San Francisco to Destroy George Washington Mural..That was painted by a communist

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
San Francisco to Destroy George Washington Mural

Looks like George Washington will be following fellow Founding Father Thomas Jefferson into the memory hole. From AP:


San Francisco will spend up to $600,000 to paint over historical artwork at a public school depicting the life of George Washington, a mural once seen as educational and innovative but now criticized as racist and degrading for its depiction of black and Native American people.

Anything depicting a Caucasian is likely to be seen as “racist and degrading” to strategically aggrieved racial groups these days. Even to remind people of the Enlightenment period that produced George Washington is offensive. That is the reason Nike gave for opposing the Betsy Ross Flag.

The “Life of Washington” was painted by Victor Arnautoff, one of the foremost muralists in the San Francisco area during the Depression.

In those days, San Francisco was part of America. Even so, Arnautoff was a Russian-born communist, who apparently intended the fresco as a critique of Washington. At the time, it was considered radical. Now, it isn’t radical enough.

The San Francisco School Board’s decision to paint over the 83-year-old mural is prompting some to worry that other artwork from the so-called New Deal era could face a similar fate because of changing sensitivities.

This won’t stop at the New Deal era. The War on History demands that everything produced before yesterday be demonized and/or erased. Only a people with no heritage is malleable enough to be forged into suitable inhabitants for utopia.

The name of the school is George Washington High School. No doubt that will be changed to something more suitable, like Huey Newton High.

On a tip from 1-Bodhisattva.
San Francisco to Destroy George Washington Mural - Moonbattery
They keep on and on and on don't they ??

Not a good thing. :(
Theyre never gonna stop unless people really start pushing back .....what the useful idiots and some normies still refuse to acknowledge is how easily the lefttards eat their own ...
Legislation needs to be passed immediately protecting all historical content in this nation.

The only way something can be contested is for it to go through a very formal process where a committee made up of historical scholars and citizens would put it on a docket, debate it in the context of historical significance and value, and then a vote taken to remove it by relocation of it to either museum's or more appropriate setting's, but never destroyed or banned.

This lunacy going on in this nation in which is part of an agenda to overthrow this nation by knives of a thousand cut's should end NOW. They thought they could destroy Trump with their slow walking of a fraudulent coup, but it backfired leaving them exposed big time as to their intent coupled with their actions.

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