HOLY CRAP! NYC Jewish City Council member SLAMS Pro-Palestinian activists for ANTI-SEMITIC protest

You know, you're about as vile as the Pro Palestinian faction. You don't see it but you are. That is some pretty sad shit.

So ... do I understand that you're saying that I am vile, because I oppose the consistent antisemitic trait of the Ideological Left, which is yet another identifier, that the Left is manifestly evil?



Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.


"antisemitic trait of the Ideological Left" you wrote... ok... lemme see:

Craig Horowitz on the New Anti-Semitism -- New York Magazine

Qualye: attack on the "cultural elite" - code words for "jews".

Oh, did you know that Quayle is a Republican?

And then there's Pat Buchanan, a Republican, who hates Jews.

And then there's David Duke, last registered as a Republican, who hates Jews.

Or, how about Republican Don Mazullo (IL), who claimed that Eric Cantor could not be "saved" because he was a Jew? In fact, Eric Cantor himself admitted that anti-semitism within the GOP caucus in 2012:

Or Republican Secretary of State James Baker, with his famous "fuck the Jews"?

There are hundreds and hundreds more examples.

Anti-Semitism is not about LEFT or RIGHT.

Hatred does not know an ideology.

So, care to try again?

New code words for "Jew": Bank, Corporation, "THE RICH!"...

70% of American Jews vote Democratic. I guess they're the anti-Semitic wing of the Democratic Party.

Goddam where do you come up with this stuff?

83% of German Jews voted for Hitler. That is the origin of the Israeli Motto: "NEVER AGAIN!"

What's your point?

You know, you're about as vile as the Pro Palestinian faction. You don't see it but you are. That is some pretty sad shit.

So ... do I understand that you're saying that I am vile, because I oppose the consistent antisemitic trait of the Ideological Left, which is yet another identifier, that the Left is manifestly evil?



Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.


"antisemitic trait of the Ideological Left" you wrote... ok... lemme see:

Craig Horowitz on the New Anti-Semitism -- New York Magazine

Qualye: attack on the "cultural elite" - code words for "jews".

Oh, did you know that Quayle is a Republican?

And then there's Pat Buchanan, a Republican, who hates Jews.

And then there's David Duke, last registered as a Republican, who hates Jews.

Or, how about Republican Don Mazullo (IL), who claimed that Eric Cantor could not be "saved" because he was a Jew? In fact, Eric Cantor himself admitted that anti-semitism within the GOP caucus in 2012:

Or Republican Secretary of State James Baker, with his famous "fuck the Jews"?

There are hundreds and hundreds more examples.

Anti-Semitism is not about LEFT or RIGHT.

Hatred does not know an ideology.

So, care to try again?

New code words for "Jew": Bank, Corporation, "THE RICH!"...

70% of American Jews vote Democratic. I guess they're the anti-Semitic wing of the Democratic Party.

Goddam where do you come up with this stuff?

83% of German Jews voted for Hitler. That is the origin of the Israeli Motto: "NEVER AGAIN!"

What's your point?

My point is that you are ignorant.
It should be noted that the protestors are members of the obama (Anti-American) cult...


The evidence or argument establishing or helping to establish a fact or the truth of the statement, rests upon the affirmation of obama foreign policy, specifically as it applies to Israel, the Jewish nation state.

Oh, you make it far too simple. Must be your simple mind.

Without knowing the identities of the protesters, ...

We do not need to know the identity of the protestors to know what they were advocating FOR... which is the same thing the obama cult advocates FOR... thus establishing them firmly centered upon the advocacies of the obama cult, therefore establishing them AS: The obama Cult.
So ... do I understand that you're saying that I am vile, because I oppose the consistent antisemitic trait of the Ideological Left, which is yet another identifier, that the Left is manifestly evil?



Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.


"antisemitic trait of the Ideological Left" you wrote... ok... lemme see:

Craig Horowitz on the New Anti-Semitism -- New York Magazine

Qualye: attack on the "cultural elite" - code words for "jews".

Oh, did you know that Quayle is a Republican?

And then there's Pat Buchanan, a Republican, who hates Jews.

And then there's David Duke, last registered as a Republican, who hates Jews.

Or, how about Republican Don Mazullo (IL), who claimed that Eric Cantor could not be "saved" because he was a Jew? In fact, Eric Cantor himself admitted that anti-semitism within the GOP caucus in 2012:

Or Republican Secretary of State James Baker, with his famous "fuck the Jews"?

There are hundreds and hundreds more examples.

Anti-Semitism is not about LEFT or RIGHT.

Hatred does not know an ideology.

So, care to try again?

New code words for "Jew": Bank, Corporation, "THE RICH!"...

70% of American Jews vote Democratic. I guess they're the anti-Semitic wing of the Democratic Party.

Goddam where do you come up with this stuff?

83% of German Jews voted for Hitler. That is the origin of the Israeli Motto: "NEVER AGAIN!"

What's your point?


So ... do I understand that you're saying that I am vile, because I oppose the consistent antisemitic trait of the Ideological Left, which is yet another identifier, that the Left is manifestly evil?



Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.


"antisemitic trait of the Ideological Left" you wrote... ok... lemme see:

Craig Horowitz on the New Anti-Semitism -- New York Magazine

Qualye: attack on the "cultural elite" - code words for "jews".

Oh, did you know that Quayle is a Republican?

And then there's Pat Buchanan, a Republican, who hates Jews.

And then there's David Duke, last registered as a Republican, who hates Jews.

Or, how about Republican Don Mazullo (IL), who claimed that Eric Cantor could not be "saved" because he was a Jew? In fact, Eric Cantor himself admitted that anti-semitism within the GOP caucus in 2012:

Or Republican Secretary of State James Baker, with his famous "fuck the Jews"?

There are hundreds and hundreds more examples.

Anti-Semitism is not about LEFT or RIGHT.

Hatred does not know an ideology.

So, care to try again?

New code words for "Jew": Bank, Corporation, "THE RICH!"...

70% of American Jews vote Democratic. I guess they're the anti-Semitic wing of the Democratic Party.

Goddam where do you come up with this stuff?

83% of German Jews voted for Hitler. That is the origin of the Israeli Motto: "NEVER AGAIN!"

What's your point?

My point is that you are ignorant.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

"antisemitic trait of the Ideological Left" you wrote... ok... lemme see:

Craig Horowitz on the New Anti-Semitism -- New York Magazine

Qualye: attack on the "cultural elite" - code words for "jews".

Oh, did you know that Quayle is a Republican?

And then there's Pat Buchanan, a Republican, who hates Jews.

And then there's David Duke, last registered as a Republican, who hates Jews.

Or, how about Republican Don Mazullo (IL), who claimed that Eric Cantor could not be "saved" because he was a Jew? In fact, Eric Cantor himself admitted that anti-semitism within the GOP caucus in 2012:

Or Republican Secretary of State James Baker, with his famous "fuck the Jews"?

There are hundreds and hundreds more examples.

Anti-Semitism is not about LEFT or RIGHT.

Hatred does not know an ideology.

So, care to try again?

New code words for "Jew": Bank, Corporation, "THE RICH!"...

70% of American Jews vote Democratic. I guess they're the anti-Semitic wing of the Democratic Party.

Goddam where do you come up with this stuff?

83% of German Jews voted for Hitler. That is the origin of the Israeli Motto: "NEVER AGAIN!"

What's your point?

My point is that you are ignorant.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

Provide credible evidence that Hitler got 83% of the Jewish vote.

The Anti-Defamation League, Israel lobby, and Israel apologists such as Alan Dershowitz are quick to label people unsupportive of Israel as anti-Semites, but in order to understand the validity of this terminology and labeling one has to understand what the word Semite really means. A Semite includes any ancient or modern Semitic speaking peoples in Southwest Asia (The Middle East). Arabs, Hebrews, Canaanites, Phoenicians, Maltese, Semitic speaking Ethiopians, and a great deal of other peoples are included in this list. To be anti-Semitic means to be against Semitic people, which includes Arabs and some Ethiopians, not just Jewish people, as certain anti-gentile racists in the media would lead you to believe. In fact, it could be argued that precluding Arabs from being represented as Semites in anti-Semitic rhetoric is anti-Semitic because it is against certain Semites; Arabs in this case.

The truth of the matter is that most American, European, and even Israeli Jews aren’t really Semites at all. Around 85-90% of modern day Jews are actually descendants of Khazars, which were a people located just north of Turkey. Khazars converted to Judaism in the 8th century and subsequently fled Khazaria and migrated into many parts of Europe. There have been some genetic studies done by Jewish scientists that attempt refute this, but those scientists have had their methodologies thoroughly debunked and their credibility questioned. Common sense alone should tell us that a group of modern day white people are not Semitic in origin because there weren’t any white people in Palestine thousands of years ago, which is why Palestinians and all of their other Arab neighbors aren’t white. Not so coincidentally, modern day Jewish people share a very distinct characteristic with a Khazar neighbor, the Armenians. Khazar Jews and Armenians are two of the only peoples in the world who have extremely large noses. Modern day Jews are also much more similar in skin tone to the Khazar neighbors than to the Palestinians. How ridiculous to think that two groups who supposedly evolved so close together would have different skin tones and nose sizes, but one of those groups would share those similarities with a group not neighboring Palestine. A Jewish historian, Arthur Koestler, researched the history of the Ashkenazi Jews and published a book titled The Thirteenth Tribe which concluded that their origins were just north of Turkey. Historical records and commons sense provide conclusive evidence that most modern day Jews are the decedents of Khazars and therefore not Semites at all.

More: Israelis Are The Worst Anti-Semites On The Planet - The Bilzerian Report

So, are Jews really Semites at all? The above maps show how Israel is "disappearing" the Palestinians.

Are you really sure you want to go there?

That land was BRITISH MANDATE before some of it was turned into the fledgling state of Israel.

What has happened to remaining Palestinian land since then?
You know, you're about as vile as the Pro Palestinian faction. You don't see it but you are. That is some pretty sad shit.

So ... do I understand that you're saying that I am vile, because I oppose the consistent antisemitic trait of the Ideological Left, which is yet another identifier, that the Left is manifestly evil?



Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.


"antisemitic trait of the Ideological Left" you wrote... ok... lemme see:

Craig Horowitz on the New Anti-Semitism -- New York Magazine

Qualye: attack on the "cultural elite" - code words for "jews".

Oh, did you know that Quayle is a Republican?

And then there's Pat Buchanan, a Republican, who hates Jews.

And then there's David Duke, last registered as a Republican, who hates Jews.

Or, how about Republican Don Mazullo (IL), who claimed that Eric Cantor could not be "saved" because he was a Jew? In fact, Eric Cantor himself admitted that anti-semitism within the GOP caucus in 2012:

Or Republican Secretary of State James Baker, with his famous "fuck the Jews"?

There are hundreds and hundreds more examples.

Anti-Semitism is not about LEFT or RIGHT.

Hatred does not know an ideology.

So, care to try again?

New code words for "Jew": Bank, Corporation, "THE RICH!"...

70% of American Jews vote Democratic. I guess they're the anti-Semitic wing of the Democratic Party.

Goddam where do you come up with this stuff?

83% of German Jews voted for Hitler. That is the origin of the Israeli Motto: "NEVER AGAIN!"

What's your point?

So you're comparing Jewish-Americans to Jews you claim voted for Hitler,

and you've done it in a thread that was supposed to defend Jewish-Americans.

You should win a prize for that.

83% of German Jews voted for Hitler. That is the origin of the Israeli Motto: "NEVER AGAIN!"

What's your point?

lol, best demented lie of the year.
New code words for "Jew": Bank, Corporation, "THE RICH!"...

70% of American Jews vote Democratic. I guess they're the anti-Semitic wing of the Democratic Party.

Goddam where do you come up with this stuff?

83% of German Jews voted for Hitler. That is the origin of the Israeli Motto: "NEVER AGAIN!"

What's your point?

My point is that you are ignorant.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

Provide credible evidence that Hitler got 83% of the Jewish vote.

No problem: "Western Civilization: A Modern Work in Progress": Hamilton Beecher 1953 Cambridge University Press, 1st edition. Chapter 4. The Rise of Fascism; Page 271

83% of German Jews voted for Hitler. That is the origin of the Israeli Motto: "NEVER AGAIN!"

What's your point?

lol, best demented lie of the year.
70% of American Jews vote Democratic. I guess they're the anti-Semitic wing of the Democratic Party.

Goddam where do you come up with this stuff?

83% of German Jews voted for Hitler. That is the origin of the Israeli Motto: "NEVER AGAIN!"

What's your point?

My point is that you are ignorant.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

Provide credible evidence that Hitler got 83% of the Jewish vote.

No problem: "Western Civilization: A Modern Work in Progress": Hamilton Beecher 1953 Cambridge University Press, 1st edition. Chapter 4. The Rise of Fascism; Page 271

lol, that's funnier yet.
So ... do I understand that you're saying that I am vile, because I oppose the consistent antisemitic trait of the Ideological Left, which is yet another identifier, that the Left is manifestly evil?



Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.


"antisemitic trait of the Ideological Left" you wrote... ok... lemme see:

Craig Horowitz on the New Anti-Semitism -- New York Magazine

Qualye: attack on the "cultural elite" - code words for "jews".

Oh, did you know that Quayle is a Republican?

And then there's Pat Buchanan, a Republican, who hates Jews.

And then there's David Duke, last registered as a Republican, who hates Jews.

Or, how about Republican Don Mazullo (IL), who claimed that Eric Cantor could not be "saved" because he was a Jew? In fact, Eric Cantor himself admitted that anti-semitism within the GOP caucus in 2012:

Or Republican Secretary of State James Baker, with his famous "fuck the Jews"?

There are hundreds and hundreds more examples.

Anti-Semitism is not about LEFT or RIGHT.

Hatred does not know an ideology.

So, care to try again?

New code words for "Jew": Bank, Corporation, "THE RICH!"...

70% of American Jews vote Democratic. I guess they're the anti-Semitic wing of the Democratic Party.

Goddam where do you come up with this stuff?

83% of German Jews voted for Hitler. That is the origin of the Israeli Motto: "NEVER AGAIN!"

What's your point?

So you're comparing Jewish-Americans to Jews you claim voted for Hitler...

OH! As a Moderator on this very site recently noted:


83% of German Jews voted for Hitler. That is the origin of the Israeli Motto: "NEVER AGAIN!"

What's your point?

lol, best demented lie of the year.
83% of German Jews voted for Hitler. That is the origin of the Israeli Motto: "NEVER AGAIN!"

What's your point?

My point is that you are ignorant.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

Provide credible evidence that Hitler got 83% of the Jewish vote.

No problem: "Western Civilization: A Modern Work in Progress": Hamilton Beecher 1953 Cambridge University Press, 1st edition. Chapter 4. The Rise of Fascism; Page 271

lol, that's funnier yet.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted... AGAIN! (You're doin' GREAT Gilligan)

83% of German Jews voted for Hitler. That is the origin of the Israeli Motto: "NEVER AGAIN!"

What's your point?

lol, best demented lie of the year.
70% of American Jews vote Democratic. I guess they're the anti-Semitic wing of the Democratic Party.

Goddam where do you come up with this stuff?

83% of German Jews voted for Hitler. That is the origin of the Israeli Motto: "NEVER AGAIN!"

What's your point?

My point is that you are ignorant.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

Provide credible evidence that Hitler got 83% of the Jewish vote.

No problem: "Western Civilization: A Modern Work in Progress": Hamilton Beecher 1953 Cambridge University Press, 1st edition. Chapter 4. The Rise of Fascism; Page 271

I will check this.

That land was BRITISH MANDATE before some of it was turned into the fledgling state of Israel.






The land was acquired by thousands of years of consistent ownership and occupation, and finally by an act of the International community.

83% of German Jews voted for Hitler. That is the origin of the Israeli Motto: "NEVER AGAIN!"

What's your point?

lol, best demented lie of the year.
70% of American Jews vote Democratic. I guess they're the anti-Semitic wing of the Democratic Party.

Goddam where do you come up with this stuff?

83% of German Jews voted for Hitler. That is the origin of the Israeli Motto: "NEVER AGAIN!"

What's your point?

My point is that you are ignorant.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

Provide credible evidence that Hitler got 83% of the Jewish vote.

No problem: "Western Civilization: A Modern Work in Progress": Hamilton Beecher 1953 Cambridge University Press, 1st edition. Chapter 4. The Rise of Fascism; Page 271

1. Prove the author exists

2. Prove the book exists

3. Prove the 83% claim is in the book

4. Prove the author provides a credible, reliable source for the 83% claim, then,

you're done! Otherwise go fuck yourself and we'll both feel better.

83% of German Jews voted for Hitler. That is the origin of the Israeli Motto: "NEVER AGAIN!"

What's your point?

lol, best demented lie of the year.
83% of German Jews voted for Hitler. That is the origin of the Israeli Motto: "NEVER AGAIN!"

What's your point?

My point is that you are ignorant.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

Provide credible evidence that Hitler got 83% of the Jewish vote.

No problem: "Western Civilization: A Modern Work in Progress": Hamilton Beecher 1953 Cambridge University Press, 1st edition. Chapter 4. The Rise of Fascism; Page 271

I will check this.

Check it... it could by a wonderful educational opportunity for you.

Although in my experience, such opportunities are wasted on the Intellectually Less Fortunate. As a general rule, the results of such are manifested in some irrational refusal to accept the facts... in a denial of the obvious, that is often not to be believed.

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