Having Used Abortion To Get Power, The GOP Is In Danger Of Losing Power Because Of Abortion


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
Here is the irony: While the Catholic Church (the hierarchy, anyway) immediately moved to reject abortion rights after Roe v. Wade, evangelical Protestants at first were much less concerned.

“There is no official Southern Baptist position on abortion, or any other such question,” Barry Garrett, head of the Washington bureau of Baptist Press, wrote in a news analysis dated Jan. 31, 1973 [in response to Roe]. “Among 12 million Southern Baptists, there are probably 12 million different opinions.” Southern Baptist Convention’s abortion stance moving toward birth control issues (2014)
What changed their minds was a totally different legal problem that came up around 1978: The IRS notified Bob Jones University that it was taking away its tax-exempt status because of its racial segregation policies. Evangelical and fundamentalist leaders were incensed at what they saw as “government interference” and vowed to build up their political power in order to get the government to back off. But they also recognized that wouldn’t attract voters by opening defending racial segregation. (This was 1978, remember; today it might work.) Casting around for other issues they could build on, they landed on abortion.* (Two caveats to this summary: Fundamentalists and other evangelicals were seeking political power all along, but the Bob Jones case gave them a huge incentive. Two, I don’t mean to imply that these people weren’t perturbed by the Roe decision, just that hadn’t come to a theological stand on abortion yet.)

So here we have a group of religious right-wingers incensed at government interference in their schools’ racial policies working to remove that interference by calling for government interference in a woman’s personal health and well-being. But now we have a further irony: Having gotten power because of abortion, the religious extremists and their GOP co-conspirators are now in danger of losing power because of abortion.

And the GOP can’t get out of this trap because their religious masters won’t let them.

And that dead albatross is only going to start stinking even worse. Should have just shut up about segregation Bob Jones nutjobs, now you get to face the very real scenario of having a political revival that calls for that tax exempt status to go away.

Don't think that can happen?
Here is the irony: While the Catholic Church (the hierarchy, anyway) immediately moved to reject abortion rights after Roe v. Wade, evangelical Protestants at first were much less concerned.

What changed their minds was a totally different legal problem that came up around 1978: The IRS notified Bob Jones University that it was taking away its tax-exempt status because of its racial segregation policies. Evangelical and fundamentalist leaders were incensed at what they saw as “government interference” and vowed to build up their political power in order to get the government to back off. But they also recognized that wouldn’t attract voters by opening defending racial segregation. (This was 1978, remember; today it might work.) Casting around for other issues they could build on, they landed on abortion.* (Two caveats to this summary: Fundamentalists and other evangelicals were seeking political power all along, but the Bob Jones case gave them a huge incentive. Two, I don’t mean to imply that these people weren’t perturbed by the Roe decision, just that hadn’t come to a theological stand on abortion yet.)

So here we have a group of religious right-wingers incensed at government interference in their schools’ racial policies working to remove that interference by calling for government interference in a woman’s personal health and well-being. But now we have a further irony: Having gotten power because of abortion, the religious extremists and their GOP co-conspirators are now in danger of losing power because of abortion.

And the GOP can’t get out of this trap because their religious masters won’t let them.

And that dead albatross is only going to start stinking even worse. Should have just shut up about segregation Bob Jones nutjobs, now you get to face the very real scenario of having a political revival that calls for that tax exempt status to go away.

Don't think that can happen?

DailyKooks, even.

How many threads do we need on how much the Dobbs ruling is fucking up republicans?



If we're supposed to be so terrified..........

Well, I'm not.

I'm celebrating living in a clean state where we do not have the blood of slaughtered babies on our hands.

Terrified? :dunno: Nope.

What's irritating is the shitlib phoniness in the presumption that they have the moral high ground, over the fact that the republicans are shitty winners and are overplaying their hand.
What's irritating is the shitlib phoniness in the presumption that they have the moral high ground, over the fact that the republicans are shitty winners and are overplaying their hand.

And this coming from a faction that is perfectly happy having the moral standards of the slimy bottom of a rock.

Honest to God, if they had half a realistic perception of how absolutely fucking blank they look, just imagine how much easier it would be to speak with them.

My late husband would have described them, in the ancient language of his Japanese ancestors, as kuru'uressu.

What's irritating is the shitlib phoniness in the presumption that they have the moral high ground, over the fact that the republicans are shitty winners and are overplaying their hand.
Oddball, I've got to say. Not of you had any problem using the issue as a wedge for about 35 years to be able to turn out the evangelical vote. It seems pretty ironic to now complain when the issue is a doing the same for Democrats.

You and people like you have spent YEARS calling Democrats murderers for supporting the woman's rights. Turnabout is fair play don't you think?
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What are you blue state fucks whining about? You can murder a baby on the fucking table…AND IT IS NOT ENOUGH?!
It’s the stupidity of conservatives’ extremism that’s cost Republicans politically: abortion ‘bans’ with no exceptions for rape, incest, or the health/life of the woman; 12-year-old rape victims forced to give birth; women who have had a miscarriage compelled to suffer because they’re denied needed medication.

Republicans have only themselves to blame, the consequence of their reckless, irresponsible abortion ‘bans.’
Oddball, I've got to say. Not off you had any problem using the issue as a wedge for about 35 years to be able to turn out the evangelical vote. It seems pretty ironic to now complain when the issue is a doing the same for Democrats.

You and people like you have spent YEARS calling Democrats murderers for supporting the woman's rights. Turnabout is fair play don't you think?

"Not off you had any problem"...........

Anybody have their forkup/English dictionary handy? Might make it easier to communicate with leftist losers.

But cute post.

Oddball, I've got to say. Not off you had any problem using the issue as a wedge for about 35 years to be able to turn out the evangelical vote. It seems pretty ironic to now complain when the issue is a doing the same for Democrats.

You and people like you have spent YEARS calling Democrats murderers for supporting the woman's rights. Turnabout is fair play don't you think?
GFY with that "you people" shit, asswipe.....I was first tri pro choice until you fucking ghouls made excuses for the repulsive oxygen thief, who got caught on camera bragging about how her parting out fetuses like junked Oldsmobiles was going to buy her a Lamborghini.

It was at that point I knew you shitlib human debris gave not one single fuck about women, and were committed eugenicists.

Here is the irony: While the Catholic Church (the hierarchy, anyway) immediately moved to reject abortion rights after Roe v. Wade, evangelical Protestants at first were much less concerned.

What changed their minds was a totally different legal problem that came up around 1978: The IRS notified Bob Jones University that it was taking away its tax-exempt status because of its racial segregation policies. Evangelical and fundamentalist leaders were incensed at what they saw as “government interference” and vowed to build up their political power in order to get the government to back off. But they also recognized that wouldn’t attract voters by opening defending racial segregation. (This was 1978, remember; today it might work.) Casting around for other issues they could build on, they landed on abortion.* (Two caveats to this summary: Fundamentalists and other evangelicals were seeking political power all along, but the Bob Jones case gave them a huge incentive. Two, I don’t mean to imply that these people weren’t perturbed by the Roe decision, just that hadn’t come to a theological stand on abortion yet.)

So here we have a group of religious right-wingers incensed at government interference in their schools’ racial policies working to remove that interference by calling for government interference in a woman’s personal health and well-being. But now we have a further irony: Having gotten power because of abortion, the religious extremists and their GOP co-conspirators are now in danger of losing power because of abortion.

And the GOP can’t get out of this trap because their religious masters won’t let them.

And that dead albatross is only going to start stinking even worse. Should have just shut up about segregation Bob Jones nutjobs, now you get to face the very real scenario of having a political revival that calls for that tax exempt status to go away.

Don't think that can happen?
The real irony is that men are not protecting women like they used to. Less and less when in distress. Demographics says that half the millennial males will not get married. The nation is a mess as it gets poorer and as we have seen, nastier.

"Not off you had any problem"...........

Anybody have their forkup/English dictionary handy? Might make it easier to communicate with leftist losers.

But cute post.

Ah, a misspell. Guess the point can be ignored now.

It's funny how predictable people like you are. Instead of arguing the point, let's just ignore the point and attack the poster.
Ah, a misspell. Guess the point can be ignored now.

It's funny how predictable people like you are. Instead of arguing the point, let's just ignore the point and attack the poster.

This is an English speaking board. People might take you seriously if you learn to speak English.

Until then, you get what you deserve.

GFY with that "you people" shit, asswipe.....I was first tri pro choice until you fucking ghouls made excuses for the repulsive oxygen thief, who got caught on camera bragging about how her parting out fetuses like junked Oldsmobiles was going to buy her a Lamborghini.

It was at that point I knew you shitlib human debris gave not one single fuck about women, and were committed eugenicists.

Wait, you are claiming your position on abortion is contingent on the democrat's position? That's interesting, I believe what I believe, because of what I believe. Guess we are different. By the way, you are doing the same generalizations about Democrats, but you have a problem when I call you out for using the issue when it was to your advantage?
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This is an English speaking board. People might take you seriously if you learn to speak English.

Until then, you get what you deserve.

I'm fluent in 3, understandable in 1 more. My English is perfectly understandable. In fact, besides spelling I'm way above your typical native English speaker in terms of vocabulary.

None of it changes the point I was making, or the fact that you are actively not engaging that point.

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