Healthcare Nazis


Sep 23, 2010
Remember the old WWII movies where a Nazi spy would frighten a German-American into cooperating in some nefarious scheme or other by promising not to harm “relatives in Germany.” Barack Taqiyya’s healthcare Nazis are promising Hispanic-Americans not to harm their relatives in this country:

President Obama on Tuesday sought to assure legal immigrants that they can sign up for ObamaCare without worrying that “the immigration people” will come for family members who are in the country illegally.

It always turned out that movie Nazis were lying. Interestingly, Hispanic-Americans suspect HillaryCare II Nazis are also lying:

Adolf Falcon, the senior vice president of the National Alliance for Hispanic Health, told The Hill that Hispanic families are wary of Obama’s assurances because of his record on deportations.

“It is a big concern of mixed status families — they hear [the president’s] assurance, but because of the level of deportations that have happened, there’s a lot of families that don’t know whether they can trust that assurance,” he said. “It creates an atmosphere of concern.”

March 18, 2014, 01:49 pm
Obama to Hispanics: We won’t deport relatives because you enroll in ObamaCare
By Jonathan Easley

Obama to Hispanics: We won?t deport relatives because you enroll in ObamaCare | TheHill

Sad to say, there is little hope HillaryCare II Nazis will send the missing plane story into obscurity where it belongs. Either the government ordered the networks to replace coverage of the ACA with crap about Malaysia Airline Flight 370, or rank and file liberals convinced the networks that a majority of Americans want to hear more about the missing plane. I’m partial to the latter. It pleases me to think that liberals somehow suckered network wise guys who know everything.

If it bleeds it ledes

Have you noticed that the networks give air time to every crackpot theory about Malaysia Airline Flight 370? I find it odd because 24-7 coverage is usually reserved for natural disasters. Television’s ghouls love floods, tsunamis, hurricanes, and earthquakes because they give the ghouls a chance to show how compassionate they are. Compassion is harder to find in the missing plane reporting than is finding the plane itself.

Apparently telling the truth about HillaryCare II is not enough to override a missing plane. Here’s a thought! In the interest of fair and balanced how about a little speculation on HillaryCare II.
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Barack Taqiyya’s promise not to harm illegals began on March 6, 2014:

Obama Promises Illegals: Obamacare Sign Up Info Won't Be Used for Deportation
Admits "prosecutorial discretion" on immigration has already stretched his "administrative capacity very far."
12:34 PM, Mar 6, 2014 • By DANIEL HALPER

Obama Promises Illegals: Obamacare Sign Up Info Won't Be Used for Deportation | The Weekly Standard

The ACA train wreck was still getting a lot of coverage back then. I don’t recall if talking heads analyzed the “promise” in early March. A few days ago Taqiyya the Liar repeated the promise. That got no coverage worth mentioning. The “promise” has since disappeared completely.

The difference between early March and this week is that the Ukraine heated up, and combined with the “Da Plane. Da Plane.” it knocked HillaryCare II out of the top spot. That was always an Administration priority. My point: This country is in serious trouble when the president has to rely on one disaster to bury another disaster.

NOTE: Benghazi and the IRS scandals are slowly fading on their own proving that stonewalling works.

Ultimately, da plane, da plane, was added to the so-called top stories in order to detract from the Ukraine. Bottom line: Taqiyya the Liar is going to be up Shitz’s Creek in a leaky boat if Da Plane is ever found.

[ame=]Da plane! Da plane! - YouTube[/ame]​
Bailing out insurance companies is only the tip of the iceberg. Propping up Wall Street was always the ultimate goal.

After close of business Friday, the administration proposed greater bailout protection for insurers who sell exchange plans. The new rule sweetens what the Affordable Care Act provided (at taxpayer expense, of course) to protect the companies from losses. It’s illegal, because no president has the constitutional authority to rewrite any law, including the Affordable Care Act.


The Affordable Care Act, as written and enacted in 2010, already contained a bailout provision, Section 1342, to make insurers whole for losses up to a point.

Obama’s ever-growing insurance-company bailout
By Betsy McCaughey
March 21, 2014 | 12:18am

Obama?s ever-growing insurance company bailout | New York Post

See this thread for more details about bailing out Wall Street through the healthcare industry:

Finally, everybody knows what HillaryCare II is doing to retail prices, but here’s another price increase that hits everybody hard —— most especially the elderly living on a fixed income. Every time the elderly need a plumber, an electrician, or any necessary repairs on their home or apartment the cost will be much higher than it is today. Private sector contractors will pass their higher healthcare costs on to their customers. Contractors being what they are they will hit every customer with a disperportionate increase. Ditto auto mechanics and every other repair service the public requires.

It’s no wonder the government ordered the media to stop talking about the ACA. Here’s another straw for the camel’s back:

One of President Obama’s key advisers in drafting the health-care legislation that is now law says Obamacare will eventually spell the end of employer-based health plans.

Obamacare architect: We'll kill job-based health plans
'It certainly would've been nice if he'd said this before the law passed'
Published: 8 hours ago

Obamacare architect: We?ll kill job-based health plans

Da plane, da plane, is the only time the media ever decided that it is better if Americans do not watch television at all rather than learn the truth about HillaryCare II. No one can convince me that most Americans who watch news shows do NOT turn off their TVs as soon as talking heads go to da plane which is non-stop.

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