Highlights of CPAC 2015


liberal / progressive
Jun 4, 2007

'What a year, what a year, conservatives now control our house and senate, ain't it great. Be assured dedicated republican voters, we will once again block any and all progressive ideas while supporting our corporate sponsors. And this year's CPAC will be filled with the usual barnstormers and entertainers of the past, with new faces too. So just to give you an idea of what's in store, check out the speakers and a brief comment on their talks this year.'

Jeb Bush will provide Spanish language lessons so immigration officials can use proper Spanish vulgarity when kicking out immigrants.

Scott Walker will outline how to handle calls from the Koch brothers, calls especially from fake Koch brothers. No more submissive groveling for Scott. This time he'll ask questions.

Rick Perry will outline all the government agencies he wants to abolish, two, four, eight, maybe thirty, he's not sure yet, but he'll know by speech time.

Marco Rubio said he was thirsty and needed a glass of water. His earth shattering ideas will be posted when he gets one.

Ted Cruz, a Canadian by birth will explain why a seat in the US Senate is better than working in the Tar Sands of Canada even though he never had a real working class job in his life. Ted just loves those American government job perks.

Ben Carson will give a lesson on why healthcare is tantamount to slavery. This should be a doozy; Ben has a way with historical comparisons.

Joni Ernst was discussing animal castration but thought doing the same to humans conflicted with her religious beliefs that all life is sacred, unless of course you're an animal.

Rand Paul demonstrated his love of freedom by showing up early then leaving the stage returning the next day with plagiarized notes from another speaker. Talk about freedom.

Bobby Jindal put everyone to sleep going on and on about light skin and dark skin, no one could figure it out, but the nap was nice.

Rick Santorum talked about homeschooling and slippery slopes. Seems we are headed down one now and Rick thinks any day now blacks and whites will be allowed to marry. No one had the nerve to tell him it already happened.

Carly Fiorina thinks her failure at HP qualifies her for president, she may have something there as her recent talk with Bush 43 on tactics was all about wearing jeans and drinking beer with friends, eating pretzels too.

Sarah Palin now has a roof top deck and can now see Russia, Sarah's new vantage point gives her improved foreign affairs recognition and deeper knowledge of geopolitical politics.

Sean Hannity had hoped to bring back the anti-law, anti government hero Cliven Bundy, but Cliven wouldn't promise not to use the N word. So Sean will cover his good friend Jon Stewart instead.

John Bolton started his talk with bomb bomb bomb, and then got so carried away they had to carry him out as he shouted bomb bomb bomb over and over again and again and again....

“Duck Dynasty” star Phil Robertson, talked about duck calls and claimed all the ******* he knew were happy *******. The crowd cheered his first amendment right. Oddly someone let a duck loose in the auditorium and didn't that duck land one on Phil's head. Thankfully Phil and Wayne weren't armed today. While unbelievable, the duck had a human caller which imitated Phil's cranky sounding voice. The duck was unarmed.

Bill Flores will be all covered in oil, actually it's pancake syrup, proving oil does not cause human warming. Editors are unsure here if he on the right track or even planet, but at CPAC money talks.

Donald Trump talked marriage fidelity, nah that can't be right, think that was Neut Gingrich. Anyway Donald is still looking for marriage certificates, no hold it again, birth certificates of all democrats running for president. We hope this great and important work keeps him busy for a long time.

=== Breakout Sessions ====

NRA president Wayne LaPierre will give a live demonstration on how not to shoot yourself with a bra holster. Wayne's boobs are kinda small but you'll get the idea. Oh and the gun will be unloaded, republican hero George Zimmerman will be on hand to check.

Fox and Washington Times readers and audiences will be treated to a special pep session in which they scream 'No No No No' to an Obama effigy. Other cheers will include, 'you don't love America' and 'go back to Kenya, Marxist.' This session is currently overbooked.


We missed Chris Christy, Rush Limbaugh, and Ann Coulter. Chris is dieting in Iowa, says the climate fits him, Rush Limbaugh is in Germany showing his support of America by buying a Maybach car. Rush feels supporting Germany is the American thing to do. And Ann can't figure out if she's gay or straight or even a women. Mitt Romney was missing too, rumor has it he is in the Cayman's counting his American money hidden there. If anyone has more detail let us know. And so it goes....

Stay tuned we hope to bring more information about this momentous event.
EXCELLENT synopsis.

Welcome to the republican party today. You gotta give Phil credit, conversations about STDs is a bit new for a party that repeats the same BS. lol

"Among all the speakers who’ve come and gone on day two of the Conservative Political Action Conference, my favorite thus far has been former Texas governor and affable dunce Rick Perry. He came roaring out onto the stage to the accompaniment of AC/DC’s “Back in Black,” and then twirled off a loud and mostly articulate rendition of what will become his 2016 stump speech. It had all the hallmarks of your standard CPAC address: the world’s falling to pieces and it’s Obama’s fault; the economy sucks and it’s Obama’s fault; the unemployment rate is a “sham” (probably perpetrated by Obama); and even though everything is terrible there’s hope for the future because of freedom, America, freedom, liberty, America, etc."
Rick Perry s border swindle Posing as a border security tough guy at CPAC - Salon.com

"Robertson, one of the stars of A&E's "Duck Dynasty" who was suspended from the show in 2013 after making anti-gay remarks, appeared Friday at the 2015 Conservative Political Action Conference to accept the Andrew Breitbart Defender of the First Amendment Award from Citizens United.

Addressing the annual gathering of conservatives, Robertson hit on a number of popular right-wing talking points, including his allegiance to the Bible and his disdain for House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio). The speech took a turn, however, when the "Duck Dynasty" patriarch began lamenting the United States' high incidence of STIs." CPAC Officially Goes Off The Rails With Phil Robertson s Rant On STDs The Revenge Of The Hippies

Thought I'd post this here as why not. Six years later they are still beating the same empty drum. Is that comedy or tragedy. One wonders what really happened to true conservatism for that was lost long ago. Trump conservative!!! One has to be drunk or lost or easily played to buy that line. Anyway thought this interesting.

"An inability to stay quiet is one of the conspicuous failings of mankind." Walter Bagehot

Notes for Trump's CPAC Speech

I'm back, you miss me, I never left, I am the party, my tools still visit, ain't Graham a gem, how about that doofus Cruz, told em that when he ran for president, remember that ugly women, no Melania for sure, then there is Scalise Gaetz Rubio King Cotton Jordan etc, my boys, how they follow, afraid of my base, all leaders need my base, they cheer, they follow, I paid off porn stars, still won, caged children, broke up families, evangelicals still voted for me, I can't lose unless they cheat, true, so true, same policies next time, pollute the earth, lie, golf, corruption needs to stay in the family, safer that way, what a SCOTUS huh, darn Pence didn't listen, next VP is Marjorie what's her name, golf, white supremacist luv me, I luv em, my base, division works, you'd think they'd learn, nah, I had a great AG till the end, darn, gotta be more careful next time, now I have a PAC, ain't that great, more money more money, more rallies, I luv rallies cheering crowds, OAN Newsmax Fox keeps em in the dark and they cheer, more hats, more maga, make America great again and again, magaaa, hah, golf, gotta get twitter back, it was better than Newsmax OAN Breitbart or that pillow guy, he luves me, Vlad luves me, loved our talks, can you just see it, Melania and me back on the balcony, no mask, Mel in a her Manolo Blahniks, golf, jeez I miss the helicopter rides, the saluting, forgiving my criminal friends, can you beat that, nah, maybe elected forever, Rushmore bound, golf, family paid by government wow, just great, I'll beeeee back.....

Editor's note: Appears to be first draft, so please return for more thoughts from Donnie when they become available. (source unknown)

'Trump Loyalty Index for Republican members of Congress'

"The whole history of civilization is strewn with creeds and institutions which were invaluable at first, and deadly afterwards." Walter Bagehot
A gold Trump!

"Ye shall make you no idols nor graven image, neither rear you up a standing image, neither shall ye set up any image of stone in your land, to bow down unto it: for I am the Lord your God." Bible in Exodus 20:3, Matthew 4:10, Luke 4:8 and elsewhere

Greeting all, the gold Gawd will soon speak at CPAC and ye shall cheer and believe and follow. I listened to bits yesterday, and had BS substance, the room would have been filled. They do not even disguise their racism or their attempts to make voting more difficult for all Americans. Project Veritas was there of course pointing fingers at others. One must wonder what they do that is positive for America. Whining is a sign of weakness.

I know you all are on the edge of your seat waiting for the gold messiah to give the sermon of why he is a loser, it surely couldn't be his fault, of course it will be another's fault and unfair treatment, and so the story goes and so they follow...

Source Info:

Today the savior speaks to his disciples. I know I can't wait. Four years of lies followed by … what, one wonders, for without white supremist Stephen Miller what will he preach to the flock? What magic what prophesy what hopes what words for the needy who miss the tweets, who miss the sublime rants, and rallies. The fist pumping, the clapping, the finger pointed at the cheering crowds. Idols have such power over their followers. Let us know what the greatness spoke that made you smile and nod and laugh. One last note, the irony of his image made in Mexico must certainly amuse.

'Golden Trump statue turning heads at CPAC was made in Mexico'

“Zegan spent over six months crafting the 200lb fiberglass statue with the help of three men in Rosarito. He transported it to Tampa, Florida, where it was painted in chrome, then hauled it from there to CPAC.”
Holy crap Democrats really really hate CPAC. If they didn't talk about in zillions of threads in the last week or two, I'd know almost nothing about it.

The fact Democrats hate CPAC so much makes me want to go there more and learn more about it.
Figured I put this here as CPAC as really gone downhill.

CPAC has gotten so much worse since Trump, satire is no longer possible. Hate and love of authoritarians is their shtick today. Just amazing how so many so called conservatives and republicans now kowtow to evil men.

“I can already see tomorrow’s headlines," Orban said after the right-wing crowd welcomed him with an ovation. " 'Far-right European racist, and antisemite strongman — the Trojan horse of Putin — holds speech at conservative conference.'"

'Well, Mr. Orban, I really could not have put it better myself.

Except you left out a few important nouns: homophobe, populist, white Christian nationalist, xenophobe and, of course, darling of authoritarian-loving Tucker Carlson and Fox News."


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