History shows Religion is the only force against totalitarian state domination of your entire being

Moonglow , you are stupid if anybody is. You criticize what is depotic by despotically just making a statement with no backing. You are a nobody on here ,who writes poorly -- and we are supposed to roll over because you make a claim
Religion is for the common man and woman. When it is in the hands of Rulers and Politicans, it is just another tool used to rule over people. Goes all the way back to Egypt and Mesopotamia, through Medival Europe and today, socialism has become the religion of the masses. The idiot masses. They decry 'religion' but practice it themselves in their lunatic politics

I could discuss it with you all day without ever, one time, becoming confontational or adversarial but this is not the place. Not with all the juvenile morons like Moonbutt running around. They'd just defecate all over the thread, like they do everything else in their life.

Religion has a place in our lives, but this isn't it.
Religion is for the common man and woman. When it is in the hands of Rulers and Politicans, it is just another tool used to rule over people. Goes all the way back to Egypt and Mesopotamia, through Medival Europe and today, socialism has become the religion of the masses. The idiot masses. They decry 'religion' but practice it themselves in their lunatic politics

I could discuss it with you all day without ever, one time, becoming confontational or adversarial but this is not the place. Not with all the juvenile morons like Moonbutt running around. They'd just defecate all over the thread, like they do everything else in their life.

Religion has a place in our lives, but this isn't it.
Well you contradict yourself and I am glad to point it out If I say 'Religion has a place in our lives and this IS it" ---what adjudicates"
Are you right because it's you? See, my point is , we already have the state of things,who agrees with you and who agrees with me based on their being in a Church or not.So will you accept the status quo or fight it.
The UN Declaration on Human Rights 1948 says

Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.
Unless of course, that religion also gets secular powers and becomes a theocracy, e.g., Iran today or Medieval Spain.
First that religion has to deny Freedom of Relgion and that applies to Islam. Go for that, ye liberals, and Iran will become anti-Muslim porofrfor
No. Leftism is a religion, Nazism is a religion, communism is a religion, etc.

The Left, or any other political cult out there, has no problem with a religion so long as that religion bows its knee to their cult. Case in point is Joe Biden. So long as Jesus bows his knee to the Left and is Ok with abortion on demand and other vices the Bible takes issue with that conflict with the Leftist ideology, Joe Biden is just fine.

However, once that religion disagrees with their cult in any way whatsoever, they become Nazi Taliban insurrectionists from hell that is trying to take over government and end democracy.

In fact, Hitler even said he was a Christian, but I guarantee if you had asked Hitler if Nazism conflicted with Christianity he would given an overwhelming NO!! reply. The same is with Joe Biden.

Try again.

Once again you prove your complete ignorance of politics and economics. Something you do here on a daily basis. Any notion that politics is a religion is simply YOU projecting your feelings about your political beliefs.

You need to read the Bible. Neither Jesus nor God said one word about gays, abortion, or premarital sex. God forbid adultery, which is sex with a person who is not your spouse. He did not forbid premarital sex or gay sex, only sex with someone you're not married to.
Well you contradict yourself and I am glad to point it out If I say 'Religion has a place in our lives and this IS it" ---what adjudicates"
Are you right because it's you? See, my point is , we already have the state of things,who agrees with you and who agrees with me based on their being in a Church or not.So will you accept the status quo or fight it.
The UN Declaration on Human Rights 1948 says

Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.

No where in this right to freedom of religion does it say you can use YOUR religion to lie to, abuse or presecute those who don't believe as you do, or to force them to obey YOUR religious laws.

Your right to believe that being gay is wrong, ends when you start telling gay people how to live their lives, or to deny them service or heap abuse on them. They have the same right to freedom from abuse and hatred as YOU do.
Soooo, you are saying ( in childish prose ) there was no true freedom of religion in theory but there was in practice --- and that is good ???????????????? Yikes, you are low on oil

No, if you had reading comprehension above that of a 5-year-old you'd know that was not what I said at all.

To sum up what I said: There was freedom of religion, but the government was strictly secular.

But keep trying to twist everyone's words to your nonsensical narrative if you like.

Each time you do it just proves that you're a pompous asshole.

'Pope And Mussolini' Tells The 'Secret History' Of Fascism And The Church​

Historian David Kertzer says the Catholic Church lent strength and legitimacy to Mussolini's fascist regime. Kertzer recently won a Pulitzer Prize for his book.

Jesus was crucified by the religions leaders of his day in Israel.

Food for thought.

World politics is the death of us all.

Jesus was crucified by Roman soldiers under the orders of the Roman governor at the behest of King Herod.

'Pope And Mussolini' Tells The 'Secret History' Of Fascism And The Church​

Historian David Kertzer says the Catholic Church lent strength and legitimacy to Mussolini's fascist regime. Kertzer recently won a Pulitzer Prize for his book.


That's no surprise. Historically, the RCC has been allied with the European Royalty. Fascism was created to prevent liberal, progressives & socialists from benefiting from Democracy and changing the socio-economic order that was left after the monarchs in Italy & Spain abdicated.

In Spain the Monarchists & Fascists were allies in the Spanish Civil war. The RCC sided strongly with the Fascists. The RCC even tried to beatify some spanish fascists a few years ago.
Takes an incredible amount of energy too just not fall into the web of Hate that has been formed.
Have to pull my self up out of the mire of Hate. SOME DAYS its just very hard.
Once again you prove your complete ignorance of politics and economics. Something you do here on a daily basis. Any notion that politics is a religion is simply YOU projecting your feelings about your political beliefs.

You need to read the Bible. Neither Jesus nor God said one word about gays, abortion, or premarital sex. God forbid adultery, which is sex with a person who is not your spouse. He did not forbid premarital sex or gay sex, only sex with someone you're not married to.
It tells you about sinning. As we all do. We pay massive taxes and more wanted.
It's even worse when organized religion works with the state to dominate the person,.
First that religion has to deny Freedom of Relgion and that applies to Islam. Go for that, ye liberals, and Iran will become anti-Muslim porofrfor
Actually, EVERY religion ends up denying religious freedom to others once it achieves political power. Islam, Judaism, and Christianity have all done it.
So, several on here objected with objections that the world scholar on this topic has dealt with Michael Burleigh, so to him I turn

Historically, of course, as has been pointed out by such thinkers as Marcel Gauchet and George Weigel Christianity had much to do with the notion of the autonomous, sacrosanct individual, with the preservation of a sphere beyond the state that anticipated civil society, with the notion of elected leadership, and with holding rulers accountable to higher powers.

On the eve of the Bolshevik coup d'état, the Orthodox Church claimed a hundred million adherents, two hundred thousand priests and monks, seventy-five thousand churches and chapels, over eleven hundred monasteries, thirty-seven thousand primary schools, fifty-seven seminaries and four university-level academies, not to speak of thousands of hospitals, old people’s homes and orphanages. Within a few years, the intuitional structures were swept away, the churches were desolated, vandalized or put to secular use. Many of the clergy were imprisoned or shot; appropriately enough the first concentration camp of the gulag was opened in a monastery in Artic regions.

The Austrian Catholic newspaper Volkswohl even parodied life in a future Nazi state in a manner that seems extraordinarily prescient. Every newborn baby’s hereditary history would be checked by a Racial-Hygienic Institute; the unfit or sickly would be sterilised or killed; dedicated ‘Aryan’ Catholics would be persecuted: ‘The demonic cries out from this movement; masses of the tempted go to their doom under the Satan’s sun. If we Catholics want to save ourselves, then I can never be in a pact with these forces.’

Christianity regarded all earthly existence as transient, while the Nazi thought in terms of rendering life eternal through a sort of biological Great Chain of Being. The individual was nothing, but the racial collective would endure through the aeons

The Enabling Law permitted the government to pass budgets and promulgate laws, including those altering the constitution, for four years without parliamentary approval. In democracies, constitutional amendments are especially solemn moments; here they were easier than changing the traffic regulations. None of the guarantees Hitler extended to the Churches or the judiciary in his address to the Reichstag amounted to a hill of beans.
Tentacles of the Octopus

Religion is an agency of the behind-the-scenes ruling class, and so is government.
Jim Jones is a good example of what I'm talking about

The church was not left wing enough for him as he was a Marxist.
the catholic church has an active and vibrant left wing. protestentism also spans the "ideolpcical compass." hebrewism seems to have a spread as well.

one need not be a godless commie to follow the teachings on the mount.
The Nazis considered Christianity one of their main enemies and biggest threats.

The Pope "cooperated with the fascists"??? The Nazis didn't see it that way. They quickly came to realize that the Pope was ardently anti-Nazi and was doing all he could to thwart the Holocaust.

This is surreal, bizarre fiction. The Romans did not create Christianity. The Romans murdered thousands of early Christians. A Roman governor sentenced Christ to death by crucifixion.

Surely you understand that Libby is talking about genuine religion, Judeo-Christian religion, not ancient superstitions such as witch doctors, etc.

Then it is quite strange that the Communists and the Nazis did all they dared to suppress Christianity and Judaism. Judeo-Christian religion is a tool of liberation and salvation, not oppression.
That is simply not true. The pope cooperated and helped cover up the holocaust hence they left him alone. Had he been an enemy they would have killed him.

No it is not fiction it is a valid theory. There are other theories but it is a very good theory which has not been disproven. It is postulated that Josephus created the religion at the Romans behest

They did kill thousands but also eventually made christianity the Roman state religion. You seem to forget that the Roman governor was not blamed for the crucifiction but the hebrews were blamed, Pilate saw no reason to crucify Jesus but the Rabbis demanded it.

She is talking about religion in general and ancient superstitions are JUST as legitimate.

Judeo Christian religion is a tool of conformity and oppression.

As I stated The naxis and communists are also religions of slavery and oppression and they simply did not like the competition

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