Have your personalities changed dramatically?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
So we all change a little over time right? Multiple people have told me I used to be very mellow but I am not so much anymore (though I am still pretty relaxed considering the circumstances). Any of you change dramatically over time? If so, what was the impetus for this change, or, was it a natural evolution of age/marriage/kids etc?
I have noticed that I have become more anxious ever since I figured out what causes the political chaos that trickles down causing the social disorderliness.

Joe_Biden - What_if_I_Told_You.png

None of the plebs want to believe what possibly happens with a Constitution that is not perfect.

And the scholars are all jealous that they did not figure it out.
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So we all change a little over time right? Multiple people have told me I used to be very mellow but I am not so much anymore (though I am still pretty relaxed considering the circumstances). Any of you change dramatically over time? If so, what was the impetus for this change, or, was it a natural evolution of age/marriage/kids etc?
Age. And intolerance for what the world has turned into, especially our own country whom most of us don't recognize anymore.

Welcome to the "Git Offa My Lawn, WhipperSnappers" club. :auiqs.jpg:
The basics in me are the same since I can remember.... but .....here and there I feel I have improved on personality traits.

Of course that is according to moi.... things are learnt, human beings have to change a little as time goes by ...personality evolves.....hopefully for the better. ;)
Not personality-wise but now that I'm officially old and retired I don't have much patience for stupidity. Whether it's on the highways, the golf course or a message board.
Yeah, I think as we get older some crappy things that we would not have found so bothersome in the past now do bother us because we have seen them happen so many times and know the cure yet it still happens.

Other things may not bother us as much. I remember an old lady saying that now it's getting painful to bend over, and her floors are looking more interesting.
As a child I was incorrigible, mean, hair trigger temper. As I got older I became nicer, more pleasing. Now I'm at the don't give a fuck stage. I care absolutely nothing for the feelings or well being of others.
As a child I was incorrigible, mean, hair trigger temper. As I got older I became nicer, more pleasing. Now I'm at the don't give a fuck stage. I care absolutely nothing for the feelings or well being of others.
Was your former iteration of ‘becoming’ nicer real, or were you play acting?
Was your former iteration of ‘becoming’ nicer real, or were you play acting?
Interesting. IMO you seem currently more like your childhood. BTW no insult intended. I ain’t no saint either.
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So we all change a little over time right? Multiple people have told me I used to be very mellow but I am not so much anymore (though I am still pretty relaxed considering the circumstances). Any of you change dramatically over time? If so, what was the impetus for this change, or, was it a natural evolution of age/marriage/kids etc?

Nope. All of my personalities are pretty well set now.
So we all change a little over time right? Multiple people have told me I used to be very mellow but I am not so much anymore (though I am still pretty relaxed considering the circumstances). Any of you change dramatically over time? If so, what was the impetus for this change, or, was it a natural evolution of age/marriage/kids etc?
No. I haven't. Don't let Trump change you into a hater. Don't let him make you ugly
As I have aged, I have honed what was once a youthful sense of insouciance and bon vivant appreciation for the finer things in life into a seasoned sense of geriatric savoir faire and undeniable grace in all things.

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