Homo duplex can elect God. Why do the Abrahamic cults not re-unite and conquer the world?


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Jan 12, 2012
Homo duplex can elect God. Why do the Abrahamic cults not re-unite and conquer the world?


If the Abrahamic cults, Christians, Catholics, Jews and others re-united, then the promise of Revelation would come to pass and God would return to his elect.

God divided man and prevented us from all striving together as one people in the days of Babel.

Does man have what it takes to create a new major transition and unify us in peace and harmony once again?

Or should we maintain Babel’s curse and stay divided by war and division and unable to communicate with each other?

People want to be good and do good. Unifying the world would be very good.

This is not to say that all governments should meld. It is saying that all the Gods should. These are divine matters, not political ones.


If the Abrahamic cults do not re-unite then Ted will be the new world God.


As a Gnostic Christian who has climbed that metaphorical stairway and reaped it’s rewards, the end of the religions that helped me to climb that staircase, --- I would find disappointing, --- but better than them surviving without changing their immoral and divisive creeds.

To me, religions now produce more harm than the good spoken of by Mr. Dennett.
I have a love hate relationship with Christianity and Islam in particular. They both have the potential for the good that all people want but they do not have the proper moral position that puts righteousness and equality together the way Gnostic Christianity does and that is a fundamental insult to justice.

To all Abrahamists I ask, will you let your religion die or will you push your church or mosque to seek rapprochement to your fellow Abrahamists thus insure that the promise to Abraham and Jacob be fulfilled? It is in your hands and not Gods.


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