Hollywood Left to save Senate for Dems


Streisand gave $1000- $7500 to various Democratic Senate campaigns

I can see why conservatives are terrified
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i'm fine with the wealthy giving money....in their names with limits....

it's the men behind the curtain giving money IN SECRET, that i object to

god bless those citizen united pacs, 501c4's,

Wouldn't these people be part of the 1% that the left dislikes so much?

Who says the 1% are disliked? IMO, that's a piece of right wing fiction. All we ask is that they pay their fair share.

Ok then would these people be part of the one percent who the left demands pay their fair share? And what is a fair share?

Who says they aren't? Most aren't hiding behind corporate entities. A fair share would mean closer to what the middle class pays. After all, the tax cuts that were supposed to trickle down by aiding the "job creators" seem to be slow in coming. Hardly Obama's fault, but he gets blamed every time there's a disappointing lobs report.
Who says the 1% are disliked? IMO, that's a piece of right wing fiction. All we ask is that they pay their fair share.

Ok then would these people be part of the one percent who the left demands pay their fair share? And what is a fair share?

Who says they aren't? Most aren't hiding behind corporate entities. A fair share would mean closer to what the middle class pays. After all, the tax cuts that were supposed to trickle down by aiding the "job creators" seem to be slow in coming. Hardly Obama's fault, but he gets blamed every time there's a disappointing lobs report.

Really? You seriously think the people listed in the Op don't use every loophole shelter and accounting trick there is to legally pay as little in taxes as they can? That's very naive very partisan or a combination of both.
Ok then would these people be part of the one percent who the left demands pay their fair share? And what is a fair share?

Who says they aren't? Most aren't hiding behind corporate entities. A fair share would mean closer to what the middle class pays. After all, the tax cuts that were supposed to trickle down by aiding the "job creators" seem to be slow in coming. Hardly Obama's fault, but he gets blamed every time there's a disappointing lobs report.

Really? You seriously think the people listed in the Op don't use every loophole shelter and accounting trick there is to legally pay as little in taxes as they can? That's very naive very partisan or a combination of both.

Fine, they should pay their fair share too, like the rest of the 1%. Happy? Now don't give a pass to the others, eh?
The topic of celebrities donating to politicians or commenting on issues of national importance is a familiar one, if only because there seem to be three immediate reactions to the idea of mixing stars with politics.

In one tip of the triangle are the folks who believe celebrities have no place speaking about or attempting to influence politics. In another, there's the notion that anyone famous is automatically not knowledgeable enough to add anything meaningful to the debate. And finally, there's the group who could not care less about whether actors, actresses and musicians have anything to say about politics.

There's undoubtedly evidence to support and contradict all three of those ways of thinking about Hollywood's relationship with American politics, but there's far more proof that the nation's elections are increasingly about money. And if there's one thing Hollywood has that politicians desperately want, it's

Celebrity Donations: 16 Hollywood Heavyweights Who Shill For The Left Or Right.

Why Are All the Leftist Politicians Who Hate the Rich…So Filthy Rich?

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