Holding the middle class hostage


Senior Member
Feb 28, 2012
Inside Your Head
"We should not hold the middle class hostage while we debate tax cuts for the wealthy."

- President Hussein, holding middle class hostage

The Messiah is in a little trouble here, the CBO, and host of others have run the numbers, guess what, the only solution is to expand the tax base, which includes those earning $48,000 plus, other wise known as an across the board tax increase which will have a major impact on consumer based economies. The dog will continue to chase it's tail because he has no other choice.
"We should not hold the middle class hostage while we debate tax cuts for the wealthy."

- President Hussein, holding middle class hostage


He's Master and Commander at class warfare that's for damnsure.
The Messiah is in a little trouble here, the CBO, and host of others have run the numbers, guess what, the only solution is to expand the tax base, which includes those earning $48,000 plus, other wise known as an across the board tax increase which will have a major impact on consumer based economies. The dog will continue to chase it's tail because he has no other choice.

Of course. They have to let the tax cuts expire for everyone.

There aren't enough rich out there. The revenue is in the middle class.

Of course Those Clowns in Congress will spend all that new revenue just as quickly as they get it.

If anyone is looking for any meaningful spending cuts don't hold your breath.
The Messiah is in a little trouble here, the CBO, and host of others have run the numbers, guess what, the only solution is to expand the tax base, which includes those earning $48,000 plus, other wise known as an across the board tax increase which will have a major impact on consumer based economies. The dog will continue to chase it's tail because he has no other choice.

Of course. They have to let the tax cuts expire for everyone.

There aren't enough rich out there. The revenue is in the middle class.

Of course Those Clowns in Congress will spend all that new revenue just as quickly as they get it.

If anyone is looking for any meaningful spending cuts don't hold your breath.

People tend to forget that there are no votes in the House to overturn the Compromise of 2011, which the Tea Party graciously granted Obama based on his promise to put together a Commission to solve the problem if Congress could not.

Obama failed pathetically, and simply ignored the Commission findings and started campaigning for re-election.

If he really thinks Tea Party Republicans are going to bend over again he does not understand the dynamic here.
I want him to succeed. I want this to start turning around. He still dont know what the fuck he is doing. Watch his conference! Do I think it will turn around? No. Do I think it will turn around if repubs pass everything he puts in their face? NO He is a failure. Maybe he can hire some help. Dont mind spending 100k on a goddamn dog walker. Hire someone that can help the economy, twit
Sorry. Everytime I hear him talk err.. lie or being ignorant(well that seems to be everytime he talks), I get so mad!
"We should not hold the middle class hostage while we debate tax cuts for the wealthy."

- President Hussein, holding middle class hostage


the president wants to set up a horse shoe shaped perimeter and run all the rich people into it and make targets out of them. zero uses a vietnam tactic to nail the rich. :lol:
"We should not hold the middle class hostage while we debate tax cuts for the wealthy."

- President Hussein, holding middle class hostage


Yea, you're right. They aren't just holding the Middle Class hostage, they are holding everyone middle class and below hostage.
"We should not hold the middle class hostage while we debate tax cuts for the wealthy."

- President Hussein, holding middle class hostage


the president wants to set up a horse shoe shaped perimeter and run all the rich people into it and make targets out of them. zero uses a vietnam tactic to nail the rich. :lol:

It is what he was re-elected to do.

The Messiah is in a little trouble here, the CBO, and host of others have run the numbers, guess what, the only solution is to expand the tax base, which includes those earning $48,000 plus, other wise known as an across the board tax increase which will have a major impact on consumer based economies. The dog will continue to chase it's tail because he has no other choice.

But thirty years off flat wages hasn't hurt our consumer based economics?
Who determines wages?
Below is a chart that illustrated exactly how flat wages have been in Real Dollars (constant 1982 dollars).
As noted, there is a line tracking nominal wages, which are wages that do not include any inflation. The second line is wages in Real Dollars (constant 1982-1984 dollars), which include all inflation. Real Dollars are the format the Department of Labor has used for decades to measure real wage growth.
If one needs more information regarding Real Dollars go to: Historical Income Tables - Current versus Constant (or Real) Dollars - U.S Census Bureau
Again, who determines wages?


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The Messiah is in a little trouble here, the CBO, and host of others have run the numbers, guess what, the only solution is to expand the tax base, which includes those earning $48,000 plus, other wise known as an across the board tax increase which will have a major impact on consumer based economies. The dog will continue to chase it's tail because he has no other choice.

But thirty years off flat wages hasn't hurt our consumer based economics?
Who determines wages?
Below is a chart that illustrated exactly how flat wages have been in Real Dollars (constant 1982 dollars).
As noted, there is a line tracking nominal wages, which are wages that do not include any inflation. The second line is wages in Real Dollars (constant 1982-1984 dollars), which include all inflation. Real Dollars are the format the Department of Labor has used for decades to measure real wage growth.
If one needs more information regarding Real Dollars go to: Historical Income Tables - Current versus Constant (or Real) Dollars - U.S Census Bureau
Again, who determines wages?

Don't bother posting facts here, they ignore them.
There's a lot of Single Cause Fallacy going around on this forum.

We had higher tax rates on everyone during Clinton's administration and a booming economy that created over 20 million jobs at the same time.

We had lower taxes during Bush, and only 3 million new jobs, followed by a horrendous crash.

So tax rates are not the sole determinant of a healthy economy. Predicting doom and gloom or orgiastic good times based just on whether or not a few people pay a little more or a little less in taxes is stupid.

There's a lot of Single Cause Fallacy going around on this forum.

We had higher tax rates on everyone during Clinton's administration and a booming economy that created over 20 million jobs at the same time.

We had lower taxes during Bush, and only 3 million new jobs, followed by a horrendous crash.

So tax rates are not the sole determinant of a healthy economy. Predicting doom and gloom or orgiastic good times based just on whether or not a few people pay a little more or a little less in taxes is stupid.


The recovery from the Great Depression saw tax rates as high as 93% on the highest earners.
Everyone knows we need to cut the budget. Our current spending is not sustainable. No one wants to decide what cut's to make. Let's go over tne cliff and those choices will be made for us. Sequestration is the answer to piss poor politicians.
Everyone knows we need to cut the budget. Our current spending is not sustainable. No one wants to decide what cut's to make. Let's go over tne cliff and those choices will be made for us. Sequestration is the answer to piss poor politicians.

No one in the country wants to spend more, but allocating spending to the right places can make all the difference.

Also, cutting back on spending isn't enough, you need to increase revenue, and government revenue is heavily based on taxes.

Cutting taxes is pretty much = to cutting revenue.
The Messiah is in a little trouble here, the CBO, and host of others have run the numbers, guess what, the only solution is to expand the tax base, which includes those earning $48,000 plus, other wise known as an across the board tax increase which will have a major impact on consumer based economies. The dog will continue to chase it's tail because he has no other choice.

But thirty years off flat wages hasn't hurt our consumer based economics?
Who determines wages?
Below is a chart that illustrated exactly how flat wages have been in Real Dollars (constant 1982 dollars).
As noted, there is a line tracking nominal wages, which are wages that do not include any inflation. The second line is wages in Real Dollars (constant 1982-1984 dollars), which include all inflation. Real Dollars are the format the Department of Labor has used for decades to measure real wage growth.
If one needs more information regarding Real Dollars go to: Historical Income Tables - Current versus Constant (or Real) Dollars - U.S Census Bureau
Again, who determines wages?

all true. but that's the whole fact-based reality thing.
The 'fiscal cliff' has an upside, even though it will ruin Obama's second term agenda.

oh wait

That is an upside as well.

If we go over the cliff, the majority of Americans will blame John Boehner, not Obama.


more to the point, if the sequester kicks in, he gets to cut taxes on the middle class.

oops... i think this might not work out the way they want it to.

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