If Russia is evil for interfering with America's election...


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
...why isn't America evil for all the elections we've interfered with, all over the world.

Not to mention the coups we've sponsored, the assassinations, and the dirty tricks of the CIA for the last 65 years?
...why isn't America evil for all the elections we've interfered with, all over the world.

Not to mention the coups we've sponsored, the assassinations, and the dirty tricks of the CIA for the last 65 years?

Oh the Americans who "interfered" to get Trump elected are evil as well.
The CIA has run rampant like cowboys, destroying free elections everywhere it goes, and yet that's somehow ok because we're the "good guys".
Russia is "bad" because they interfere with foreign elections, assassinate people abroad, and threaten other countries with nuclear weapons.

America is "good" even though we do the exact same thing.
Obama interfered with Brexit too, said we wouldn't even trade with UK if it passed.
...why isn't America evil for all the elections we've interfered with, all over the world.

Not to mention the coups we've sponsored, the assassinations, and the dirty tricks of the CIA for the last 65 years?

They are; however, when it is mentioned then one is accused of hating America. It's all about "protecting American interests". It's only bad when one party is in power.
1. Name a foreign election in which we have interfered

2. Provide the official rationale for doing so

3. Provide personal opinion on why we did it, insofar as that opinion diverges from official rationale

4. Judge whether the intervention had an outcome either favorable or unfavorable to the interests of the United States
...why isn't America evil for all the elections we've interfered with, all over the world.

Not to mention the coups we've sponsored, the assassinations, and the dirty tricks of the CIA for the last 65 years?
What is your intention here?

To portray the United States on a par with the Russian Federation when it comes to election interference in developed countries?

Why would you do that?

Are you laying-down a smoke-screen for your Fearless Leader in the Oval Office?

Are you being paid by the Kremlin to sew doubt amongst Americans?

Tell us more, Tvaritch...
The CIA has run rampant like cowboys, destroying free elections everywhere it goes, and yet that's somehow ok because we're the "good guys".
Russia is "bad" because they interfere with foreign elections, assassinate people abroad, and threaten other countries with nuclear weapons.

America is "good" even though we do the exact same thing.
Aha! Assassinating people abroad. Now I see why Trump loves the Saudis! Now if only we had a CIA that would concentrate on covering Trump's sizable butt as he rakes in personal riches instead of looking for conspiratory hackers that would just love to see us fall apart from within, then we'd be 'great again', right?
...why isn't America evil for all the elections we've interfered with, all over the world.

Not to mention the coups we've sponsored, the assassinations, and the dirty tricks of the CIA for the last 65 years?

Because it's easier for the scumbag democrats to blame a foreign power than their fellow democrats who voted for Trump.
...why isn't America evil for all the elections we've interfered with, all over the world.

Not to mention the coups we've sponsored, the assassinations, and the dirty tricks of the CIA for the last 65 years?

Because it's easier for the scumbag democrats to blame a foreign power than their fellow democrats who voted for Trump.
Oh, there's no doubt that the idiot Democrats are playing Queen of Denial about their role in their own defeat in 2016...

Trouble is, Russian interference was ALSO very real, and Republicans are now laying down a smoke-screen about that...

BOTH factors (Dem idiocy, Russian interference) are at-play here... this is not a binary choice...

Time for Republicans to stop covering for Trump and the Russians...

Time for Republicans to remember whose side they're actually on...

Before they end-up paying a terrible price at the polls in 2020...

You have had your warning... there is still time for the GOP to fix this... but you're on a timer now, and it's ticking...
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...why isn't America evil for all the elections we've interfered with, all over the world.

Not to mention the coups we've sponsored, the assassinations, and the dirty tricks of the CIA for the last 65 years?

Because it's easier for the scumbag democrats to blame a foreign power than their fellow democrats who voted for Trump.
Democrats who voted for Trump have that right as Americans. Russians DO NOT have the right to choose Trump for us. However, you make a good point. Russia, like Satan, can influence and tempt and spread lies about the opposition, but WE are the ones making the decision based on their insidious interference. And there are still some who will go to the grave believing the lies.

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