Homosexuals say they didn't identify as homosexual until after sexually molested

That is what they're saying.

My point is, based on WHAT??? They're saying that in order to HIDE the fact that they are victims.

There was a survey done that the CDC looked at, as well as previous studies supposedly.

HIV/STD Risks in Young Men Who Have Sex with Men Who Do Not Disclose Their Sexual Orientation --- Six U.S. Cities, 1994--2000

That this is an attempt to hide anyone as victims is speculation that I don't agree with. I'll admit it might be a motivation for some, but I find it hard to credit the idea that the entirety, or even the majority, of the CDC is out to lower age limits or hide underage victims of sexual abuse, homosexual or heterosexual.

How odd then that all their studies on the increased HIV infection rate of underaged boys seeks to paint the boys as consenting sexual partners....and also identifies them as "homosexual" when they admit they don't identify themselves as homosexual.

Interesting, no?

They aren't homosexual, they were forced into homosexual relationships when they were UNDERAGE.

Do they not identify themselves as homosexual, or do they not identify themselves as homosexual publicly?

I think the point was that, at least in the survey, they were willing to identify as homosexual anonymously, but many were unwilling to do so publicly.

Whether they are painted as consenting sexual partners or not, I can't say. I haven't seen anything one way or the other. I haven't looked in depth, though, so I'm not going to just deny it.
They do not admit to being homosexual. And then (shocker) they get girlfriends.

So you figure it out. Give the CDC a call. I didn't get the impression that they (the young men) were identifying as homosexual. I didn't get the impression that they were doing anything other than contracting HIV while underage, from men, and in order to prevent any sort of censure against HIV positive homosexual males who are having (consensual, I'm sure) sex with underage boys, the CDC labeled the boys as homosexual....but homosexuals who never ADMITTED they were homosexual...and apparently had never been considered homosexual by anyone else, and who were being diagnosed with HIV years after they were allegedly *non-reporting* homosexuals, when they have sex with their GIRLFRIENDS who they infect unknowingly.

Stupid underaged non-reporting men having sex with men need to be *educated* even younger!
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"Sixty-eight percent of the present homosexual male participants and 38% of the present homosexual female participants (68 and 36%, respectively, if including just the homosexual fair participants) did not identify as homosexual until after the molestation."

Particularly interesting given the fact that the HIV infection rate for "Men having Sex with Men" or "MSMs" ages 13-24 (yup, apparently 13 year olds who are too young to give consent are being considered as "men" by the CDC these days) continues to skyrocket.

But all these 13 y.o. (now) HIV infected "MSMs" were BORN that way. Uh huh.

A major study of child abuse and homosexuality revisited

That's gonna leave a mark... :rofl:


They do not admit to being homosexual. And then (shocker) they get girlfriends.

So you figure it out. Give the CDC a call. I didn't get the impression that they (the young men) were identifying as homosexual. I didn't get the impression that they were doing anything other than contracting HIV while underage, from men, and in order to prevent any sort of censure against HIV positive homosexual males who are having (consensual, I'm sure) sex with underage boys, the CDC labeled the boys as homosexual....but homosexuals who never ADMITTED they were homosexual...and apparently had never been considered homosexual by anyone else, and who were being diagnosed with HIV years after they were allegedly *non-reporting* homosexuals, when they have sex with their GIRLFRIENDS who they infect unknowingly.

Stupid underaged non-reporting men having sex with men need to be *educated* even younger!

What are you talking about?

There was a survey that the CDC looked at, in which males (I'm not sure of the age range in the survey, don't care enough to look at the moment, not important to this point) were asked how 'out' they were about being sexually attracted to men. The question starts from a position of being at least bisexual.

Did the respondents say they had girlfriends? Did the CDC do a study in which homosexual or bisexual men with HIV had girlfriends and infected them? Or are you just engaging in complete speculation?
Really, if you don't care enough to look at the material we're discussing, I don't know why you think I'm going to fill you in.

But all the answers are in this thread, and in the links of this thread, and have already been discussed.
Really, if you don't care enough to look at the material we're discussing, I don't know why you think I'm going to fill you in.

But all the answers are in this thread, and in the links of this thread, and have already been discussed.

Considering you've already engaged in pure speculation in this thread and drawn conclusions I would consider iffy at best (such as finding causation from an article which specifically says causation should not be inferred) I don't feel troubled asking how you are reaching your conclusions.

The CDC link I provided did not say that the respondents were not self-identified homosexuals, yet you seem to come to that conclusion. You equated the rise in HIV infections among 13-24 year old's to mean a huge rise in HIV in 13 year old's, despite someone posting a chart of that rise in which there were, I believe, fewer than a dozen total 13 year old's infected. You've claimed the CDC, as an organization, is engaged in an attempt to lower the age of consent and hide evidence of sexual abuse without providing any real evidence of that, only a complaint about 13 year old boys being described as young men.

So excuse me if I find myself thinking that your conclusions are not likely to be found by simply reading the CDC reports.
I thought the LGBT memo said that being a homo wasn't a 'choice" cause they were born that way? .... :confused:

The bible of Gay Media Manipulators, a brilliant book **After the Ball: How America Will Conquer Its Fear and Hatred of Gays **by two devious homosexuals, Marshall Kirk, a researcher in neuropsychiatry and Hunter Madsen -. This powerfully persuasive, perverse and popular 1989 book presents an impassioned plea, for homosexual activists to implement an aggressive, concerted and organized campaign to mold public perceptions. It is basically a blueprint for the Gay Agenda, it makes the following statement -

We argue that for all practical purposes, gays should be considered to have been born gay, even though sexual orientation, for most humans, seems to be the product of a complex interaction between innate predispositions and environmental factors during childhood and early adolescence (page 184);

Homosexuality a Disease
And this is relevant to homosexuals deciding to be homosexual after being molested as children by homosexuals...HOW, exactly?

I fail to see the relevance of this thread...

if adult guys wanna put it up the ass of consenting other guys...

'n if adult gals wanna munch the carpets of consenting other gals...

for whatever reason...

why should I give a flying fuck...?
Really, if you don't care enough to look at the material we're discussing, I don't know why you think I'm going to fill you in.

But all the answers are in this thread, and in the links of this thread, and have already been discussed.

Considering you've already engaged in pure speculation in this thread and drawn conclusions I would consider iffy at best (such as finding causation from an article which specifically says causation should not be inferred) I don't feel troubled asking how you are reaching your conclusions.

The CDC link I provided did not say that the respondents were not self-identified homosexuals, yet you seem to come to that conclusion. You equated the rise in HIV infections among 13-24 year old's to mean a huge rise in HIV in 13 year old's, despite someone posting a chart of that rise in which there were, I believe, fewer than a dozen total 13 year old's infected. You've claimed the CDC, as an organization, is engaged in an attempt to lower the age of consent and hide evidence of sexual abuse without providing any real evidence of that, only a complaint about 13 year old boys being described as young men.

So excuse me if I find myself thinking that your conclusions are not likely to be found by simply reading the CDC reports.

You're excused.
"Sixty-eight percent of the present homosexual male participants and 38% of the present homosexual female participants (68 and 36%, respectively, if including just the homosexual fair participants) did not identify as homosexual until after the molestation."

Interesting. I wonder how many heterosexual male and female participants did not identify as heterosexual until after molestation by an adult.
Homosexuals say they didn't identify as homosexual until after sexually molested


It Confuses and Angers them when their Dogma is Challenged with Data from Organizations like the CDC... :rofl:



Did you read the whole article in the OP? The study was shit, and I don't believe done by the CDC.
You fools didn't challenge anything.

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers
Homosexuals say they didn't identify as homosexual until after sexually molested


Apparently , you're not following the thread and links provided. Or is this just another Gay-Liberal uninformed Drive-By

You mean the link in the OP that even states the study is flawed?
And I think the uniformed is trying to make the argument sexual abuse makes someone gay.
Read the whole article in the OP, then get back to me.

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers
I will give you a hint the article states the study should not be cited.

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers
The study is flawed.

The OP is out of context until one factors in the question with heterosexuals in the target group.
I will give you a hint the article states the study should not be cited.

"The clear implication in this discussion section is that the frequency of homosexual identification was a consequence of the abuse. However, in the table which reported the data regarding timing of identification, the authors report the same percentage of males who reported identification as gay before the abuse."

Discrepancies in the Study relate to the timing of molestation - b4 or after , and the premise that the entire study should be discounted is a premise that flounders on thin ice.

"Sexual abuse is a profoundly disruptive experience for many people and may contribute to a variety of negative outcomes in adulthood. Finding appropriate clinical and ministry responses may be clouded by focusing on the trauma as a cause of same-sex attraction."

In addition the article is written by Warren Throckmorton who has been denounced by many colleagues. He is a Gay apologist, once active in conversion therapy , once active in Christian activism and a very confused person in General.

The fact remains a fact , that despite efforts by queer activists to distance the gay lifestyle from pedophilia, there remains a strong connection between the two. The evidence indicates that disproportionate numbers of gay men seek adolescent males or boys as sexual partners.

Pedophiles are invariably males: Almost all sex crimes against children are committed by men.

Significant numbers of victims are males: Up to one-third of all sex crimes against children are committed against boys (as opposed to girls).

The 10 percent fallacy: Studies indicate that, contrary to the inaccurate but widely accepted claims of sex researcher Alfred Kinsey, homosexuals comprise between 1 to 3 percent of the population.

Homosexuals are overrepresented in child sex offenses: Individuals from the 1 to 3 percent of the population that is sexually attracted to the same sex are committing up to one-third of the sex crimes against children.

Some homosexual activists defend the historic connection between homosexuality and pedophilia: Such activists consider the defense of "boy-lovers" to be a legitimate gay rights issue.

Pedophile themes abound in homosexual literary culture: Gay fiction as well as serious academic treatises promote "intergenerational intimacy."

You two are not the sharpest tools in any shed.

You know that, I'm sure. But sometimes it needs to be said.

Says the person who posted an article that debunked the study she posted... From said article.
Yeah! I wouldn't be making comments about anyone's intelligence right now, Allie.

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers

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