Heartbreaking Photo: Young girl covers eyes as nude men walk past

Do you keep attending?

No... have no reason to.. as I was down there for my friends' celebration... not for the parade...

Said people or persons would be arrested due to laws on the books against such behavior. In other words, nobody gets a permit to swing the schlong in public.

Y'know what I think? You were so freaked-the-fuck out by the fact that you were there at all, that you remember things that didn't actually happen.

He says he goes every year. :eusa_whistle:
Maybe someone that is gay on this board can explain why some gays like to flaunt their nudity in public places where children are...and while they are at it, explain why heterosexuals don't during parades.
You are not answering the question, are you? Ergo, cool story bro. :eusa_liar:

Except that I did...

It has happened, it does happen, even if every person attending the event does not do it.. I HAVE seen it first hand... you just do not WISH to believe it because it goes against your personal assertion, your agenda, and what you want to portray

Cool story bro....except for you leaving out which group, bar, float, organization or whatever does it. Except for any D.C. news articles reporting it...which, if there really was public nudity, it would be reported or there would be photos...whining by the Right...something.

So...again...cool story, bro.

UH huh... it did not happen because you do not want it to have happened...

I don't know what organization it was for or what group or whatever.. FOR I DID NOT CARE

If there are specific photos, I do not know.. I personally did not find it worthy of space on my SIM card... did someone complain? I do not know... again, that does not mean that it did not happen
No... have no reason to.. as I was down there for my friends' celebration... not for the parade...

Said people or persons would be arrested due to laws on the books against such behavior. In other words, nobody gets a permit to swing the schlong in public.

Y'know what I think? You were so freaked-the-fuck out by the fact that you were there at all, that you remember things that didn't actually happen.

He says he goes every year. :eusa_whistle:

Perhaps you should look at who replied what to what

Said people or persons would be arrested due to laws on the books against such behavior. In other words, nobody gets a permit to swing the schlong in public.

Y'know what I think? You were so freaked-the-fuck out by the fact that you were there at all, that you remember things that didn't actually happen.

He says he goes every year. :eusa_whistle:

Perhaps you should look at who replied what to what


I know exactly who I was replying to. :D Again, you have a cool story there, bro. :eusa_whistle:
Do you keep attending?

No... have no reason to.. as I was down there for my friends' celebration... not for the parade...

Said people or persons would be arrested due to laws on the books against such behavior. In other words, nobody gets a permit to swing the schlong in public.

Y'know what I think? You were so freaked-the-fuck out by the fact that you were there at all, that you remember things that didn't actually happen.

Except that people do not always get arrested for such things.. especially in known events... but nice try

Nobody said anything nor insinuated any permit for the nudity.. but nice try

Nobody ever specified what nude jiggly parts either.. but nice try

3 strikes.. yer out
Maybe someone that is gay on this board can explain why some gays like to flaunt their nudity in public places where children are...and while they are at it, explain why heterosexuals don't during parades.

Been to Mardi Gras or Spring Break or Carnival, Gracie?

Yep.. I actually have been to Mardi Gras.. drunk off my ass... even threw some beads and stared at quite a few boobs, some good some bad...

But I guess if it were against your agenda, you could say it did not happen and that would mean it did not happen
Heartbreaking photo: Young girl covers her eyes as nude men walk past during Gay Pride Parade | LifeSiteNews.com

Sure glad her parents decided to make her so open minded! Don't want her growing up to be a bigot now do we! I hope that shit completely backfired on the parents and this little girl grows up realizing the true agenda of the homosexual deviants.

Gay or straight this guy should not subject anybody to the sickening state he's let his body degenerate into.

Maybe someone that is gay on this board can explain why some gays like to flaunt their nudity in public places where children are...and while they are at it, explain why heterosexuals don't during parades.

Been to Mardi Gras or Spring Break or Carnival, Gracie?

Yep. Seen some naked boobs being flashed. Never really saw guys waggling their penises towards children, though.

So why the need to show their nudity,Bodey? So what if they are gay. Why the need to show their bodies?What does that have to do with being gay?
They need to change the laws in Canada then. I don't read alot of Canadian news. I'm already reading Chinese news, Russian news, Middle East news, Israel news... then there is the news here. i need an assistant! I'm newsed out.

They do the same exact thing here.

The reason it's in the news is Canada is thinking about stopping it --

We're not

How many gay pride parades have you been to where you've seen public nudity, Edgetho?

Not the point.
Are you ok with public nudity?

THAT is the point,
They do the same exact thing here.

The reason it's in the news is Canada is thinking about stopping it --

We're not

How many gay pride parades have you been to where you've seen public nudity, Edgetho?

Are you trying to say it does not happen regularly in the GP parades??


Are you saying it does "regularly" in GP parades in the USA?

Your affirmation, son: prove it if you can.
Maybe someone that is gay on this board can explain why some gays like to flaunt their nudity in public places where children are...and while they are at it, explain why heterosexuals don't during parades.

So all those streakers in the 70s were gay?
I have been to several parades and never,never, never seen total nudity! Not even in the Rio de Janeiro Carnival in Brazil! It strikes me as outrageous and totally unnecessary !!!

Is that the only way they can get some fun? exposing themselves to people who are there for a nice entertainment?

Just pure exhibitionism, disgusting!:mad:
Heartbreaking photo: Young girl covers her eyes as nude men walk past during Gay Pride Parade | LifeSiteNews.com

Sure glad her parents decided to make her so open minded! Don't want her growing up to be a bigot now do we! I hope that shit completely backfired on the parents and this little girl grows up realizing the true agenda of the homosexual deviants.
What amazes me is the crowds of people that come to see this

Yep. It's the Ancient Roman Empire all over again!

Bread and circus for the masses!

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