Hillary Throwing Fundraiser With Nephew of Bosnian Warlord / War Criminal


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton is spending Monday night at a fundraiser thrown by the uber-privileged son of Clinton cronies and the nephew of a secret Clinton Libya source linked to a Bosnian war criminal."

....Karadzic and his wartime military chief, Ratko Mladic, are among the most notorious of the dozens of Bosnians indicted by the international war crimes tribunal. Karadzic is a psychiatrist and amateur poet who led Bosnian Serbs into 3 years of bloodshed that left 200,000 people dead or missing.


So she has taken millions from Middle Eastern nations that fund / support terrorists / terrorism.
So she has taken millions from Middle Eastern nations that oppress women.
So she has taken millions from Middle Eastern nations that engage in the mutilation of female genitalia
So she has taken millions from Middle Eastern nations that murder homosexuals
So she has taken millions from foreigners guilty of violating Iranian sanctions while she was Sect of State...
So she ran the office of the Secretary of State like a brothel, 'spreading her legs' and doing 'tricks' for anyone with a wad of cash and willing to donate it to the Clinton Foundation while serving as Sect of State...

It's all good...nothing to see here... except the actions of a candidate worthy of being called the Democratic Party's Presidential Nominee!


LINK: Hillary Fundraises With Nephew of Shady Libya Source Linked To Bosnian Warlord - Breitbart

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