How big of a Defeat for the Ds are we Looking at?

The hearsay Whistle blower purportedly violated numerous statutes such as using hearsay evidence for anything but what is said by confidential Informants. It looks like Barr may be a busy bee until the election and even D voters are polling like they think this could be the dumbest stunt the Ds have ever pulled. Is it?

Worse than that, he's blowing the whistle over what? Tell me what law Trump broke? Perhaps a high crime? No? Then a misdemeanor then perhaps? Nadda. In fact, the more the D's pursue this, which they can do only through sheer outright lies and propaganda to the public, the more they open themselves instead to investigation. :auiqs.jpg:

Oh yeah only their mafia and cartel bosses can save the DEs from a serious beat down.
The hearsay Whistle blower purportedly violated numerous statutes such as using hearsay evidence for anything but what is said by confidential Informants. It looks like Barr may be a busy bee until the election and even D voters are polling like they think this could be the dumbest stunt the Ds have ever pulled. Is it?
If Trump wins the next election we lose our democratic republic. We move away from our Constitution of seperation of powers to a monarchy. An all powerful President without checks from other branches of government.
If that is what the electorate comes up with we get what we deserve. The absolute dumb shit Trump supporters do not realize when the monarchy changes to the other side they will lose big time. The US has never had a more pathetic, dumb shit group of citizens as the Trumpp supporters.

One of the big reasons Trump won was because people were sick of the political royal families. Do you realize that either a Bush or Clinton was working in the White House at the highest levels for over 30 consecutive years?
This is the only whistle that will be remember forever....the others don't matter really....:auiqs.jpg: haaaaaaa

Democrats have done so much excellent digging of the hole they're in, they're expecting to pop out in China any day now.

Some sources close to a source said so.
Here's a scorecard to consider:

3 GOP and 1 Dim Senator are not running for reelection.
Name Party State Date announced
Lamar Alexander Republican Tennessee December 17, 2018
Mike Enzi Republican Wyoming May 4, 2019
Pat Roberts Republican Kansas January 4, 2019
Tom Udall Democratic New Mexico March 25, 2019

Seems to be 3 safe GOP seats and possibly a pick-up in NM.

As of September 23, 2019, 21 representatives said they will not seek re-election to their U.S. House seats.

  • 5 Democratic members of the U.S. House
  • 16 Republican members of the U.S. House
Again, one has to check them out to see what the chances are for each. The list is @ List of U.S. Congress incumbents who are not running for re-election in 2020 - Ballotpedia
The hearsay Whistle blower purportedly violated numerous statutes such as using hearsay evidence for anything but what is said by confidential Informants. It looks like Barr may be a busy bee until the election and even D voters are polling like they think this could be the dumbest stunt the Ds have ever pulled. Is it?
If Trump wins the next election we lose our democratic republic...
OMG ... the sky is falling!!! It's the end of the world!!!

No Chicken Little, it's just the end of your "progressive" world.

seperation of powers was progressive in the 1700's. It is not progessive in 2020.
Trump supporters are so fricking stupid, they do not know that Trump is taking us away from the principles that we built our country on. Our founding fathers knew the tyranny of a monarchy. They put fail safes in our Constitution to prevent an over powerful leader. Trump is stripping the fail safes. The absolute dumd shit Trump supporters do not see it. God forgive them for their absolute stupidity that their children and grandchildren will pay the price for.
Monarchy? :laughing0301:

So just to recap, thanks to wildly popular policies such as open borders, gun-confiscation, abortion, socialism, and impeachment-in lieu-of-election-victories (just to name a few) the fascist Dems have made themselves unsuited for and undeserving of high office.

They have already managed to alienate many of the independent voters they need to have a chance at beating Trump, and even centrist Dems - the less loony-left - are shaking their heads in dismay and disgust.

We are looking at a Red Tsunami in 2020 that not only will relegate the Democrat Socialist Party impotent, it will sweep away many of the swampers - both Dem & Repub - who have made our federal gov't a place of self-serving scumbags who serve America's interests only if and when it serves their own.
Do not underestimate the Democratic Party. If the Trump voting bloc turns on him between now and the election, the people are more likely to punish the GOP going into 2020. The electorate is short sighted and fickle.

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