Heres the deal


Diamond Member
Oct 4, 2021
Here's the deal. If you agree to maintain our safetynet, food help and all things that help American citizens than I'll email and call my democratic reps/senators to
1. Slash the military 75 billion in 2024 budget. Reduce the navy to 75% of its current size in the next decade.
1a. Cap Ukrainian aid to 100 million next year and no more.
1b. A reduction of at least 2 bases worldwide.
2. Cut foreign aid by 75% world wide compared to the 2023 budget.
3. A reduction in government in areas that effect Americans. I'd like to cut the fcc in half in budget and just allow people to air sex, porn and with a general view of freedom within movies, books and the media in this country. I bet that could fire and lay off thousands of government workers this way.
3a. 30% reduction in FDA and ATF.
3b. Encourage Biden to pledge to cut red tape that slows down the development of infrastructure and energy infrastructure. This would save money and would result in less government.
3c. Reduce regulation on medications and make most over the counter. This would save money!
4. Work with the republicans to legalization pot and tax it at 10% at the federal level. This would help to bring in billions to pay down the debt.
5. Close down 10% of federal prisons nationally. Release all non-violent criminals serving because of drugs and idiotic reason with a general amnesty that is currently serving in them. We need to stop being the worlds most imprisoned people already!
6. A closing of tax loop holes that google, amazon and microsoft use to cheat the system!

I don't know if this belongs here but please move if it doesn't.
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Here's the deal. If you agree to maintain our safetynet, food help and all things that help American citizens than I'll email and call my democratic reps/senators to
1. Slash the military 75 billion in 2024 budget. Reduce the navy to 75% of its current size in the next decade.
1a. Cap Ukrainian aid to 100 million next year and no more.
1b. A reduction of at least 2 bases worldwide.
2. Cut foreign aid by 75% world wide compared to the 2023 budget.
3. A reduction in government in areas that effect Americans. I'd like to cut the fcc in half in budget and just allow people to air sex, porn and with a general view of freedom within movies, books and the media in this country. I bet that could fire and lay off thousands of government workers this way.
3a. 30% reduction in FDA and ATF.
3b. Encourage Biden to pledge to cut red tape that slows down the development of infrastructure and energy infrastructure. This would save money and would result in less government.
3c. Reduce regulation on medications and make most over the counter. This would save money!
4. Work with the republicans to legalization pot and tax it at 10% at the federal level. This would help to bring in billions to pay down the debt.
5. Close down 10% of federal prisons nationally. Release all non-violent criminals serving because of drugs and idiotic reason with a general amnesty that is currently serving in them. We need to stop being the worlds most imprisoned people already!
6. A closing of tax loop holes that google, amazon and microsoft use to cheat the system!

I don't know if this belongs here but please move if it doesn't.

Are you still operating under the assumption that our "elected representatives" give one whit about what we say to them?

Here's the deal. If you agree to maintain our safetynet, food help and all things that help American citizens than I'll email and call my democratic reps/senators to
1. Slash the military 75 billion in 2024 budget. Reduce the navy to 75% of its current size in the next decade.
1a. Cap Ukrainian aid to 100 million next year and no more.
1b. A reduction of at least 2 bases worldwide.
2. Cut foreign aid by 75% world wide compared to the 2023 budget.
3. A reduction in government in areas that effect Americans. I'd like to cut the fcc in half in budget and just allow people to air sex, porn and with a general view of freedom within movies, books and the media in this country. I bet that could fire and lay off thousands of government workers this way.
3a. 30% reduction in FDA and ATF.
3b. Encourage Biden to pledge to cut red tape that slows down the development of infrastructure and energy infrastructure. This would save money and would result in less government.
3c. Reduce regulation on medications and make most over the counter. This would save money!
4. Work with the republicans to legalization pot and tax it at 10% at the federal level. This would help to bring in billions to pay down the debt.
5. Close down 10% of federal prisons nationally. Release all non-violent criminals serving because of drugs and idiotic reason with a general amnesty that is currently serving in them. We need to stop being the worlds most imprisoned people already!
6. A closing of tax loop holes that google, amazon and microsoft use to cheat the system!

I don't know if this belongs here but please move if it doesn't.

Sir, good luck with that.
Are you still operating under the assumption that our "elected representatives" give one whit about what we say to them?

Democrats are true believers in government.

They still drink the cool aid

In reality, democrats will probably spend another $200 trillion of fighting the air, while increasing spending for everything else regardless of what is best for the citizens of the US.

After all, America detests the make America great thinking. Now it's America last, not first.

At the end of the day, hyperinflation and economic destruction looms larger and larger.

And don't look for the GOP to stop them, they never have in the past. They are there just to blame when everything goes south is all. All you will see is Joe Manchin and the GOP crying in a corner somewhere saying, "They lied to us!" once hyperinflation hits.

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Here's the deal. If you agree to maintain our safetynet, food help and all things that help American citizens than I'll email and call my democratic reps/senators to
1. Slash the military 75 billion in 2024 budget. Reduce the navy to 75% of its current size in the next decade.
1a. Cap Ukrainian aid to 100 million next year and no more.
1b. A reduction of at least 2 bases worldwide.
For--we need a much greater reduction in this area. NATO bases are far preferable.
2. Cut foreign aid by 75% world wide compared to the 2023 budget.
Ridiculous--a dumb idea. If needs to be expanded
3. A reduction in government in areas that effect Americans. I'd like to cut the fcc in half in budget and just allow people to air sex, porn and with a general view of freedom within movies, books and the media in this country. I bet that could fire and lay off thousands of government workers this way.
Terrible idea
3a. 30% reduction in FDA and ATF.
Terrible idea. FDA needs to expand. ATF...not so sure.
3b. Encourage Biden to pledge to cut red tape that slows down the development of infrastructure and energy infrastructure. This would save money and would result in less government.
We need to go big into nuclear energy but have the Navy run the plants. The government builds them, runs them, and charges a licensing fee to power companies who want to sell the power to consumers.
3c. Reduce regulation on medications and make most over the counter. This would save money!
Bad idea. Then you'll have people saying Ivermectin treats Covid.
4. Work with the republicans to legalization pot and tax it at 10% at the federal level. This would help to bring in billions to pay down the debt.
5. Close down 10% of federal prisons nationally. Release all non-violent criminals serving because of drugs and idiotic reason with a general amnesty that is currently serving in them. We need to stop being the worlds most imprisoned people already!
This may have some resonance.
6. A closing of tax loop holes that google, amazon and microsoft use to cheat the system!
Great idea. Also make every dollar earned subject to social security taxes.
I don't know if this belongs here but please move if it doesn't.
Some good stuff there.


For--we need a much greater reduction in this area. NATO bases are far preferable.

Ridiculous--a dumb idea. If needs to be expanded

Terrible idea

Terrible idea. FDA needs to expand. ATF...not so sure.

We need to go big into nuclear energy but have the Navy run the plants. The government builds them, runs them, and charges a licensing fee to power companies who want to sell the power to consumers.

Bad idea. Then you'll have people saying Ivermectin treats Covid.


This may have some resonance.

Great idea. Also make every dollar earned subject to social security taxes.

Some good stuff there.
I just love democrats like Candy who are all behind giving arms to the Ukraine, but at the same time, want to reduce the size and scope of the US military

Democrats are true believers in government.

They still drink the cool aid

In reality, democrats will probably spend another $200 trillion of fighting the air, while increasing spending for everything else regardless of what is best for the citizens of the US.

After all, America detests the make America great thinking. Now it's America last, not first.

At the end of the day, hyperinflation and economic destruction looms larger and larger.

And don't look for the GOP to stop them, they never have in the past. They are there just to blame when everything goes south is all. All you will see is Joe Manchin and the GOP crying in a corner somewhere saying, "They lied to us!" once hyperinflation hits.


It's coming.

If worse things don't get here first.

It's almost like we're living out the beginning of the 20th century all over again, complete with economic destruction and world wars....
I just love democrats like Candy who are all behind giving arms to the Ukraine, but at the same time, want to reduce the size and scope of the US military

Well, you have to actually think about things instead of just reflexively posting nonsense. The F18 is generations ahead of nearly anything else in the air. The F35 is superior to anything else in the air. I guarantee you that we're already developing their successors. We have missiles we never fire, launch ships that will never be in combat, etc.... We spend something on the order of as much as the next 20 nations spend on their defense, 19 of which are allies. By any measure it's ridiculous.

As for Ukraine, it's actually a hot war that stops Russian aggression.
Covid deaths are down, vaccinations are up. The definition of a beautiful job. Good news for Americans, bad news for Trump supporters.

Very few people died of Covid. A lot of people died of ventilation and Remdesivir. Of course, the deflection from this is going to kill a lot of people too. World wars, economic destruction. Can't have people figuring out that the Beloved State really messed up, can we?

But you, corny. You just keep licking their boots.
Here's the deal. If you agree to maintain our safetynet, food help and all things that help American citizens than I'll email and call my democratic reps/senators to
1. Slash the military 75 billion in 2024 budget. Reduce the navy to 75% of its current size in the next decade.
1a. Cap Ukrainian aid to 100 million next year and no more.
1b. A reduction of at least 2 bases worldwide.
2. Cut foreign aid by 75% world wide compared to the 2023 budget.
3. A reduction in government in areas that effect Americans. I'd like to cut the fcc in half in budget and just allow people to air sex, porn and with a general view of freedom within movies, books and the media in this country. I bet that could fire and lay off thousands of government workers this way.
3a. 30% reduction in FDA and ATF.
3b. Encourage Biden to pledge to cut red tape that slows down the development of infrastructure and energy infrastructure. This would save money and would result in less government.
3c. Reduce regulation on medications and make most over the counter. This would save money!
4. Work with the republicans to legalization pot and tax it at 10% at the federal level. This would help to bring in billions to pay down the debt.
5. Close down 10% of federal prisons nationally. Release all non-violent criminals serving because of drugs and idiotic reason with a general amnesty that is currently serving in them. We need to stop being the worlds most imprisoned people already!
6. A closing of tax loop holes that google, amazon and microsoft use to cheat the system!

I don't know if this belongs here but please move if it doesn't.
LOL. A little one sided, don't you think? Where's the deal?
Why is that bad news for Trump supporters? Its good news.
The vaccines worked which you guys said they wouldn't.
The number of deaths leveled off as more people took the jab which you guys said they wouldn't.
The vaccines are not poison which you guys said they were.

Why did you guys say the vaccine was ineffective? Nobody knows.
Why did you guys say the vaccine was poison? Nobody knows.
Why did you guys say that the jab was not necessary? Nobody knows.

Trumpism at its finest...taking what should have been a great achievement and trashing it to "own the libs". worked. You "own" the libs; the libs own the white house, 2 more governors chairs than we did in 2022, an extra Senate seat, and the most recognizable media outlet of the right just had to cough up 3/4 of a billion dollars.

Again; great news for Americans; bad news for Cult 45.

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