Hey Al Sharpton! How About Protesting THIS Case!


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Race hustler Al Sharpton and his big, loud mouth was quickly on the scene in Ferguson, MO, when a Black kid was shot and killed by a White cop. Didn't hear about loud Al getting involved when a Black cop (Robert Arnold) shot and killed a young, unarmed White guy (Marine veteran) though, in what appeared to be a cold-blooded murder. (Dr. Tommy Brown, the Jefferson County forensic pathologist who performed the autopsy on Whitehead, said that Whitehead probably was sitting in his truck when he was shot).

Even Arnold's fellow police officers wanted Arnold to be charged with murder. Arnold was never charged and got away with murder. All that happened to him was he was fired from his job with the police department. Arnold has enlisted race baiter Lawyer Cade Bernsen (the white Al Sharpton) to sue the city claiming he was fired because he was black, and not because he shot an unarmed white man.

The Police Chief said that Arnold should have let the man get in his truck and leave, and even said that Arnold could not have possibly felt physically threatened by Whitehead. While it's true that Whitehead did use a racial slur against Arnold, that is something you brush off, not kill somebody in cold blood for. Other officers say the investigation was rigged and falsified, which led to the first grand jury handing down a no-bill.

Justice for James: Black Cop Shoots Unarmed White Veteran in Orange, TX over Racial Slur | Texas GOP Vote
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Let's start this one over from the beginning.

This is the CDZ. If you don't have anything nice to say, say nothing.

protectionist, stop trolling your own thread. If you see a violation, report it - don't respond to it.
This is also interesting to note ::

Margo Frazier, police monitor for the city of Austin and former Travis County sheriff was very critical of the report done by Texas Ranger Ken Parks, saying that Parks appeared to have already made up his mind about the shooting before talking to all of the witnesses.

“The investigation appears to have been conducted as if the Ranger had already come to a foregone conclusion,” Frazier said. “One of the things that bothered me was in listening to the witnesses and how they said that it wasn’t their wording in the statements. It appears the Ranger had drawn a conclusion and went forward to try and confirm that conclusion. The words the Ranger used were the ones I saw in the report as opposed to what the witnesses said. He asked leading questions and asked for agreement.”
So where's all the uproar over THIS killing. Where the murderer was a BLACK cop, and the victim was an unarmed, White guy, who wasn't threatening the killer cop ? And especially since this Black cop went free, and now has the balls to start crying "RACISM!!!!"

# 1 on the YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING! list.
What I wonder is why, as a conservative, you aren't lining up to defend the cop and assume that the victim must have been up to something?

If you read the link article, then you'll no longer wonder.

BYW, I like your avatar. Robin Williams was a terrific guy. A giver who gave money to wounded veterans, and did 6 tours overseas with the USO, in 12 countries, to entertain the troops. RIP Robin, brother.
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What does the Rev. Al Sharpton have to do with this?

Why do some people dislike him? I have never heard him say anything inflammatory. If you have PROOF of him being inflammatory, I'd like see it but what I have seen from him is constant requests for peaceful protest as well as requests for proof and facts instead of anger.

We saw this from Trayvon Martin's family after his was gunned down and we saw it from Sharpton as well - Asking people to react peacefully, no rioting.

In contrast, it was the white police in St Louis who attacked peaceful protesters who were not breaking any law in their exercise of their constitutionally-guaranteed rights.

The reason some dislike Sharpton is that he is a fighter for civil rights.
Sharpton is the most despicable of race baiters. In 1995 a Jewish landlord in Harlem kicked out a tenant for non payment of rent. Sharpton organized a protest and one of his protesters entered the store with a gun and a firebomb and killed about a dozen people in Freddie's Fashion Mart.
Sharpton is the most despicable of race baiters. In 1995 a Jewish landlord in Harlem kicked out a tenant for non payment of rent. Sharpton organized a protest and one of his protesters entered the store with a gun and a firebomb and killed about a dozen people in Freddie's Fashion Mart.

So Sharpton is guilty for what someone else did?

Proof please.


Actually, he does exactly the opposite. He always calls for calm and peace and to wait for the system to run its course.
What does the Rev. Al Sharpton have to do with this?

Why do some people dislike him? I have never heard him say anything inflammatory. If you have PROOF of him being inflammatory, I'd like see it but what I have seen from him is constant requests for peaceful protest as well as requests for proof and facts instead of anger.

We saw this from Trayvon Martin's family after his was gunned down and we saw it from Sharpton as well - Asking people to react peacefully, no rioting.

In contrast, it was the white police in St Louis who attacked peaceful protesters who were not breaking any law in their exercise of their constitutionally-guaranteed rights.

The reason some dislike Sharpton is that he is a fighter for civil rights.
Whites in America, generally speaking are enraged at Rev. Al Sharpton for real or perceived slights from the past.

Nothing to do with reality today.

They just can't get over it.

Not to mention, whites, in general historically have a problem with black anger. Whites are allowed to be angry, or even enraged, e.g. The Tea Party, Republicans, Bundy Ranchers, etc. However, God forbid blacks get angry, or even outraged, suddenly it's a case of "The Angry Blacks" and "The Angry Dangerous Blacks" and "The Angry Animalistic Blacks." Mind you, not ALL whites, but far too many harbor those sentiments, whether they are willing to acknowledge them or not.
Sharpton is the most despicable of race baiters. In 1995 a Jewish landlord in Harlem kicked out a tenant for non payment of rent. Sharpton organized a protest and one of his protesters entered the store with a gun and a firebomb and killed about a dozen people in Freddie's Fashion Mart.
See what I mean?

This guy is pulling something from damn near 20 years ago.

20 years!!!

Big Al runs a fancy game of extortion. That's why we don't like him. He makes money from misery.


Proof please.


"Makes money from misery"?

Proof please.


Over 50 companies. He terrorizes them with PC threats until they eventually cough up enough change that can be circulated into his crime syndicate. This leech can find racism anywhere and he uses his name to threaten lawsuits and all kinds of PC bullshit until they comply, and they usually do because it's easier to appease this maggot with some money than have their brand tainted by his mafia.

I'm not going to provide a link for you. This is old news. It's pathetic that you don't know about it.
Big Al runs a fancy game of extortion. That's why we don't like him. He makes money from misery.


Proof please.


"Makes money from misery"?

Proof please.


Over 50 companies. He terrorizes them with PC threats until they eventually cough up enough change that can be circulated into his crime syndicate. This leech can find racism anywhere and he uses his name to threaten lawsuits and all kinds of PC bullshit until they comply, and they usually do because it's easier to appease this maggot with some money than have their brand tainted by his mafia.

I'm not going to provide a link for you. This is old news. It's pathetic that you don't know about it.
Surely you can provide a link to back up these claims. Surely!
What does the Rev. Al Sharpton have to do with this?

Why do some people dislike him? I have never heard him say anything inflammatory. If you have PROOF of him being inflammatory, I'd like see it but what I have seen from him is constant requests for peaceful protest as well as requests for proof and facts instead of anger.

We saw this from Trayvon Martin's family after his was gunned down and we saw it from Sharpton as well - Asking people to react peacefully, no rioting.

In contrast, it was the white police in St Louis who attacked peaceful protesters who were not breaking any law in their exercise of their constitutionally-guaranteed rights.

The reason some dislike Sharpton is that he is a fighter for civil rights.

You've never heard of Tawana Brawley?
What does the Rev. Al Sharpton have to do with this?

Why do some people dislike him? I have never heard him say anything inflammatory. If you have PROOF of him being inflammatory, I'd like see it but what I have seen from him is constant requests for peaceful protest as well as requests for proof and facts instead of anger.

We saw this from Trayvon Martin's family after his was gunned down and we saw it from Sharpton as well - Asking people to react peacefully, no rioting.

In contrast, it was the white police in St Louis who attacked peaceful protesters who were not breaking any law in their exercise of their constitutionally-guaranteed rights.

The reason some dislike Sharpton is that he is a fighter for civil rights.
Whites in America, generally speaking are enraged at Rev. Al Sharpton for real or perceived slights from the past.

Nothing to do with reality today.

They just can't get over it.

Not to mention, whites, in general historically have a problem with black anger. Whites are allowed to be angry, or even enraged, e.g. The Tea Party, Republicans, Bundy Ranchers, etc. However, God forbid blacks get angry, or even outraged, suddenly it's a case of "The Angry Blacks" and "The Angry Dangerous Blacks" and "The Angry Animalistic Blacks." Mind you, not ALL whites, but far too many harbor those sentiments, whether they are willing to acknowledge them or not.

This white has a problem with race hucksters that peddle bullshit.

Flashback: Sharpton Defends Lying Duke Lacrosse Accuser | Truth Revolt
What does the Rev. Al Sharpton have to do with this?

Oh that's easy: Sharpton is a race-hustling reprobate; a crook, a liar and a known coke dealing POS, who makes his living conning the intellectually less fortunate.

Same as Jackson, Lee, Conyers, Rangel, Waters, Holder, obama, et al... .
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