Here's Why Hitlery Won't Be Elected


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
This is on her. She was instrumental in taking down the Libyan Government. There is NO doubt about it.

Either she was incompetent or the State Department was supplying actual ISIS members with weapons to fight Khadaffi.

In any case, this is on Hitlery AND the Liar in Chief.

Typical of dimocraps..... They start some shit and run away as soon as it gets serious, lying and denying the whole way.

Sure, the Liar in Chief ran away from Iraq. Sure he dotted the I's and crossed his T's on making sure he did all the lawyerly things correctly in not getting a SOFA agreement with Iraq.

But anybody with half a brain (which excludes ALL dimocraps, BTW) should be able to point out how he was unwilling to go for an Executive Agreement with Iraq on the SOFA but was/is all Gung Ho for an Executive Agreement with Iran.....

But here's the end result. Here' what Hitlery and the Liar in Chief left the people of the whole area to deal with.
Breaking: New ISIS Video Shows Mass Execution In Libya Of 30 Ethiopian Christians


Pure evil.

CAIRO (TheBlaze/AP) — A video released by the Islamic State group appears to show the killing of two different groups of captured Ethiopian Christians in Libya.

The 29-minute video released online Sunday purportedly shows two groups of captives. It says one group is held by an IS affiliate in eastern Libya and the other by an affiliate in the south.

A masked fighter delivers a long statement before the video switches between footage that purportedly shows the captives in the south being shot dead and the captives in the east being beheaded on a beach.

See images below via the Bahraini Al-Wasat newspaper, the SITE Intelligence Group and Algerian blogger Baki 7our Mansour.

It was not immediately clear who the captives in the video were.

The video bore the official logo of the IS media arm Al-Furqan and resembled previous videos released by the extremist group

We need to run these videos with a special thanks to Hitlery and the Liar in Chief during the run to the White House.

The DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM isn't going to touch them other than to post the raw feed.

But on the Morning Shows, on the Nightly News, on Talk Shows, in Commentary..... the DISGUSTING FILTH won't touch them
This is on her. She was instrumental in taking down the Libyan Government. There is NO doubt about it.

Either she was incompetent or the State Department was supplying actual ISIS members with weapons to fight Khadaffi.

In any case, this is on Hitlery AND the Liar in Chief.

Typical of dimocraps..... They start some shit and run away as soon as it gets serious, lying and denying the whole way.

Sure, the Liar in Chief ran away from Iraq. Sure he dotted the I's and crossed his T's on making sure he did all the lawyerly things correctly in not getting a SOFA agreement with Iraq.

But anybody with half a brain (which excludes ALL dimocraps, BTW) should be able to point out how he was unwilling to go for an Executive Agreement with Iraq on the SOFA but was/is all Gung Ho for an Executive Agreement with Iran.....

But here's the end result. Here' what Hitlery and the Liar in Chief left the people of the whole area to deal with.
Breaking: New ISIS Video Shows Mass Execution In Libya Of 30 Ethiopian Christians


Pure evil.

CAIRO (TheBlaze/AP) — A video released by the Islamic State group appears to show the killing of two different groups of captured Ethiopian Christians in Libya.

The 29-minute video released online Sunday purportedly shows two groups of captives. It says one group is held by an IS affiliate in eastern Libya and the other by an affiliate in the south.

A masked fighter delivers a long statement before the video switches between footage that purportedly shows the captives in the south being shot dead and the captives in the east being beheaded on a beach.

See images below via the Bahraini Al-Wasat newspaper, the SITE Intelligence Group and Algerian blogger Baki 7our Mansour.

It was not immediately clear who the captives in the video were.

The video bore the official logo of the IS media arm Al-Furqan and resembled previous videos released by the extremist group

We need to run these videos with a special thanks to Hitlery and the Liar in Chief during the run to the White House.

The DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM isn't going to touch them other than to post the raw feed.

But on the Morning Shows, on the Nightly News, on Talk Shows, in Commentary..... the DISGUSTING FILTH won't touch them
Hillary wants to bring down the she's gonna win.
From the Whorehouse to the White House....


I could get behind that :eek-52:
Hillary wants to bring down the she's gonna win.

The only way Hitlery wins is if liberturdian scum convince Patriots to stay home -- Again.

Telling you, this is STILL a Conservative and Patriotic Country. And what convinces Patriots to stay home is liberturdian scum that convince Patriots (who don't like politics in the first place) that "They're all the same"

If they're all the same, then what's the point in voting?


The people peddling that lie are the scum of the earth and the ONLY reason we lost the National Election in 2012.

Look what we did to them in 2010 and 2014.

Not an accident. THE worst combined MidTerm Losses IN HISTORY!!

If this election is going to be lost, liberturdian scum are the reason why.

Someone is angry that the monster terrorist who gave the final order to take down Pan Am 103 by blowing it out of the sky over Lockerbie and murdering all those Americans finally received justice. I don't believe all this Hitler crap and hateful rant by obsessed psycho nut jobs, but if there is even a tiny bit of credit to be given the Hillary Clinton for taking out what at one time was the world's leading sponsor of terrorist murderings of Americans, she should get a huge medal and praise. Weird that some Americans would be angry about the sponsor of all those killings of innocent Americans would promote his destruction and execution as something negative.
Hillary wants to bring down the she's gonna win.

The only way Hitlery wins is if liberturdian scum convince Patriots to stay home -- Again.

Telling you, this is STILL a Conservative and Patriotic Country. And what convinces Patriots to stay home is liberturdian scum that convince Patriots (who don't like politics in the first place) that "They're all the same"

If they're all the same, then what's the point in voting?


The people peddling that lie are the scum of the earth and the ONLY reason we lost the National Election in 2012.

Look what we did to them in 2010 and 2014.

Not an accident. THE worst combined MidTerm Losses IN HISTORY!!

If this election is going to be lost, liberturdian scum are the reason why.

Hillary wants to stand up for GHeys, black folks, po' folks, bitches & Hos, and everyone other than White Middle-aged Males that love Guns, God, and America.

She wants to be their champion.....even though she's been screwing all of the above since she and her first husband have been in politics......40 years or so. They never bought a thing they have with their own money. Yup, she's gonna win.
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Someone is angry that the monster terrorist who gave the final order to take down Pan Am 103 by blowing it out of the sky over Lockerbie and murdering all those Americans finally received justice. I don't believe all this Hitler crap and hateful rant by obsessed psycho nut jobs, but if there is even a tiny bit of credit to be given the Hillary Clinton for taking out what at one time was the world's leading sponsor of terrorist murderings of Americans, she should get a huge medal and praise. Weird that some Americans would be angry about the sponsor of all those killings of innocent Americans would promote his destruction and execution as something negative.
This is on her. She was instrumental in taking down the Libyan Government. There is NO doubt about it.

Either she was incompetent or the State Department was supplying actual ISIS members with weapons to fight Khadaffi.

In any case, this is on Hitlery AND the Liar in Chief.

This is on her. She was instrumental in taking down the Libyan Government. There is NO doubt about it.

Either she was incompetent or the State Department was supplying actual ISIS members with weapons to fight Khadaffi.

In any case, this is on Hitlery AND the Liar in Chief.

Typical of dimocraps..... They start some shit and run away as soon as it gets serious, lying and denying the whole way.

Sure, the Liar in Chief ran away from Iraq. Sure he dotted the I's and crossed his T's on making sure he did all the lawyerly things correctly in not getting a SOFA agreement with Iraq.

But anybody with half a brain (which excludes ALL dimocraps, BTW) should be able to point out how he was unwilling to go for an Executive Agreement with Iraq on the SOFA but was/is all Gung Ho for an Executive Agreement with Iran.....

But here's the end result. Here' what Hitlery and the Liar in Chief left the people of the whole area to deal with.
Breaking: New ISIS Video Shows Mass Execution In Libya Of 30 Ethiopian Christians


Pure evil.

CAIRO (TheBlaze/AP) — A video released by the Islamic State group appears to show the killing of two different groups of captured Ethiopian Christians in Libya.

The 29-minute video released online Sunday purportedly shows two groups of captives. It says one group is held by an IS affiliate in eastern Libya and the other by an affiliate in the south.

A masked fighter delivers a long statement before the video switches between footage that purportedly shows the captives in the south being shot dead and the captives in the east being beheaded on a beach.

See images below via the Bahraini Al-Wasat newspaper, the SITE Intelligence Group and Algerian blogger Baki 7our Mansour.

It was not immediately clear who the captives in the video were.

The video bore the official logo of the IS media arm Al-Furqan and resembled previous videos released by the extremist group

We need to run these videos with a special thanks to Hitlery and the Liar in Chief during the run to the White House.

The DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM isn't going to touch them other than to post the raw feed.

But on the Morning Shows, on the Nightly News, on Talk Shows, in Commentary..... the DISGUSTING FILTH won't touch them

Here's why she will:

1. While your post is 100% valid, and together with a laundry list of corruption and misdeeds, the MSM won't cover it, they won't ask about it and therefor the majority of people in this country won't know about it or care.
2. People are pretty fucking stupid. Stupid enough to elect her solely because she has a vagina.
3. The GOP will probably run Jeb Bush against her. It's a guaranteed loser for the Republicans.
This is on her. She was instrumental in taking down the Libyan Government. There is NO doubt about it.

Either she was incompetent or the State Department was supplying actual ISIS members with weapons to fight Khadaffi.

In any case, this is on Hitlery AND the Liar in Chief.

Typical of dimocraps..... They start some shit and run away as soon as it gets serious, lying and denying the whole way.

Sure, the Liar in Chief ran away from Iraq. Sure he dotted the I's and crossed his T's on making sure he did all the lawyerly things correctly in not getting a SOFA agreement with Iraq.

But anybody with half a brain (which excludes ALL dimocraps, BTW) should be able to point out how he was unwilling to go for an Executive Agreement with Iraq on the SOFA but was/is all Gung Ho for an Executive Agreement with Iran.....

But here's the end result. Here' what Hitlery and the Liar in Chief left the people of the whole area to deal with.
Breaking: New ISIS Video Shows Mass Execution In Libya Of 30 Ethiopian Christians


Pure evil.

CAIRO (TheBlaze/AP) — A video released by the Islamic State group appears to show the killing of two different groups of captured Ethiopian Christians in Libya.

The 29-minute video released online Sunday purportedly shows two groups of captives. It says one group is held by an IS affiliate in eastern Libya and the other by an affiliate in the south.

A masked fighter delivers a long statement before the video switches between footage that purportedly shows the captives in the south being shot dead and the captives in the east being beheaded on a beach.

See images below via the Bahraini Al-Wasat newspaper, the SITE Intelligence Group and Algerian blogger Baki 7our Mansour.

It was not immediately clear who the captives in the video were.

The video bore the official logo of the IS media arm Al-Furqan and resembled previous videos released by the extremist group

We need to run these videos with a special thanks to Hitlery and the Liar in Chief during the run to the White House.

The DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM isn't going to touch them other than to post the raw feed.

But on the Morning Shows, on the Nightly News, on Talk Shows, in Commentary..... the DISGUSTING FILTH won't touch them

Another video how cute, this is old news. All fake of course. PS: whoever the elites want to be Pres will be, and they want Iran taken out so most likely the Repub who promises to do that will get elected.
Someone is angry that the monster terrorist who gave the final order to take down Pan Am 103 by blowing it out of the sky over Lockerbie and murdering all those Americans finally received justice. I don't believe all this Hitler crap and hateful rant by obsessed psycho nut jobs, but if there is even a tiny bit of credit to be given the Hillary Clinton for taking out what at one time was the world's leading sponsor of terrorist murderings of Americans, she should get a huge medal and praise. Weird that some Americans would be angry about the sponsor of all those killings of innocent Americans would promote his destruction and execution as something negative.

Fucking .

The Lockerbie bombing was TWENTY-FIVE FUCKING YEARS before then.

You scumbags will grasp at ANY straw to protect that douchebag.

Besides that, douche... Khadaffi handed over the two men responsible for the bombing and denied any involvement.

And I'll tell you something else, although you already know it -- Had Reagan or Bush I or Bush II decided to take out Khadaffi, you would be the first one bitching about how we're nothing but war-mongers.

What you say means shit.

dimocraps are the scum of the earth
Another video how cute, this is old news. All fake of course. PS: whoever the elites want to be Pres will be, and they want Iran taken out so most likely the Repub who promises to do that will get elected.

Those videos are fake? Old news? Elites?

what a cooze
The Blaze should be set ablaze with its propaganda and Glen Beck needs help. Anyone who wants to take out Iran will get it, you really think H. Clinton wasn't following Zionist wishes? Really?
Someone is angry that the monster terrorist who gave the final order to take down Pan Am 103 by blowing it out of the sky over Lockerbie and murdering all those Americans finally received justice. I don't believe all this Hitler crap and hateful rant by obsessed psycho nut jobs, but if there is even a tiny bit of credit to be given the Hillary Clinton for taking out what at one time was the world's leading sponsor of terrorist murderings of Americans, she should get a huge medal and praise. Weird that some Americans would be angry about the sponsor of all those killings of innocent Americans would promote his destruction and execution as something negative.

Fucking .

The Lockerbie bombing was TWENTY-FIVE FUCKING YEARS before then.

Besides that, douche... Khadaffi handed over the two men responsible for the bombing and denied any involvement.

Listen to yourself and how you are trying to defend the master terrorist of the 1980's. "Khadaffi........denied any involvement". Idiot brainwashed retards like you allowed and enabled that monster to get away with killing our fellow Americans and live a life of luxury for 25 years. If you had your way Bin Laden would have done the same.
Someone is angry that the monster terrorist who gave the final order to take down Pan Am 103 by blowing it out of the sky over Lockerbie and murdering all those Americans finally received justice. I don't believe all this Hitler crap and hateful rant by obsessed psycho nut jobs, but if there is even a tiny bit of credit to be given the Hillary Clinton for taking out what at one time was the world's leading sponsor of terrorist murderings of Americans, she should get a huge medal and praise. Weird that some Americans would be angry about the sponsor of all those killings of innocent Americans would promote his destruction and execution as something negative.

Fucking .

The Lockerbie bombing was TWENTY-FIVE FUCKING YEARS before then.

Besides that, douche... Khadaffi handed over the two men responsible for the bombing and denied any involvement.

Listen to yourself and how you are trying to defend the master terrorist of the 1980's. "Khadaffi........denied any involvement". Idiot brainwashed retards like you allowed and enabled that monster to get away with killing our fellow Americans and live a life of luxury for 25 years. If you had your way Bin Laden would have done the same.
Don't blame Reagan:

Bab al-Azizia - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

They would have had his ass if it wasn't for idiots. And seriously, Hillary sucks as SoS.
Yeah, really. The mess in the Middle East is all because of Obama and HIllary. That's right. Bingo.

The Middle East: The Origins of Arab-Israeli Wars

Avi Shlaim
in Ngaire Woods, ed., Explaining International Relations since 1945 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996), 219-40.
The Middle East has been one of the most volatile and violent subsystems of the international political systems since the end of the Second World War. Postwar history in the Middle East has been punctuated by an unusually high number of full-scale, inter-state wars.

C H R O N O L O G Y 1947-1994

29 Nov. 1947 UN resolution for the partition of Palestine.
Dec. 1947-May 1948 Civil war in Palestine.
15 May 1948 Proclamation of the State of Israel and outbreak of the Palestine war.
Feb.-July 1949 Israel concludes armistice agreements with Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria.
May 1950 Tripartite Declaration (Britain, France and the United States) on regulating the supply of arms to
the Middle East.
July 1952 Free Officers' revolution in Egypt.
Feb. 1955 The Baghdad Pact concluded between Iraq and Turkey.
Sept. 1955 The Czech arms deal.
Sept. 1955 Military pact between Egypt and Syria.
July 1956 Egypt nationalizes the Suez Canal.
29 Oct. 1956 Outbreak of the Suez war.
March 1957 Israeli withdrawal from Sinai.
Feb. 1958 Syria and Egypt merge to form the United Arab Republic (UAR).
July 1958 Revolution in Iraq.
Jan. 1964 The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) founded on the initiative of the Arab League to represent
the Palestinians.
Feb. 1966 Left-wing coup in Syria followed by increased PLO activity against Israel.
5-10 June 1967 The Six-Day War.
1 Sept. 1967 Arab League summit at Khartoum: "The three noes".
22 Nov. 1967 UN Security Council resolution 242.
March 1969-Aug. 1970 The Israeli-Egyptian War of Attrition.
Sept. 1970 Jordanian civil war, "Black September".
28 Sept. 1970 Nasser dies and Anwar el-Sadat succeeds.
Feb. 1971 Israel rebuffs Sadat's peace overture.
July 1972 Sadat expels Soviet military advisers.
6-25 Oct. 1973 The Yom Kippur War.
22 Oct.1973 UN Security Council resolution 338 calls for direct negotiations.
21 Dec. 1973 Geneva peace conference.
18 Jan. 1974 Israeli-Egyptian disengagement agreement.
31 May 1974 Israeli-Syrian disengagement agreement.
26-29 Oct. 1974 Arab League summit at Rabat recognizes PLO as "the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people".
4 Sept. 1975 Israeli-Egyptian interim agreement, Sinai II.
1975-76 Outbreak of the Lebanese civil war.
June 1976 Syrian military intervention in Lebanon.
May 1977 Likud defeats Labour in Israeli elections.
1 Oct. 1977 Joint statement by the US and the USSR for reconvening the Geneva peace conference.
Nov. 1977 Sadat's historic visit to Jerusalem.
2-5 Dec. 1977 Arab Front of Steadfastness and Opposition meets in Tripoli.
6-18 Sept. 1978 The Camp David Accords signed by Israel and Egypt.
2-5 Nov. 1978 Arab League summit at Baghdad denounces the Camp David Accords.
Feb. 1979 The Iranian Revolution.
March 1979 Treaty of Peace between Egypt and Israel signed in White House.
Nov. 1979 Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.
Sept. 1980 Outbreak of war between Iraq and Iran.
6 Oct. 1981 Sadat is assassinated and Husni Mubarak succeeds.
April 1982 Israeli withdrawal from Sinai completed.
6 June 1982 Israel invades Lebanon.
1 Sept. 1982 The Reagan plan for Middle East peace.
July 1985 Israel withdraws from Lebanon, but forms "security zone" in the south.
Dec. 1987 The Intifada begins.
2 Aug. 1990 Iraq invades Kuwait
16 Jan 1991 Outbreak of the Gulf War
Oct 1991 Madrid Peace Conference
June 1992 Labour defeats Likud in Israeli elections.
13 Sept. 1993 Israel and the PLO sign the Oslo accord.
26 Oct. 1994 Israel and Jordan sign peace treaty.

The Middle East The Origins of Arab-Israeli Wars
Someone is angry that the monster terrorist who gave the final order to take down Pan Am 103 by blowing it out of the sky over Lockerbie and murdering all those Americans finally received justice. I don't believe all this Hitler crap and hateful rant by obsessed psycho nut jobs, but if there is even a tiny bit of credit to be given the Hillary Clinton for taking out what at one time was the world's leading sponsor of terrorist murderings of Americans, she should get a huge medal and praise. Weird that some Americans would be angry about the sponsor of all those killings of innocent Americans would promote his destruction and execution as something negative.

Fucking .

The Lockerbie bombing was TWENTY-FIVE FUCKING YEARS before then.

You scumbags will grasp at ANY straw to protect that douchebag.

Besides that, douche... Khadaffi handed over the two men responsible for the bombing and denied any involvement.

And I'll tell you something else, although you already know it -- Had Reagan or Bush I or Bush II decided to take out Khadaffi, you would be the first one bitching about how we're nothing but war-mongers.

What you say means shit.

dimocraps are the scum of the earth

Well, you might be in luck next year, pumpkin. Hillary is a hawk and she'll drag us back into boots on the ground and give you the blood of more Americans on foreign soil that you seem to crave.

I'll bet you're touching yourself already at the prospect of the flag-draped coffins coming into Dover AFB.

Hey, douchebag! Maybe she'll allow cameras on the tarmac! Ooh! Double-squeeze your monkey!
Another video how cute, this is old news. All fake of course. PS: whoever the elites want to be Pres will be, and they want Iran taken out so most likely the Repub who promises to do that will get elected.

Those videos are fake? Old news? Elites?

what a cooze

don't blame the cooze--------to dung beetles every creature that does not
live on shit------is an ELITE

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