Here's some 'Religious Freedom' for ya....

He says the same thing pro aborts say. He just has a different reason. Pro aborts say it violates civil rights. No different. In many ways satanism is indistinguishable from liberalism.
Conservatism are the closet cross dressers that use the screen name Top Man on Grindr gay hook up sites, they like be so horny since their pussy was cut off from being such ass holes...
It's not for you, me, the government or anyone else to say what is and isn't a legitimate religious sect.
So you're for the government telling you what the approved religious holidays are? BTW, May 1st(Beltane) isn't a Satanic holiday, it's a neo-pagan one. Perhaps you should do some research before making foolish statements.
Beltane - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Religious freedom....Hurrah!
You're a joke. Wikipedia may not be perfect, but it is a good starting point for research What cite do you have for your contention?
Right here:
REALLY?!?! You dis Wikipedia and give us youtube? :lmao:

She's promoting Satanism, give her a break.....

Promoting the dangers of Satanism. You should know, right Moonglow?
You're a joke. Wikipedia may not be perfect, but it is a good starting point for research What cite do you have for your contention?
Right here:
REALLY?!?! You dis Wikipedia and give us youtube? :lmao:

Yes. And here is another for ya! A MUST SEE!

The Founding Fathers were Free Masons, not all but many..I guess evil intent was the basis of our nation..............Ever been in a masonic lodge?? Didn't think you ever have..It's a non-event for the occult you claim it is...It's not even a secret society....
Southern baptist....
I gotta say, the right wingers on this thread are disappointing the shit out of me. Personally, I'm all for religious freedom and constitutional rights going unviolated.

I don't believe Hobby Lobby should be forced to offer compensation specifically in the form of birth control if it violates their moral beliefs.

I don't believe a Christian cake maker should be forced to craft a cake depicting a homosexual marriage if they feel it violates their moral beliefs.

I also believe that, given the fact that the first amendment specifically restricts Congress from establishing any particular religion, the entire idea is that everyone (including Satanists, Pagans, Neo Davidians, Hailbob worshippers, Voodoo practitioners, etc) should be allowed to follow their own moral beliefs unmolested so long as practice of those values doesn't infringe on the constitutional rights of someone else (Satanists aren't legally allowed to sacrifice others any more than Muslims are allowed to put apostates to death any more than Christians are allowed to torture heretics any more than Hailbob worshippers are allowed to force anyone else to drink their Koolaid).

In debates regarding Hobby Lobby and birth control, I'm constantly defending Christians (which I am not) against this ridiculous argument that the ones opposed to the Obamacare mandate requiring businesses to offer health plans including birth control simply aren't interpreting their religion correctly, and therefore their refrain based on religious liberty is invalid.

This argument is ridiculous because the religious freedom guaranteed by our constitution is guaranteed to the -individual- and is specifically written the way it is so that each person can interpret their -own- moral code, free of authoritarians telling them what religious views are valid and which aren't. If I can be told my religion is invalid, there -is- no religious freedom.

So, you Christians arguing that Satanism isn't covered by the constitution, you're not only hypocritical, you're treading on dangerous ground. Once we start deciding which religious views are valid and which aren't, what keeps your religion safe from government persecution? We're either all free to choose our morals, or none of us are. There is literally no middle ground.
'Waiting periods' are pointless and arguably un-Constitutional – for guns or abortions.
...........or Satanists?
For anyone seeking to exercise a fundamental right.

It's not the role of the state to presume you 'don't know what you're doing' and compel you to 'wait' to exercise that fundamental right.

If a woman elects to exercise her right to privacy and terminate her pregnancy, she should be able to do so that same day, absent unwarranted interference from the state, such as a 'waiting period.'

If a citizen elects to exercise his right to possess a handgun pursuant to the Second Amendment, he should be able to take possession of that handgun the same day as the sale, absent unwarranted interference from the state, such as a 'waiting period.'
Umm, I guess progs consider "satanists" to be a legitimate mainstream religious sect. It's not surprising that a satanist would consider the immediate murder of her unborn child to be a religious "right" guaranteed by the Constitution but that's the way the argument seems to be headed these days.
This is predictably ignorant and wrong.

Abortion isn't 'murder,' it's idiocy to maintain otherwise.

In addition, an embryo/fetus is not a 'baby,' possessing no Constitutional rights prior to birth.

And all beliefs, faiths, and religions are entitled to First Amendment protections, including the right to be free from faith.

Consequently your guess is wrong.

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