Here It Comes: Wikileaks Podesta Email Discussing Scalia Being 'Wetworked' Four Days Prior To Death

I am not listening to anything that comes from right-wing "independent" media.

About ready to shut out on the media completely.
Podesta is one evil son of a his fing emails. He does not deserve to be called an American.
I clicked on the link and the thing read like a right wing blog. know...............if I were Assange, I'd release some bullshit email that looked really bad just to see how far the right wingers would take it, and then after a couple of days, tell them it was a hoax and that they'll believe anything.

The Clinton's had Scalia taken out? Are you for real? Take off the tinfoil hat, it's cutting off the oxygen to your brain.
I clicked on the link and the thing read like a right wing blog. know...............if I were Assange, I'd release some bullshit email that looked really bad just to see how far the right wingers would take it, and then after a couple of days, tell them it was a hoax and that they'll believe anything.

The Clinton's had Scalia taken out? Are you for real? Take off the tinfoil hat, it's cutting off the oxygen to your brain.
That would be really funny. They did that in an episode of Parks and Rec.
I am reluctant to believe this is real, since the Clintons are known to send out false conspiracy theories into the ether to discredit their opponents.
A fat 80 year old man dies. Yes, how is that possible. Wasn't he scheduled to run a marathon the next day?
The family requested that they didn't want an autopsy performed.
He was a supreme court justice; the people that paid his salary deserve to know how the man died. It should have been automatic. What if the Kennedy family said they didn't want an autopsy on president Kennedy? the nation and the media would have gone nuts.
He was a supreme court justice the people that paid his salary deserve to know how the man died. It should have been automatic.

The people that pay his salary do not get to overrule the wishes of the family when it comes to such decisions.

What if the Kennedy family said they didn't want an autopsy on president Kennedy? the nation and the media would have gone nuts.

And if my Aunt had balls she would be my uncle...or a tranny. lol

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