Hillary: Want your kid in a better school? Move?


Diamond Member
Mar 31, 2009
Hillary is disconnected from reality. Another fail in a week of fails

Hillary Clinton Message to Kids Trapped in Failing Schools: Move to a Better Area

As one begins to dissect and find meaning in Hillary Clinton’s campaign announcement video, Getting Started, once striking message is that sent to parents whose kids are trapped in failing schools, move to a better area. While much of the video is merely a fluff piece designed to pander to every conceivable demographic her campaign can target in its 2 minutes and 18 seconds, there are a few striking observations, none as disturbing as her apparent solution for addressing the problems of under-performing public schools.

After introducing us to a woman whose home-grown tomatoes are apparently “legendary” the Hillary campaign shows a single mother and her daughter packing up their belongings in preparation to move. As the woman informs us, her daughter is set to begin kindergarten and that they are moving, as she states, “just so she can belong to a better school.” There is no indication that this is a move to coincide with a better paying job or to be closer to relatives, as the mother stresses, this is a move solely based on proving her daughter with a better education.

This is an astonishing insight into the callous disconnect of both the Hillary for America campaign team and liberal-Progressives in general with the needs and struggles of American parents. To begin with, if the featured mother-daughter tandem is indeed charting a course away from a district with a failing school system, its highly likely this district is run by Democrats. While liberals like to look at education standards on the state level, gleefully pointing out the differences between say Mississippi and Vermont, what any parent with school-aged children in any of the 50 states already knows is that there are vast differences in schools in many cases just miles apart.

Hillary Clinton Message to Kids Trapped in Failing Schools Move to a Better Area Dignitas News Service

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