High school mulls spending $600,000 to remove George Washington murals because they traumatize stu.


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
High School Mulls Spending $600,000 To Remove George Washington Murals Because They 'Traumatize' Students

A high school in San Francisco is now weighing three options to get rid of what they consider a terribly politically incorrect set of murals of America’s first president, George Washington.

40,000 a yr for a generation of pussies who can't look at a pictures your mental fks are suffering from severe mental illness pretty much beyond repair there is no hope for your generation of useless losers.
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Figures...activists are demanding it be removed.

Fckn California is falling apart
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Things like this make me glad I saved my old history books. At least I can show my kids the way history truly was, instead of the revisionist history these liberals love so much. No wonder so many college "students" can't answer basic history questions anymore.
Figures...activists are demanding it be removed.

Fckn California is falling apart

If SF and LA don't straighten out, people in CA will leave in masses. I didn't use the term en masse because only the neo-marxist liberals will be left and will someday fade away with attrition. Conservative, Geo-Californians will remain and inherit.
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How long do you think it will be before the presence of white students traumatizes students of color? It's moving in that direction and there is no place else it can go. They can only have so many safe spaces for blacks and they are still unsafe because there are white students. What they really want is for no white students to be allowed on college property.
Interesting article in the OP...

"Reason magazine noted that the murals were intended to be controversial. “The truth is that George Washington High School’s mural is provocative by design. It was painted in 1936 by a Russian-American artist named Victor Arnautoff, who held leftist sympathies. Arnautoff did not wish to blindly celebrate Washington while ignoring the less savory aspects of the American founding, and thus he depicted the first president working his slaves and sending men to confiscate Native American lands. It was an attempt to remind students that history is a lot messier than what they read in class,” wrote Robby Soave.

Seems to me the murals represent an excellent educational opportunity that is being totally overlooked in this PC reaction.

What a pity.

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