Hatred of religion

Why is it so many know nothing about Marx or Marxism and yet use it as a stick for their off the wall assumptions? And trendy? By whose account? Criticism of religion is not hatred. Anyone who drives in America and takes notice of the landscape surely realizes the importance of religions given the number of holy places. Instead of thanks and funny we need a grade sign, the OP gets an F.

Economic Manuscripts: Capital Vol. I - Chapter Ten

The Soviet Union's goal was to destroy religion and replace it with worship of the state; atheists today such as Dawkins and co are doing the same thing.
While I agree with you, logically, it is not always the case that ALL atheists are just being trendy.

I have an anarcho-capitalist friend that thinks Christians are the bees knees. I too think folks that worships are the best.

The spirit binds humanity together.

But, hey you can whine about how evil science is eventhrough in no way has god been proven real or not! I bet you'd bring back stoning people and slavery as they were in the bible as you don't believe in rational thought. That is evil you know!

There is a lot of science on the role of religion in society.

It's irrational of you to dismiss that, just because you don't believe in God.
As opposed to the logic of what?


Here's the thing about Science. Science remains true whether you believe it or not.

Here's the thing about Dieties... they don't exist and they stop being real when people stop believing in them.

Just ask Zeus or Odin.
Why is it so trendy today to attack religion?
There are people who attack and mock anything they can because it somehow makes them feel a bit better about themselves.

Surely religion has done plenty to earn honest criticism, but these people take it much further by mocking decent people who are sincere in their faith.

When person A attacks and mocks and insults person B, I'm far more likely to wonder about person A.

A specific example of this is when I see "Liberals" trying to marginalize Christians, when they engage in the political process.

They set themselves up as judges as to what is a valid motive to have political positions and pursue them.

Their motives, non-religious, are GOOD.

The motives of the Christians, who just happen to be their ideological enemies, are BAD, and such be viciously attacked, slandered, and even barred or censored in extreme cases.

And to top off the hypocrisy, these same leftist are quite happy with input from religious people who are ideological allies, such as black churches or the new Pope.
I am sorry but giving up on curing diseases, science and being a fucking illogical idiot is a good reason to hate something. Religion taken to its extreme is bad for humanity.

The Bible may, indeed does, contain a warrant for trafficking in humans, for ethnic cleansing, for slavery, for bride-price, and for indiscriminate massacre, but we are not bound by any of it because it was put together by crude, uncultured primitive human mammals.
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Their motives, non-religious, are GOOD.

The motives of the Christians, who just happen to be their ideological enemies, are BAD, and such be viciously attacked, slandered, and even barred or censored in extreme cases.

No, you see, when secularists propose a policy, it's usually to acheive a desirable end- feeding poor people, cleaning up the environment, etc. Something you can define with tangible goals.

When a religionist proposes something, it's to please an invisible man in the sky who doesn't like the same things you don't like.
Their motives, non-religious, are GOOD.

The motives of the Christians, who just happen to be their ideological enemies, are BAD, and such be viciously attacked, slandered, and even barred or censored in extreme cases.

No, you see, when secularists propose a policy, it's usually to acheive a desirable end- feeding poor people, cleaning up the environment, etc. Something hanyou can define with tangible goals.

When a religionist proposes something, it's to please an invisible man in the sky who doesn't like the same things you don't like.

And that is exactly what I am talking about.

His motives, GOOD.

The motives of his ideological enemies, BAD.

Thanks JOe.

I want everyone to know that Joe is NOT a sock puppet I use to prove all my claims about lefties.

He is a real person.

You can trust me.

Scouts honor.
“One must state it plainly. Religion comes from the period of human prehistory where nobody—not even the mighty Democritus who concluded that all matter was made from atoms—had the smallest idea what was going on. It comes from the bawling and fearful infancy of our species, and is a babyish attempt to meet our inescapable demand for knowledge (as well as for comfort, reassurance and other infantile needs). Today the least educated of my children knows much more about the natural order than any of the founders of religion, and one would like to think—though the connection is not a fully demonstrable one—that this is why they seem so uninterested in sending fellow humans to hell.”
Christopher Hitchens
Why is it so many know nothing about Marx or Marxism and yet use it as a stick for their off the wall assumptions? And trendy? By whose account? Criticism of religion is not hatred. Anyone who drives in America and takes notice of the landscape surely realizes the importance of religions given the number of holy places. Instead of thanks and funny we need a grade sign, the OP gets an F.

Economic Manuscripts: Capital Vol. I - Chapter Ten

Yes, it is hatred, and bigotry.
There are people who attack and mock anything they can because it somehow makes them feel a bit better about themselves.

Surely religion has done plenty to earn honest criticism, but these people take it much further by mocking decent people who are sincere in their faith.

When person A attacks and mocks and insults person B, I'm far more likely to wonder about person A.

No, guy, some of mock religion because it is mean and stupid.


Here's the thing. Most "Atheists" started out as religious people. I was brought up as a very strict Catholic, went to Catholic Schools for 12 years. And I started to suspect these Nuns and Priests were full of shit when in fifth grade, a nun told me God had to drown every baby in the World because they were "wicked".

I concluded it was bullshit when another nun I knew growing up said that God had a good reason for my mother to die of cancer after suffering from it for a year.

So now, I really do not give a fuck how "sincere" you are in your beliefs. It just tells me you haven't spent a lot of time thinking about the inherent illogic of it.
As opposed to the logic of what?

Geez, wrong again, that's not what Atheists believe. And it's pretty sad that you've been reduced to memes to defend your points.
Why is it so trendy today to attack religion? Historically communist regimes and ideologues such as Karl Marx were the biggest adversaries to religion, because they wanted people to have nothing to trust in other than the state. Coincidentally most atheists today are also progressives who look to "science" and government to offer them meaning.

I fear the popularity of attacking religion is being primarily influenced by cultural Marxism and progressivism, and just like the Soviet Union, the end result won't be pretty.
Martin Luther attacked "religion" and the Holy Roman church was not happy with him and charged him with heresy. Luther's attack on religion led to several wars:

Religious Warfare Across Europe During the Reformation - Video & Lesson Transcript | Study.com
After the failed revolt in Germany, the Protestant cause found victory in the Netherlands' revolt against Catholic Spain. This conflict has come to be known as the 80 Years' War. Within the Netherlands, Protestantism came to popularity in the form of Calvinism. Calvinism, named after the 16th century reformer John Calvin, holds that only God has complete authority over humanity, salvation, and the Church.

In other words, the Pope is not the end-all authority. He, like the rest of humanity, is subject to God. With these reforming ideas in mind, the Netherlands were no longer willing to tolerate Catholic Spain's domination. For years, Dutch Protestants experienced victories and defeats in their quest for freedom.

Making the conflict more notable, Protestant England got involved in the fight. With this, Spain turned its wrath toward England's shores with the launching of the Spanish Armada in 1588. No longer content with just keeping the Netherlands, Spain launched over 100 ships towards England's shore. This was Catholic Spain's attempt to conquer England. Fortunately, for the Protestant cause, England, with the help of some very bad weather, handed Spain a decisive defeat.

Having spent most of its money on these religious conflicts, the Armada's defeat added to the financial problems of Spain. In the year 1648, the Netherlands gained their independence from a bankrupt Spain. Not only was this a win for the Dutch Protestants, it stripped Catholic Spain of much of its power.
There are people who attack and mock anything they can because it somehow makes them feel a bit better about themselves.

Surely religion has done plenty to earn honest criticism, but these people take it much further by mocking decent people who are sincere in their faith.

When person A attacks and mocks and insults person B, I'm far more likely to wonder about person A.

No, guy, some of mock religion because it is mean and stupid.


Here's the thing. Most "Atheists" started out as religious people. I was brought up as a very strict Catholic, went to Catholic Schools for 12 years. And I started to suspect these Nuns and Priests were full of shit when in fifth grade, a nun told me God had to drown every baby in the World because they were "wicked".

I concluded it was bullshit when another nun I knew growing up said that God had a good reason for my mother to die of cancer after suffering from it for a year.

So now, I really do not give a fuck how "sincere" you are in your beliefs. It just tells me you haven't spent a lot of time thinking about the inherent illogic of it.

I'm sorry you had this experience. I don't go to church - so please don't think I'm criticizing you for the way you feel - I FULLY understand where you're coming from - been there, done that. Your 5th grade teacher/nun chose very poor words to explain a Bible story to children in an attempt to teach children to be good boys and girls. A fail. Another nun did the same thing by telling you God had a good reason for your mother's death ... without the experience of being a mother herself and having a deep love for her child and an understanding a child's fears and sense of loss. Another fail. What I'm trying to say, I think, is that it is mankind who has corrupted religion - for whatever reason - over the centuries ... a little disagreement here, a little disagreement there ... convince someone else and get a little following going on ... and you have this little sect of "heritics" and over time you have a whole lot of people with a whole lot of religions, each claiming to be the "One True Church." There is no "One True Church."

I think you're probably right that a lot of athiests may not always have been athiests. But some experience, handled very badly by someone, instead of "healing" the person instead made that person bitter and resentful enough to lose faith altogether.
Martin Luther was a proponent of religion. He deplored the corruption of the church. Two different things.
Geez, wrong again, that's not what Atheists believe. And it's pretty sad that you've been reduced to memes to defend your points.
Are you speaking for all Atheists? Was there a meeting? A doctrine of Atheism?

Or are you just following this guy?:
Geez, wrong again, that's not what Atheists believe. And it's pretty sad that you've been reduced to memes to defend your points.
Are you speaking for all Atheists? Was there a meeting? A doctrine of Atheism?

Or are you just following this guy?:
Is that what you think atheists are all like? Geez brah, the stores are open now, go buy a clue. :D
Martin Luther was a proponent of religion. He deplored the corruption of the church. Two different things.
First, can we agree that there is a difference between seeking a closer connection to God and dogmatic religions?

Second, while you are correct, so am I: Martin Luther attacked the Catholic religion. Wars were fought over the differences.

Religion is a tool; a means to bring one closer to God. A major problem within many religions is some believe the religion is a goal by itself and not simply the tool to the real goal: a greater understanding of God and our own existence.
Geez, wrong again, that's not what Atheists believe. And it's pretty sad that you've been reduced to memes to defend your points.
Are you speaking for all Atheists? Was there a meeting? A doctrine of Atheism?

Or are you just following this guy?:
Is that what you think atheists are all like? Geez brah, the stores are open now, go buy a clue. :D
No, is that all you got out of it? Sad, but not unusual.

There's two groups of people I consider liars or delusional: Those who declare "I know what God wants and you need to do as I say" and those who declare "There is no God nor anything beyond material existence".
No, he attacked the catholic church. Mlk never claimedthat religion or religiosity was a bad thing.He simply maintained that the church itself wasn't behaving according to scripture. Religion, and the church, are not synonyms.

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