Hillary Clinton

Face it...

Hillary fucked the guys in Benghazi...

Hillary fucked Congress...

Hillary fucked Bernie...

Hillary fucked our troops by voting to send them into Iraq...

Hell, Hillary fucked the entire country!!!

Apparently, her lying, cheating husband is the only person she WON'T fuck, judging from the fact that her spawn is a dead ringer of Webb Hubbell!!!

And the above is Exhibit A on why Trump failed. Who would want to spend time with people like this?
If Hillary Clinton is a crook, then she's the smartest God-dammed criminal in the history of the world, because Republicans have spent 25 years and 300 million of our tax dollars on investigations and witch hunts that have turned up absolutely nothing. Maybe she isn't the one who is crooked here...

No, you have it backwards. She isn't that smart of criminal she is really quite unintelligent. She couldn't even pass the DC bar examine when 2/3s passed, and apparently she never tried again.

What we have is her doing all these things that would put you or me in jail. The Whitewater investigation produced 15 convictions on 40 different charges. Draft indictments were drawn for Hillary but it was decided she was too big to jail. That pattern continues to this day.

In the end the Republicans and the Democrats are going to protect the establishment and no one represents the establishment more than Hillary Clinton. As Obama told you, Hillary will say anything to get elected and change nothing. If that is what you want then vote Hillary.

Gee, another Conservative blaming someone else…. “It was decided”…
Even republicans agree Hillary is qualified and will make a fine president, the problems will be the useless congress and their corporate sponsors who like that a few bucks keeps congress in line. As for the dipshits online who condemn Hillary, that, as the OP notes has been going on forever. Keeps the dummies attention focused in the wrong direction.
If Hillary Clinton is a crook, then she's the smartest God-dammed criminal in the history of the world, because Republicans have spent 25 years and 300 million of our tax dollars on investigations and witch hunts that have turned up absolutely nothing. Maybe she isn't the one who is crooked here...
You are confused. I don't know where you got the 300 million figure from but the Benghazi hearings are how we found out about her mishandling Libya and the middle east, her incompetence, putting people in harm's way and turning her back on them, her lies, gross mishandling of classified intel, trying to cover it up and lying about even that.

Now we see her lie about what the FBI director said and she does it effortlessly. So obvious to anyone with half a brain (that leaves libs out) that she trying to massage it with a "short circuit" comment in an attempt to play it off as a simple misunderstanding. It's so lame only a liberal could believe it.
If Hillary Clinton is a crook, then she's the smartest God-dammed criminal in the history of the world, because Republicans have spent 25 years and 300 million of our tax dollars on investigations and witch hunts that have turned up absolutely nothing. Maybe she isn't the one who is crooked here...
Smart, but not smartest. She certainly knows where the lines are drawn, but if she was the smartest, no one would ever know about her activities.

I'll readily agree Washington, D.C. is full of unethical, self-serving assholes so Hillary isn't alone in that regard but she is also very good at it. Kudoes!

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