Hello there! I'm another one of those displaced posters from

'another board', LOL. Born and raised in Germany, I'm living in NJ, the Garden State. Horses are my livelihood as well as my hobby, and that's what keeps me active and in fairly decent shape for my advanced age. :banana:

Nice to meet you all, looking forward to some interesting, fun times on this Message Board.

Why did you take almost two years since joining to make your first post?

There's a few of us that have come here in the last couple days from another board....it was getting pretty toxic! I used to post here all the time until I got tied up in that other one (with Barbella), I would stop in here once in a while. But I think this is where I'll mainly hang out now....try to get to know the posters again :)

I still remember you

Welcome back

Thanks.....you and I have butted heads a few times :) I've always liked it here...but then got to be good friends with quite a few on the other board (ones that are here now!). Decided to drag them along with me!
'another board', LOL. Born and raised in Germany, I'm living in NJ, the Garden State. Horses are my livelihood as well as my hobby, and that's what keeps me active and in fairly decent shape for my advanced age. :banana:

Nice to meet you all, looking forward to some interesting, fun times on this Message Board.
I love horses as well.welcome to USMB.:welcome::)
Oh crap! More people from New Jersey...... There goes the neighborhood........ Uuumm, I mean welcome! Yeah, that's what I meant to say, welcome!

(Okay, which one of you morons wrote this intro speech? Geeze, can't find good writers anymore).
'another board', LOL. Born and raised in Germany, I'm living in NJ, the Garden State. Horses are my livelihood as well as my hobby, and that's what keeps me active and in fairly decent shape for my advanced age. :banana:

Nice to meet you all, looking forward to some interesting, fun times on this Message Board.

Herzlich Willkommen beim USMB! Ich hoffe, Du kannst einige schöne Erfahrungen hier ansammeln.

Oh, und nur zur Vorsicht: lassen Sie sich im Vorfeld gut impfen, insbesonders gegen Tollwut und. Co. Dies werden Sie bitter nötig haben...

Wir sehen uns "da draussen".

Herzliche Grüße,

'another board', LOL. Born and raised in Germany, I'm living in NJ, the Garden State. Horses are my livelihood as well as my hobby, and that's what keeps me active and in fairly decent shape for my advanced age. :banana:

Nice to meet you all, looking forward to some interesting, fun times on this Message Board.
'another board', LOL. Born and raised in Germany, I'm living in NJ, the Garden State. Horses are my livelihood as well as my hobby, and that's what keeps me active and in fairly decent shape for my advanced age. :banana:

Nice to meet you all, looking forward to some interesting, fun times on this Message Board.

Herzlich Willkommen beim USMB! Ich hoffe, Du kannst einige schöne Erfahrungen hier ansammeln.

Oh, und nur zur Vorsicht: lassen Sie sich im Vorfeld gut impfen, insbesonders gegen Tollwut und. Co. Dies werden Sie bitter nötig haben...

Wir sehen uns "da draussen".

Herzliche Grüße,

Just cause she was raised there don't mean she can speak the language..
'another board', LOL. Born and raised in Germany, I'm living in NJ, the Garden State. Horses are my livelihood as well as my hobby, and that's what keeps me active and in fairly decent shape for my advanced age. :banana:

Nice to meet you all, looking forward to some interesting, fun times on this Message Board.
'another board', LOL. Born and raised in Germany, I'm living in NJ, the Garden State. Horses are my livelihood as well as my hobby, and that's what keeps me active and in fairly decent shape for my advanced age. :banana:

Nice to meet you all, looking forward to some interesting, fun times on this Message Board.

Herzlich Willkommen beim USMB! Ich hoffe, Du kannst einige schöne Erfahrungen hier ansammeln.

Oh, und nur zur Vorsicht: lassen Sie sich im Vorfeld gut impfen, insbesonders gegen Tollwut und. Co. Dies werden Sie bitter nötig haben...

Wir sehen uns "da draussen".

Herzliche Grüße,


Vielen Dank, Stat! So bald ich Ihren Nick-Namen sah, dachte ich mir dass Sie Deutscher sind... LOL. Und keine Sorge... in dem Forum von dem ich gerade weg bin, war die Tollwut rampant... ich bin gut geimpft! :meow::laugh2:
'another board', LOL. Born and raised in Germany, I'm living in NJ, the Garden State. Horses are my livelihood as well as my hobby, and that's what keeps me active and in fairly decent shape for my advanced age. :banana:

Nice to meet you all, looking forward to some interesting, fun times on this Message Board.
Jeez, don't bring the assholes with you.
'another board', LOL. Born and raised in Germany, I'm living in NJ, the Garden State. Horses are my livelihood as well as my hobby, and that's what keeps me active and in fairly decent shape for my advanced age. :banana:

Nice to meet you all, looking forward to some interesting, fun times on this Message Board.

Howdy young lady! Good to see you here. It's a decent well formatted place. Plus it's nice not to have to deal with the squat to pee mod guy emotional issues and those thin skinned crazy folks at the other place. As poorly as that forum's run, it is really no surprise they've lost their advertisements. Hopefully, now they can fluff each other enough to satisfy themselves while that toilet of a forum flushes itself into even deeper mediocrity.

Last edited:
'another board', LOL. Born and raised in Germany, I'm living in NJ, the Garden State. Horses are my livelihood as well as my hobby, and that's what keeps me active and in fairly decent shape for my advanced age. :banana:

Nice to meet you all, looking forward to some interesting, fun times on this Message Board.

Herzlich Willkommen beim USMB! Ich hoffe, Du kannst einige schöne Erfahrungen hier ansammeln.

Oh, und nur zur Vorsicht: lassen Sie sich im Vorfeld gut impfen, insbesonders gegen Tollwut und. Co. Dies werden Sie bitter nötig haben...

Wir sehen uns "da draussen".

Herzliche Grüße,

Please refrain from using such language.
'another board', LOL. Born and raised in Germany, I'm living in NJ, the Garden State. Horses are my livelihood as well as my hobby, and that's what keeps me active and in fairly decent shape for my advanced age. :banana:

Nice to meet you all, looking forward to some interesting, fun times on this Message Board.

Herzlich Willkommen beim USMB! Ich hoffe, Du kannst einige schöne Erfahrungen hier ansammeln.

Oh, und nur zur Vorsicht: lassen Sie sich im Vorfeld gut impfen, insbesonders gegen Tollwut und. Co. Dies werden Sie bitter nötig haben...

Wir sehen uns "da draussen".

Herzliche Grüße,


Vielen Dank, Stat! So bald ich Ihren Nick-Namen sah, dachte ich mir dass Sie Deutscher sind... LOL. Und keine Sorge... in dem Forum von dem ich gerade weg bin, war die Tollwut rampant... ich bin gut geimpft! :meow::laugh2:
Isn't there some sort of English only rule.
Welcome Barbella - hope you stick around this time. I think NJ is very pretty.......please don't let the trolls scare you away, they're harmless, just have big mouths....:)

'another board', LOL. Born and raised in Germany, I'm living in NJ, the Garden State. Horses are my livelihood as well as my hobby, and that's what keeps me active and in fairly decent shape for my advanced age. :banana:

Nice to meet you all, looking forward to some interesting, fun times on this Message Board.

Herzlich Willkommen beim USMB! Ich hoffe, Du kannst einige schöne Erfahrungen hier ansammeln.

Oh, und nur zur Vorsicht: lassen Sie sich im Vorfeld gut impfen, insbesonders gegen Tollwut und. Co. Dies werden Sie bitter nötig haben...

Wir sehen uns "da draussen".

Herzliche Grüße,

Just cause she was raised there don't mean she can speak the language..

Oh, doch, das kann sie.
'another board', LOL. Born and raised in Germany, I'm living in NJ, the Garden State. Horses are my livelihood as well as my hobby, and that's what keeps me active and in fairly decent shape for my advanced age. :banana:

Nice to meet you all, looking forward to some interesting, fun times on this Message Board.

Welcome to the madhouse.

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