House Budget Deal Breakdown


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Budget & gun control legislation not goin' anywhere...

Major disagreements hobble Congress budget talks
Thu Dec 10, 2015 - The U.S. Congress is nowhere near reaching a deal on government funding, a senior lawmaker said on Thursday, as Republicans who control both chambers struggled to meet conservative demands and show they can avoid agency shutdowns.
With a Friday midnight deadline clearly impossible to meet, the Senate approved a stopgap measure extending the deadline for when the money runs out through next Wednesday. The House of Representatives was expected to pass the stopgap bill on Friday. If Congress cannot pass the funding bill by Wednesday, it will either have to approve another stop-gap funding measure or risk pushing Washington into its second shutdown since 2013.

At the same time, Republicans continued negotiating with Democrats on the $1.15 trillion package to fund government through September, 2016. Republican Representative Hal Rogers, who chairs the House Appropriations Committee that writes spending bills, said negotiations on the longer-term bill were inching forward but "We're not close to a TD," using the abbreviation for the American football term "touchdown."

Controversial issues driving a wedge between Republicans and President Barack Obama's Democrats plagued the negotiations. House Speaker Paul Ryan said the sides were "trading offers, we're talking to each other." But he refused to guarantee that a deal will be reached by Wednesday. Many, but not all, of the disagreements are related to Congress' response to recent gun massacres in Paris and California that are in some way related to Islamic State and have riveted world attention.


See also:

House blocks effort to force vote on gun legislation
Thu Dec 10, 2015 - The Republican-run House of Representatives on Thursday blocked a Democratic effort to consider bipartisan gun control legislation in the wake of repeated, highly publicized mass shootings in the United States.
Voting along party lines by 242 to 173, the House blocked the effort by Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi to bring to the floor a bill that would allow the government to ban suspected terrorists from legally purchasing guns. "It is shocking to the American people that Congress refuses to keep guns out of the hands of those on the FBI's terrorist watch list," Pelosi said, arguing for consideration of the bill by Representative Peter King, a Republican, and co-sponsored by many Democrats.

Pelosi, a California Democrat, said it was a "disgrace" that Congress had not taken any action since the shooting deaths of 20 children in a Connecticut school three years ago. But her motion was ruled out of order and the House voted to table her appeal, blocking her effort. Following recent mass shootings in California, where a married couple killed 14 people, and Colorado, where a man shot three people to death in a Planned Parenthood clinic, Democrats say public sentiment is turning in their favor on gun control. The Democrats have been seeking to get Republican leaders, who control both houses of Congress, to take up legislation. But in the Senate, lawmakers last week rejected expanding background checks for gun purchases just a day after the California killings.

Republican leaders say they oppose King's bill because the government can mistakenly place innocent people on watch lists, and the effect would be to deny these innocent people their constitutional rights to purchase guns. The powerful National Rifle Association has also advanced that argument. Democrats have not given up trying to bring up King's bill for a vote in the House. They are collecting signatures on a "discharge petition" to bring it to the floor but need 218 House members to succeed.

House blocks effort to force vote on gun legislation
Budget through next Sept. reached...

Congress negotiators get tax, spending deal: lawmakers
Tue Dec 15, 2015 - Congressional negotiators on Tuesday wrapped up a sprawling deal to keep the U.S. government operating through next September, while setting new policies ranging from repealing a 40-year-old ban on oil exports to making many business tax breaks permanent, according to Republican lawmakers.
House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan told his rank-and-file Republicans that weeks of negotiations with Democrats had culminated in a deal that would eliminate any possibility of government shutdowns until at least next October, according to lawmakers present. "That's my understanding, that there is agreement on both tax extenders and the omnibus" spending bill," Representative John Kline told reporters upon leaving a closed-door meeting of House Republicans.

Republican lawmakers added that Ryan will put the tax and spending bills to a vote on Thursday, just before they leave town for the rest of the year. The Senate is also expected to vote by week's end. A senior Senate Democratic aide told Reuters that the legislative language was being reviewed to make sure it "reflects the negotiations." Even some of the most conservative House Republicans, who leveled searing criticisms of former Speaker John Boehner before he resigned in October, left the meeting with Ryan upbeat.

Representative Steve King said he thought it would be difficult to pass the spending bill in the Republican-controlled House. But he told reporters that Ryan "got the best bargain that I think can be negotiated." Representative Ann Wagner confirmed that in return for a repeal of the oil export ban, Democrats won temporary tax breaks to boost wind and solar development, an important priority for President Barack Obama in the aftermath of a Paris climate change deal that calls for significant reductions in carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels.

Other elements of the two bills that are expected to move through Congress in coming days, according to Republican lawmakers, include:
Trillions More of YOUR Dollars

The big bill that'll be voted on tonight is the usual Washington deal-making boondoggle with lots and lots of tax money going to all sorts of places. Just think, these are the characters involved in putting it together:

Speaker John Boehner. Huh? Isn't he gone already?

Speaker Paul Ryan
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnel
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi
Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid

With this cast, what can possible go wrong?

Read all the lurid details @ Here's What's in Congress' Spending and Tax Package

Lawmakers Won’t Have Much Time to Read Spending Bill Topping 2,000 Pages @ Lawmakers Won’t Have Long to Read Huge Spending Bill Is this another, “You have to pass it to know what's in it?”
I'll give Ryan credit as he cares about infrastructure, science, r&d and education!!! Very important in keeping America strong and moving foward.

Thank you Speaker for doing your job!!! Would be nice if you cut the tax breaks out and closed some loopholes.

His parting shot's gonna make you hide your wallets.

The House budget proposal is so good, Senate Republicans are already balking at the idea of passing it.

Read more @ House Budget Deal Breakdown: It's a Cluster

Massive Budget Deal Vote Violates Another Boehner Pledge - See more at: Massive Budget Deal Vote Violates Another Boehner Pledge - Tea Party News
Well now, most didn't have to worry about that with the last GOP President. With his parting shot, most people's wallets were empty.
800 billion in tax cuts with no offsets.

Is that the vaunted Republican accountability they talk so much about.

And all that worrying about the ballooning deficit under Obama. Then the Republicans make it worse. Again.

WTF is wrong with Republicans?
Lying hypocrits is the answer.
It ain't gonna stop the jihadis from comin' here an' killin' people...

Judiciary Chair: Spending Deal Makes No Change to Visa Program That 'Poses Significant National Security Risks'
December 17, 2015 | An ongoing visa program that allows foreigners who invest in U.S. businesses to obtain a green card and a pathway to citizenship is “plagued by fraud and abuse” and “poses significant national security risks,” yet it was unchanged and fully funded in the omnibus appropriations bill, said Senator Charles Grassley (R-Iowa) today.
The House is scheduled to vote on the $1.1 trillion omnibus spending bill, the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2016, on Friday, Dec. 18. In his Thursday statement on the Senate floor, Senator Grassley, who is chairman of the Judiciary Committee, said, “At 1:30AM Wednesday morning, an omnibus appropriations bill was filed to keep the government operating for the remainder of the fiscal year. This bill, which will be voted on by the House on Friday, includes a straight and clean extension of a program called the EB-5 Immigrant Investor program.”

“This program has been plagued by fraud and abuse,” said the senator. “But more importantly, it poses significant national security risks. Allegations suggesting the EB-5 program may be facilitating terrorist travel, economic espionage, money laundering and investment fraud are too serious to ignore.” “Yet, the omnibus bill fails to include much needed reforms,” he said. “The spending bill being considered by the House and Senate is a major disappointment. I’m frustrated that, despite the alarm bells and whistleblowers warning us about the program, Republican and Democrat leadership in the House and Senate decided to simply extend the program without any changes. This was a missed opportunity.”

In the EB-5 Immigrant Investor Program, foreigners (and their spouses and unmarried children) are able to apply for a green card (permanent residence) in the United States if they invest at least $1 million in an American business or at least $500,000 in a U.S. business that is in a high unemployment or rural area, what is called a Targeted Employment Area, according to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. Senator Grassley further said, “It is widely acknowledged that the EB-5 program is riddled with flaws and corruption. … The Government Accountability Office, the media, industry experts, members of congress, and federal agency officials, have concurred that the program is a serious problem with serious vulnerabilities.”

you get to september 23rd and people say, ‘oh crap! an annual appropriations process needs to be done annually. well we better manufacture a false choice between funding the government at 102% of last year’s level, or 0%.’ then the choice is almost always in late september. let’s do everything we did last year and then just grow government a little bit with no accountability or you’re supposedly for a shut down. when it comes to the budget, members of congress “are willing to nibble around tiny margins instead of taking responsibility for whether or not we’re bankrupting our kids.
Sadly, the "budget deal" was in the works for months. It was already screwed up before Ryan got to it. He did his best with what he had and got a few things included the RINOs really didn't want.

He's already indicated there will be some rule changes in the next session to try to open up and fix this crap.

Time will tell.
what passes for serious in DC: budgets that take decades to "balance" in year 34 or so. it's why we need a balanced budget amendment & term limits
the bill added $50 billion in spending which was not off-set – which means it simply gets added to the deficit. here's another way to think of this: $50 billion equates to roughly an additional $400 of federal spending per American family. based on what you know, would you rather be billed for the extra $400 this year, or spend it on Christmas presents?
congressional tenure is what got us here, primaries are what get us back on top!

'tenure' gets you omnibus, debt, planned parenthood and amnesty! term limits get you a return to sanity!
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Paul Ryan is a traitor, bribe taker, and a real weasel!
The Omnibus Bill has screwed the American people & the Republican Party, if this is the best we have we need new leadership!
there has to be something that speaks to the base. Paul needs to realize the honeymoon is over & start bringing some conservative policy.
there has to be something that speaks to the base. Paul needs to realize the honeymoon is over & start bringing some conservative policy.
I think we will see some major changes in the next session of the House. Some people are moving into influential positions that may provide some interesting results.
in the next congress, Speaker Gowdy will lead the Republicans in a REVOLUTION to cut taxes, cut spending, grow jobs, repeal obamacare, and if need be, impeach Hillary Rodham Clinton!

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