High school dating assignment cause uproar with parents

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
This is kind of funny I don't see what the big deal is...

High school's dating assignment causes uproar among parents

Parents at a Salt Lake City high school said they were outraged after their children in the 11th grade were assigned to go on a $5 date -- and got pointers over how boys and girls needed to act.

The assignment came in a required “adult roles and financial literacy class” on Monday, FOX13 reported.

Some of the bullet points for girls said things like “don’t waste his money,” “if you think you’re fat keep it to yourself,” “be feminine and lady like” and “don’t correct his personal habits.”

Boys were told to inform their dates about what they planned to order so the girls would “have a guide in order,” and to not “gripe about the money you’re spending or don’t have.”
Meh, looks to me like someone "hacked" the school for LAWLS

That said, I rather like the suggestions. My husband often orders for me, he knows what I like and it saves(ed) me the trouble of dealing with the waitress (especially back when I was fussing with the kidos.) I suppose it's kind of habit now, there's always a discussion about what I like at any particular place (I'm kind of finicky about food, dairy sensitivities, don't like strong tastes etc. but my "visual" memory isn't very good,) so by the time the waitress gets there he knows exactly what I want. We also do this kind of weird divide and conquer thing at restaurants, like we semi-plan our orders based on sharing them lol My husband doesn't like refried beans, but I do and I want some for my flour tortillas, and he wants rice but he can't exchange his beans cause they're mine, so the kidlets will order something and exchange their beans for rice - so forth around the table heh
Right me if I am wrong, but it sounds like they are trying to say that the guy is in charge and that the girl is not allowed to have a say in the matter what so ever. If that is how dating is these days, thank you for letting me know what I have not been missing out on.

God bless you always!!!

This is kind of funny I don't see what the big deal is...

High school's dating assignment causes uproar among parents

Parents at a Salt Lake City high school said they were outraged after their children in the 11th grade were assigned to go on a $5 date -- and got pointers over how boys and girls needed to act.

The assignment came in a required “adult roles and financial literacy class” on Monday, FOX13 reported.

Some of the bullet points for girls said things like “don’t waste his money,” “if you think you’re fat keep it to yourself,” “be feminine and lady like” and “don’t correct his personal habits.”

Boys were told to inform their dates about what they planned to order so the girls would “have a guide in order,” and to not “gripe about the money you’re spending or don’t have.”
Is the course elective?

If so, don't take it.
Sounds like a good class as it makes people think about what they'll do when they go on a date!

Yea Matthew, I think it would of been a good class to have growing up but I don't remember any of the girls I dated in my teens or 20`s ever complain about anything, they would just get a salad or something cheap.
Well actually what the article (ad?) is saying is that someone dropped the "syllabus" on the schools web site of teachers materials. The school claims it doesn't have such a course, and that the resource material wasn't something they'd use and removed it ~shrug~ Why I thought it was a trolling job.
It used to be expected that high schools taught teenage boys and girls how to act in social situations, and the reason they hold dances is to encourage normal social interactions among teenagers. Now, the perverts are in charge, so we can no longer ask our kids to do normal things, like dating. It's part of the whole pattern of our society devolving into anarchy, and I'm glad I will be dead in another 20 years or so when things really break down completely.

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