Hillary can't wait for the I told you so days to happen


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
Thus far, nothing from the Clintons...which is a good thing. However, I can't help but think how good she must feel with Trump dumping his Nazi plan on the american stupid. At least she'll have a good Xmas after all.
Going to be hard raising money for the Clinton Foundation without the political clout any more.
Thus far, nothing from the Clintons...which is a good thing. However, I can't help but think how good she must feel with Trump dumping his Nazi plan on the american stupid. At least she'll have a good Xmas after all.

Thus far, nothing from the Clintons...which is a good thing. However, I can't help but think how good she must feel with Trump dumping his Nazi plan on the american stupid. At least she'll have a good Xmas after all.
You're out of your fuckin' mind, as usual.

This is what has driven Hillary virtually her whole life, to be the first woman president of the United States. It's why she's stayed married to that philandering scum who's embarrassed and humiliated her countless times over the decades, why she put up with eight more years of working to finally grasp the brass ring in what should have been the last year of her administration, had she not fucked up and lost out to a feckless colored guy who came out of nowhere. It's been her life's mission but suddenly, poof...it all disappeared on her. It's done; it's over, and it hurts her like hell. By Christmas it'll finally have sunk in that she's now a nobody instead of the president. She'll be an even more miserable bitch the rest of her life, something she's bought and paid for in spades.

And I for one couldn't be more delighted by her misery.

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