Hillary's Asinine Wellesley Speech.Beyond Pathetic.No Mention Of Liberal Scandals Or World Crises?

Fuck Donald and fuck you. History will not be kind to the Orange menace and the fools who voted for him

You sick freak, what drugs are you on that shows President Trump as orange?
i didnt know the slow flakes were still crying like 3 year old babies

Yep, it's true. You'd never know the cheeto won. All he does is whine and cry. NAND you're right that he's like a 3year old.

Imagine what he's like if he doesn't get his sugary chocolate cake and TWO scoops of fatty ice cream!


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Where are the resident snowflake fact checkers?

Hillary said in the Wellsley commencement speech:

"And by the way, we were furious about the past presidential election of a man whose presidency would eventually end in disgrace with his impeachment for obstruction of justice."

That is a straight up fucking lie. Come on fact checkers, where are you?
Where are the resident snowflake fact checkers?

Hillary said in the Wellsley commencement speech:

"And by the way, we were furious about the past presidential election of a man whose presidency would eventually end in disgrace with his impeachment for obstruction of justice."

That is a straight up fucking lie. Come on fact checkers, where are you?
Obstruction of Justice? Really Hillary and Bill?
Where are the resident snowflake fact checkers?

Hillary said in the Wellsley commencement speech:

"And by the way, we were furious about the past presidential election of a man whose presidency would eventually end in disgrace with his impeachment for obstruction of justice."

That is a straight up fucking lie. Come on fact checkers, where are you?
maybe Hillary needs to accuse Trump of Obstruction of Justice in front of 1000 Average Working Americans, and then lets see how the crowd responds
Wow, the fact checkers are very selective about what facts they check.

Here is a good fact for them to check.

Who is POTUS?
Hillary has class unlike Trump who whined at a graduation of Coast Guard cadets about being treated unfairly -- making the speech about himself instead of an uplifting message to the men and women who protect the homeland.

Has Hillary ever taken responsibility for the failure of her Presidential run, Jed? She's blamed Russia....repeatedly. What she hasn't done however is admit that the real reason she lost was because her lies finally caught up with her!

As for the commencement speech at the Coast Guard Academy? I'd suggest reading the transcript of that speech before you make comments like you just did, Jed! In a lengthy speech in which Trump repeatedly praised the graduates and lauded them for the job that they were about to do for the country at the very end he spoke briefly about standing up to adversity and doing what you know is right!

As usual...you on the left ignored 90% of what Trump said while attacking him for the rest. It's what you do...and it's why people don't pay attention to what you say anymore!

Read President Trump's Speech at U.S. Coast Guard Academy Commencement
Cool story bro. Whatever you feel about Hillary, a commencement speech is no place for her to air grievances. And it's no place for the POTUS to whine about the big mean liberal press -- whether that accounted for 10% of his speech or 90% of his speech. He should be ashamed of himself.

You just accused Trump of not giving an uplifting speech to the graduating cadets...and I provided a transcript of the entire speech in which he did little else BUT tell the Coast Guard cadets how wonderful he thought they were! Admit it...you never listened to Trump's speech...you listened to what the main stream media focused on while IGNORING the rest of what Trump said that day!

What's really absurd is how you accuse Trump of doing something that Democrats before him have done in spades!

Obama assails Trump’s wall in Rutgers commencement speech
As if she didn't prove that with her multitude of lies, her disregard for the law, and her felony obstruction of justice, espionage, treason and money laundering..... and many many more crimes....she proves once again that she is not what we need in this Nation to lead us....in her latest display of bitter sore loser messaging.

Hillary Clinton's bitter Wellesley commencement address a missed opportunity
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Speaking of lies, could you post a link to the indictment for "felony obstruction of justice"?

Or were you lying...again.....
Speaking of lies, could you post a link to the indictment for "felony obstruction of justice"?

Or were you lying...again.....

Disgraced FBI Director Comey Refused to Indict Career Criminal Clinton despite saying she was guilty of the things he was investigating her for.

In fact Comey is an Accessory to her crimes because he allowed her to destroy 33,000 pieces of Evidence off of a Government Server which was in an unsecured and private location and kept secret until it was exposed.

Imagine this: Your friend Jim Comey, head of The FBI, gives you weeks to BLEACH BIT your server and you still leave evidence on it that he is forced to have to admit to in front of the public?

And then he essentially has to indict his own incompetence or expose the fact he is covering up for her by letting her off the hook after telling the Public of the evidence of her crimes he found on her server after it was "wiped like with a cloth!"

Not only is she a career criminal, she is an incompetent criminal!

Comey further gave immunity to Clinton and her entire staff and then sealed all testimony proving that his only function was to engage in covering up and cleaning up messes made by The Obama Regime his cronies and The Clintons.

He did afterall make his millions managing Clinton Founsation funds so No Doubt...He owed Her.

Imo both Comey and Lynch worked together to orchestrate a cover up.

Not only should they both have been fired but they both should have been investigated and indicted themselves!
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Great speech. The audience thought so too - none of them walked out.

Why is it that people boo and walk out on Repubs? About half of an 8th grade class from his own state refused to appear in a photo with LyinRyan.

Love it but we all know what the RWNJ authoritarians would do, right?

They'd force people to applaud, not walk out, sit for a photo with a criminal. Seig heil.

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Correct. None of them walked out.

One of the mandatory Senior courses at that pussy pen concerns the risks of walking out whilst sufficiently stoned to attend a Hlllary rant!

Of course none of them walked out.

But several crawled out and, sources say, one (suspected to be a professor) slithered out.

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