Hide the Decline, the story that won't go away


Gold Member
Sep 22, 2009
the last few days have been exciting in the Climate War between the Hockey Team and the Skeptics. after being rebuffed at the reconcilliation meeting in Lisbon where the Team refused to show up because they believe the science is settled, J Curry publically stated that any scientist who believes in the scientific method should denounce the pseudo-scientific methodology and intentional disinformation contained in the Hockey Stick Graph (MBH 98, 99). this of course has set off a sh*tstorm.

more and more scientists are morphing their opinions now that they are being put to the test, do you or do you not agree with what was done. because just ignoring the situation is no longer an option bullying by the Team is losing its effect and integrity is starting to re-emerge from a long slumber.

Curry's blog Hiding the Decline | Climate Etc.

more on Climategate. remember the email to delete all emails about AR4 (IPCC2007)? it turns out that Wahl actually admitted that he did! I wonder what Jones would have said if the inquiries had actually asked him that question and required him to produce them. New Light on “Delete Any Emails” « Climate Audit

in the same vein, NOAA official is caught lying about why she refused FOI requests about AR4 emails. NOAA Misrepresents Inspector General Report « Climate Audit

I could go on and on. the whole thing is starting to unravel like cheap sweater. the huge explosion is just around the corner because Mann's employers have lost the legal battle to keep his emails secret. this is going to leave a mark on a lot of reputations so don't be surprised to see a lot of climate scientists come clean just before they are exposed.
Ian bro........you are the man.

What is fascinating is that you present this to the hard core k00ks and they dismiss it like a rhino shooing a fly from its ass. I think for alot of people who perpetuate this religion, its sort of a personal matter of life and death, thus, no matter what comes out, it is instantaneously dismissed...........like a sports fan who finds out his favorite player has been juicing for 10 years but persists in a perpetual state of denial.

The problem is Ian......nobody is going to report this as it trickles out. A huge majority of the media are hard core lefties and part of the religion.........
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I think you are wrong about the media. as soon as they pick up the scent of blood in the water they will react as they always do. they will churn out a biased view of skepticism as the new great truth.

there has been a lot more skeptical slanted articles lately and that is one of the reasons I think this story is going to explode in the Hockey Teams face.

Breaking the ice | The Spectator

this type of expose' wouldnt have come out 2 years ago.
expect more of these to pop out of the woodwork in the near future-

Jones (Physics – Oxford University)

”If you’re wondering who I am, then you can find me at the Physics Department at Oxford University.”

Professor Jonathon Jones:

“People have asked why mainstream scientists are keeping silent on these issues. As a scientist who has largely kept silent, at least in public, I have more sympathy for silence than most people here. It’s not for the obvious reason, that speaking out leads to immediate attacks, not just from Gavin and friends, but also from some of the more excitable commentators here. Far more importantly most scientists are reluctant to speak out on topics which are not their field. We tend to trust our colleagues, perhaps unreasonably so, and are also well aware that most scientific questions are considerably more complex than outsiders think, and that it is entirely possible that we have missed some subtle but critical point.

However, “hide the decline” is an entirely different matter. This is not a complicated technical matter on which reasonable people can disagree: it is a straightforward and blatant breach of the fundamental principles of honesty and self-criticism that lie at the heart of all true science.

The significance of the divergence problem is immediately obvious, and seeking to hide it is quite simply wrong. The recent public statements by supposed leaders of UK science, declaring that hiding the decline is standard scientific practice are on a par with declarations that black is white and up is down. I don’t know who they think they are speaking for, but they certainly aren’t speaking for me.

from this blog post- Curry’s 2000 comment question: Can anyone defendit also has a coupla graphs-

Good Posts Ian. Curry is going to be a major force in breaking this cabal. She is honest and ethical, two qualities missing from the majority of climatologists.
Good Posts Ian. Curry is going to be a major force in breaking this cabal. She is honest and ethical, two qualities missing from the majority of climatologists.

sometimes it only takes one person to start the ball rolling. she wasn't considered to be on the skeptical side but she has been making louder and louder statements about honesty and integrity. so Gavin et al have been attacking her, which only makes her more likely to continue. I think the Team has new respect for muslim laws that say people who try to leave Islam should be killed. I am sure they would like to kill her career.
Good Posts Ian. Curry is going to be a major force in breaking this cabal. She is honest and ethical, two qualities missing from the majority of climatologists.

sometimes it only takes one person to start the ball rolling. she wasn't considered to be on the skeptical side but she has been making louder and louder statements about honesty and integrity. so Gavin et al have been attacking her, which only makes her more likely to continue. I think the Team has new respect for muslim laws that say people who try to leave Islam should be killed. I am sure they would like to kill her career.

That's been the climate mafia's MO for quite some time. That's why when they fall they will fall hard.
the money quote from Oxford physicist Jones above
However, “hide the decline” is an entirely different matter. This is not a complicated technical matter on which reasonable people can disagree: it is a straightforward and blatant breach of the fundamental principles of honesty and self-criticism that lie at the heart of all true science./

and pehaps the real reason why so many havent spoken up despite mounting evidence
I know that most men, including those at ease with problems of the greatest complexity, can seldom accept even the simplest and most obvious truth if it be such as would oblige them to admit the falsity of conclusions which they have delighted in explaining to colleagues, which they have proudly taught to others, and which they have woven, thread by thread, into the fabric of their lives.
Leo Tolstoy
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