Hillary’s Agent?


Sep 23, 2010
Back at the height of the Cold War long, years before personal computers were invented, I knew one thing above everything else: Never let Democrats come anywhere near an intelligence agency. Today, Democrats control the entire intelligence community through the Director of National Intelligence. God only knows what Democrats are doing to the country in the Department of Homeland Security.

Analyze The Endorser

Democrats controlling the intelligence community in order to betray the country to Russia, to China, or to Islam matters not; so nobody should be surprised by this:

But “The Enemies Within” also claims forces dedicated to the destruction of this country have even penetrated the national security bureaucracy, endangering Americans and the entire system of constitutional government.​


I admit I might be wrong about Hillary Clinton being unaware of Huma Abedin’s activities:

The first question any competent investigator would ask himself is this: Who benefits the most by deleting the top secret marking from a document? Of course, I am only speculating, but in this case my answer leads to Huma Abedin. What better way to get information to Ikhwan than Clinton’s e-mails?

Huma Abedin is at risk more than all of the others. If just one e-mail containing top secret information is tied to the Muslim Brotherhood (Ikhwan) she runs the risk of getting caught in a lie. Telling the truth could be worse:​

. . . Huma Abedin’s mother, Saleha, who is a member of the Muslim Brotherhood’s female division (the “Muslim Sisterhood”), is a major figure in not one but two Union for Good components. The first is the International Islamic Council for Dawa and Relief (IICDR). It is banned in Israel for supporting Hamas under the auspices of the Union for Good. Then there’s the International Islamic Committee for Woman and Child (IICWC) — an organization that Dr. Saleha Abedin has long headed. Dr. Abedin’s IICWC describes itself as part of the IICDR. And wouldn’t you know it, the IICWC charter was written by none other than . . . Sheikh Qaradawi, in conjunction with several self-proclaimed members of the Muslim Brotherhood.​

Huma Abedin’s Muslim Brotherhood Ties
by Andrew C. McCarthy July 25, 2012 4:00 AM

Huma Abedin’s Muslim Brotherhood Ties, by Andrew C. McCarthy, National Review

Last Train To Huma

I am dead wrong if Huma turns out to be nothing more than Hillary’s agent:

He describes Hillary Clinton as a ‘domestic threat” and details the deep connections between the former Democratic presidential nominee and secretary of state with some of the most dangerous Islamic movements in the world. They even go beyond her close relationship with longtime aide and confidante Huma Abedin.


“Hillary Clinton’s ties are a lot deeper, broader and wider than Huma Abedin,” Haney says. “The best example of her ties is her affiliation with the Istanbul Process and, in particular, with U.N. Resolution 1618. That resolution, it essentially criminalizes defamation of Islam, has been backed for 10 years by the Organization of the Islamic Conference, a 57-nation organization. It is essentially run in its leadership positions by members of the Muslim Brotherhood. By endorsing U.N. Resolution 16/18, by default Hillary Clinton is aiding and abetting the Muslim Brotherhood on a macro, global level.”​

'Enemies Within' – Hillary's links to Muslim Brotherhood revealed
Posted By -NO AUTHOR- On 01/05/2017 @ 9:02 pm

‘Enemies Within’ – Hillary’s links to Muslim Brotherhood revealed

Hillary might pay for Clinton Foundation larceny. She might even pay for using a private e-mail server, but she is not going to pay for treason. Treason is the one crime she committed that is too big to punish, nor will any of her agents be charged. The federal government and the media will never besmirch one their own in a devastating trial. Make no mistake about it. In their eyes Hillary Clinton is a goddess of light and goodness on par with the Virgin Mary to Roman Catholics.
Radical Islam and Radical Leftism have much in common. They both profoundly HATE Western Civilization.

What is the most important aspect of Western Civilization? It is the achievement of individual liberty, by imposing limits on the power of the State.

What does the radical Left and radical Islam most want? Total and complete control by the State.

Hence...the conflict.
There is a grain of truth in the comments in the photo-shopped picture. It is difficult to discount the possibility that Hillary conspired with the Russian to lay it all off on the Weiners.


Andy Benjamin’s article is informative. Clearly, nothing said by Benjamin; or anybody else to date, lets Hillary off the hook for her crimes. Frankly, I cannot see how laying Russian hacking on Donald Trump’s back can end up as evidence Hillary can use in her criminal trial.

The only Americans surprised by the contents of Hillary’s emails were progressives who did not want to hear the gory details of corruption and collusion with the mainstream media wholly in the Democrat’s pockets.

The emails were unquestionably authentic and damning, their contents were leaked to the press and the public deliberately and timely, and arguably if your sentiments are boundless HOPE, they could have had some small, insignificant effect on the election results – let’s say three votes - even though the intel report stated it had no effect at all.​

By Andrew G. Benjamin
January 9, 2017

Clearly, nothing said by Benjamin; or anybody else to date, lets Hillary off the hook for her crimes.
Sunday’s e-mail dump sets the hook so Hillary can be reeled in:

What follows below may possibly indicate a motive, and might also outline an internal effort within the FBI to push forward: a.) action by President Obama on behalf of Hillary Clinton, vis-a-vis a pardon; or, b.) action by the incoming administration to ensure criminal charges.


A reasonable case can be made that internal elements within the FBI are intentionally showing how much evidence there is to support the case against Hillary Clinton. Evidence that was clearly never revealed as part of the original James Comey final public report.​

The Mysterious FBI Sunday Document Dump #5 and The “Missing” Clinton Seagate Hard Drive…
Posted on January 10, 2017 by sundance

The Mysterious FBI Sunday Document Dump #5 and The “Missing” Clinton Seagate Hard Drive…
Clearly, nothing said by Benjamin; or anybody else to date, lets Hillary off the hook for her crimes.
Sunday’s e-mail dump sets the hook so Hillary can be reeled in:

What follows below may possibly indicate a motive, and might also outline an internal effort within the FBI to push forward: a.) action by President Obama on behalf of Hillary Clinton, vis-a-vis a pardon; or, b.) action by the incoming administration to ensure criminal charges.


A reasonable case can be made that internal elements within the FBI are intentionally showing how much evidence there is to support the case against Hillary Clinton. Evidence that was clearly never revealed as part of the original James Comey final public report.​

The Mysterious FBI Sunday Document Dump #5 and The “Missing” Clinton Seagate Hard Drive…
Posted on January 10, 2017 by sundance

The Mysterious FBI Sunday Document Dump #5 and The “Missing” Clinton Seagate Hard Drive…

If Big Ears pardons Cankles, that would indicate her guilt. What little ethics and faith in the rule of law Obama has, may be tested.
Hillary never had a chance to begin with. Adding the weeny to a fantasy blame list is ludicrous:

Clinton and her husband Bill have since blamed FBI director James Comey's decision to launch the probe, just before the election, as one of the reasons she lost.​

Weiner STILL wants Huma back: Disgraced congressman 'asks his wife call off divorce' despite years of sexting other women and derailing Hillary's presidential campaign
By Kelly Mclaughlin For Mailonline
Published: 06:58 EST, 12 January 2017 | Updated: 07:54 EST, 12 January 2017

Anthony Weiner hopes Huma Abedin will take him back after being caught sexting | Daily Mail Online
Sunday’s e-mail dump sets the hook so Hillary can be reeled in:
Published details and speculation have been building a criminal case against Hillary Clinton for a long time:

Limbaugh: Russia could 'blackmail' Clinton with hacked emails
By Mark Hensch - 07/26/16 05:58 PM EDT

Limbaugh: Russia could 'blackmail' Clinton with hacked emails


Vladimir Putin Has Everything He Needs to Blackmail Hillary Clinton
American intelligence officers are asking not 'if' but 'when' the Kremlin will dip into its arsenal of Clinton collateral
By Austin Bay • 06/16/16 8:30am

Vladimir Putin Has Everything He Needs to Blackmail Hillary Clinton

Here is one from three days ago:

New Confirmation Hillary Delivered Secrets to America’s Enemies
George Neumayr
January 12, 2017, 3:37 pm

New Confirmation Hillary Delivered Secrets to America’s Enemies

Hillary pooh-poohed everything when she was sure she was going to win the election. Jeff Sessions is one turn of events she never saw in her worst nightmare:


Michael Mukasey calls on FBI Director Comey to resign

The case for James Comey “retiring” took off like a skyrocket:


The best part is that congressional Democrats, Hillary’s lawyers, media mouths, and political juice cannot prevent Comey from stepping down.
Back at the height of the Cold War, long years before personal computers were invented, I knew one thing above everything else: Never let Democrats come anywhere near an intelligence agency.
I never heard of John Brennan when I first posted a warning about Democrats, but John Brennan certainly fits the mold:

NOTE: The current CIA Director was “. . . a daily intelligence briefer for President Clinton.”​

Hussein nominated John Brennan for CIA director in addition to Kerry & Hagel. I guess he couldn’t find anyone with a military uniform hanging in the closet after General Petraeus fell apart; so he settled for a Beltway insider.

Brennan was with the CIA for 25 years. Part of that time was spent as a daily intelligence briefer for President Clinton. He was station chief in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia when the Khobar Towers was bombed killing 19 U.S. servicemen in 1996. Brennan was deputy executive director of the CIA in March 2001. My quick research did not tell me if Brennan was still on the job up to and beyond 9-11-2001.

My point. If you remember the phoney-baloney 9-11 Commission you know that the entire intelligence community took the fall for 9-11-2001. I’m not saying Brennan should be blamed for 9-11, or for any of the earlier disasters, but it does seems to me that a whole lot of bad shitz happens right under his nose. Sadly, life in Cuckooland being what it is —— nothing is more natural for Hussein than to move one of the boys in the fürhrerbunker up the ladder.

It’s not only me. Brennan’s reputation and résumé are sketchy at best. Glenn Greenwald hits the highlights in this article.​

John Brennan's extremism and dishonesty rewarded with CIA Director nomination
Obama's top terrorism adviser goes from unconfirmable in 2008 to uncontroversial in 2013, reflecting the Obama legacy
Glenn Greenwald
Monday 7 January 2013 09.55 EST



Put this one in the NO KIDDING file:

CIA Director John Brennan voted for the Communist Party candidate in the 1976 presidential election.


“So if back in 1980, John Brennan was allowed to say, ‘I voted for the Communist Party with Gus Hall’. . .​

CIA Director Once Voted for Communist Presidential Candidate
BY: Natalie Johnson
September 21, 2016 4:58 pm

CIA Director Once Voted for Communist Presidential Candidate

The Wall Nobody Talks About

Add the hacking saga to John Brennan’s résumé:

Trump slams outgoing CIA director Brennan after criticism over Russia threat
Published January 16, 2017

Trump slams outgoing CIA director Brennan after criticism over Russia threat

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