Hillary says women who cry rape "Have right to be believed".

Rape is so under-reported because its a given that she will be raped again and again by the system and the rapist WILL go free.

RWs believe women should not have easy access to a morning after pill - even in the case of rape.
RWs believe that women are the cause of their own rape.
RWs believe rape victims should be forced to bear the child of rape.
RWs believe that rapists should have access to his victim if she bears a child from the rape.
RWs believe men should never be held accountable for their own actions.
RWs believe that single mothers should be punished and shamed for raising, feeding, clothing and educating a child alone.
RWs believe men should not have to support their own children.

RWs are vile, nasty, ignorant, slime.
Someone accused of rape is innocent until proven guilty...the OP seems to forget that....along with forgetting to provide proof of his assertion that it is the "most over-accused" crime.

The burden of proof is on YOU. False rape accusations occur all the time which is what happens when women are told they don't need evidence to get money out of a guy.

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