Hillary Could Be The Worst Candidate Democrats Have Produced Since The Advent Of Television

On the plus side, I really do believe that Hillary is pulling her own strings. But it's difficult to see how George Soros might have let a second opportunity slip through his fingers.
Hillary and Bill are ruthless. There is a line of dead people behind them, and I think she is more deadly than Bill. If they were everyday people, they would be going to AA meetings, and probably have jail time. Trey Gowdy is about all there is when it comes to stopping her. I pray he lives through this.
TREY GOWDY has said he has NOTHING on Hillary in the Bengazi Investigation within the last month in a one on one interview with him.

Taking on Clinton, Gowdy repeats, “is not my job. That’s the job of the RNC, and the Republican candidate for president. … If they hired me for that job they hired the wrong guy. Why would you hire a not-even-two-term guy, all of whose training tells him to go where facts take him, who doesn’t even go to NRCC [National Republican Congressional Committee] dinners, who’s lousy at fundraisers, who hates to travel? Because that’s who you’re getting.”

The job he was appointed to do last year by House Speaker John Boehner was to chair a special investigatory committee on Benghazi after the Republican right roared its disapproval of previous failed inquiries. What does he know right now, I ask him, based on numerous witness appearances and 850 pages already submitted by the State Department?

Not all that much. He says he’s “seen no evidence” that Clinton ordered a stand-down of security forces in Benghazi, contributing to the deaths of Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans on Sept. 11, 2012, or any of the other more damning things the right typically alleges.
Hillary Clinton s Enemy No. 1 - Michael Hirsh - POLITICO Magazine
TREY GOWDY has said he has NOTHING on Hillary in the Bengazi Investigation within the last month in a one on one interview with him.

I can't decide which would be most delicious:

1. Indictment JUST before Democrats take first vote at their convention.
2. Indictment JUST after Democrats nominate Hillary and adjourn the convention.
3. Late October, 2016.

Unless there are to be three indictments in which case nobody would need to choose, just exercise a little patience.
She's the strongest 'man in the bunch running, tough as nails with thick skin.... it's why the Repubs don't want her or her first hubby in the whitehouse....

no way, Jose'
Do I ever in my lifetime want to live through a Republican controlled house and senate with a Republican President again.....IT WAS A DISASTER! Spending like drunken sailors, unpaid wars, Preemptive war doctrine bull crud, Medicare pill bill with no funding, Doubling Military/defense spending in about 4 years, K-Street scandals, Ken Lays and Enrons, and Abramoff and Ney and Tom Delay, and Cunningham and other Repub crooks, Doubling the national debt during a prosperous period.... taking the projected social security tax surpluses and giving more than 50% of it in income tax breaks to the wealthiest who never paid in to Social Security taxes that was giving us these projected surpluses was simply THEFT....etc etc etc etc enough is enough, and THAT....that was enough to scar our country for a lifetime....

no, no, NO AND NO!

Republican congress, republican Senate and a Repub president? NO!!!!!

Remember these words:

"Good job Brownie!"

What this country needs are more critical programs like FEMA run by the guy that gave the repub the most contributions.

You guys can sucker enough local dumb ass christians to vote against their own best interests but you cannot steal enough votes to sway the whole country.

Note to christo-fascists.. Supreme court ruled in favor of Bush but the made it a forever one time deal.

You can only hold congress hostage for just so long. When your hillbilly electorate finally discovers that the pothole, that destroyed their last junkmobile, could have been repaired if they had voted for the other guy you are screwed.
To be worse than Obama is saying something
She's possibly more pragmatic.....but she can't relate to anyone. She's faking being nice. She's not nice. The White House staff would be the first to tell you that.....if they weren't worried about being either destroyed in the media or assassinated.

Well you may not relate to her because she is a woman, but there are millions of women who would disagree with your statement.
I think that many women can relate to Hillary more so than some horny joker trying to tell a woman what she can do with her own reproductive rights while they get viagra for free.
Yeah, that shit is really fucking important to women. Especially since it hasn't been a legal issue for 20 years.

What shit? I was talking about birth control.
Birth control has nothing to do with abortion....or reproductive rights. That is the problem with this silly argument. First they wanted abortions on demand, then they wanted them paid for by taxpayers......and now they want us to pay for their birth control pills and rubbers as if it's some stupid entitlement.

The issue you on the left seem to feel is important is for tax-payer funded BC or funded by religious organizations that don't believe in it. Pretty much cramming it down everyone's throats.

To be worse than Obama is saying something
She's possibly more pragmatic.....but she can't relate to anyone. She's faking being nice. She's not nice. The White House staff would be the first to tell you that.....if they weren't worried about being either destroyed in the media or assassinated.

Well you may not relate to her because she is a woman, but there are millions of women who would disagree with your statement.
I think that many women can relate to Hillary more so than some horny joker trying to tell a woman what she can do with her own reproductive rights while they get viagra for free.
Yeah, that shit is really fucking important to women. Especially since it hasn't been a legal issue for 20 years.

What shit? I was talking about birth control.
Birth control has nothing to do with abortion....or reproductive rights. That is the problem with this silly argument. First they wanted abortions on demand, then they wanted them paid for by taxpayers......and now they want us to pay for their birth control pills and rubbers as if it's some stupid entitlement.

The issue you on the left seem to feel is important is for tax-payer funded BC or funded by religious organizations that don't believe in it. Pretty much cramming it down everyone's throats.

I do believe the above statement is wrong, Lefties just want their Birth Control covered by their insurance just like viagra is covered for men.

First off there are Lefties who oppose abortion ( long threads made already )

It was very clear just how outdated the righties are with the last presidential elections and is a big reason why the republicans lost the elections.
They lost it by allowing some cavemen's talk about running a woman's life wanting a job to dictate if they will allow to take birth control, that a women that is being raped and stop herself from being pregnant. :bs1: Also with something so violent happening to a women it should be her choice to carry the baby.

The controversies caused the Republican Party to look for ways to prevent its election candidates from making similar comments about rape. Kevin Madden, a Republican strategist and senior adviser to the Mitt Romney presidential campaign, said, "This is actually pretty simple. If you're about to talk about rape as anything other than a brutal and horrible crime, stop". Anti-abortion groups, such as the Susan B. Anthony List, launched training programs to prevent controversial statements on rape and abortion

Rape and pregnancy controversies in United States elections 2012 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Like I said many lefties do not agree with abortion , like myself. I even did my internship with women on the street , allowing them to have healthy babies, not drug addicted or abortions.

These unstable views did cost the election for the right , along with some other mistakes.
Last edited:
Hillary is the worst candidate for Republicans since Obama
She's possibly more pragmatic.....but she can't relate to anyone. She's faking being nice. She's not nice. The White House staff would be the first to tell you that.....if they weren't worried about being either destroyed in the media or assassinated.

Well you may not relate to her because she is a woman, but there are millions of women who would disagree with your statement.
I think that many women can relate to Hillary more so than some horny joker trying to tell a woman what she can do with her own reproductive rights while they get viagra for free.
Yeah, that shit is really fucking important to women. Especially since it hasn't been a legal issue for 20 years.

What shit? I was talking about birth control.
Birth control has nothing to do with abortion....or reproductive rights. That is the problem with this silly argument. First they wanted abortions on demand, then they wanted them paid for by taxpayers......and now they want us to pay for their birth control pills and rubbers as if it's some stupid entitlement.

The issue you on the left seem to feel is important is for tax-payer funded BC or funded by religious organizations that don't believe in it. Pretty much cramming it down everyone's throats.

She's possibly more pragmatic.....but she can't relate to anyone. She's faking being nice. She's not nice. The White House staff would be the first to tell you that.....if they weren't worried about being either destroyed in the media or assassinated.

Well you may not relate to her because she is a woman, but there are millions of women who would disagree with your statement.
I think that many women can relate to Hillary more so than some horny joker trying to tell a woman what she can do with her own reproductive rights while they get viagra for free.
Yeah, that shit is really fucking important to women. Especially since it hasn't been a legal issue for 20 years.

What shit? I was talking about birth control.
Birth control has nothing to do with abortion....or reproductive rights. That is the problem with this silly argument. First they wanted abortions on demand, then they wanted them paid for by taxpayers......and now they want us to pay for their birth control pills and rubbers as if it's some stupid entitlement.

The issue you on the left seem to feel is important is for tax-payer funded BC or funded by religious organizations that don't believe in it. Pretty much cramming it down everyone's throats.

I do believe the above statement is wrong, Lefties just want their Birth Control covered by their insurance just like viagra is covered for men.

First off there are Lefties who oppose abortion ( long threads made already )

It was very clear just how outdated the righties are with the last presidential elections and is a big reason why the republicans lost the elections.
They lost it by allowing some cavemen's talk about running a woman's life wanting a job to dictate if they will allow to take birth control, that a women that is being raped and stop herself from being pregnant. :bs1: Also with something so violent happening to a women it should be her choice to carry the baby.

The controversies caused the Republican Party to look for ways to prevent its election candidates from making similar comments about rape. Kevin Madden, a Republican strategist and senior adviser to the Mitt Romney presidential campaign, said, "This is actually pretty simple. If you're about to talk about rape as anything other than a brutal and horrible crime, stop". Anti-abortion groups, such as the Susan B. Anthony List, launched training programs to prevent controversial statements on rape and abortion

Rape and pregnancy controversies in United States elections 2012 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Like I said many lefties do not agree with abortion , like myself. I even did my internship with women on the street , allowing them to have healthy babies, not drug addicted or abortions.

These unstable views did cost the election for the right , along with some other mistakes.
Birth control was already so cheap, anyone who went to WalMart and filled a prescription knew that. The left made it an issue because they wanted to force religious companies and Catholic institutions to provide it. This is why they made such a big fucken deal at Georgetown university. It wasn't about insurance. It was about infringing on religious freedoms. The reason they shifted away from abortion to Birth Control was because they couldn't make abortion an issue anymore. It was a prime excuse used to demonize Republicans and Christians in general.
Well you may not relate to her because she is a woman, but there are millions of women who would disagree with your statement.
I think that many women can relate to Hillary more so than some horny joker trying to tell a woman what she can do with her own reproductive rights while they get viagra for free.
Yeah, that shit is really fucking important to women. Especially since it hasn't been a legal issue for 20 years.

What shit? I was talking about birth control.
Birth control has nothing to do with abortion....or reproductive rights. That is the problem with this silly argument. First they wanted abortions on demand, then they wanted them paid for by taxpayers......and now they want us to pay for their birth control pills and rubbers as if it's some stupid entitlement.

The issue you on the left seem to feel is important is for tax-payer funded BC or funded by religious organizations that don't believe in it. Pretty much cramming it down everyone's throats.

Well you may not relate to her because she is a woman, but there are millions of women who would disagree with your statement.
I think that many women can relate to Hillary more so than some horny joker trying to tell a woman what she can do with her own reproductive rights while they get viagra for free.
Yeah, that shit is really fucking important to women. Especially since it hasn't been a legal issue for 20 years.

What shit? I was talking about birth control.
Birth control has nothing to do with abortion....or reproductive rights. That is the problem with this silly argument. First they wanted abortions on demand, then they wanted them paid for by taxpayers......and now they want us to pay for their birth control pills and rubbers as if it's some stupid entitlement.

The issue you on the left seem to feel is important is for tax-payer funded BC or funded by religious organizations that don't believe in it. Pretty much cramming it down everyone's throats.

I do believe the above statement is wrong, Lefties just want their Birth Control covered by their insurance just like viagra is covered for men.

First off there are Lefties who oppose abortion ( long threads made already )

It was very clear just how outdated the righties are with the last presidential elections and is a big reason why the republicans lost the elections.
They lost it by allowing some cavemen's talk about running a woman's life wanting a job to dictate if they will allow to take birth control, that a women that is being raped and stop herself from being pregnant. :bs1: Also with something so violent happening to a women it should be her choice to carry the baby.

The controversies caused the Republican Party to look for ways to prevent its election candidates from making similar comments about rape. Kevin Madden, a Republican strategist and senior adviser to the Mitt Romney presidential campaign, said, "This is actually pretty simple. If you're about to talk about rape as anything other than a brutal and horrible crime, stop". Anti-abortion groups, such as the Susan B. Anthony List, launched training programs to prevent controversial statements on rape and abortion

Rape and pregnancy controversies in United States elections 2012 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Like I said many lefties do not agree with abortion , like myself. I even did my internship with women on the street , allowing them to have healthy babies, not drug addicted or abortions.

These unstable views did cost the election for the right , along with some other mistakes.
Birth control was already so cheap, anyone who went to WalMart and filled a prescription knew that. The left made it an issue because they wanted to force religious companies and Catholic institutions to provide it. This is why they made such a big fucken deal at Georgetown university. It wasn't about insurance. It was about infringing on religious freedoms. The reason they shifted away from abortion to Birth Control was because they couldn't make abortion an issue anymore. It was a prime excuse used to demonize Republicans and Christians in general.

Yup, and Sandra Fluke could have walked into any public health clinic and walked out with free birth control. It's been that way for decades
Yeah, that shit is really fucking important to women. Especially since it hasn't been a legal issue for 20 years.

What shit? I was talking about birth control.
Birth control has nothing to do with abortion....or reproductive rights. That is the problem with this silly argument. First they wanted abortions on demand, then they wanted them paid for by taxpayers......and now they want us to pay for their birth control pills and rubbers as if it's some stupid entitlement.

The issue you on the left seem to feel is important is for tax-payer funded BC or funded by religious organizations that don't believe in it. Pretty much cramming it down everyone's throats.

Yeah, that shit is really fucking important to women. Especially since it hasn't been a legal issue for 20 years.

What shit? I was talking about birth control.
Birth control has nothing to do with abortion....or reproductive rights. That is the problem with this silly argument. First they wanted abortions on demand, then they wanted them paid for by taxpayers......and now they want us to pay for their birth control pills and rubbers as if it's some stupid entitlement.

The issue you on the left seem to feel is important is for tax-payer funded BC or funded by religious organizations that don't believe in it. Pretty much cramming it down everyone's throats.

I do believe the above statement is wrong, Lefties just want their Birth Control covered by their insurance just like viagra is covered for men.

First off there are Lefties who oppose abortion ( long threads made already )

It was very clear just how outdated the righties are with the last presidential elections and is a big reason why the republicans lost the elections.
They lost it by allowing some cavemen's talk about running a woman's life wanting a job to dictate if they will allow to take birth control, that a women that is being raped and stop herself from being pregnant. :bs1: Also with something so violent happening to a women it should be her choice to carry the baby.

The controversies caused the Republican Party to look for ways to prevent its election candidates from making similar comments about rape. Kevin Madden, a Republican strategist and senior adviser to the Mitt Romney presidential campaign, said, "This is actually pretty simple. If you're about to talk about rape as anything other than a brutal and horrible crime, stop". Anti-abortion groups, such as the Susan B. Anthony List, launched training programs to prevent controversial statements on rape and abortion

Rape and pregnancy controversies in United States elections 2012 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Like I said many lefties do not agree with abortion , like myself. I even did my internship with women on the street , allowing them to have healthy babies, not drug addicted or abortions.

These unstable views did cost the election for the right , along with some other mistakes.
Birth control was already so cheap, anyone who went to WalMart and filled a prescription knew that. The left made it an issue because they wanted to force religious companies and Catholic institutions to provide it. This is why they made such a big fucken deal at Georgetown university. It wasn't about insurance. It was about infringing on religious freedoms. The reason they shifted away from abortion to Birth Control was because they couldn't make abortion an issue anymore. It was a prime excuse used to demonize Republicans and Christians in general.

Yup, and Sandra Fluke could have walked into any public health clinic and walked out with free birth control. It's been that way for decades

Sandra Fluke was fighting for birth control coverage for all women

A noble concern
What shit? I was talking about birth control.
Birth control has nothing to do with abortion....or reproductive rights. That is the problem with this silly argument. First they wanted abortions on demand, then they wanted them paid for by taxpayers......and now they want us to pay for their birth control pills and rubbers as if it's some stupid entitlement.

The issue you on the left seem to feel is important is for tax-payer funded BC or funded by religious organizations that don't believe in it. Pretty much cramming it down everyone's throats.

What shit? I was talking about birth control.
Birth control has nothing to do with abortion....or reproductive rights. That is the problem with this silly argument. First they wanted abortions on demand, then they wanted them paid for by taxpayers......and now they want us to pay for their birth control pills and rubbers as if it's some stupid entitlement.

The issue you on the left seem to feel is important is for tax-payer funded BC or funded by religious organizations that don't believe in it. Pretty much cramming it down everyone's throats.

I do believe the above statement is wrong, Lefties just want their Birth Control covered by their insurance just like viagra is covered for men.

First off there are Lefties who oppose abortion ( long threads made already )

It was very clear just how outdated the righties are with the last presidential elections and is a big reason why the republicans lost the elections.
They lost it by allowing some cavemen's talk about running a woman's life wanting a job to dictate if they will allow to take birth control, that a women that is being raped and stop herself from being pregnant. :bs1: Also with something so violent happening to a women it should be her choice to carry the baby.

The controversies caused the Republican Party to look for ways to prevent its election candidates from making similar comments about rape. Kevin Madden, a Republican strategist and senior adviser to the Mitt Romney presidential campaign, said, "This is actually pretty simple. If you're about to talk about rape as anything other than a brutal and horrible crime, stop". Anti-abortion groups, such as the Susan B. Anthony List, launched training programs to prevent controversial statements on rape and abortion

Rape and pregnancy controversies in United States elections 2012 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Like I said many lefties do not agree with abortion , like myself. I even did my internship with women on the street , allowing them to have healthy babies, not drug addicted or abortions.

These unstable views did cost the election for the right , along with some other mistakes.
Birth control was already so cheap, anyone who went to WalMart and filled a prescription knew that. The left made it an issue because they wanted to force religious companies and Catholic institutions to provide it. This is why they made such a big fucken deal at Georgetown university. It wasn't about insurance. It was about infringing on religious freedoms. The reason they shifted away from abortion to Birth Control was because they couldn't make abortion an issue anymore. It was a prime excuse used to demonize Republicans and Christians in general.

Yup, and Sandra Fluke could have walked into any public health clinic and walked out with free birth control. It's been that way for decades

Sandra Fluke was fighting for birth control coverage for all women

A noble concern

Any woman can go to a clinic and get it.

Sandra Fluke is yesterday because she was recognized as an idiot and I suspect if she had as many sticking out of her as she's had stuck in her she'd look like a porcupine
Birth control has nothing to do with abortion....or reproductive rights. That is the problem with this silly argument. First they wanted abortions on demand, then they wanted them paid for by taxpayers......and now they want us to pay for their birth control pills and rubbers as if it's some stupid entitlement.

The issue you on the left seem to feel is important is for tax-payer funded BC or funded by religious organizations that don't believe in it. Pretty much cramming it down everyone's throats.

Birth control has nothing to do with abortion....or reproductive rights. That is the problem with this silly argument. First they wanted abortions on demand, then they wanted them paid for by taxpayers......and now they want us to pay for their birth control pills and rubbers as if it's some stupid entitlement.

The issue you on the left seem to feel is important is for tax-payer funded BC or funded by religious organizations that don't believe in it. Pretty much cramming it down everyone's throats.

I do believe the above statement is wrong, Lefties just want their Birth Control covered by their insurance just like viagra is covered for men.

First off there are Lefties who oppose abortion ( long threads made already )

It was very clear just how outdated the righties are with the last presidential elections and is a big reason why the republicans lost the elections.
They lost it by allowing some cavemen's talk about running a woman's life wanting a job to dictate if they will allow to take birth control, that a women that is being raped and stop herself from being pregnant. :bs1: Also with something so violent happening to a women it should be her choice to carry the baby.

The controversies caused the Republican Party to look for ways to prevent its election candidates from making similar comments about rape. Kevin Madden, a Republican strategist and senior adviser to the Mitt Romney presidential campaign, said, "This is actually pretty simple. If you're about to talk about rape as anything other than a brutal and horrible crime, stop". Anti-abortion groups, such as the Susan B. Anthony List, launched training programs to prevent controversial statements on rape and abortion

Rape and pregnancy controversies in United States elections 2012 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Like I said many lefties do not agree with abortion , like myself. I even did my internship with women on the street , allowing them to have healthy babies, not drug addicted or abortions.

These unstable views did cost the election for the right , along with some other mistakes.
Birth control was already so cheap, anyone who went to WalMart and filled a prescription knew that. The left made it an issue because they wanted to force religious companies and Catholic institutions to provide it. This is why they made such a big fucken deal at Georgetown university. It wasn't about insurance. It was about infringing on religious freedoms. The reason they shifted away from abortion to Birth Control was because they couldn't make abortion an issue anymore. It was a prime excuse used to demonize Republicans and Christians in general.

Yup, and Sandra Fluke could have walked into any public health clinic and walked out with free birth control. It's been that way for decades

Sandra Fluke was fighting for birth control coverage for all women

A noble concern

Any woman can go to a clinic and get it.

Sandra Fluke is yesterday because she was recognized as an idiot and I suspect if she had as many sticking out of her as she's had stuck in her she'd look like a porcupine


How much of America has free clinics?

All insurance should cover birth control. It benefits the whole country
What shit? I was talking about birth control.
Birth control has nothing to do with abortion....or reproductive rights. That is the problem with this silly argument. First they wanted abortions on demand, then they wanted them paid for by taxpayers......and now they want us to pay for their birth control pills and rubbers as if it's some stupid entitlement.

The issue you on the left seem to feel is important is for tax-payer funded BC or funded by religious organizations that don't believe in it. Pretty much cramming it down everyone's throats.

What shit? I was talking about birth control.
Birth control has nothing to do with abortion....or reproductive rights. That is the problem with this silly argument. First they wanted abortions on demand, then they wanted them paid for by taxpayers......and now they want us to pay for their birth control pills and rubbers as if it's some stupid entitlement.

The issue you on the left seem to feel is important is for tax-payer funded BC or funded by religious organizations that don't believe in it. Pretty much cramming it down everyone's throats.

I do believe the above statement is wrong, Lefties just want their Birth Control covered by their insurance just like viagra is covered for men.

First off there are Lefties who oppose abortion ( long threads made already )

It was very clear just how outdated the righties are with the last presidential elections and is a big reason why the republicans lost the elections.
They lost it by allowing some cavemen's talk about running a woman's life wanting a job to dictate if they will allow to take birth control, that a women that is being raped and stop herself from being pregnant. :bs1: Also with something so violent happening to a women it should be her choice to carry the baby.

The controversies caused the Republican Party to look for ways to prevent its election candidates from making similar comments about rape. Kevin Madden, a Republican strategist and senior adviser to the Mitt Romney presidential campaign, said, "This is actually pretty simple. If you're about to talk about rape as anything other than a brutal and horrible crime, stop". Anti-abortion groups, such as the Susan B. Anthony List, launched training programs to prevent controversial statements on rape and abortion

Rape and pregnancy controversies in United States elections 2012 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Like I said many lefties do not agree with abortion , like myself. I even did my internship with women on the street , allowing them to have healthy babies, not drug addicted or abortions.

These unstable views did cost the election for the right , along with some other mistakes.
Birth control was already so cheap, anyone who went to WalMart and filled a prescription knew that. The left made it an issue because they wanted to force religious companies and Catholic institutions to provide it. This is why they made such a big fucken deal at Georgetown university. It wasn't about insurance. It was about infringing on religious freedoms. The reason they shifted away from abortion to Birth Control was because they couldn't make abortion an issue anymore. It was a prime excuse used to demonize Republicans and Christians in general.

Yup, and Sandra Fluke could have walked into any public health clinic and walked out with free birth control. It's been that way for decades

Sandra Fluke was fighting for birth control coverage for all women

A noble concern

What's "noble" about demanding free stuff?

I do believe the above statement is wrong, Lefties just want their Birth Control covered by their insurance just like viagra is covered for men.

First off there are Lefties who oppose abortion ( long threads made already )

It was very clear just how outdated the righties are with the last presidential elections and is a big reason why the republicans lost the elections.
They lost it by allowing some cavemen's talk about running a woman's life wanting a job to dictate if they will allow to take birth control, that a women that is being raped and stop herself from being pregnant. :bs1: Also with something so violent happening to a women it should be her choice to carry the baby.

Rape and pregnancy controversies in United States elections 2012 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Like I said many lefties do not agree with abortion , like myself. I even did my internship with women on the street , allowing them to have healthy babies, not drug addicted or abortions.

These unstable views did cost the election for the right , along with some other mistakes.
Birth control was already so cheap, anyone who went to WalMart and filled a prescription knew that. The left made it an issue because they wanted to force religious companies and Catholic institutions to provide it. This is why they made such a big fucken deal at Georgetown university. It wasn't about insurance. It was about infringing on religious freedoms. The reason they shifted away from abortion to Birth Control was because they couldn't make abortion an issue anymore. It was a prime excuse used to demonize Republicans and Christians in general.

Yup, and Sandra Fluke could have walked into any public health clinic and walked out with free birth control. It's been that way for decades

Sandra Fluke was fighting for birth control coverage for all women

A noble concern

Any woman can go to a clinic and get it.

Sandra Fluke is yesterday because she was recognized as an idiot and I suspect if she had as many sticking out of her as she's had stuck in her she'd look like a porcupine


How much of America has free clinics?

All insurance should cover birth control. It benefits the whole country

How does it benefit me?

I do believe the above statement is wrong, Lefties just want their Birth Control covered by their insurance just like viagra is covered for men.

First off there are Lefties who oppose abortion ( long threads made already )

It was very clear just how outdated the righties are with the last presidential elections and is a big reason why the republicans lost the elections.
They lost it by allowing some cavemen's talk about running a woman's life wanting a job to dictate if they will allow to take birth control, that a women that is being raped and stop herself from being pregnant. :bs1: Also with something so violent happening to a women it should be her choice to carry the baby.

Rape and pregnancy controversies in United States elections 2012 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Like I said many lefties do not agree with abortion , like myself. I even did my internship with women on the street , allowing them to have healthy babies, not drug addicted or abortions.

These unstable views did cost the election for the right , along with some other mistakes.
Birth control was already so cheap, anyone who went to WalMart and filled a prescription knew that. The left made it an issue because they wanted to force religious companies and Catholic institutions to provide it. This is why they made such a big fucken deal at Georgetown university. It wasn't about insurance. It was about infringing on religious freedoms. The reason they shifted away from abortion to Birth Control was because they couldn't make abortion an issue anymore. It was a prime excuse used to demonize Republicans and Christians in general.

Yup, and Sandra Fluke could have walked into any public health clinic and walked out with free birth control. It's been that way for decades

Sandra Fluke was fighting for birth control coverage for all women

A noble concern

Any woman can go to a clinic and get it.

Sandra Fluke is yesterday because she was recognized as an idiot and I suspect if she had as many sticking out of her as she's had stuck in her she'd look like a porcupine


How much of America has free clinics?

All insurance should cover birth control. It benefits the whole country
Actually pretty much all insurance does cover it. But why should it? It's not like it's beyond anyone's means.
Anotehr faux issue byt he Left to hide their failure over women's issues.
Birth control has nothing to do with abortion....or reproductive rights. That is the problem with this silly argument. First they wanted abortions on demand, then they wanted them paid for by taxpayers......and now they want us to pay for their birth control pills and rubbers as if it's some stupid entitlement.

The issue you on the left seem to feel is important is for tax-payer funded BC or funded by religious organizations that don't believe in it. Pretty much cramming it down everyone's throats.

Birth control has nothing to do with abortion....or reproductive rights. That is the problem with this silly argument. First they wanted abortions on demand, then they wanted them paid for by taxpayers......and now they want us to pay for their birth control pills and rubbers as if it's some stupid entitlement.

The issue you on the left seem to feel is important is for tax-payer funded BC or funded by religious organizations that don't believe in it. Pretty much cramming it down everyone's throats.

I do believe the above statement is wrong, Lefties just want their Birth Control covered by their insurance just like viagra is covered for men.

First off there are Lefties who oppose abortion ( long threads made already )

It was very clear just how outdated the righties are with the last presidential elections and is a big reason why the republicans lost the elections.
They lost it by allowing some cavemen's talk about running a woman's life wanting a job to dictate if they will allow to take birth control, that a women that is being raped and stop herself from being pregnant. :bs1: Also with something so violent happening to a women it should be her choice to carry the baby.

The controversies caused the Republican Party to look for ways to prevent its election candidates from making similar comments about rape. Kevin Madden, a Republican strategist and senior adviser to the Mitt Romney presidential campaign, said, "This is actually pretty simple. If you're about to talk about rape as anything other than a brutal and horrible crime, stop". Anti-abortion groups, such as the Susan B. Anthony List, launched training programs to prevent controversial statements on rape and abortion

Rape and pregnancy controversies in United States elections 2012 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Like I said many lefties do not agree with abortion , like myself. I even did my internship with women on the street , allowing them to have healthy babies, not drug addicted or abortions.

These unstable views did cost the election for the right , along with some other mistakes.
Birth control was already so cheap, anyone who went to WalMart and filled a prescription knew that. The left made it an issue because they wanted to force religious companies and Catholic institutions to provide it. This is why they made such a big fucken deal at Georgetown university. It wasn't about insurance. It was about infringing on religious freedoms. The reason they shifted away from abortion to Birth Control was because they couldn't make abortion an issue anymore. It was a prime excuse used to demonize Republicans and Christians in general.

Yup, and Sandra Fluke could have walked into any public health clinic and walked out with free birth control. It's been that way for decades

Sandra Fluke was fighting for birth control coverage for all women

A noble concern

What's "noble" about demanding free stuff?
Insurance is not free stuff

Birth control is "free stuff" but a heart transplant is not?
Birth control was already so cheap, anyone who went to WalMart and filled a prescription knew that. The left made it an issue because they wanted to force religious companies and Catholic institutions to provide it. This is why they made such a big fucken deal at Georgetown university. It wasn't about insurance. It was about infringing on religious freedoms. The reason they shifted away from abortion to Birth Control was because they couldn't make abortion an issue anymore. It was a prime excuse used to demonize Republicans and Christians in general.

Yup, and Sandra Fluke could have walked into any public health clinic and walked out with free birth control. It's been that way for decades

Sandra Fluke was fighting for birth control coverage for all women

A noble concern

Any woman can go to a clinic and get it.

Sandra Fluke is yesterday because she was recognized as an idiot and I suspect if she had as many sticking out of her as she's had stuck in her she'd look like a porcupine


How much of America has free clinics?

All insurance should cover birth control. It benefits the whole country
Actually pretty much all insurance does cover it. But why should it? It's not like it's beyond anyone's means.
Anotehr faux issue byt he Left to hide their failure over women's issues.
Many, many prescriptions are not beyond patients means but are fully covered

Yet, birth control is a boogeyman to conservatives
Birth control was already so cheap, anyone who went to WalMart and filled a prescription knew that. The left made it an issue because they wanted to force religious companies and Catholic institutions to provide it. This is why they made such a big fucken deal at Georgetown university. It wasn't about insurance. It was about infringing on religious freedoms. The reason they shifted away from abortion to Birth Control was because they couldn't make abortion an issue anymore. It was a prime excuse used to demonize Republicans and Christians in general.

Yup, and Sandra Fluke could have walked into any public health clinic and walked out with free birth control. It's been that way for decades

Sandra Fluke was fighting for birth control coverage for all women

A noble concern

Any woman can go to a clinic and get it.

Sandra Fluke is yesterday because she was recognized as an idiot and I suspect if she had as many sticking out of her as she's had stuck in her she'd look like a porcupine


How much of America has free clinics?

All insurance should cover birth control. It benefits the whole country

How does it benefit me?


Let's see.......fewer abortions, fewer children on welfare, fewer children filling our schools, lower taxes

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