Hmmm...Hispanics, tired of illegal alien criminals in their neighborhoods...back Trump?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
2,290 looks like getting rid of violent, illegal aliens is popular....with American hispanics.....

IMPOTENT MEDIA FAIL: Hispanics Back Trump Deportations, Ending Sanctuary Cities

Anyone looking for even more proof that our national media has lost all of its moral authority and ability to sway public opinion, need only take a gander at the latest McLaughlin & Associates poll that shows voters overall, and Hispanics in particular, back President Trump's latest and most controversial (at least in the media) immigration moves.

Despite the national media's best efforts to portray Trump's immigration orders as the second coming of the Third Reich, a majority of 56% of Hispanics "approve of President Trump’s executive order to end 'catch and release' and make the deportation of illegal immigrants who are criminals a top priority[.]" Only 31% of Hispanics disapprove.

Overall, a whopping 69% of all voters approve of this program, while just 21% disapprove.

On the issue of cutting off federal funds to sanctuary cities, or cities that violate federal law by not cooperating with immigration officials, a plurality of 46% of Hispanics approve, while 43% disapprove.

Overall, a majority of 59% of Americans want federal funding cut to these lawless cities, while only 29% disagree.

Also proving our media's impotence…

By a wide majority of 57% to 37%, voters back Trump's refugee pause from the 7 countries designated by the Obama administration as terror-laden.

There is more good news for Trump. Since this poll was last taken, and although the national media has gotten even more shrill in its attacks, the President's job approval rating has actually climbed from 45% approval and 47% disapproval to a healthier 48% approve/48% disapprove. looks like getting rid of violent, illegal aliens is popular....with American hispanics.....

IMPOTENT MEDIA FAIL: Hispanics Back Trump Deportations, Ending Sanctuary Cities

Anyone looking for even more proof that our national media has lost all of its moral authority and ability to sway public opinion, need only take a gander at the latest McLaughlin & Associates poll that shows voters overall, and Hispanics in particular, back President Trump's latest and most controversial (at least in the media) immigration moves.

Despite the national media's best efforts to portray Trump's immigration orders as the second coming of the Third Reich, a majority of 56% of Hispanics "approve of President Trump’s executive order to end 'catch and release' and make the deportation of illegal immigrants who are criminals a top priority[.]" Only 31% of Hispanics disapprove.

Overall, a whopping 69% of all voters approve of this program, while just 21% disapprove.

On the issue of cutting off federal funds to sanctuary cities, or cities that violate federal law by not cooperating with immigration officials, a plurality of 46% of Hispanics approve, while 43% disapprove.

Overall, a majority of 59% of Americans want federal funding cut to these lawless cities, while only 29% disagree.

Also proving our media's impotence…

By a wide majority of 57% to 37%, voters back Trump's refugee pause from the 7 countries designated by the Obama administration as terror-laden.

There is more good news for Trump. Since this poll was last taken, and although the national media has gotten even more shrill in its attacks, the President's job approval rating has actually climbed from 45% approval and 47% disapproval to a healthier 48% approve/48% disapprove.

I have Hispanic friends who came to this country legally.

It took them years and cost them thousands but they are now citizens.

These folks absolutely despise illegals.

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