Hey Democrats want proof? Here ya go

NAHHH! its all bullshit! Here's your proof like you give a shit.Everyone PLEASE share this!

Click watch on facebook. It won't let me embed it.

Link has expired...

Works fine for me.

Good for you but it seem it did not work for some on here...

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That is the response I am getting...

Do you have a facebook account?

I am not signing into it...

I never sign into my account when using these boards...

NAHHH! its all bullshit! Here's your proof like you give a shit.Everyone PLEASE share this!

Click watch on facebook. It won't let me embed it.

Link has expired...

Works fine for me.

Good for you but it seem it did not work for some on here...

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That is the response I am getting...

Do you have a facebook account?

I am not signing into it...

I never sign into my account when using these boards...

I guess there lies the problem.
Link has expired...

Works fine for me.

Good for you but it seem it did not work for some on here...

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That is the response I am getting...

Do you have a facebook account?

I am not signing into it...

I never sign into my account when using these boards...

I guess there lies the problem.

I guess... I do apologize but I keep my Message Board life apart from my Facebook and Twitter life... If it is important I am sure MSM will do a big article on it...:rofl::rock:
Works fine for me.

Good for you but it seem it did not work for some on here...

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That is the response I am getting...

Do you have a facebook account?

I am not signing into it...

I never sign into my account when using these boards...

I guess there lies the problem.

I guess... I do apologize but I keep my Message Board life apart from my Facebook and Twitter life... If it is important I am sure MSM will do a big article on it...:rofl::rock:

Like that will happen..

NAHHH! its all bullshit! Here's your proof like you give a shit.Everyone PLEASE share this!

Click watch on facebook. It won't let me embed it.

Link has expired...

Works fine for me.

Good for you but it seem it did not work for some on here...

Sorry, this content isn't available right now
The link you followed may have expired, or the page may only be visible to an audience you're not in.
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That is the response I am getting...

Do you have a facebook account?

I am not signing into it...

I never sign into my account when using these boards...
Why? I got my FB going right now....I go through my news feed and post them here if I think they are newsworthy.
Works fine for me.

Good for you but it seem it did not work for some on here...

Sorry, this content isn't available right now
The link you followed may have expired, or the page may only be visible to an audience you're not in.
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That is the response I am getting...

Do you have a facebook account?

I am not signing into it...

I never sign into my account when using these boards...

I guess there lies the problem.

I guess... I do apologize but I keep my Message Board life apart from my Facebook and Twitter life... If it is important I am sure MSM will do a big article on it...:rofl::rock:

You can stay signed and not have it interact.
Link has expired...

Works fine for me.

Good for you but it seem it did not work for some on here...

Sorry, this content isn't available right now
The link you followed may have expired, or the page may only be visible to an audience you're not in.
Go back to the previous page · Go to News Feed · Visit our Help Center

That is the response I am getting...

Do you have a facebook account?

I am not signing into it...

I never sign into my account when using these boards...
Why? I got my FB going right now....I go through my news feed and post them here if I think they are newsworthy.

Because I have rules and never break them... If I want to find someone I can bing for the information if it interests me enough...
Good for you but it seem it did not work for some on here...

Sorry, this content isn't available right now
The link you followed may have expired, or the page may only be visible to an audience you're not in.
Go back to the previous page · Go to News Feed · Visit our Help Center

That is the response I am getting...

Do you have a facebook account?

I am not signing into it...

I never sign into my account when using these boards...

I guess there lies the problem.

I guess... I do apologize but I keep my Message Board life apart from my Facebook and Twitter life... If it is important I am sure MSM will do a big article on it...:rofl::rock:

You can stay signed and not have it interact.

I have rules and will not break them... I prefer posting on here without my Facebook or twitter account being active...

If you and others do it, well good but for me it is a no...
This happened to me in 2012 when I voted a straight Republican ticket. It came up Democrat straight ticket 3 times. I finally got the poll watcher to observe and he had the poll chief to take it off the floor. Goddam Obama won anyhow.

Perhaps common sense was taking over your sociopath agenda.
Found it on YT...

When I click on that it says " Go to jail. Do not pass go.Go directly to jail." And there's a funny little guy with a cane, a white handle bar mustache and a monocle. WTF is that all about.
Guess they deleted the account...
what was on the video?
Jivsaw one on Facebook that showed a person repeatedly tapping the screen for a republican candidate and it kept accepting the democrat.

A bit much for a calibration error in my opinion.

The person was even tapping ABOVE the box for the republican and it wouldn't register, AT ALL.
Republican box came up democrat.
Its not a calibration error, I explained how it couldn't be in the other thread.
No you didn't. You got your lunch eaten in that topic.
Trump's Chumps have been pre-programmed by Groper Don into bleeving this election is going to be rigged.

And so far today, out of half a dozen topics or so, they have batted .000 in their desperate attempts to confirm their idiot bias. :lol:

They are confirming my bias they are all retards.
Found it on YT...

Okay. Guess what? That's a video from 2014. And the Republican won by 17 points.

Virginia's 2nd Congressional District elections, 2014 - Ballotpedia


I didn't know it was said it had to be from 2016. I didn't notice. I should have looked.

It's amazing what pathetic powers of observation and critical thinking skills Trump's Chumps have.

Groper Don is absolutely counting on that weakness in his Chumps, as are the propaganda outlets leading you all down the primrose path.

I just don't understand why you all keep getting back in line to be lied to AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN!

It's bizarre.

But, sweetness, isn't cheating...............um......cheating???

Who says it was cheating?

It was a defective/miscalibrated machine. We covered this in depth in another rube's topic about rigging in Texas.

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