The Money People say Climate Change is NOT AN ISSUE


Gold Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2010
Well not exactly. They do say that GOVERNMENT INTERVENTION can have very bad impacts on the investment portfolios of their clients but "climate change" itself is not an issue requiring consideration.

Climate Change Report
So some moron accountant is making a physics decission. How do you think we got into this mess in the first place?
Responsible investment e-newsletter: Issue 17

Climate Change Scenarios - Implications for Strategic Asset Allocation
Continued delay in climate change policy action and international coordination could cost institutional investors trillions of dollars over the coming decades, according to this new research by Mercer and a group of leading investors representing $2 trillion in assets under management. Learn more about the report and related events.
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Good God, Walleyes, is that what you got out of the data this site presents? Are you capable of reading or understanding beyond a third grade level?

Climate Change - videos

Much better than you olfraud!:lol::lol: These are the money people that advise people on how to invest, if they are wrong they are out of business so yes I would trust these folks over a climatologist any day of the week.
Responsible investment e-newsletter: Issue 17

Fiduciary Duty – Taking Aim at ESG Integration
Members of the US investment community often use the idea of fiduciary duty to explain why investors shouldn’t integrate climate change or other ESG factors into investment decision-making. In this article, Mercer challenges that notion and explores real and perceived barriers to ESG integration.

Carbon Counts: Assessing the Carbon Exposure of Canadian Institutional Investment Portfolios
Mercer and WWF-Canada recently released a ground-breaking report highlighting climate change as a new risk for institutional investors and providing insights into carbon risk assessment of an investment portfolio. The report was prepared for WWF-Canada by Mercer and Trucost in order to examine the carbon exposure of Canadian institutional pooled investment products.
So some moron accountant is making a physics decission. How do you think we got into this mess in the first place?

Most good physicists are sceptics. Freeman Dyson is one of the most preeminent physicists on the planet and has been called the heir to Einstein and he feels AGW is a non starter. So I suggest you take it up with him.
Now does that say that climate change itself is not an issue?

4 trillion dollars is not an issue?

And look at where they are talking about government policy.

What they are saying is that the governments need to be more coordinated and proactive in creating policy to deal with climate change.

Exactly the opposite of what you claim. And this is from their site.

Trillions of dollars at stake from climate change

Climate change increases uncertainty for long term institutional investors and as such, needs to be pro-actively managed.
Investment opportunities in low carbon technologies could reach $5 trillion.
The cost of impacts on the physical environment, health and food security could exceed $4 trillion. Climate change related policy changes could increase the cost of carbon emissions by as much as $8 trillion.
Increasing allocation to “climate sensitive” assets will help to mitigate risks and capture new opportunities.
Engagement with policy makers is crucial for institutional investors to pro-actively manage the potential costs of delayed and poorly co-ordinated climate policy action.
Policy developments at the country level will produce new investment opportunities as well as risks that need to be constantly monitored.
The EU and China/East Asia are set to lead investment in low carbon technology and efficiency improvements over the coming decades.
So some moron accountant is making a physics decission. How do you think we got into this mess in the first place?

Most good physicists are sceptics. Freeman Dyson is one of the most preeminent physicists on the planet and has been called the heir to Einstein and he feels AGW is a non starter. So I suggest you take it up with him.

Richard Feynman had more character....and, a model of the positron that holds to this day.
Walleyes, your site states that climate change is a major concern for investors, and the physical effects of climate change will be felt in investments.

They also state that policy makers, i.e. governments, must be influenced to take prudent steps to mitigate the effects of climate change.
I suggest that all that read the OP go to that site. It has some real interesting ideas about what climate change means to todays investors.
So some moron accountant is making a physics decission. How do you think we got into this mess in the first place?

Most good physicists are sceptics. Freeman Dyson is one of the most preeminent physicists on the planet and has been called the heir to Einstein and he feels AGW is a non starter. So I suggest you take it up with him.

Richard Feynman had more character....and, a model of the positron that holds to this day.

And he would have been a AGW sceptic as well.
By the way, Walleyes, thank you for that site. I will keep it as a referance for the validity of AGW.

No problem olfraud, how about posting that link to the Antarctic study that proved there was no correlation between CO2 and global temperature? That would be mighty grand ofyou.
I suggest that all that read the OP go to that site. It has some real interesting ideas about what climate change means to todays investors.

Yes, especially about what can happen with onerous government regulations, which is what they are truly concerned about.
Hey Walleyes, it ain't about Dyson or Freeman. It is about the Mercer investment advisors telling their clients that AGW will be a major factor in investing, plus and minus, in the next two decades. And that there will be major damage from climate change as well as major opportunity.

You posted the site, and it is a very good one.

Trillions of dollars at stake from climate change
I suggest that all that read the OP go to that site. It has some real interesting ideas about what climate change means to todays investors.

Yes, especially about what can happen with onerous government regulations, which is what they are truly concerned about.

Trillions of dollars at stake from climate change

Engagement with policy makers is crucial for institutional investors to pro-actively manage the potential costs of delayed and poorly co-ordinated climate policy action.

Really? Is that what this sentence means?:razz:
I suggest that all that read the OP go to that site. It has some real interesting ideas about what climate change means to todays investors.

Yes, especially about what can happen with onerous government regulations, which is what they are truly concerned about.

Trillions of dollars at stake from climate change

Engagement with policy makers is crucial for institutional investors to pro-actively manage the potential costs of delayed and poorly co-ordinated climate policy action.

Really? Is that what this sentence means?:razz:

I guess you missed this little missive huh?

"[C]limate policy could contribute as much as 10% to overall portfolio risk: Uncertainty around climate policy is a significant source of portfolio risk for institutional investors to manage over the next 20 years. The economic cost of climate policy for the market to absorb is estimated to amount to as much as approximately $8 trillion cumulatively, by 2030."

A typical cut and paste ignore the relevent parts post from you. Thanks for playing and exposing your fraudulent style yet again!
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Responsible investment e-newsletter: Issue 17

Climate Change Scenarios - Implications for Strategic Asset Allocation
Continued delay in climate change policy action and international coordination could cost institutional investors trillions of dollars over the coming decades, according to this new research by Mercer and a group of leading investors representing $2 trillion in assets under management. Learn more about the report and related events.

Hey rocky, guess what? The climate changes every day. That big nuclear explosion in the sky goes away for half a day and gets colder at night. Ice core samples show incredible fluctuations before the industrial age that would have killed us. Ice ages are relatively frequent in geological terms. Human technology doesn't change the climate and the United States is not responsible for floods or droughts in the rest of the world. The junk science of Global Warming is a convenient political tool for America-haters to diminish the Country's influence in the world and cause unrest and dependence on the federal government at a time whenthe economy is weak and energy costs are high due to unrest in oil producing countries.

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