Have we turned our prisons into hotels?


Belligerent Drunk
Nov 19, 2010
Richmond VA
I was at my barbers a couple weeks ago and there was a gentleman in there talking to a few people about the time he had spent in prison, according to him it was not all that bad. He said you can buy pretty much whatever you want from the commissary Air Jordans, magazines, candy, popcorn etc etc he said you can buy food to put in the microwave too in case you don't like what they have in the cafeteria. You have access to computers, you can watch movies in your sparetime, and you get work detail during the day to get you out of your cell, this guy said its like being in an all male college.:eek: he didn't make it seem that he had a bad time there and he said he could easily deal with going back if he had to, have we turned our prisons into hotels? Prison is supposed to be something to deter people from doing wrong, because they want to avoid going to prison, but if they view prison as something thats not that bad and in some cases like a family re-union, do we need to make things tougher in our prisons so people won't want to keep going back?
I wonder what the Michelin
rating is for this place?


Three stars do you think, or four?
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I wonder what the Micheline rating is for this place?


Three stars do you think, or four?

You and me might find that place terrible, but alot of people don't really mind being there. Compared to prisons in other countries, our prisons ARE 3 star hotels!
I wonder what the Micheline rating is for this place?


Three stars do you think, or four?

You and me might find that place terrible, but alot of people don't really mind being there. Compared to prisons in other countries, our prisons ARE 3 star hotels!

Which countries are those?

Our prisons are overcrowded hell holes. They are hate factories which make casual criminals into hardened ones.
Room service..

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uILlAVWHHLM]YouTube - ‪MSNBC Lockup Raw: Hard Time‬‏[/ame]

Prison style!
Our prisons aren't hotels; they're llittle short of luxury resorts for a lot of these people. Three meals a day, Clothes, a roof over their heads, their posse/gang brothers to protect them, gyms, tv, air conditioning, the opportunity to learn the tricks of their trade and better educate themselves on how not to get caught, AND the street cred of having done hard time.

We already HAVE the plan on how to run a prison here in the United States. Unfortunately we shut it down. It was called ALCATRAZ. THAT is what our prisons should be like; not Club Med. These worthless sacks of piss and shit have already proven they cannot live within the acceptable bounds of normal society; why the hell should they be living a life of relative comfort at the tax payers expense?
I wonder what the Micheline rating is for this place?


Three stars do you think, or four?

You and me might find that place terrible, but alot of people don't really mind being there. Compared to prisons in other countries, our prisons ARE 3 star hotels!

Ya' think? Bostadsrum prison, Sweden


I'm not talking about Sweden, the prisons in Sweden are country clubs basically, they get weekend liberty too.
Prison sports!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-D19bsrZaSo]YouTube - ‪Prison Brawls and fighting‬‏[/ame]
I wonder what the Micheline rating is for this place?


Three stars do you think, or four?

You and me might find that place terrible, but alot of people don't really mind being there. Compared to prisons in other countries, our prisons ARE 3 star hotels!

Which countries are those?

Our prisons are overcrowded hell holes. They are hate factories which make casual criminals into hardened ones.

Compared to countries like Korea, Mexico, Egypt, Turkey, Greece, Italy etc our prisons are 4 star hotels, the stuff you can buy at the commissary is ridiculous, why does an inmate need access to Air Jordans for Christs sake? from what the guy said at the barber shop inmates are running around with thousands of dollars in their pockets selling contraband, no wonder people keep going back, you can make serious money in there.
Our prisons aren't hotels; they're llittle short of luxury resorts for a lot of these people. Three meals a day, Clothes, a roof over their heads, their posse/gang brothers to protect them, gyms, tv, air conditioning, the opportunity to learn the tricks of their trade and better educate themselves on how not to get caught, AND the street cred of having done hard time.

We already HAVE the plan on how to run a prison here in the United States. Unfortunately we shut it down. It was called ALCATRAZ. THAT is what our prisons should be like; not Club Med. These worthless sacks of piss and shit have already proven they cannot live within the acceptable bounds of normal society; why the hell should they be living a life of relative comfort at the tax payers expense?

I agree, if inmates are not detered from going back they will keep committing crimes and getting sent back.
Our prisons aren't hotels; they're llittle short of luxury resorts for a lot of these people. Three meals a day, Clothes, a roof over their heads, their posse/gang brothers to protect them, gyms, tv, air conditioning, the opportunity to learn the tricks of their trade and better educate themselves on how not to get caught, AND the street cred of having done hard time.

We already HAVE the plan on how to run a prison here in the United States. Unfortunately we shut it down. It was called ALCATRAZ. THAT is what our prisons should be like; not Club Med. These worthless sacks of piss and shit have already proven they cannot live within the acceptable bounds of normal society; why the hell should they be living a life of relative comfort at the tax payers expense?

I agree, if inmates are not detered from going back they will keep committing crimes and getting sent back.

They keep going back because they have no useful skills, no one hires convicts and they have no buy in to society.
Our prisons aren't hotels; they're llittle short of luxury resorts for a lot of these people. Three meals a day, Clothes, a roof over their heads, their posse/gang brothers to protect them, gyms, tv, air conditioning, the opportunity to learn the tricks of their trade and better educate themselves on how not to get caught, AND the street cred of having done hard time.

We already HAVE the plan on how to run a prison here in the United States. Unfortunately we shut it down. It was called ALCATRAZ. THAT is what our prisons should be like; not Club Med. These worthless sacks of piss and shit have already proven they cannot live within the acceptable bounds of normal society; why the hell should they be living a life of relative comfort at the tax payers expense?

I agree, if inmates are not detered from going back they will keep committing crimes and getting sent back.

They keep going back because they have no useful skills, no one hires convicts and they have no buy in to society.

You are correct, convicts have a hell of a time finding work when they get out because people don't want to deal with them, however if they have it in their head that prison really isn't all that bad, it does less to deter them from committing a crime.
I agree, if inmates are not detered from going back they will keep committing crimes and getting sent back.

Agreed, and the two biggest deterents are the two sentences we so rarely use in society these days.... Life in Prison without the Possibility of Parole, and Death. Of course we need to streamline that "Death" one so it isn't a 20-25 year process. I'd prefer to see it be a 20-25 DAY process from initial conviction to appeal and then to execution (within 36 hours after the appeal is denied). Executions should also be PUBLIC; with all local violent youth offenders in custody forced to attend.
I was at my barbers a couple weeks ago and there was a gentleman in there talking to a few people about the time he had spent in prison, according to him it was not all that bad. He said you can buy pretty much whatever you want from the commissary Air Jordans, magazines, candy, popcorn etc etc he said you can buy food to put in the microwave too in case you don't like what they have in the cafeteria. You have access to computers, you can watch movies in your sparetime, and you get work detail during the day to get you out of your cell, this guy said its like being in an all male college.:eek: he didn't make it seem that he had a bad time there and he said he could easily deal with going back if he had to, have we turned our prisons into hotels? Prison is supposed to be something to deter people from doing wrong, because they want to avoid going to prison, but if they view prison as something thats not that bad and in some cases like a family re-union, do we need to make things tougher in our prisons so people won't want to keep going back?

At the very least it's 3 hots and a cot, which is more than a lot of those criminals have on the outside.

But the air jordans thing still has me laughing. REALLY???
I was at my barbers a couple weeks ago and there was a gentleman in there talking to a few people about the time he had spent in prison, according to him it was not all that bad. He said you can buy pretty much whatever you want from the commissary Air Jordans, magazines, candy, popcorn etc etc he said you can buy food to put in the microwave too in case you don't like what they have in the cafeteria. You have access to computers, you can watch movies in your sparetime, and you get work detail during the day to get you out of your cell, this guy said its like being in an all male college.:eek: he didn't make it seem that he had a bad time there and he said he could easily deal with going back if he had to, have we turned our prisons into hotels? Prison is supposed to be something to deter people from doing wrong, because they want to avoid going to prison, but if they view prison as something thats not that bad and in some cases like a family re-union, do we need to make things tougher in our prisons so people won't want to keep going back?

At the very least it's 3 hots and a cot, which is more than a lot of those criminals have on the outside.

But the air jordans thing still has me laughing. REALLY???

Yes, he told me they allowed inmates to purchase the shoes at the commissary, as long as you have the money they can get you almost anything at the commissary, the prison wants to make money so they will provide the Air Jordans. The commissary in prison is better than alot of stores us free men access on the outside, but it is probably different by state and whether the prison is federal or not.
I was at my barbers a couple weeks ago and there was a gentleman in there talking to a few people about the time he had spent in prison, according to him it was not all that bad. He said you can buy pretty much whatever you want from the commissary Air Jordans, magazines, candy, popcorn etc etc he said you can buy food to put in the microwave too in case you don't like what they have in the cafeteria. You have access to computers, you can watch movies in your sparetime, and you get work detail during the day to get you out of your cell, this guy said its like being in an all male college.:eek: he didn't make it seem that he had a bad time there and he said he could easily deal with going back if he had to, have we turned our prisons into hotels? Prison is supposed to be something to deter people from doing wrong, because they want to avoid going to prison, but if they view prison as something thats not that bad and in some cases like a family re-union, do we need to make things tougher in our prisons so people won't want to keep going back?

So, you're basing your opinion on a guy who is a convicted felon. Good Luck with that. High gravity, indeed........:booze:
I agree, if inmates are not detered from going back they will keep committing crimes and getting sent back.

Agreed, and the two biggest deterents are the two sentences we so rarely use in society these days.... Life in Prison without the Possibility of Parole, and Death. Of course we need to streamline that "Death" one so it isn't a 20-25 year process. I'd prefer to see it be a 20-25 DAY process from initial conviction to appeal and then to execution (within 36 hours after the appeal is denied). Executions should also be PUBLIC; with all local violent youth offenders in custody forced to attend.

What I notice is that people who get convicted of something only worry about the death penalty when they are facing it, not when they are carrying out their crimes. I doubt guys like Charles Manson, John Wayne Gacey, Jeffrey Dahmer and the Craigslist Killer were like "Oh no I should stop killing people because I might face the death penalty". Plus you are correct the whole process for the death penalty in our country is a joke, you can keep filing appeals and probably die of old age before you even see the electric chair or gas chamber or whatever.

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