He said he wouldn’t join his company’s Bible study. After being let go, he’s suing.

We need freedom FROM religion.

We have that already.
Gays aren't free from religious bakers is but one example.
Yes, they are. The queers targeted the Christian Baker. They were free to go to many other bakers that would gladly do what they wanted.

Don't blame LGBTs for this shithead. The LGBTs are not to blame. I looked at guy's advertising on the web. He said nothing of the sort and invited the public into his business. I didn't look up his advertising in the Yellow Pages. He lied, though, and it was there for all to see on the internet.There is no evidence that the couple who were refused service "targeted" anyone. They, as you or I am, were entitled to walk into a shop that advertised what it had to offer. How was this couple to know what kind of guy this phillips is? Crystal ball?

The couple who sought to order a cake from him are in no way, shape, or form to blame for what he did. I don't know why you want to reverse these things and place blame on innocent shoppers.
Yes, the Baker was targeted, you filthy lying deranged cockroach. The queers want submission. You and the filthy perverts can go to hell. We'll never submit to you filthy degenerate scum.
So many of these "religions" are really social constructs designed by male people to dump on female people...

Not all religions do that..:)-
For example-
"There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus" (Bible:Galatians 3:28 )

Thank you very much. I think that the religion founded upon the teaching of Jesus of Nazareth lost its way almost 2,000 years ago, perhaps by the interference of people like Saul/Paul, Timothy, Tertullian, and the like, who tried for so long to tear us apart.. My vision for a faith founded on the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth is that we are citizens of this great world and are to assist our fellow human beings to live lives of decency whatever sex, color, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, or any other divisive characteristic.
We need freedom FROM religion.

We have that already.
Gays aren't free from religious bakers is but one example.
Yes, they are. The queers targeted the Christian Baker. They were free to go to many other bakers that would gladly do what they wanted.
You don't get the concept. Carry on.
Oh, I do get it. I nailed it and you have no rebuttal.
Gays don't have freedom from religion, from cakes to getting married... And they don't even have freedom OF religion, since some religions don't even allow gays to marry. The only thing you nailed is your thumb.
We need freedom FROM religion.

We have that already.
Gays aren't free from religious bakers is but one example.
Yes, they are. The queers targeted the Christian Baker. They were free to go to many other bakers that would gladly do what they wanted.

Don't blame LGBTs for this shithead. The LGBTs are not to blame. I looked at guy's advertising on the web. He said nothing of the sort and invited the public into his business. I didn't look up his advertising in the Yellow Pages. He lied, though, and it was there for all to see on the internet.There is no evidence that the couple who were refused service "targeted" anyone. They, as you or I am, were entitled to walk into a shop that advertised what it had to offer. How was this couple to know what kind of guy this phillips is? Crystal ball?

The couple who sought to order a cake from him are in no way, shape, or form to blame for what he did. I don't know why you want to reverse these things and place blame on innocent shoppers.
Yes, the Baker was targeted, you filthy lying deranged cockroach. The queers want submission. You and the filthy perverts can go to hell. We'll never submit to you filthy degenerate scum.
And you claim that there is freedom for gays? :lol:
We need freedom FROM religion.

We have that already.
Gays aren't free from religious bakers is but one example.
Yes, they are. The queers targeted the Christian Baker. They were free to go to many other bakers that would gladly do what they wanted.

Don't blame LGBTs for this shithead. The LGBTs are not to blame. I looked at guy's advertising on the web. He said nothing of the sort and invited the public into his business. I didn't look up his advertising in the Yellow Pages. He lied, though, and it was there for all to see on the internet.There is no evidence that the couple who were refused service "targeted" anyone. They, as you or I am, were entitled to walk into a shop that advertised what it had to offer. How was this couple to know what kind of guy this phillips is? Crystal ball?

The couple who sought to order a cake from him are in no way, shape, or form to blame for what he did. I don't know why you want to reverse these things and place blame on innocent shoppers.
Yes, the Baker was targeted, you filthy lying deranged cockroach. The queers want submission. You and the filthy perverts can go to hell. We'll never submit to you filthy degenerate scum.

So you know how to call someone else a name. How proud you must be. You have no evidence that the phillips guy was "targeted." Go on lying. Incidentally, why do you want to disgrace us heterosexuals so? Are you this sexually fucked up? Knowing many people who are LGBT, I don't find them doing anything but wanting to be left alone. You people are sickos.
YOUR Vision eh , fortunately most Americans won't submit to your vision Lysis .
YOUR Vision eh , fortunately most Americans won't submit to your vision Lysis .

Who are "most Americans" please? Moreover, as I said, my vision is a vision for a religion, not for anything to do with American politics. I know that cheap crap like the jeffress/graham/focus on the family, family research council hagee, etc. try to blend the Christian religion with their cheap-crap politics, but this is nothing but disgusting and an insult to the Christian faith.
We have that already.
Gays aren't free from religious bakers is but one example.
Yes, they are. The queers targeted the Christian Baker. They were free to go to many other bakers that would gladly do what they wanted.
You don't get the concept. Carry on.
Oh, I do get it. I nailed it and you have no rebuttal.
Gays don't have freedom from religion, from cakes to getting married... And they don't even have freedom OF religion, since some religions don't even allow gays to marry. The only thing you nailed is your thumb.
Who cares what queers have or don't have, moron.
the ones that i refer to are Real American that would not include you people that have been imported into the USA . And , of course , the Real Americans i refer to are the Deplorables that elected President Trump and we would certainly reject your vision of 'kum by ah' Lysis .
We have that already.
Gays aren't free from religious bakers is but one example.
Yes, they are. The queers targeted the Christian Baker. They were free to go to many other bakers that would gladly do what they wanted.

Don't blame LGBTs for this shithead. The LGBTs are not to blame. I looked at guy's advertising on the web. He said nothing of the sort and invited the public into his business. I didn't look up his advertising in the Yellow Pages. He lied, though, and it was there for all to see on the internet.There is no evidence that the couple who were refused service "targeted" anyone. They, as you or I am, were entitled to walk into a shop that advertised what it had to offer. How was this couple to know what kind of guy this phillips is? Crystal ball?

The couple who sought to order a cake from him are in no way, shape, or form to blame for what he did. I don't know why you want to reverse these things and place blame on innocent shoppers.
Yes, the Baker was targeted, you filthy lying deranged cockroach. The queers want submission. You and the filthy perverts can go to hell. We'll never submit to you filthy degenerate scum.

So you know how to call someone else a name. How proud you must be. You have no evidence that the phillips guy was "targeted." Go on lying. Incidentally, why do you want to disgrace us heterosexuals so? Are you this sexually fucked up? Knowing many people who are LGBT, I don't find them doing anything but wanting to be left alone. You people are sickos.
The Baker was targeted and you know it, so stop your lying. You called me a name, so I called you a name. If you don't like it, then don't call names, you filthy degenerate.
Last edited:
and Religion has always been a part of American Politics from the very beginnings of America Lysis .
YOUR Vision eh , fortunately most Americans won't submit to your vision Lysis .

Who are "most Americans" please? Moreover, as I said, my vision is a vision for a religion, not for anything to do with American politics. I know that cheap crap like the jeffress/graham/focus on the family, family research council hagee, etc. try to blend the Christian religion with their cheap-crap politics, but this is nothing but disgusting and an insult to the Christian faith.
-------------------------------------- in --- YOUR --- Opinion Lysis .
Gays aren't free from religious bakers is but one example.
Yes, they are. The queers targeted the Christian Baker. They were free to go to many other bakers that would gladly do what they wanted.

Don't blame LGBTs for this shithead. The LGBTs are not to blame. I looked at guy's advertising on the web. He said nothing of the sort and invited the public into his business. I didn't look up his advertising in the Yellow Pages. He lied, though, and it was there for all to see on the internet.There is no evidence that the couple who were refused service "targeted" anyone. They, as you or I am, were entitled to walk into a shop that advertised what it had to offer. How was this couple to know what kind of guy this phillips is? Crystal ball?

The couple who sought to order a cake from him are in no way, shape, or form to blame for what he did. I don't know why you want to reverse these things and place blame on innocent shoppers.
Yes, the Baker was targeted, you filthy lying deranged cockroach. The queers want submission. You and the filthy perverts can go to hell. We'll never submit to you filthy degenerate scum.

So you know how to call someone else a name. How proud you must be. You have no evidence that the phillips guy was "targeted." Go on lying. Incidentally, why do you want to disgrace us heterosexuals so? Are you this sexually fucked up? Knowing many people who are LGBT, I don't find them doing anything but wanting to be left alone. You people are sickos.
The Baker was targeted and you know it, so stop your lying. You called me a name, so I called you a name. If you don't like it, then don't call names, you filthy degenerate.
What name did I call you beside 'sicko" much after you started calling people names? Queers? "Filthy dengerates"? You called me a name. What is this "filthy lying deranged cockroach" thing? These people who wanted to order cakes did nothing to you or me. Why do you choose to live in the gutter? Are you Southern Baptist cult?
Yes, they are. The queers targeted the Christian Baker. They were free to go to many other bakers that would gladly do what they wanted.

Don't blame LGBTs for this shithead. The LGBTs are not to blame. I looked at guy's advertising on the web. He said nothing of the sort and invited the public into his business. I didn't look up his advertising in the Yellow Pages. He lied, though, and it was there for all to see on the internet.There is no evidence that the couple who were refused service "targeted" anyone. They, as you or I am, were entitled to walk into a shop that advertised what it had to offer. How was this couple to know what kind of guy this phillips is? Crystal ball?

The couple who sought to order a cake from him are in no way, shape, or form to blame for what he did. I don't know why you want to reverse these things and place blame on innocent shoppers.
Yes, the Baker was targeted, you filthy lying deranged cockroach. The queers want submission. You and the filthy perverts can go to hell. We'll never submit to you filthy degenerate scum.

So you know how to call someone else a name. How proud you must be. You have no evidence that the phillips guy was "targeted." Go on lying. Incidentally, why do you want to disgrace us heterosexuals so? Are you this sexually fucked up? Knowing many people who are LGBT, I don't find them doing anything but wanting to be left alone. You people are sickos.
The Baker was targeted and you know it, so stop your lying. You called me a name, so I called you a name. If you don't like it, then don't call names, you filthy degenerate.
What name did I call you beside 'sicko" much after you started calling people names? Queers? "Filthy dengerates"? You called me a name. What is this "filthy lying deranged cockroach" thing? These people who wanted to order cakes did nothing to you or me. Why do you choose to live in the gutter? Are you Southern Baptist cult?
------------------------------------------------------- if all they wanted was cake they coulda gone to a different cake baker and gotten their cake after the original cake baker explained that he doesn't bake cakes for 'gay' weddings or 'nazi weddings' or 'kkk weddings due to personal religious objections Lysis .
course , what they wanted to do was to force the cake baker to BEND to their WILL Lysis .
Gays aren't free from religious bakers is but one example.
Yes, they are. The queers targeted the Christian Baker. They were free to go to many other bakers that would gladly do what they wanted.
You don't get the concept. Carry on.
Oh, I do get it. I nailed it and you have no rebuttal.
Gays don't have freedom from religion, from cakes to getting married... And they don't even have freedom OF religion, since some religions don't even allow gays to marry. The only thing you nailed is your thumb.
Who cares what queers have or don't have, moron.
A country like the US should care. We're supposed to all be equal.
I asked what if he became an atheist while employed.
What if he did?

Should he be fired???
Not for converting to atheism. I'd have just fire him without a reason, which is perfectly legal in my state.

You don't convert to atheism, the employer must of hired him.
Who says you don't convert to atheism? I've heard of many people that change beliefs over their life.

You just quit believing in a god, there is no conversion. Yes many do change beliefs in their life. Is not like you need to get baptized, but you just don't believe in a God of the bible or any God.
we also have INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS Taz !!
What do you mean, like a right to discriminate? Is that what the Big Cheeto said?

There are different types of discrimination, not all are the type that you have in mind. For example, as a web designer, I get to choose who I will create websites for. If someone came to me and wanted a porn site, would I be "discriminating" when I say "I'm sorry, I don't do those types of websites." ? Yes, that is a form of discrimination, but it is not a bad thing, it is my right to choose what type of work I do, and what I want to be associated with. People discriminate every day, but it's not always based out of hate or irrational ideas or ill intent.

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