Head's Up

Were you two here when the whole forum was handed over to the WORST POSTER EVER by a mod that was pissed off? THAT was something to see. And I was here when it went down. Dayum!!!!
Imagine all mods locked out and....______________ was handed the keys to the control room and everything else? Shit fire and save the matches, that was something to see.:omg:
Musta been them..Oh! Oh damn! I remembered! LGS days.
Somebody told me all the sordid details. Yikes!
What a dick to do that, and what a dumbass to let it happen.
Amirite about it, or no?
I don't think they want us to give too many details. But I'll say that fucker laid a fuckload of bombs everywhere on the board. Fucked up my pc big time. PMs were flying, I was reporting and copying and pasteing into pms all I could on who was online, who was moderator (their name in red, and those were NOT moderators), and all sorts of goodies.
I think I fried my pc doing that....but I also think those little bombs helped cuz I heard later on that it wasn't just my pc. Fucker. Cost me 400 bucks for a new tower! Asshole motherfucker.
Anyway.....time for my own sleeping drugs, so................I'll head to bed and wander back as usual around 1 or 2am.
Head's Up warning okay and okay.

I have literally been working on and off since 6AM this morning it is now 23.44PM, I am so tired now I am going into overtired and with that probably going hyper.

I think I will only do a few more posts because IF I go into hyper I fear WTF might happen, I mean the FORUM might crash :omg:
Once you get past the initial sleepiness hum and ignore your bodies signal the second wind kicks in

I could stay up for 2 days straight...no stimulants ...easy..

When i had a wicked cocaine habit for awhile in the90s ...all bets were off
Native New yakas move at the speed of light as it is... kick it into ludicrous speed


Uh boy was I a ball of energy

High energy

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