Hemp For Victory in the War on Terror

Because of crimes they commit while suffering from cannabis psychosis.
Here's a "study" that no one talks about: since marijuana was outlawed, marijuana use has gone up and yet cases of schizophrenia have not. Explain that one, please. If smoking marijuana causes psychosis, then why haven't all of the people getting high become psychotic?
We're still dealing with a 70-year-old failed policy that is based entirely on lies. Marijuana prohibition is the single largest wasteful policy in the United States. Billions of dollars are spent each year, only adding to our debt and defecit, to keep Cannabis illegal. Why?

Do Americans want a fiscally responsible government? This is the first thing that needs to change. Marijuana prohibition is a lie. Why do American voters want to keep living this lie? The war on drugs was started in 1972 after the Shafer Commission told Nixon that marijuana prohibition is worse for America than marijuana.
1972 Shafer Commission - Table of Contents

In 2014, we are still following the failed policies of Richard Nixon, a disgraced criminal and a liar.

Why are we still following Nixon's failed policies?
Terrorists would run in fear, they would abandon all terrorist acts if they were faced with an army of drugged out stoners.
Did you miss the part where America legalized marijuana and told Americans to grow it for the military? To help win World War II? To stop global genocide? To protect freedom and democracy for future generations like yours? What part of that is too difficult to understand?

Legalizing marijuana didn't destroy America. We didn't turn into a bunch of lazy stoner zombies. On the contrary, America emerged from a two-front World War as the number one superpower on Earth. Watch Hemp For Victory. Learn what they won't tell you on FOX or CNN.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p52Epx6lJes]Hemp For Victory [Full Official 1942] - YouTube[/ame]
Did you miss the part where America legalized marijuana and told Americans to grow it for the military? To help win World War II? To stop global genocide? To protect freedom and democracy for future generations like yours? What part of that is too difficult to understand?

Legalizing marijuana didn't destroy America. We didn't turn into a bunch of lazy stoner zombies. On the contrary, America emerged from a two-front World War as the number one superpower on Earth. Watch Hemp For Victory. Learn what they won't tell you on FOX or CNN.

Hemp For Victory [Full Official 1942] - YouTube

Industrial hemp is not the same thing as recreational marijuana.

Industrial hemp has low THC levels compared to marijuana specifically cultivated for personal psychoactive use. Whereas marijuana that can be smoked usually contains between five and ten percent THC, industrial hemp contains about one-tenth of that. In order to get a psychoactive effect, one would need to smoke ten or twelve hemp cigarettes over a very short period of time.
The reason for the low THC content in hemp is that most THC is formed in resin glands on the buds and flowers of the female cannabis plant. Industrial hemp is not cultivated to produce buds, and therefore lacks the primary component that forms the marijuana high. Furthermore, industrial hemp has higher concentrations of a chemical called Cannabidiol (CBD) that has a negative effect on THC and lessens its psychoactive effects when smoked in conjunction.

Compared to cannabis sativa indica, cannabis sativa sativa (industrial hemp variety) has a much stronger fiber. This fiber can be used in anything from rope and blankets to paper. Marijuana fiber has a low tensile strength and will break or shred easily, making it a poor fibrous plant when compared to industrial hemp.

Industrial Hemp VS. Cannabis - HEMPETHICS

What's the difference between hemp and marijuana? : Ct
All of our problems in society, and you want to crusade for drug legalization.

I have no doubt that hemp has it's uses. Nothing was created by mistake. But it's completely irrational to worry about that when there is so many more pressing issues.
What are our "more pressing issues"? Do you really think that marijuana legalization is only about drug use? Hemp For Victory proves that this issue goes far beyond hippies getting high.

Take the illegal torture war in Iraq, for example. Fuel can be made from the stalks of hemp plants.
HowStuffWorks "Hemp Energy: Sounds like a joke, but it?s not!"
The feasibility of converting Cannabis sat... [Bioresour Technol. 2010] - PubMed - NCBI

Hemp isn't marijuana? Really? Tell that to the DEA. 99% of the "marijuana" seized and destroyed by the DEA each year is nothing but wild hemp. If hemp cannot be used as a drug, then why does the Drug Enforcement Agency have complete jurisdiction over this plant? Hemp is Marijuana is Cannabis Sativa Linneus, according to the Controlled Substances Act of 1970 (the same law that lists crack cocaine as a safer medicine than marijuana). The DEA insists that marijuana does not have any medical uses, and yet there are other Federal government websites which explain marijuana's different medical uses.
Cannabis and Cannabinoids (PDQ®) - National Cancer Institute

How does one government agency get away with saying that marijuana does not have any historically-accepted medical uses, and there is another government agency saying that marijuana has been used as medicine all over the world for at least 3,000 years? Please explain that.

Non-toxic, biodegradable plastic can be made from the cellulose in Cannabis stalks, as well. In 1941, Henry Ford made a plastic car body from hemp that was ten times more dent-resistant than steel. Picture your car made from hemp, and running on hemp. Saudi and Iraqi oil never enters the equation.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=srgE6Tzi3Lg]Henry Ford's 'plastic hemp car' from 1941 - YouTube[/ame]

This isn't about legalizing "drugs". This is about correcting decades of lies and failed Federal policy. This is about ending corruption and waste. This is about providing thousands of jobs to Americans, just like it did during World War II. This is about supporting our troops. Did you know that George HW Bush used a parachute rigged with hemp in 1944? In other words, the legalization of "Marihuana" in 1942 saved George Bush's life. George W. Bush wasn't born until 1946. So the legalization of marijuana saved the lives of two US Presidents. How many other lives did it save? Your grandparents, maybe?

The US Federal government is lying to us. Every administration, both Democrat and Republican, has lied to the American voters for over half a century. Cannabis Sativa L., both hemp and marijuana, is a natural resource that can either help America win wars or cure cancer, and you want to keep it illegal because....... why?
Has anyone bothered to watch Hemp For Victory yet? There wasn't any rational argument for making marijuana illegal in 1937, and there is certainly no arguing against legalization after watching the 1942 government film, Hemp For Victory. So why has marijuana been illegal for so long after being legalized to save the world from Nazis?

Here is the Special Tax Stamp shown in Hemp For Victory.


Everyone can clearly see that the license to grow hemp reads "Producer of Marihuana." But Marijuana isn't Hemp, right? Yes, but we've already established that the elected officials in the US Federal government don't care at all about any differences between hemp and marijuana.

Marijuana was outlawed as a drug as an excuse to eliminate the industrial hemp industry. This is why the overwhelming majority of the "Marijuana" destroyed by the DEA each year is wild hemp that can't be used as a drug.

The US Federal government is lying to the American voters about the "dangers" of marijuana. There aren't any dangers. We were told that Marijuana is the most evil drug in existence back in 1937. Marijuana causes rape, murder and violent schizophrenia, right? But we still legalized it in 1942 and urged Americans as young as 16 to grow "Marihuana" to help keep our society free. There wasn't a significant rise in violent crimes and rapes when Marijuana was legalized, so there is no reason to believe that anything like that would happen today.

Every argument ever made against Cannabis Sativa is entirely destroyed by the USDA film, Hemp For Victory. This is why our government makes sure to never tell anyone about the film in our school history textbooks. They know that once people see the film, there is no hope for keeping "Marihuana" illegal.
Did you even read those articles? "A new study shows that marijuana use may increase the risk of psychotic behavior..." It's always the same thing. "May", "might", "could", "possibly", "but there's no definitive link between marijuana and psychosis."

"It’s important to point out that the current study doesn’t prove causation."
The Marijuana-Psychosis Connection Goes Both Ways In Teens - Forbes

"More than 16 million Americans use cannabis on a regular basis, typically beginning in adolescence."
The Cannabis-Psychosis Link | Psychiatric Times

"Previous studies have linked smoking marijuana with an increased risk of psychiatric disorders, such as schizophrenia, but only a small number of those who smoke pot will ever have a psychotic episode."
Why Pot Makes Some People Psychotic | Side Effects of MarijuanaWhy Pot Makes Some People Psychotic | LiveScience

So why isn't there a definitive link between marijuana use and the onset of psychosis? It's not like we haven't been studying the problem for over 50 years. In the last 50 years of Americans getting high, how many of those millions of Americans turned into violent axe murderers? If 16 million Americans use Cannabis on a regular basis since adolescence, does that mean that all 16 million Americans become certifiably insane? No. Why? Because marijuana doesn't CAUSE psychosis.

It is much more insane to continue to brand millions of otherwise law-abiding citizens as criminals because a very, very small percentage of those people MIGHT freak out after smoking some weed, even though they don't.
Please move this thread back to the Politics section where more people can read it. This isn't only about "history". This is about the unsustainable state of our current system. We slaughter our rainforests for paper and lumber while hemp can make four times more paper per acre than trees, according to the US Department of Agriculture in 1916. Do you see the point? Yes, history is involved but this is about fixing what is wrong HERE and NOW.

We have in the Pacific ocean a field of non-biodegradable plastic trash made from petrochemicals that is now the size of the continental US, while biodegradable plastic can be made from the stalks of marijuana plants. Do you see? By legalizing marijuana (again), we can help begin to clean the nearly endless fields of non-biodegradable plastic accumulating in our oceans.

The Land of the Free has more prisons and prisoners than any other nation on Earth, with the number one "crime" targeted by our police being marijuana possession. Legalizing marijuana (again) will eliminate tens of thousands of people from the criminal record. Do you see? This topic about current politics and American society, using historical references. This isn't a discussion about history.
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Please move this thread back to the Politics section where more people can read it. This isn't only about "history". This is about the unsustainable state of our current system. We slaughter our rainforests for paper and lumber while hemp can make four times more paper per acre than trees, according to the US Department of Agriculture in 1916. Do you see the point? Yes, history is involved but this is about fixing what is wrong HERE and NOW.

We have in the Pacific ocean a field of non-biodegradable plastic trash made from petrochemicals that is now the size of the continental US, while biodegradable plastic can be made from the stalks of marijuana plants. Do you see? By legalizing marijuana (again), we can help begin to clean the nearly endless fields of non-biodegradable plastic accumulating in our oceans.

The Land of the Free has more prisons and prisoners than any other nation on Earth, with the number one "crime" targeted by our police being marijuana possession. Legalizing marijuana (again) will eliminate tens of thousands of people from the criminal record. Do you see? This topic about current politics and American society, using historical references. This isn't a discussion about history.

If you want to use hemp paper then do it!

Hemp paper - Green Field Paper Company

If you want to wear clothing made of hemp, go ahead.

Hemp clothing | Men Women Children | Retail & Wholesale | USA made | Vital Hemp

If you want to use hemp products, there's nothing stopping you.

Buy Hempz - Natural Hair Care Products and Body Care Products. Free shipping.

You might also try smoking your shampoo. It just won't do you any good.

What you want is for people high on pot to not suffer any consequences. If they commit a crime while high, if they have a stroke, or become psychotic, it should not be a consequence of their addiction. You can't repeal reality. Just grow man boobs and be done with it.
Marijuana doesn't cause psychosis. Marijuana doesn't cause strokes. We heard all of your bullshit arguments against weed in 1937 and weed was still legalized in 1942 and NONE of your horror stories about weed came true. Guess what actually did happen? America stopped the Axis of Evil and created the nation of Israel.

As for hemp products, yeah, we can buy that stuff from Chinese manufacturers. What we can't do is grow it ourselves like our grandparents' did during "The Greatest Generation". Do you enjoy sending money over to China for things that we can make right here at home? Maybe we should close down a few more factories here in America?

Read the 1972 report of the National Commission on Marihuana and Drug Abuse headed by Raymond Shafer.
1972 Shafer Commission - Table of Contents

Notice how it says that all of the arguments made against marijuana are bullshit? This was Nixon's special committee. This was supposed to be the report that gave credibility to the Controlled Substances Act of 1970 which states that Cannabis Sativa doesn't have any medicinal or therapeutic value. Instead, the report came back and said that marijuana prohibition is more detrimental to our free American society than the use of the drug.

Is that too difficult for mouth-breathing Republicans to understand?

Marijuana prohibition is a lie. Hemp For Victory is the truth. Now please move this back to Politics because this is a very serious political issue for America today. You waste billions of dollars every year arresting and prosecuting free Americans for the exact same thing that helped stop the Holocaust. That doesn't strike you as the least bit hypocritical?
The government also encouraged rubber production. Why don't you try smoking an old tire?
Because old tires don't contain THC or CBD, compounds which have shown signs of fighting cancer. So marijuana helps fight Nazis and cancer.

Please explain why the US Federal government arrests thousands of otherwise law-abiding Americans for the same resource that helps stop Nazis and cancer.

Cannabis and Cannabinoids (PDQ®) - National Cancer Institute
1972 Shafer Commission - Table of Contents

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