Hillary’s Wellesley Sisters


Sep 23, 2010

Wellesley College Student Newspaper Redefines 1st Amendment, Endorses Lack of Protections for 'Hate Speech'
By Victoria Taft
21 hours ago

Wellesley College Student Newspaper Redefines 1st Amendment, Endorses Lack of Protections for 'Hate Speech'

Hate speech demands the most constitutional protection. Remove that protection from the First Amendment and all freedom of speech is lost forever.

Hillary Clinton hates every form of free speech. So I have to ask if Hillary’s sisters define Hillary’s senior thesis at Wellesley hate speech? Her thesis is surely a paper dripping hate speech from every page. You can read it here if you want to wade through it:


Advocating democracy is the most hateful thing in Hillary’s thesis. I assume the girls at Wellesley want to abolish hate speech so they can save the world with democracy:

"Democracy is still a radical idea"
The confident young student took her thesis title — “There Is Only the Fight...” — from T.S. Eliot:​

Reading Hillary Clinton’s hidden thesis
By Bill Dedman Investigative reporter
updated 5/9/2007 11:20:39 AM ET

Reading Hillary Rodham's hidden thesis

Hillary was as dumb in collage as she is today. Democracy is not a radical idea. Democracy has been discredited and rejected for thousands of years. Twentieth century propaganda tools breathed temporary life into democracy, but it remains a form of government that kills everything it touches.

Parenthetically, I wonder if Hillary’s Wellesley’s sisters realize that their most famous alumna is a nasty frustrated woman full of rage who worshiped and championed two of the most politically filthy men in history —— Karl Marx and Saul Alinski?

Know this about democracy before you believe a word of democracy’s promise of Utopia —— democracy has been the form of government preferred by parasites in every nation, every empire, every culture throughout history.
Hate speech demands the most constitutional protection. Remove that protection from the First Amendment and all freedom of speech is lost forever.

There is nothing to debate unless you have trouble with the definition of:

abridge (verb, transitive)
abridged, abridging, abridges

1. To reduce the length of (a written text); condense.

2. To cut short; curtail. See synonyms at shorten.​

First Amendment

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.​

Wellesley College Student Newspaper Redefines 1st Amendment, Endorses Lack of Protections for 'Hate Speech'
By Victoria Taft
21 hours ago

Wellesley College Student Newspaper Redefines 1st Amendment, Endorses Lack of Protections for 'Hate Speech'

Hate speech demands the most constitutional protection. Remove that protection from the First Amendment and all freedom of speech is lost forever.

Hillary Clinton hates every form of free speech. So I have to ask if Hillary’s sisters define Hillary’s senior thesis at Wellesley hate speech? Her thesis is surely a paper dripping hate speech from every page. You can read it here if you want to wade through it:


Advocating democracy is the most hateful thing in Hillary’s thesis. I assume the girls at Wellesley want to abolish hate speech so they can save the world with democracy:

"Democracy is still a radical idea"
The confident young student took her thesis title — “There Is Only the Fight...” — from T.S. Eliot:​

Reading Hillary Clinton’s hidden thesis
By Bill Dedman Investigative reporter
updated 5/9/2007 11:20:39 AM ET

Reading Hillary Rodham's hidden thesis

Hillary was as dumb in collage as she is today. Democracy is not a radical idea. Democracy has been discredited and rejected for thousands of years. Twentieth century propaganda tools breathed temporary life into democracy, but it remains a form of government that kills everything it touches.

Parenthetically, I wonder if Hillary’s Wellesley’s sisters realize that their most famous alumna is a nasty frustrated woman full of rage who worshiped and championed two of the most politically filthy men in history —— Karl Marx and Saul Alinski?

Know this about democracy before you believe a word of democracy’s promise of Utopia —— democracy has been the form of government preferred by parasites in every nation, every empire, every culture throughout history.
Yellow jacket has some wicked burns. Top of head, eyebrows (meticulously groomed), eyelashes. Otherwise, female hair should be removed. It says a lot about a woman who allows ivy to grow on her face. Foul beasty.
Know this about democracy before you believe a word of democracy’s promise of Utopia —— democracy has been the form of government preferred by parasites in every nation, every empire, every culture throughout history.


I think he got off the streetcar:

You gotta love a guy who said:​

Democracy is like a streetcar. You ride it until you arrive at your destination and then you step off. Recep Tayyip Erdogan

Happily for me, Erdogan is not that big on democracy. Irrespective of what John Kerry says the democracy crowd is not happy about Erdogan winning any more than they are happy with Syria’s Assad.

Now that the coup d’détat to overthrow Erdogan has failed he would be justified in executing the entire democracy crowd in Turkey.

Incidentally, democracy’s victories is ZERO. Libya, Egypt, Syria, and now Turkey should warn every Islamic fringe group not to get suckered into fighting for democracy. If they must fight for something they should fight for a limited form of government —— not democracy, not Islam, not theocracy, not the United Nations, and certainly not anything American traitors promise.

Finally, limited government and more freedoms never follows democracy any more than they would magically appear in a secular Turkey.​

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