interest of having a member of the prosecuting team be on the supreme court. Every case that is going to be argued will have a supreme court justice that has sympathies for the prosecuting team. This would not be a fair and balanced jury in any case.

Dude, do you have interwebs tourette syndrome?
Why Obama is picking this new person to be on the supreme court is beyond me. Doesn't anyone see the conflict of interest of having a member of the prosecuting team be on the supreme court. Every case that is going to be argued will have a supreme court justice that has sympathies for the prosecuting team. This would not be a fair and balanced jury in any case.

Uh, you do know that if confirmed Kagan would quit her day job, right? Being a Supremie isn't a part time gig.

Unless you want a green kid right out of law school, all Supremies come from somewhere and bring their experiences with them in the way they view and approach law. There have been many practitioners in addition to judges and academics, and IMO a balance of backgrounds makes for a balanced Court.

I don't know enough yet about her stances to have an opinion on her yet, but saying she's unfit simply because she's a "prosecutor" (not entirely accurate) is ridiculous.
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I think the right is going have to come up with something a lot better than she never served as a judge or a conflict of interest because she worked for the administrative branch.

How about this one: She may be the first person nominated for the Supreme Court whose nomination to a lower court was filibustered. She was actually nominated to the DC Circuit in 1999.
What on earth does a fair and partial jury have to do with the Supreme Court?

And it's obvious why he picked her. She is like him.
You can ALWAYS tell a mindless DittoTard drone parroting the talking points they were programmed to echo. :cuckoo: :rofl:

Barack Obama Chooses Himself
May 10, 2010
RUSH: Look, Obama has chosen himself in a different gender, sexual gender.* Identical.

First, I said this before Rush was even on.

Second, I havent heard Rush's opinion on the matter.

Third, look at her record.

If Rush agrees with me, great. He isn't exactly a moron. Maybe if you spent time actually evaluating the arguments instead of pretending an argument has no merit simply based on who says it, you would learn something.
What Supreme Court Justices were not judges prior to being nominated to the Supreme Court?

Chief Justices
John Jay..............................Governor
John Rutledge......................Governor
Oliver Ellsworth....................Senator
John Marshall.......................Secretary of State
Roger Taney.........................Secretary of the Treasury, U.S. Attorney General
Salmon Chase......................Secretary of the Treasury, Governor
Morrison Waite.....................Lawyer
Melville Fuller.......................Representative
Edward White.......................Lawyer
William Howard Taft..............U.S. President
Charles Hughes....................Secretary of State
Harlan Stone........................Attorney General
Fred Vinson..........................Secretary of the Treasury
Earl Warren..........................Governor

Associate Justices
William Cushing...................Member, Continental Congress
James Wilson......................Member, Continental Congress
William Paterson..................Governor
Samuel Chase.....................Member, Maryland General Assembly; Continental Congress
Bushrod Washington............Lawyer
William Johnson..................Representative, S.C. House
Henry B. Livingston.............Military
Gabriel Duvall.....................Representative
Joseph Story.......................Representative
Smith Thompson.................Secretary of the Navy
John McLean.......................Unknown
Henry Baldwin....................Representative
James M. Wayne.................Mayor, Representative
Philip P. Barbour..................Representative
John McKinley.....................Senator, Representative
Levi Woodbury....................Governor, Secretary of the Treasury, Secretary of the Navy
Benjamin Curtis..................Lawyer
John Campbell....................Lawyer
Nathan Clifford....................Attorney General
Noah Swayne......................Member, Ohio Legislature, U.S. Attorney
Samuel Miller......................Lawyer
David Davis........................Senator
Joseph Bradley....................Lawyer
John M. Harlan (I)...............Kentucky Attorney General
Stanley Matthews................U.S. Attorney, Military
Horace Gray........................Lawyer
Lucius Lamar.......................Member, Georgia House, Secretary of the Interior
George Shiras, Jr.................Lawyer
Howell Jackson....................Member, Tennessee House
Edward D. White..................Lawyer
William Henry Moody............Attorney General
Mahlon Pitney.....................Congress (office unspecified)
James McReynolds...............Attorney General
Louis Brandeis.....................Lawyer
George Sutherland...............Congress (office unspecified)
Pierce Butler.......................Lawyer
Edward Sanford...................Attorney General
Owen Roberts......................Assistant District Attorney
Hugo L. Black......................Senator
Stanley Forman Reed...........Solicitor General
Felix Frankfurter..................Lawyer
William O. Douglas...............Law Professor, Chairman of SEC
Frank Murphy......................Mayor, Governor, Attorney General
James Francis Byrnes...........Secretary of State
Robert H. Jackson................Attorney General
Harold Hitz Burton................Senator
Tom Clark...........................Attorney General
John M. Harlan (II)..............Lawyer
Arthur J. Goldberg...............Secretary of Labor
Abe Fortas..........................President and Chairman of the SEC
Thurgood Marshall...............Lawyer
Lewis F. Powell....................Lawyer

I think the right is going have to come up with something a lot better than she never served as a judge or a conflict of interest because she worked for the administrative branch.

WikiAnswers - What Supreme Court Justices were not judges prior to being nominated to the Supreme Court

OKay....she's ugly as shit....she makes Sotomeyer look like Jaylo.
What on earth does a fair and partial jury have to do with the Supreme Court?

And it's obvious why he picked her. She is like him.
You can ALWAYS tell a mindless DittoTard drone parroting the talking points they were programmed to echo. :cuckoo: :rofl:

Barack Obama Chooses Himself
May 10, 2010
RUSH: Look, Obama has chosen himself in a different gender, sexual gender.* Identical.

Doesn't take a public figure like Rush to see:

1. No prior experience in the job.
2. Elistist to the core.
3. Avoids statements which would reveal their true intentions.
4. Plays the male lead.
5. Will be in a job way beyond their abilities.
What on earth does a fair and partial jury have to do with the Supreme Court?

And it's obvious why he picked her. She is like him.
You can ALWAYS tell a mindless DittoTard drone parroting the talking points they were programmed to echo. :cuckoo: :rofl:

Barack Obama Chooses Himself
May 10, 2010
RUSH: Look, Obama has chosen himself in a different gender, sexual gender.* Identical.

Doesn't take a public figure like Rush to see:

1. No prior experience in the job.
2. Elistist to the core.
3. Avoids statements which would reveal their true intentions.
4. Plays the male lead.
5. Will be in a job way beyond their abilities.

What on earth does a fair and partial jury have to do with the Supreme Court?

And it's obvious why he picked her. She is like him.
You can ALWAYS tell a mindless DittoTard drone parroting the talking points they were programmed to echo. :cuckoo: :rofl:

Barack Obama Chooses Himself
May 10, 2010
RUSH: Look, Obama has chosen himself in a different gender, sexual gender.* Identical.

Doesn't take a public figure like Rush to see:

1. No prior experience in the job.
2. Elistist to the core.
3. Avoids statements which would reveal their true intentions.
4. Plays the male lead.
5. Will be in a job way beyond their abilities.

USAToday claims she's gonna show Tenacity...use a strong if she's gonna run roughshod over folks that run circles around her when it comes to legal knowledge.

I suggest she STFU and listen.
You can ALWAYS tell a mindless DittoTard drone parroting the talking points they were programmed to echo. :cuckoo: :rofl:

Barack Obama Chooses Himself
May 10, 2010
RUSH: Look, Obama has chosen himself in a different gender, sexual gender.* Identical.

Doesn't take a public figure like Rush to see:

1. No prior experience in the job.
2. Elistist to the core.
3. Avoids statements which would reveal their true intentions.
4. Plays the male lead.
5. Will be in a job way beyond their abilities.

USAToday claims she's gonna show Tenacity...use a strong if she's gonna run roughshod over folks that run circles around her when it comes to legal knowledge.

I suggest she STFU and listen.

Let me guess, you'd do better.

She is qualified. I don't know enough about her opinions to know if I like her per se, but there's nothing wrong with her resume.
Doesn't take a public figure like Rush to see:

1. No prior experience in the job.
2. Elistist to the core.
3. Avoids statements which would reveal their true intentions.
4. Plays the male lead.
5. Will be in a job way beyond their abilities.

USAToday claims she's gonna show Tenacity...use a strong if she's gonna run roughshod over folks that run circles around her when it comes to legal knowledge.

I suggest she STFU and listen.

Let me guess, you'd do better.

She is qualified. I don't know enough about her opinions to know if I like her per se, but there's nothing wrong with her resume.

Not many people seem to. I would have thought the left had deeper bench than this.
USAToday claims she's gonna show Tenacity...use a strong if she's gonna run roughshod over folks that run circles around her when it comes to legal knowledge.

I suggest she STFU and listen.

Let me guess, you'd do better.

She is qualified. I don't know enough about her opinions to know if I like her per se, but there's nothing wrong with her resume.

Not many people seem to. I would have thought the left had deeper bench than this.

If she'd been on the bench it would make finding her stances easier. That's one thing about a practitioner as opposed to an academic who's been publishing or a judge who's been issuing opinions, it'll take some research to get the real story on her. Too bad the confirmation hearings aren't more than a dog and pony show. And the media is worthless on this kind of thing, even the ones without a dog in the partisan fight oversimplify to the point of inaccuracy assuming we're all idiots.
She is the Solicitor General, the top legal representation in the Supreme Court.

Ya all crazy, ya heah.

Yes, she will win ratification by 71 to 29 at the best, 64 to 36 at the worst, and she will be far better than Alito and potentially as good as Roberts.

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