Hillary: Israel Lacks 'Empathy,' 'Generosity' Toward Palestinians


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has never been a friend to Israel. Today, speaking at the 2012 Saban Forum on US-Israel Relations, a liberal organization, she railed against Israel for supposed insensitivity, lack of empathy, and lack of generosity with regard to the Palestinians – even as the Palestinians unilaterally violated all agreements with Israel and attempted to declare statehood, and within days of Hamas firing rockets on Israeli population centers and bombing a bus.

Is anybody beside me NOT surprised by this? Read the rest @ Hillary: Israel Lacks 'Empathy,' 'Generosity' Toward Palestinians

I am not surprised at all remember what Newt Gingrich told his mother
about her.

Hilliary---IMO is a gross hypocrite-----she was not even honest enough to be annoyed when the pres got sucked off. her AMBITION
is her driving force
Hillarey is a fucking retard obama monkey. I don't show empathy or generosity to those who have a charter calling for my destruction. What is so hard to understand about that. You can love your enemy. Me I want to see them die-hopefully painfully.
Hillary Clinton is beneath contempt. Nothing surprises me about this woman and this administration.
Hillary Clinton is beneath contempt. Nothing surprises me about this woman and this administration.

I'll go along with that assessment...she is a rank piece of shit, and the embodiment of U.S. hypocrisy and moral cowardice

What can be worse about her Character then her coverup about what happened in Lybia? That says it all. Wonder if this piece of SHIT is going to try to run in four years
Hillary made a fair statement and talked of both sides.....which is great, the less bias....the more logic will be used to come up with a peaceful solution that both sides should abide by. Yes, for the neo-cons, that means Israel TOO.

“I’m not making excuses for the missed opportunities of the Israelis, or the lack of generosity, the lack of empathy that I think goes hand-in-hand with the suspicion,” Clinton said, after praising the country’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, for working with her in 2009 to offer a moratorium on building new Jewish settlements in the occupied West Bank.

“So, yes, there is more that the Israelis need to do to really demonstrate that they do understand the pain of an oppressed people in their minds, and they want to figure out, within the bounds of security and a Jewish democratic state, what can be accomplished,” Clinton added.

“And I think that, unfortunately, there are more and more Israelis and Palestinians who just reject that idea out of hand: Why bother? Why try? We’ll never be able to reach an agreement with the other. But in the last 20 years, I’ve seen Israeli leaders make an honest, good-faith effort and not be reciprocated in the way that was needed.”

Read more: Hillary Clinton: Israel has 'lack of generosity ... lack of empathy' for Palestinians | The Daily Caller
10 bucks she's gonna be forced to change her statement in the next coming days and she will have to apologize to the Jews.
That skanks long history of anti-semitic feelings are well known and well documented so who gives a crap what that greasy haired pig says?
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10 bucks she's gonna be forced to change her statement in the next coming days and she will have to apologize to the Jews.

'because' habibi you are diplaying typical islamo paranoia Hilliary is an adolf abu ali lover like you
Here she is kissing Arafat's wife.


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That skanks long history of anti-semitic feelings are well known and well documented so who gives a crap what that greasy haired pig says?
What's anti-semitic about saying the Israeli's should show some empathy towards the Palestinian's?

Only a total dumbass would think anyone, or any nation, should show empathy to a people that have spend decades murdering your fellow citizens, which I why I'm not surprised you think Israel should show the murderous scumbags some empathy.
Hillary: Israel Lacks 'Empathy,' 'Generosity' Toward Palestinians

What they REALLY lack is gratitude. I have never seen or heard a Jew thank America for literally pulling their worthless asses out of the ovens. All they do is bring us grief with not a single statement of appreciation. I wonder if they think the Russians would have closed down the extermination camps? Ya...right...

If anyone on this MB has a link to such a statement of American appreciation I would like to see it.
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Hillary: Israel Lacks 'Empathy,' 'Generosity' Toward Palestinians

What they REALLY lack is gratitude. I have never seen or heard a Jew thank America for literally pulling their worthless asses out of the ovens. All they do is bring us grief with not a single statement of appreciation. I wonder if they think the Russians would have closed down the extermination camps? Ya...right...

If anyone on this MB has a link to such a statement of American appreciation I would like to see it.

The Jews lack " gratitude" because they refuse to go back to Borders that were never recognized or accept " Right of Return?" Regarding America pulling their " worthless asses" out of ovens that is what Pro- Palestinian SCUMBAGS do best... Start with the name calling.

BTW, He didn't pull anyone out of ovens. The only reason he entered the War when he did was because Japan pulled us into it . He knew what was going on LONG before. The ST. LOUIS is only ONE SMALL example. Instead of calling names like the ignorant Pro- Palestinian you are get an education.
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has never been a friend to Israel. Today, speaking at the 2012 Saban Forum on US-Israel Relations, a liberal organization, she railed against Israel for supposed insensitivity, lack of empathy, and lack of generosity with regard to the Palestinians – even as the Palestinians unilaterally violated all agreements with Israel and attempted to declare statehood, and within days of Hamas firing rockets on Israeli population centers and bombing a bus.

Is anybody beside me NOT surprised by this? Read the rest @ Hillary: Israel Lacks 'Empathy,' 'Generosity' Toward Palestinians


Surprised? Hardly...

This is the very same Hilary Clinton that left our diplomats terribly exposed because she didn't want the appearance that we didn't trust our "hosts" to provide adequate security for them. Hilary is one more naive liberal who thinks the military wouldn't be necessary if we'd all just treat each other better...the kind of starry eyed idealist who doesn't ever factor in the Hitler's, Pol Pot's and Osama bin Laden's of the world and then is baffled when one of them rears their ugly heads because they sense weakness.
Hillary: Israel Lacks 'Empathy,' 'Generosity' Toward Palestinians

What they REALLY lack is gratitude. I have never seen or heard a Jew thank America for literally pulling their worthless asses out of the ovens. All they do is bring us grief with not a single statement of appreciation. I wonder if they think the Russians would have closed down the extermination camps? Ya...right...

If anyone on this MB has a link to such a statement of American appreciation I would like to see it.

Only one problem with your little rant, Huggy...

We didn't enter WWII to save the Jews from the extermination camps...we entered the war because we were attacked by Japan. Try and stick to at least a semblance of historic reality...would you?
Only a total dumbass would think anyone, or any nation, should show empathy to a people that have spend decades murdering your fellow citizens, which I why I'm not surprised you think Israel should show the murderous scumbags some empathy.
Well, for one thing, junior, treating them all like they're the same entity (murderous skumbags), is pretty retarded. And the ones that actually do want to kill Israeli's, how can you blame them, after what Israel did to them?

In fact, Israel's treatment of the Palestinian's is so bad, has become so toxic, that liberal jews all over the world are starting to distance themselves from the "jewish state". Any civilized human being, cannot in good concience, show support for Israel's complete disregard for IHL and human rights. You have to go back to the Holocaust, to find anything similar to the way Israel treats the Pals.

No one wants to be associate with that. Except dumbfuck, narcissists like you, who go around talking tall, but eventually whind up as a "tossed salad".
Huggy----not only did the US do absolutely NOTHING to help the jews out of the ovens in which your fellow nazis were shoving them-----many people of your ilk facilitated the genocide Do not worry jews do not blame YOU------people of your ilk also facilitated the genocide of BIAFRANS in the early 70s and the genocide of sudanese christians and even the ARMENIAN GENOCIDE of 1915 it is just the way you are -----you cannot help the fact that you were born to perversity
Only a total dumbass would think anyone, or any nation, should show empathy to a people that have spend decades murdering your fellow citizens, which I why I'm not surprised you think Israel should show the murderous scumbags some empathy.
Well, for one thing, junior, treating them all like they're the same entity (murderous skumbags), is pretty retarded. And the ones that actually do want to kill Israeli's, how can you blame them, after what Israel did to them?

In fact, Israel's treatment of the Palestinian's is so bad, has become so toxic, that liberal jews all over the world are starting to distance themselves from the "jewish state". Any civilized human being, cannot in good concience, show support for Israel's complete disregard for IHL and human rights. You have to go back to the Holocaust, to find anything similar to the way Israel treats the Pals.

No one wants to be associate with that. Except dumbfuck, narcissists like you, who go around talking tall, but eventually whind up as a "tossed salad".

Please, the concept that Israel has attacked Arabs without provocation ignores 60 plus YEARS of non-stop attacks by Israel's Arab neighbors on that country. Israel treats the Palestinians as they do because the Palestinians have let themselves be run by terrorists since the 1970's. Israel treats the Palestinians the way they do because groups like Hamas and the PLO have wiping Israel off the face of the earth as part of their "charters".

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