Here's the thing: If Trump really colluded with Russia, the media would be shouting in the streets..


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
...telling us every detail about what exactly Trump did, when and how and with whom. There would be wall to wall coverage on the cable networks, and front page stories every day.

But that's not happening, is it?

Instead, Mueller is keeping it all a secret and we're told to be patient while he builds his case against Trump.
It's like the Holy Grail this Trump collusion. Meuller is like a modern-day Percival, the only man pure in heart enough to find it.
I agree with some critics who say President Trump should release the classified documents showing the effort to attack our democracy by the Obama/Crooked Hillary "intelligence Agencies" immediately instead of saving them for a response to the Mueller witch hunt. If the Dems take over the House and start attacking our democracy, unfortunately there will be taxpaying American citizens who might resort to primitive methods to state their case and drain The Swamp.
Hell, the MSM is making anyone in the Trump admin who even "talked" to a Russian a criminal, all 14 of them.

How about Hillary who paid the Russians $12b for the Steele Dossier? Was that "collusion" or "conspiracy"? Add to that the UraniumOne scam where Russia paid the Clinton Foundation $145m plus Bubba $500,000 for 20% of the US stockpile. Yet there is no investigation into those crimes??
There never was any thought by Obama, HIllary, the FBI and anyone else on that side that Trump colluded with Putin to rig the 2016POTUS election.
There was no Trump/Russia collusion therefore nothing to prove.

I'm more interested in why they aren't investigating Barry's intelligence and cyber people They knew about the hack and did nothing.

Hell the FBI warned the DNC IT guy that there could be a hack and he did nothing.

Why isn't that being investigated instead of collusion between Trump and Russia which there wasn't??
Actually, the game plan is fairly predictable. They have already re-defined "collusion" to mean "conspiracy" (collusion is not a crime), and next they will redefine collusion to accommodate the facts that arise about the Trump organization's commercial activities in Russia.

So if they can pretend that "Russia" promised to play ball with Trump on a couple of real estate deals, they MUST have done so with the expectation that, with their cooperation and help, Trump would soon become President.

Yeah, that works.
...telling us every detail about what exactly Trump did, when and how and with whom. There would be wall to wall coverage on the cable networks, and front page stories every day.

But that's not happening, is it?

Instead, Mueller is keeping it all a secret and we're told to be patient while he builds his case against Trump.
Every detail of Mueller's so called investigation (Witch Hunt in to a Nothing Burger) has been leaked by Mueller.
There is nothing there or it would have been leaked by now. Notice how The DemNazis are now focusing on consensual sex as a crime?

Ever wonder why DemNazis are so pissed Donald Trump has sex with beautiful women.

Well their men are effeminate and their women are ugly.




What a funny thread....especially considering how other trumpanzees complain about just the opposite...that the Press is doing nothing but complain about tiny trump and everything he does and doesn't do.
We complain about the double standard, whereby Hillary gets away with real crimes, and the deep state is trying to find anything on Trump. The Mueller investigation was started illegally, without any evidence of a crime, so said Comey. The MSM is 93% negative on Trump, which is also propaganda or fake news. Take a look at France and what happens when the deep state globalists let the middle class eat cake. Trump is fighting for fair trade deals, and most of us hope he succeeds.
...telling us every detail about what exactly Trump did, when and how and with whom. There would be wall to wall coverage on the cable networks, and front page stories every day.

But that's not happening, is it?

Instead, Mueller is keeping it all a secret and we're told to be patient while he builds his case against Trump.

If the Trump administration doesn't do something soon, his agenda is DOA between now and 2020, and he will lose badly in that election.

It is his Presidency, his administration. We can scream all we want, but truth be told------------>we can NOT save him, his administration must save itself. All of our proof means zilch; nor will the media report on it, unless the Trump administration starts prosecuting, and that is a fact.

And if they can't/don't/won't, then either he is lying, or the swamp is to strong to defend against, which basically means------->we ALL have lost our country!
Obviously Trump did nothing. The 32 indictments and guilty pleas prove that.

The real focus should be how Hillary, Obama and the democrats worked with the Russians to throw the election to Trump so that they could convince the Republican Deputy AG to hire a life long Republican and activate the deep state to then remove Trump from office.
Obviously Trump did nothing. The 32 indictments and guilty pleas prove that.

Nothing to do with Russian collusion.

The real focus should be how Hillary, Obama and the democrats worked with the Russians to throw the election to Trump so that they could convince the Republican Deputy AG to hire a life long Republican and activate the deep state to then remove Trump from office.

There should be an investigation into how they got the FISA warrants and how Mueller even got hired.

There isn't much proof a crime was committed since we don't know and now we can't know if there server was hacked.

Now I do believe the DNC servers were hacked by Russia. But also North Korea, China, some other countries, people on 4Chan.
Obviously Trump did nothing. The 32 indictments and guilty pleas prove that.

The real focus should be how Hillary, Obama and the democrats worked with the Russians to throw the election to Trump so that they could convince the Republican Deputy AG to hire a life long Republican and activate the deep state to then remove Trump from office.

But it is NOT! And people who do not follow politics like we do, are not only the Leftists best friends because of not being informed, but also because they are just following what the MSM is feeding them.

Look, lets look at it another way----------------> if you didn't follow politics like you do, who would YOU say is guilty of what they are being accused of? Trump with all the indictments against his people, or Hilly and friends who don't have a one?

This is NOT a coincidence, it is purposeful. Public opinion is being manipulated.

And so, it makes no difference what we know, it only makes a difference what the Trump Administration can prove to voters, and time is wasting.
Hell, the MSM is making anyone in the Trump admin who even "talked" to a Russian a criminal, all 14 of them.

How about Hillary who paid the Russians $12b for the Steele Dossier? Was that "collusion" or "conspiracy"? Add to that the UraniumOne scam where Russia paid the Clinton Foundation $145m plus Bubba $500,000 for 20% of the US stockpile. Yet there is no investigation into those crimes??

Uranium one was investigated by the same FBI that signed off on it, so it’s gotta be good, and Mueller made sure it was all good, he even delivered the samples

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...telling us every detail about what exactly Trump did, when and how and with whom. There would be wall to wall coverage on the cable networks, and front page stories every day.

But that's not happening, is it?

Instead, Mueller is keeping it all a secret and we're told to be patient while he builds his case against Trump.
The media has been detailing all of the Trump staff who interacted with the Russians during the campaign. I think 13 of them have been uncovered at this point, including Trump, Jr.

And Daffy Donald himself crafted the cover-up of Junior's collusion.

It can't be helped that your propagandists are keeping you in the dark about it. You should be asking yourself why that is.
...telling us every detail about what exactly Trump did, when and how and with whom. There would be wall to wall coverage on the cable networks, and front page stories every day.

But that's not happening, is it?

Instead, Mueller is keeping it all a secret and we're told to be patient while he builds his case against Trump.
Mueller should keep it a secret until he finishes the investigation, don’t you agree? Or are you pro leaking now?
...telling us every detail about what exactly Trump did, when and how and with whom. There would be wall to wall coverage on the cable networks, and front page stories every day.

But that's not happening, is it?

Instead, Mueller is keeping it all a secret and we're told to be patient while he builds his case against Trump.
The media has been detailing all of the Trump staff who interacted with the Russians during the campaign. I think 13 of them have been uncovered at this point, including Trump, Jr.

And Daffy Donald himself crafted the cover-up of Junior's collusion.

It can't be helped that your propagandists are keeping you in the dark about it. You should be asking yourself why that is.

Talking to Russians is not "collusion". Besides, collusion isn't even a crime. So far Mueller has nothing, except bimbo payments, which are legal, as per Dershowitz.
...telling us every detail about what exactly Trump did, when and how and with whom. There would be wall to wall coverage on the cable networks, and front page stories every day.

But that's not happening, is it?

Instead, Mueller is keeping it all a secret and we're told to be patient while he builds his case against Trump.
The media has been detailing all of the Trump staff who interacted with the Russians during the campaign. I think 13 of them have been uncovered at this point, including Trump, Jr.

And Daffy Donald himself crafted the cover-up of Junior's collusion.

It can't be helped that your propagandists are keeping you in the dark about it. You should be asking yourself why that is.

Talking to Russians is not "collusion". Besides, collusion isn't even a crime. So far Mueller has nothing, except bimbo payments, which are legal, as per Dershowitz.
Inviting a roomful of Russian cutouts to a meeting in Trump Tower to hear them out on some dirt about Clinton IS collusion.

That very same night, Trump announced to the whole world he was going to have a press conference the following Monday to dish out some dirt on Clinton and that the media would probably want to be there.

Once the collusion meeting was revealed to the world, Daffy Donald personally crafted the coverup story.

Don't tell me Daffy Donald wasn't in the loop. I'm not buying.

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