He's not just letting them into the country, he's inviting them to OUR White House

The problem is far too complicated for such a simple solution. So long as poverty reigns in our neighbors we are going to get this constant influx. But the people who are coming are the ones who don't simply sit back and take it. They come here to work and they are willing to work very hard indeed. We should be helping them, not criminalizing them. They are a benefit to this nation. It was people exactly like them which built this nation, and it was people like many Americans today who said the same thing about those prior immigrants that are being said today. It was nonsense then and it is nonsense today.

NONSENSE! The list in Post # 23 refutes everything you just ludicroulsy said.

No. Its just a list. It refutes nothing. Now, if you wish to present some actual facts to support that list, I would be quite willing to take them into account. Otherwise, anyone can put together a list.

If you are not aware of the facts behind that list (which I've been posting for 10 years), you don't know much about immigration. And some of the items of the list are obvious self-explanatory. You don't need facts for them. All you need is a working brain. Do you it's possible for tens of millions of people to enter the country without an increase in the consumption of our scarce resources. Do you not know that there are 8 million illegal aliens working while there are 10 million Americans unemployed ? Do you think that when millions of people enter your country, there won't be some % of them who are criminals, adding more crimes to the crime counts ? Won't be more pollution ? Won't be more traffic ? Get real.

Here's some facts since you like them so much. See page 119, Post # 1780 >>

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I don't see a problem.

You would if you went through the process legally to become a citizen.
My friend form Norway is very upset about it.
She worked hard to became a legal citizen and now these people are being treated with special privileges? People who are breaking our laws.

Except the DREAMers didn't break the laws. Their parents did.

They were children at the time.

So what ? This means they should be given special privileges at the expense of American citizens ? There are millions of American children of lawbreakers whose parents are in prison for life. Some have even been executed. What special privileges have these kids even gotten handed to them ?
The problem is far too complicated for such a simple solution. So long as poverty reigns in our neighbors we are going to get this constant influx. But the people who are coming are the ones who don't simply sit back and take it. They come here to work and they are willing to work very hard indeed. We should be helping them, not criminalizing them. They are a benefit to this nation. It was people exactly like them which built this nation, and it was people like many Americans today who said the same thing about those prior immigrants that are being said today. It was nonsense then and it is nonsense today.

No they aren't like the kind of immigrants that built this nation. The immigrants that built this nation never asked for anything and it wouldn't have been given to them if they asked.

Change the law back to what it was when immigrants came through Ellis Island. These hispanics would never get a toe wet crossing the river unless it was to get back home.

Perhaps you need to read history. Ever heard of the Homestead Act?

The vast majority of the immigrants today aren't asking for anything more than to be let in and be treated with a modicum of respect. Its the people who already live here who are looking for a free ride. You know, the people who think they are entitled to the benefits of this nation just for being born.

Why should Americans not be entitled to the benefits of this nation ? And why should a foreigner be entitled to ANYTHING from this nation ? They should get from their own nation, and stay there. You want to let your indigent neighbors in your house and be treated with a modicum of respect, including use of your home's resources ? (water, electricity, refrigerator food, TV, etc)
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So what ? This means they should be given special privileges at the expense of American citizens ? There are millions of American children of lawbreakers whose parents are in prison for life. Some have even been executed. What special privileges have these kids even gotten handed to them ?

We also don't punish kids for what their parents did.

Frankly, the Dreamers did everything we've asked of them. They stayed out of trouble, they went to school and they worked hard.

And, no, they aren't getting anything at my "expense" because they are being given a path to citizenship. It's not a zero-sum game.
No they aren't like the kind of immigrants that built this nation. The immigrants that built this nation never asked for anything and it wouldn't have been given to them if they asked.

Change the law back to what it was when immigrants came through Ellis Island. These hispanics would never get a toe wet crossing the river unless it was to get back home.

Perhaps you need to read history. Ever heard of the Homestead Act?

The vast majority of the immigrants today aren't asking for anything more than to be let in and be treated with a modicum of respect. Its the people who already live here who are looking for a free ride. You know, the people who think they are entitled to the benefits of this nation just for being born.

Why should Americans not be entitled to the benefits of this nation ? And why should a foreigner be entitled to ANYTHING from this nation ? They should get from their own nation, and stay there. You want to let your indigent neighbors in your house and be treated with a modicum of respect, including use of your home's resources ? (water, electricity, refrigerator food, TV, etc)

Because, when you think you are entitled to something you tend to forget that they still have to be earned. The benefits are here because people work to keep them here, not because they are entitled to them. And I never said a foreigner is entitled to anything. I said they want to work and get a modicum of respect.

One of the big problems you are going to run in to is reality. So long as people are faced with poverty where they live, they are going to seek ways to make their lives and the lives of their family better. People are going to come here because they have little other choice, no matter how frightened that makes you. Unless you want to build an enormous wall around the country and man it with millions of armed guards, that reality is not going to go away. Personally, I'm not willing to waste that kind of money and resources just because you don't think you can compete with them. I'm quite confident I can compete.

I don't have indigent neighbors. My neighbors came into my neighborhood and bought their own home. I didn't get upset because they were going to be sharing my road and be sinking wells into my aquifer. They earned their right to be where they are, they didn't sit in my front yard and claim they had the right because they were Americans.
NONSENSE! The list in Post # 23 refutes everything you just ludicroulsy said.

No. Its just a list. It refutes nothing. Now, if you wish to present some actual facts to support that list, I would be quite willing to take them into account. Otherwise, anyone can put together a list.

If you are not aware of the facts behind that list (which I've been posting for 10 years), you don't know much about immigration. And some of the items of the list are obvious self-explanatory. You don't need facts for them. All you need is a working brain. Do you it's possible for tens of millions of people to enter the country without an increase in the consumption of our scarce resources. Do you not know that there are 8 million illegal aliens working while there are 10 million Americans unemployed ? Do you think that when millions of people enter your country, there won't be some % of them who are criminals, adding more crimes to the crime counts ? Won't be more pollution ? Won't be more traffic ? Get real.

Here's some facts since you like them so much. See page 119, Post # 1780 >>


Yes. I like facts. Anyone who says you don't need facts because something is "obvious self-explanatory" may have a working brain, but is not using it. I shall take a look at what you sent later and respond.
"President Obama’s White House will honor illegal immigrant activists at a ceremony Tuesday.

Two activists with the group Mi Familia Vota Education Fund will be honored as “Champions of Change” at a special White House ceremony.

Fernanda Zaragoza-Gomez, 19, a Colorado Mi Familia Vota canvasser, and Steven Arteaga Rodriguez, a Texas activist with the group, are both “DREAMers” who began their activism careers after applying for and gaining Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), a program established by Obama to provide living and working status for undocumented young immigrants.

The activist group, which has offices in six states, works for the goal of “expanding the electorate” through “direct, sustainable citizenship, voter registration, census education, GOTV and issue organizing in key states.”

Read more: White House To Welcome In, Honor Illegal Immigrants | The Daily Caller

obama is demonstrating once again his disregard for the obligations of his office as he cranks up the pandering in the run-up to the mid term elections. Some sycophants are probably urging him on, telling him how he's burnishing his 'legacy' as well. If he really cared about immigrants he'd be working to make it easier for those who come here legally and respect our country and its sovereignty instead of giving them the finger by constantly favoring those who jump the line and violate our laws as their first act in the country.

This is how you steal elections.....
No. Its just a list. It refutes nothing. Now, if you wish to present some actual facts to support that list, I would be quite willing to take them into account. Otherwise, anyone can put together a list.

If you are not aware of the facts behind that list (which I've been posting for 10 years), you don't know much about immigration. And some of the items of the list are obvious self-explanatory. You don't need facts for them. All you need is a working brain. Do you it's possible for tens of millions of people to enter the country without an increase in the consumption of our scarce resources. Do you not know that there are 8 million illegal aliens working while there are 10 million Americans unemployed ? Do you think that when millions of people enter your country, there won't be some % of them who are criminals, adding more crimes to the crime counts ? Won't be more pollution ? Won't be more traffic ? Get real.

Here's some facts since you like them so much. See page 119, Post # 1780 >>


Yes. I like facts. Anyone who says you don't need facts because something is "obvious self-explanatory" may have a working brain, but is not using it. I shall take a look at what you sent later and respond.

Ok. I took a look. That is your support. Evidence that people who come here to work use the money to support their families? You don't think they should be able to use the money they earned in the manner they choose? Opinions, which I don't disagree with but opinions nonetheless, that they take jobs citizens might take? So you really are afraid of competition then.

Nothing you cites changes my opinion at all. Immigrants have always been a benefit to this country and they continue to be. We need to loosen up the process, not tighten it.

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