CDZ Here is the challenge, show the time mark where Trump said Terror attack in Sweden....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
I put this question here to avoid the personal attacks by the left.

It is a simple thread, with one request.

Please give us the time mark on the video of the Trump rally where he said the words Terror Attack in Sweden Last Night.

We will wait patiently where you list the mark for all of us to see and here where he uses any combination of those words...all six......

What did he say? Something to make folks think there was a terror attack in Sweeden and there wasn't? Do you have a link to the rally? I did not watch the rally (of course), there are classic NFL games on Youtube now.

EDIT: Is this the speech?

Heck, is there a better copy of it, I have no idea who the poster is there.

@5:14 he lied talking about how smooth the White House is running. Nothing I'd do more than poke fun at him about though.
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I put this question here to avoid the personal attacks by the left.

It is a simple thread, with one request.

Please give us the time mark on the video of the Trump rally where he said the words Terror Attack in Sweden Last Night.

We will wait patiently where you list the mark for all of us to see and here where he uses any combination of those words...all six......


Is that your goal post? Now I dunno if I found a good copy of that speech or not.

It's at about 29.30 of the video I posted above.

He insinuated SOMETHING related to immigrants and terrorism happened in Sweden. "Sweden, who would believe this, Sweden?", or similar was his quote, he fixated on Sweden for some reason. Why not France? Donald can find misleading/dishonest things to say sometimes when it isn't even necessary to make his point

If we are just going for SOME Muslim in Sweden did SOMETHING illegal the day before the speech then yup, Trump was 100% right.

Maybe Trump can be sorta right if misleading? Trump Exaggerates Swedish Crime
says Sweden has seen an uptick in crime. Do you know how much and what type? I'm not house shopping there, I don't.

What do you think he meant?

Where is your goal post set for accuracy?
I put this question here to avoid the personal attacks by the left.

It is a simple thread, with one request.

Please give us the time mark on the video of the Trump rally where he said the words Terror Attack in Sweden Last Night.

We will wait patiently where you list the mark for all of us to see and here where he uses any combination of those words...all six......


Is that your goal post? Now I dunno if I found a good copy of that speech or not.

It's at about 29.30 of the video I posted above.

He insinuated SOMETHING related to immigrants and terrorism happened in Sweden. "Sweden, who would believe this, Sweden?", or similar was his quote, he fixated on Sweden for some reason. Why not France? Donald can find misleading/dishonest things to say sometimes when it isn't even necessary to make his point

If we are just going for SOME Muslim in Sweden did SOMETHING illegal the day before the speech then yup, Trump was 100% right.

Maybe Trump can be sorta right if misleading? Trump Exaggerates Swedish Crime
says Sweden has seen an uptick in crime. Do you know how much and what type? I'm not house shopping there, I don't.

What do you think he meant?

Where is your goal post set for accuracy?
How Bout an accurate quote...Not a paraphrase .....Not a sounds like.....Ya know real journalism
I put this question here to avoid the personal attacks by the left.

It is a simple thread, with one request.

Please give us the time mark on the video of the Trump rally where he said the words Terror Attack in Sweden Last Night.

We will wait patiently where you list the mark for all of us to see and here where he uses any combination of those words...all six......


Is that your goal post? Now I dunno if I found a good copy of that speech or not.

It's at about 29.30 of the video I posted above.

He insinuated SOMETHING related to immigrants and terrorism happened in Sweden. "Sweden, who would believe this, Sweden?", or similar was his quote, he fixated on Sweden for some reason. Why not France? Donald can find misleading/dishonest things to say sometimes when it isn't even necessary to make his point

If we are just going for SOME Muslim in Sweden did SOMETHING illegal the day before the speech then yup, Trump was 100% right.

Maybe Trump can be sorta right if misleading? Trump Exaggerates Swedish Crime
says Sweden has seen an uptick in crime. Do you know how much and what type? I'm not house shopping there, I don't.

What do you think he meant?

Where is your goal post set for accuracy?
How Bout an accurate quote...Not a paraphrase .....Not a sounds like.....Ya know real journalism

In my opinion Donald insinuated a Bastille Day like event occurred in Sweden. The best excuse for him I can come up with is that reference to an uptick in crime in Sweden. Then again I am not there. What is the worst thing a Muslim immigrant did there recently enough for him to be talking about that?

I have given my opinion.

What do you think he said?
From the speech. I hate having to watch videos. I read faster. It sounds like what I listened to in the Youtube video above at 29.30 or so. I guess its accurate.

Transcript: President Donald Trump’s rally in Melbourne, Florida

"Here's the bottom line. We've got to keep our country safe. You look at what's happening. We've got to keep our country safe. You look at what's happening in Germany, you look at what's happening last night in Sweden. Sweden, who would believe this. Sweden. They took in large numbers. They're having problems like they never thought possible. You look at what's happening in Brussels. You look at what's happening all over the world. Take a look at Nice. Take a look at Paris. We've allowed thousands and thousands of people into our country and there was no way to vet those people. There was no documentation. There was no nothing. So we're going to keep our country safe."
There ya have it....Opinion instead of facts.......And mindless mobs say thank you

MOTS, I put the text up there. I have a video link. I asked if they are accurate. Then I gave my opinion on what his words meant and asked for yours.

If what he said wouldn't have been enough to make you ask Google what terrorist attack happened in Sweden the night before just say what you thought he meant. I gave you a couple hints at what I THINK and in a way hope he might have been getting at.
He never once said anything about terrorist attacks, in Sweden or elsewhere. He is referring to the problems those countries have faced since allowing in refugees, which they are and have been. His only mistake was to imply a specific event 'last night'.
He never once said anything about terrorist attacks, in Sweden or elsewhere. He is referring to the problems those countries have faced since allowing in refugees, which they are and have been. His only mistake was to imply a specific event 'last night'.

Maybe that is what he meant. I just haven't heard anyone ever mention Nice France w/o talking about a terrorist attack and to package them soo close together was humorously poor speech writing or dishonest.

Edit: I'm going to lean towards believing Trump was trying to be subliminally misleading. His message earlier in the speech about how smooth his White House runs has me suspicious.
He never once said anything about terrorist attacks, in Sweden or elsewhere. He is referring to the problems those countries have faced since allowing in refugees, which they are and have been. His only mistake was to imply a specific event 'last night'.

Maybe that is what he meant. I just haven't heard anyone ever mention Nice France w/o talking about a terrorist attack and to package them soo close together was humorously poor speech writing or dishonest.

Edit: I'm going to lean towards believing Trump was trying to be subliminally misleading. His message earlier in the speech about how smooth his White House runs has me suspicious.

I'm not going to read more into it than for what it was.......this is the reason Trump is so against the media and why there is so much public turmoil, people reading more into what he says than what is there.
Melbourne, FL Speech Transcript....It's an incoherent "stream of consciousness" mess, that as, Trump is wont to do when he speaks, spreads his points out over the course of half a dozen different paragraphs or sentences, or as often as not, sentence fragments....Be that as it may, here ya go...

And I've taken decisive action to keep radical Islamic terrorist the hell out of our country. So you probably read where we want to enforce the laws as existing. And so we signed an order a couple of weeks ago, and it was taken over by a court originally by a judge and then a — yes, it's very sad. The reason is for protection and safety.....

[Paragraph about what some sheriffs had to say about the EO.]

[Paragraphs prattling about the jurists of the 9th circuit and why he disagrees with their decision....I guess Trump thinks he's also a legal scholar ....In his drolly procrustean way, he didn't come close to presenting the strongest possible case -- a dialectical one that discusses the role of the courts as one of the checks and balances on Executive power -- for his point of view on the matter.]

....We've got to keep our country safe. You look at what's happening. We've got to keep our country safe. You look at what's happening in Germany, you look at what's happening last night in Sweden. Sweden, who would believe this. Sweden. They took in large numbers. They're having problems like they never thought possible. You look at what's happening in Brussels. You look at what's happening all over the world. Take a look at Nice. Take a look at Paris.​

If you think you're going to get something so explicit as one might expect from a coherent speaker who makes points, forget it. Trump doesn't speak that way. He's a prattler not an orator.
The fact is that Swedish authorities are increasingly accused of under-reporting or not reporting crime carried out by immigrants. This from last year:

"In an internal police memo seen by the newspaper, officers identified a group of approximately 50 men, “so-called refugee youths, predominantly from Afghanistan,” whom they suspected of being behind the attacks, adding that “several of the gang were arrested for sexual harassment”."

"Despite a record number of girls reporting crimes, police made no mention of the phenomenon in the report on the festival posted to their website, which said instead only that there had been “relatively few crimes and few arrests given the number of attendants”."

Police in Sweden accused of hushing up asylum seeker assaults at festival

Sweden continues to publish new stories of under-reported crime:

"Peter Springare, who works at the serious crimes unit in Örebro, took to Facebook last Friday, writing a post where he accounts for the cases he's been working on in the past week."

"He goes on to list the countries the suspects came from, saying only one was from Sweden. In the same post, he writes that Sweden's elderly care, schools, healthcare, and police, are in a state of chaos."

Police officer reported for social media post about immigrant crime - Radio Sweden

I put this question here to avoid the personal attacks by the left.

It is a simple thread, with one request.

Please give us the time mark on the video of the Trump rally where he said the words Terror Attack in Sweden Last Night.

We will wait patiently where you list the mark for all of us to see and here where he uses any combination of those words...all six......


Is that your goal post? Now I dunno if I found a good copy of that speech or not.

It's at about 29.30 of the video I posted above.

He insinuated SOMETHING related to immigrants and terrorism happened in Sweden. "Sweden, who would believe this, Sweden?", or similar was his quote, he fixated on Sweden for some reason. Why not France? Donald can find misleading/dishonest things to say sometimes when it isn't even necessary to make his point

If we are just going for SOME Muslim in Sweden did SOMETHING illegal the day before the speech then yup, Trump was 100% right.

Maybe Trump can be sorta right if misleading? Trump Exaggerates Swedish Crime
says Sweden has seen an uptick in crime. Do you know how much and what type? I'm not house shopping there, I don't.

What do you think he meant?

Where is your goal post set for accuracy?

No...he didn't.......he said nothing about terrorism that night......he said and last Sweden......and then clarified the report on the rise in crime in Sweden from the Tucker Carslon show.....and since he didn't use the words Terror, or Attack, in the point on Sweden....keep working on it......
Melbourne, FL Speech Transcript....It's an incoherent "stream of consciousness" mess, that as, Trump is wont to do when he speaks, spreads his points out over the course of half a dozen different paragraphs or sentences, or as often as not, sentence fragments....Be that as it may, here ya go...

And I've taken decisive action to keep radical Islamic terrorist the hell out of our country. So you probably read where we want to enforce the laws as existing. And so we signed an order a couple of weeks ago, and it was taken over by a court originally by a judge and then a — yes, it's very sad. The reason is for protection and safety.....

[Paragraph about what some sheriffs had to say about the EO.]

[Paragraphs prattling about the jurists of the 9th circuit and why he disagrees with their decision....I guess Trump thinks he's also a legal scholar ....In his drolly procrustean way, he didn't come close to presenting the strongest possible case -- a dialectical one that discusses the role of the courts as one of the checks and balances on Executive power -- for his point of view on the matter.]

....We've got to keep our country safe. You look at what's happening. We've got to keep our country safe. You look at what's happening in Germany, you look at what's happening last night in Sweden. Sweden, who would believe this. Sweden. They took in large numbers. They're having problems like they never thought possible. You look at what's happening in Brussels. You look at what's happening all over the world. Take a look at Nice. Take a look at Paris.​

If you think you're going to get something so explicit as one might expect from a coherent speaker who makes points, forget it. Trump doesn't speak that way. He's a prattler not an orator.

Sorry...that is being reported by the left here on U.S. message that he stated there was a terrorist attack in Sweden..."Last Night" you guys have yet to show that statement from the rally.....

Keep trying...
Melbourne, FL Speech Transcript....It's an incoherent "stream of consciousness" mess, that as, Trump is wont to do when he speaks, spreads his points out over the course of half a dozen different paragraphs or sentences, or as often as not, sentence fragments....Be that as it may, here ya go...

And I've taken decisive action to keep radical Islamic terrorist the hell out of our country. So you probably read where we want to enforce the laws as existing. And so we signed an order a couple of weeks ago, and it was taken over by a court originally by a judge and then a — yes, it's very sad. The reason is for protection and safety.....

[Paragraph about what some sheriffs had to say about the EO.]

[Paragraphs prattling about the jurists of the 9th circuit and why he disagrees with their decision....I guess Trump thinks he's also a legal scholar ....In his drolly procrustean way, he didn't come close to presenting the strongest possible case -- a dialectical one that discusses the role of the courts as one of the checks and balances on Executive power -- for his point of view on the matter.]

....We've got to keep our country safe. You look at what's happening. We've got to keep our country safe. You look at what's happening in Germany, you look at what's happening last night in Sweden. Sweden, who would believe this. Sweden. They took in large numbers. They're having problems like they never thought possible. You look at what's happening in Brussels. You look at what's happening all over the world. Take a look at Nice. Take a look at Paris.​

If you think you're going to get something so explicit as one might expect from a coherent speaker who makes points, forget it. Trump doesn't speak that way. He's a prattler not an orator.

Sorry...that is being reported by the left here on U.S. message that he stated there was a terrorist attack in Sweden..."Last Night" you guys have yet to show that statement from the rally.....

Keep trying...
it is being reported by the left here on U.S. message that he stated there was a terrorist attack in Sweden..."

??? "Reported" by USMB members? WTH are you talking about? Since when is USMB a news outlet? The title on the forum main page says "US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum." Does someone who is in their right mind "tune in" to USMB to get their "daily dose" of news and information? I sure hope not.

The only thing on USMB that comes close to being "reporting" comes about when members' write "I think...." to report their own opinions about things.

Are you really going to sit there and tacitly show that you don't recognize an implied assertion from an expressly made one? Even other people's doing so doesn't legitimize your, in your own arguments and attestations, mimicking them. Intelligent people recognize that it's best to simply ignore stupid and insufficient arguments (and the people who make them) rather than give them "teeth" by remarking on them or, worse, making their own stupidass counter-argument in retort to a stupidass claim or line of argument. George Carlin said, "Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience." It's good advice. You should follow it rather than posting stupid-sh*t like what you wrote in reply to my response to your thread title's request.
Melbourne, FL Speech Transcript....It's an incoherent "stream of consciousness" mess, that as, Trump is wont to do when he speaks, spreads his points out over the course of half a dozen different paragraphs or sentences, or as often as not, sentence fragments....Be that as it may, here ya go...

And I've taken decisive action to keep radical Islamic terrorist the hell out of our country. So you probably read where we want to enforce the laws as existing. And so we signed an order a couple of weeks ago, and it was taken over by a court originally by a judge and then a — yes, it's very sad. The reason is for protection and safety.....

[Paragraph about what some sheriffs had to say about the EO.]

[Paragraphs prattling about the jurists of the 9th circuit and why he disagrees with their decision....I guess Trump thinks he's also a legal scholar ....In his drolly procrustean way, he didn't come close to presenting the strongest possible case -- a dialectical one that discusses the role of the courts as one of the checks and balances on Executive power -- for his point of view on the matter.]

....We've got to keep our country safe. You look at what's happening. We've got to keep our country safe. You look at what's happening in Germany, you look at what's happening last night in Sweden. Sweden, who would believe this. Sweden. They took in large numbers. They're having problems like they never thought possible. You look at what's happening in Brussels. You look at what's happening all over the world. Take a look at Nice. Take a look at Paris.​

If you think you're going to get something so explicit as one might expect from a coherent speaker who makes points, forget it. Trump doesn't speak that way. He's a prattler not an orator.

Sorry...that is being reported by the left here on U.S. message that he stated there was a terrorist attack in Sweden..."Last Night" you guys have yet to show that statement from the rally.....

Keep trying...
it is being reported by the left here on U.S. message that he stated there was a terrorist attack in Sweden..."

??? "Reported" by USMB members? WTH are you talking about? Since when is USMB a news outlet? The title on the forum main page says "US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum." Does someone who is in their right mind "tune in" to USMB to get their "daily dose" of news and information? I sure hope not.

The only thing on USMB that comes close to being "reporting" comes about when members' write "I think...." to report their own opinions about things.

Are you really going to sit there and tacitly show that you don't recognize an implied assertion from an expressly made one? Even other people's doing so doesn't legitimize your, in your own arguments and attestations, mimicking them. Intelligent people recognize that it's best to simply ignore stupid and insufficient arguments (and the people who make them) rather than give them "teeth" by remarking on them or, worse, making their own stupidass counter-argument in retort to a stupidass claim or line of argument. George Carlin said, "Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience." It's good advice. You should follow it rather than posting stupid-sh*t like what you wrote in reply to my response to your thread title's request. don't understand, which is not unusual...I have seen your posts....the left wingers on U.S. message have been gleefully stating that Trump said there was a terror attack, knowing he didn't say any such thing.

And from your ignorance you should really be following your own advice, having seen you posts on this topic....
Here is a good look at the video.....and what Trump didn't say, but the left claims he did.....and this article links to the actual stories by the press lying about what Trump said....

'Trump Trance'? Media Sure It 'Heard' Sweden Comment Trump Never Said

Trump didn't say anything about a terror attack in Sweden.

He mentioned "last night," referring to a report on Tucker Carlson's show the night before, but all he actually said about Sweden? "They're having problems."

Now, let's look at what was reported:

"Donald Trump made up Swedish terror attack based on Fox News story"

Here's a quote from the story:

Former Swedish foreign minister Carl Bildt tweeted: ‘Sweden? Terror attack? What has he been smoking? Questions abound.’

Here's Huffing Post:

"Donald Trump Appears To Make Up Sweden Terror Attack"

And amusingly, their subtitle:

"It didn't happen."

And lead paragraph:

President Donald Trump falsely suggested at a Florida rally Saturday that Sweden had suffered a terror attack the previous night.

Then life got even funnier, as HBO and the Daily Beast unintentionally played the old kids' game "Telephone": John Oliver aired a segment mocking what he thought he heard Trump say, and the Beast wrote up what they heard Oliver say:
Immigrants are rioting again in Sweden:

"Just two days after President Trump provoked widespread consternation by seeming to imply, incorrectly, that immigrants had perpetrated a recent spate of violence in Sweden, riots broke out in a predominantly immigrant neighborhood in the northern suburbs of the country's capital, Stockholm."

Riots erupt in Sweden’s capital just days after Trump comments

"Rinkeby was one of several areas which saw violent unrest in 2013, with up to 30 fires a night and several police injured by stones. It is one of 15 areas listed by police as "particularly vulnerable" in a report from 2015, however they have denied any existence of "no go zones"."

Swedish press photographer assaulted in Rinkeby riots

I put this question here to avoid the personal attacks by the left.

It is a simple thread, with one request.

Please give us the time mark on the video of the Trump rally where he said the words Terror Attack in Sweden Last Night.

We will wait patiently where you list the mark for all of us to see and here where he uses any combination of those words...all six......


Is that your goal post? Now I dunno if I found a good copy of that speech or not.

It's at about 29.30 of the video I posted above.

He insinuated SOMETHING related to immigrants and terrorism happened in Sweden. "Sweden, who would believe this, Sweden?", or similar was his quote, he fixated on Sweden for some reason. Why not France? Donald can find misleading/dishonest things to say sometimes when it isn't even necessary to make his point

If we are just going for SOME Muslim in Sweden did SOMETHING illegal the day before the speech then yup, Trump was 100% right.

Maybe Trump can be sorta right if misleading? Trump Exaggerates Swedish Crime
says Sweden has seen an uptick in crime. Do you know how much and what type? I'm not house shopping there, I don't.

What do you think he meant?

Where is your goal post set for accuracy?

No...he didn't.......he said nothing about terrorism that night......he said and last Sweden......and then clarified the report on the rise in crime in Sweden from the Tucker Carslon show.....and since he didn't use the words Terror, or Attack, in the point on Sweden....keep working on it......
Well, I dunno what to say.

In my opinion your bar for accuracy is set too low and it calls into question how detached from your support of Donald u can be.

I copied the text of the speech in another response. It seems clear to me mentioned Sweden in the same paragraph as Nice for some reason.

Since YOU brought it up I listened and quoted it.

The best I can say for Donald(edit, typo) is he goofed and apoligized.

The worst is he was trying to make the situation seem worse than it is.

The truth probably lies in the middle.
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